Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[FONT=&quot]YOU CAN'T SAVE THE CANDIDATE FROM HIMSELF. HILLARY’S TEMPERAMENT: WRONG FOR PRESIDENT CLINTON DESPERATE FOR EARLY EDGE IN IOWA Some of Clinton’s inability to pass legislation might have been due to Republican control of the House, but Democrats controlled both the House and Senate for one full session of Congress while she was in office. Republicans may have wanted to prevent Clinton from passing legislation; for the same reasons, Democrats would have probably moved bills so she could demonstrate her legislative prowess. Yet even when the Democrats controlled both houses, Clinton wasn’t able to get legislation enacted. Of course, Hillary’s isn’t alone with this type of record. Her vice-presidential running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, also has no legislative accomplishments.[/FONT]

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Nov 10, 2010
Fox anchor Megyn Kelly lashes out at Hillary Clinton for doing 'interview' with Mary J. Blige while she won't come on her show – and slams her for 'using my name' to bash Trump

  • 'The Kelly File' host complained on Twitter that Hillary Clinton sat for a 30-minute 'interview' with singer Mary J. Blige but won't come on her program
  • 'Do 30 minutes with Mary J. Blige, then perhaps you will finally sit with me, instead of just using my name to hit Donald Trump,' she wrote
  • It's unclear when Kelly thinks Clinton has name-checked her to attack her Republican presidential foe
  • The Blige interview was an odd affair, with the R&B star singing her questions to the Democratic nominee
PUBLISHED: 21:43, 30 September 2016 | UPDATED: 21:46, 30 September 2016

Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly has unloaded on Hillary Clinton for spending a half-hour conducting an 'interview' with singer Mary J. Blige while dodging her prime-time show on the nation's most-watched cable news network.
Kelly fumed on Twitter about the Democratic presidential nominee spending her time answering softball questions instead of rolling up her sleeves to talk about policy substance.
'Yes, @HillaryClinton, do 30 min w/@maryjblige, & then perhaps u will finally sit w/me, instead of just using my name to hit @realDonaldTrump,' Kelly tweeted.
She pressed Clinton press secretary Brian Fallon on Monday night, after the first presidential debate, for keeping the Democratic nominee out of her interview chair.


Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly lashed out at Hillary Clinton for staging softball appearances with entertainers instead of sitting in her interview chair



Kelly tweeted at Clinton, asking her to stop 'using my name to hit Donald Trump'




Clinton's sit-down with R&B singer Mary J. Blige was a bizarre affair with Blige singing her questions to the Democratic presidential nominee

Kelly recalled how Clinton praised her during an episode of 'The View' – at a time when Republican Donald Trump was publicly feuding with her.
'Hillary Clinton went on record and called yours truly a superb journalist when Trump was attacking me,' Kelly told him.
'Why won't she come on "The Kelly File?"'

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Nov 10, 2010
Clinton’s 2000 Promise To Create 200,000 New Jobs In Upstate New York Was An Unequivocal Failure, With Jobs Remaining Stagnant And Manufacturing Cratering
Clinton Promised To Create 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York When Running For Senate In 2000:
Clinton Promised To Create 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York When She Campaigned For Senator In 2000. “She's reminded of it all the time around here, so Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton couldn't have been surprised when her failed 2000 campaign promise to bring 200,000 jobs to economically desperate upstate New York became part of the latest presidential debate.” (Carolyn Thompson, “Fact Check: Clinton And Jobs Promised,” USA Today, 2/28/08)
Clinton Ran TV Ads “Just Before The Election” Touting Her 200,000 New Upstate Jobs Goal. “A day after announcing her 2000 candidacy, then-first lady Clinton vowed to infuse more than a half billion dollars into the upstate economy. A television ad ran just before the election, citing the 200,000 new jobs goal.” (Jerry Markon, “As senator, Clinton Promised 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York. Her Efforts Fell Flat.,” The Washington Post, 8/7/16)
The Washington Post Headline: “As Senator, Clinton Promised 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York. Her Efforts Fell Flat.” (The Washington Post, 8/7/16)
Clinton Massively Underperformed This Goal, With Job Growth In Upstate New York Remaining Stagnant And Manufacturing Cratering:
The Public Policy Institute In Albany, Which Uses U.S. BLS Data, Reported That Upstate New York “Lost More Than 31,000 Payroll Jobs Between October 2001 And December 2006.” “The most authoritative jobs numbers are widely considered to be those from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Multiple analyses of its New York data show that upstate actually lost jobs during Clinton’s first term. For example, the non-partisan Public Policy Institute in Albany — which uses BLS data for a monthly snapshot of Upstate New York — reported that the region lost more than 31,000 payroll jobs between October 2001 and December 2006.” (Jerry Markon, “As senator, Clinton Promised 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York. Her Efforts Fell Flat.,” The Washington Post, 8/7/16)
“During Her Overall Senate Tenure, According To The Institute, Upstate Jobs Rose 0.2 Percent Overall.” “During her overall Senate tenure, according to the institute, upstate jobs rose 0.2 percent overall, but manufacturing jobs fell 24.1 percent.” (Jerry Markon, “As senator, Clinton Promised 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York. Her Efforts Fell Flat.,” The Washington Post, 8/7/16)
Manufacturing Jobs In Upstate New York Fell By “Nearly 25 Percent During Clinton’s Time In The Senate. “But nearly eight years after Clinton’s Senate exit, there is little evidence that her economic development programs had a substantial impact on upstate employment. Despite Clinton’s efforts, upstate job growth stagnated overall during her tenure, with manufacturing jobs plunging nearly 25 percent, according to jobs data.” (Jerry Markon, “As senator, Clinton Promised 200,000 Jobs In Upstate New York. Her Efforts Fell Flat.,” The Washington Post, 8/7/16)
While Failing To Uphold Her Promise To Her Constituents, Clinton Was In India Claiming The Outsourcing Of American Jobs Was "An Inevitability":
In Remarks From A 2005 Closed Door Presentation In India, Clinton Declared That Outsourcing Is "An Inevitability There Is No Way To Legislate Against Reality… Outsourcing Will Continue." CLINTON: "Perhaps some economic incentives to at least think very hard before those decisions are made, but you know it is an inevitability there is no way to legislate against reality, so I think that uh, the outsourcing will continue." (Hillary Clinton, Remarks At India Today Conclave, New Delhi, India, 2/25/05)


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Nov 10, 2010
Clinton Blamed 9-11 And President Bush For Not Reaching Her 200,000 Jobs Goal For Upstate New York:
In April Clinton Was Grilled For Promising 200,000 New Jobs For Upstate New York During Her Time As A New York Senator, Blaming 9-11 And President Bush For Not Reaching Jobs Goal. REPORTER: "Again, you see particularly 'upstaters' recalling your time in the U.S. Senate and also recalling your pledge for the 200,000 jobs, right? And I know I've seen your comments since then, that you were overzealous or exuberant perhaps and your hope was that there would be a Democratic White House, which was not achieved. You're not making such pledges now, but do you think that you could boost job growth in upstate New York if you were in fact in the White House?" CLINTON: "I sure do. You know, three things happened; we had 9/11, which was devastating for the entire state, we did have The Great Recession and Republican policies, and we had a very difficult situation with the Bush administration not enforcing trade agreements." (Hillary Clinton, Interview With Capitol Tonight, 4/4/16)

Oct 30, 2006
I have the distinguished honor of being on the Committee to raise $50,000,000 for a monument to Hillary R. Clinton. We originally wanted to put her on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for two more faces.
We then decided to erect a statue of Hillary in the Washington, D.C. Hall of Fame. We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Barack Hussein Obama, who never told the truth, since Hillary could never tell the difference.
We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Democrat of them all. He left home, not knowing where he was going, and when he got there he didn’t know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been, and did it all on someone else's money.
Please send your generous donation to me and I’ll see that you receive the appropriate credit.
Thank you,
Hillary R. Clinton Monument Committee


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- OCTOBER 01, 2016 -[/h][h=1]MEMO: ​HILLARY’S GLOBALIST TRADE AGENDA DECIMATED PENNSYLVANIA MANUFACTURING[/h]FROM: Stephen Miller, National Policy Director; Peter Navarro, Economic Advisor; Curtis Ellis, Senior Advisor
TO: Interested Parties

Pennsylvania has suffered from the Clinton-Obama policies that sent our jobs and factories to Mexico and China.

Over the last 25 years, Bill and Hillary Clinton have championed one-way deals like 1993’s NAFTA, China’s 2001 entry into the World Trade Organization, and the 2012 South Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. These poorly negotiated deals benefit the elite corporate interests that finance the Washington politicians even as they impoverish our heartland and destroy the livelihoods and lives of working Americans.

Pennsylvania has lost more than a third of its manufacturing jobs – over 308,000 jobs - since Clinton’s NAFTA and China trade deals went into effect.

Three of every five who were rehired in 2014 took home smaller paychecks, and one in three took pay cuts of more than 20 percent, according to Department of Labor data. The Labor Department’s Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program certifies that more than 174,000 Pennsylvania jobs have been destroyed by offshoring or imports since NAFTA. These numbers significantly undercount the full impact as TAA only covers some of the jobs lost to trade.

The U.S.-NAFTA deficit in the 10 sectors that constitute Pennsylvania’s top exports to Canada and Mexico has risen more than 25-fold in the last 18 years – a more than $97 billion increase. That includes large increases in the NAFTA deficits in computer products and transportation equipment.

Pennsylvania farmers lost out too. U.S. exports to Canada and Mexico of cattle – one of Pennsylvania’s top agricultural products - fell 59 percent in the first 22 years of NAFTA.

In 2012, the Obama administration announced it had fixed the problems in past trade agreements. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised us that this new Korea deal – she called it “cutting edge” -- would create 70,000 jobs and boost exports.

The U.S. trade deficit with Korea in the top ten products that Pennsylvania exports to Korea – including everything from vehicles to machinery to metal manufacturing – ballooned 66 percent in the first four years after the trade agreement as exports fell and imports rose.

And in the first four years of the Korea FTA, U.S. exports to Korea of eggs and corn – two more top Pennsylvania agricultural products – dropped 45 and 57 percent respectively.

The increase in the U.S. trade deficit with Korea cost more than 100,000 American jobs in the first four years of the free trade agreement. The surge of imports of auto parts and vehicles from Korea hit the auto industry particularly hard.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership that Hillary supports will kill even more Pennsylvania jobs as more of the auto industry and suppliers move to China and Southeast Asia.

The TPP would allow a majority of the component parts of a car assembled in Mexico to be made in China or other countries even though they are not signatories to the TPP.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership would wipe out what’s left of the U.S. automotive industry and the machine shops, tool-and-die makers, die-casters, steel mills foundries and molded plastic fabricators that depend on it.

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
Wow, just saw the really bad @CNN ratings. People don't want to watch bad product that only builds up Crooked Hillary.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Exclusive: Edward Klein Unveils Artwork for Upcoming Book ‘Guilty as Sin’[/h]



by BREITBART NEWS23 Aug 2016329


[h=2]Investigative reporter and #1New York Times best selling author Edward Klein reveals to Breitbart News the cover of his upcoming book, Guilty as Sin, hitting shelves October 4.[/h]

[h=2]Description from the Publisher[/h]When FBI Director James Comey announced in July that Hillary Clinton would not be indicted for mishandling classified information, America was stunned. Had the scandal-happy Clintons escaped justice once again? Not so fast, says investigative reporter and bestselling author Edward Klein. There is far more behind Comey’s shocking press conference than meets the eye–and a minefield of email evidence between Hillary and the White House.
In his astonishing new book, Klein uncovers the real story behind Hillary’s email scandals and the dirty political games that have kept her one step ahead of the law–for now. Klein reveals what the FBI’s team of 150+ investigators really found on Clinton’s server. How Comey originally threatened to resign over White House attempts to intervene in the investigation, and his secret plan to go around the Justice Department if needed. How an unprecedented Congressional investigation during an election year is uncovering new shocking evidence of corruption on a level some would call treason. And what Bill and Hillary still have left in their bag of tricks in their desperate quest to get back into the Oval Office.

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Oct 29, 2010
Ed Klein and bill clintons son. Lmao. Russ going off the deep end. Somebody help this poor guy

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Ed Klein and bill clintons son. Lmao. Russ going off the deep end. Somebody help this poor guy

Hahahahahaha, poor Russ is still trying to connect those dots. He'll spend the rest of his life connecting those imaginary dots. Just imagine the fun stuff they'll come up with for the next 4 years as Hillary is President. It's going to be so much fun.

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