Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Nov 10, 2010
“Yet, Even By That Standard, And The Low Bar For Candidates’ Campaign Books Overall, ‘Stronger Together’ Is An Embarrassment, Sloppy, Repetitive, Dutiful And Boring.” – Carlos Lozada, Washington Post

“Much like the Clinton-Kaine ticket, this book contains no new ideas and no solutions for solving America’s most pressing needs. The book (much like the ticket) is nothing but a greatest hits collection of failed policies and proposals that benefit Washington's insiders but leave the rest of us behind. Donald J. Trump is the only candidate who has the leadership to end the rigged system and make America great again.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor, Donald J. Trump For President

Hillary Clinton And Tim Kaine Have Written A Deplorable Campaign Book
By Carlos Lozada
Washington Post
September 16, 2016
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By the time I finished this book, I resented its existence.

“Stronger Together,” ostensibly written by Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine — they are listed as authors and each provides a brief, first-person introduction explaining how hard their parents worked, and a brief, first-person conclusion explaining how hard they themselves work — is a self-confessed cut-and-paste job of campaign fact sheets, speeches and op-eds. That sets rather modest expectations. Yet, even by that standard, and the low bar for candidates’ campaign books overall, “Stronger Together” is an embarrassment, sloppy, repetitive, dutiful and boring. This is a book that, 237 pages in, actually thanks readers for making it that far.
I don’t understand why this book was compiled — “written” is too generous a verb — or why it was published. If you really want to dive into the Clinton/Kaine promises and proposals, the campaign website awaits you. You don’t need to wade through this book. No one does. No one should. The only people I imagine reading it are future fact-checkers, masochistic book critics and the most strung out of political junkies.

The deja vu is plentiful, not just because we’ve heard so much of this stuff during the campaign, but because Clinton and Kaine repeat themselves, often verbatim, throughout the book.

The first few times, it’s vaguely amusing, as though you’ve caught an embarrassing mistake. But then you remember that to feel shame, the authors would have to care. This book was slapped together, barely edited and placed before us quickly, as if to cross one more item off a to-do list, or meet some overwhelming yet imaginary demand. But why rush a book no one’s going to read?

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Nov 10, 2010
“The Only Thing That Is ‘Dramatically Improved’ Is ISIS’s Global Reach, The Frequency Of Deadly Attacks, And The Threat They Pose Due To The Failed National Security Policies Of President Obama And Hillary Clinton.” – Jason Miller

“The only thing that is ‘dramatically improved’ is ISIS’s global reach, the frequency of deadly attacks, and the threat they pose due to the failed national security policies of President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Given that recently uncovered U.S. intelligence documents say ISIS is expanding the number of areas where they are fully operational, Hillary Clinton should say whether she agrees with her running mate’s troubling assessment of the threat they pose.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

SHOT: On CNN’s State Of The Union, Democrat Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Kaine Asserted That The Fight Against ISIS Has “Dramatically Improved” Since 2015.“Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine backed off his 2015 claim that the United States' handling of Syria is a ‘joke,’ saying efforts to combat ISIS have succeeded since then. ‘We have dramatically improved in the last year, and the proof is in how much ground ISIS has lost,’ Kaine, the Virginia senator who is Hillary Clinton's running mate, told CNN's Jake Tapper Sunday on ‘State of the Union.’ ‘A year ago, I think you remember, we had a small force that we were trying to put into Syria, and the opening of that was an abysmal failure,’ Kaine said. ‘But now we are taking the fight to ISIS to defeat them and to destroy them. And if you look at what's happened in the last year, ISIS's territory has dramatically shrunk because of a significant uptick in cooperation between the US, the Iraqi military, the Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq, the Kurds in northern Syria and the Syrian opposition. We're shrinking their space on the battlefield,’’ he said.” (Eric Bradner, “Kaine: Fight Against ISIS ‘Dramatically Improved Since 2015,” CNN, 9/18/16)
CHASER: Last Month, A Leaked Intelligence “Heat Map” Prepared By The National Counterterrorism Center Showed The Islamic States’ “Global Expansion” And That The Group Was Operating In 5 More Countries Than In 2015. “NBC News has exclusively obtained a map showing the global expansion of the terror group. The map is part of a classified briefing document received by the White House dated ‘August 2016’ and prepared by the National Counterterrorism Center. It shows a stunning three-fold increase in the number of places around the globe where ISIS is operating. U.S. State Department documents indicated that in 2014, when the U.S. military began its campaign to destroy the extremists, there were only seven nations in which the fledgling state was operating. By 2015, according to the State Department's own numbers, there were nearly double that — 13 countries. The current briefing map shows 18 countries where ISIS is fully operational. The map also displays a new category — ‘aspiring branches’ — and lists six countries where they're taking root: Egypt, Indonesia, Mali, the Philippines, Somalia and Bangladesh.” (William Arkin, Robert Windrem And Cynthia McFadden, “New Counterterrorism 'Heat Map' Shows ISIS Branches Spreading Worldwide,” NBC News, 8/3/16)

  • NBC News Terrorism Analyst: “It's Fair To Say That The Whole Battle Space Is Expanding For ISIS.” “NBC News terrorism analysis Malcolm Nance said the U.S. has been successful in attacking the ‘ISIS core’ in Iraq and Syria, but that the ‘heat map’ obtained by NBC News ‘could probably be a lot bigger if they were to show all the aspirational regions where ISIS wants to operate and has carried out terrorist attacks.’ ‘It's fair to say that the whole battle space is expanding for ISIS,’ he added. In an election year in which the fight against terror has taken center stage, even the U.S. government seems to acknowledge the battlefield is growing.” (William Arkin, Robert Windrem And Cynthia McFadden, “New Counterterrorism 'Heat Map' Shows ISIS Branches Spreading Worldwide,” NBC News, 8/3/16)

(Source: NBC News)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^^^all that is ignored by the liberal press which means they approve lol.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Report: All Three Clintons Called the Secret Service ‘Pigs’

by PATRICK HOWLEY19 Sep 2016

Former White House florist Ronn Payne claims that Chelsea Clinton learned from her parents to call the Secret Service “pigs,” according to the new book The Residence: Inside The Private World Of The White House by Kate Anderson Brower.

The Daily Mail reports:

As he walked into the second-floor kitchen one day, he saw Chelsea talking on the phone. A member of her Secret Service protective detail came in behind him to take the Clintons’ only child to school.

‘Oh, I’ve got to go. The pigs are here,’ she told her phone pal, according to Payne – using a 1960s-era epithet for law enforcement.

‘Faced with an angry agent who reminded her in no uncertain terms that it was his job to protect her, Chelsea replied: ‘Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.’

Secret Service agents have long complained about the extreme difficulty of working for Hillary Clinton.

The New York Post reported:

“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.

“F— off,” she replied.

That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard.

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Jan 9, 2009

[h=1]Hillary Holds Small Rally at Temple=> Is Helped Up the Stairs[/h]Jim Hoft Sep 19th, 2016 2:36 pm 677 Comments
Hillary Clinton traveled to Temple University on Monday to woo millennial voters.
37,788 students are enrolled at Temple.
Hillary had a hard time filling up the small room.

Hillary also has a hard time getting up the stairs to the stage.
She needed help.

PHILADELPHIA, PA – SEPTEMBER 19: Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is helped up stairs after delivering a millennial speech at Temple University on September 19, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton is campaigning in Pennslyvania. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

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Nov 10, 2010
Does Bill Clinton’s Admission That Some Donors Gave To The Clinton Foundation To Gain Influence Undercut Denials Of Pay-For-Play?

QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Secretary Clinton, yesterday Bill Clinton admitted some people gave to the Clinton Foundation in order to gain influence. Doesn’t this validate claims of pay-for-play within the organization?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor


: On Monday Bill Clinton Told NPR That Some Donors Gave Money To The Clinton Foundation As A Means Of Buying Influence With Bill And Hillary.“Former President Bill Clinton conceded in a new interview that some donors may have given to the Clinton Foundation in an effort to curry favor with the political power couple. ‘It was natural for people who’ve been our political allies and personal friends to call and ask for things. And I trusted the State Department wouldn’t do anything they shouldn’t do,’ Clinton said in an interview with NPR.” (Maya Rhodan, “Bill Clinton Says Some People Probably Gave To Foundation To Gain Influence,” Time 9/9/16)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Report: All Three Clintons Called the Secret Service ‘Pigs’[/h]



by PATRICK HOWLEY19 Sep 20161,543
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Chelsea Clinton Called Secret Service 'Pigs,' Says Her Parents Did Too, Book Claims
Inside Edition
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[h=2]Former White House florist Ronn Payne claims that Chelsea Clinton learned from her parents to call the Secret Service “pigs,” according to the new book The Residence: Inside The Private World Of The White House by Kate Anderson Brower.[/h]The Daily Mail reports:
As he walked into the second-floor kitchen one day, he saw Chelsea talking on the phone. A member of her Secret Service protective detail came in behind him to take the Clintons’ only child to school.
‘Oh, I’ve got to go. The pigs are here,’ she told her phone pal, according to Payne – using a 1960s-era epithet for law enforcement.
‘Faced with an angry agent who reminded her in no uncertain terms that it was his job to protect her, Chelsea replied: ‘Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.’
Secret Service agents have long complained about the extreme difficulty of working for Hillary Clinton.
The New York Post reported:
“Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton.
“F— off,” she replied.
That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
“The Timing Of Bill Clinton’s Speech Income… Represents The Kind Of Overlapping Of Private And Charitable Interests That Has Become A Political Liability For His Wife As She Runs For Office.” – Wall Street Journal

“These revelations show that the Clinton Foundation is first and foremost an arm of the Clintons’ political and buck-raking apparatus. After all, if there is one thing the Clintons are known for, it is that there is no line they won’t cross and no corner they won’t cut in order to earn a quick buck. Hillary Clinton needs to explain why the Clinton Foundation’s work in earthquake-ravaged Haiti was serving the dual purpose of helping line her pockets.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business
By James Grimaldi
Wall Street Journal
September 20, 2016
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The Fragrance Foundation, a trade group for the perfume industry, paid former President Bill Clinton $260,000 to give a speech in January 2014 that lasted less than an hour.

In the months after the talk, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation organized and partially funded an effort to get hundreds of farmers in Haiti to plant thousands of lime trees, a project designed to help both the impoverished farmers and the perfume and beverage industries, which had been hurt by a spike in lime prices caused by drought and crop blight.
The Clinton Foundation’s partner on the project was one of the world’s largest fragrance and flavoring suppliers, Firmenich International SA, along with the Swiss company’s U.S. charity. The Firmenich Charitable Foundation put up about $250,000 for the Haiti lime-tree project. Some of it went to a unit of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and some to a charity recruited for the project that works with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, records and interviews show.
Mr. Clinton’s $260,000 speaking fee wasn’t a donation to the foundation but was reported as personal income—an honorarium—on the candidate financial-disclosure form of his wife, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. The speech was one of 104 paid speeches that earned Bill and Hillary Clinton about $25 million in the 16 months before she launched her presidential campaign.
The timing of Bill Clinton’s speech income, from a perfume trade group in which a large member would later benefit from a Clinton Foundation project in Haiti, represents the kind of overlapping of private and charitable interests that has become a political liability for his wife as she runs for office. The Clinton Foundation has previously drawn attention for accepting donations from companies and foreign governments with business before the State Department when it was led by Mrs. Clinton.

The lime-tree project came about after a global lime shortage had left limeoil, a key ingredient sold to perfume and soft-drink makers, costing more than $50,000 a metric ton, roughly double what the price had been for decades. Drought and a blight had swept groves in Mexico, one of the world’s largest producers.
Firmenich wanted an additional source for limes, according to a case study written by business students at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Firmenich cooperated with that study.
The company looked to Haiti, which decades ago had been a leading producer of Key limes. By working with charities linked to small farmers in Haiti, “the company has been trying to find a way to gain exclusive access to new lime production sources,” the paper said.
To plant new groves in Haiti, Firmenich needed an organization that could help distribute seedlings and provide technical support to farmers. After Mr. Clinton’s speech, David Shipman, president of Firmenich’s U.S. unit and vice president of its charitable arm, approached the Clinton Foundation, one of the most active nonprofit organizations in Haiti, for support. “We explained to them what we thought could be the future of limes on the island,” he said.
He said the Clinton Foundation identified charities that could help teach farmers about growing lime trees. “We thought it was serving two purposes,” he said, increasing income for Haitian farmers while easing a global lime shortage.
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Nov 10, 2010

Donald J. TrumpVerified account@realDonaldTrump
Hillary Clinton is taking the day off again, she needs the rest. Sleep well Hillary - see you at the debate!

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