Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I hear Lady Gaga is going over the issues as we speak, and trying to connect the dots before coming to her momentous decision. Mariah Carey is reading all she can on Benghazi. Taylor Swift 's big announcement should be any day now. :ohno:

Like it or not, that's your loony left wing base and if they don't even like her, which they don't, it speaks volumes how awful a candidate this lying witch is.

Granny has no strength or stamina and zero enthusiasm among the grassroots.

Don't be surprised if the liar and lush does another one of these at some point:


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh Joe have no clue. Just like in 2012 " dems abandoning Obama "

how many times will you idiots continue to do this?

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Sister of fallen Benghazi soldier slams Hillary Clinton for claiming she didn't tell victims' families YouTube video sparked attack

  • Benghazi victims' families have long claimed Hillary Clinton told them the attacks were spurred by an anti-Muslim YouTube video
  • But Clinton has denied this account since an email emerged with her telling the Egyptian prime minister: 'we know it had nothing to do with the film'
  • Kate Quigley claims she remembers Hillary Clinton mentioning the YouTube video
  • Hits out at Democrat front runner: 'She say anything to get what she wants'

The sister of a war hero killed in Benghazi has accused Hillary Clinton lying to victims' families about the 2012 attack in a bid to court votes.
The Democrat front runner has denied telling soldiers' relatives that the attacks were provoked by an anti-Muslim YouTube video.
Her words came after an email emerged in the Benghazi committee in which she told the Egyptian prime minister 'we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film'.
But as the former First Lady battles to uphold her version of events, Kate Quigley, sister of fallen soldier Glen Doherty, has lashed out at Clinton, claiming she did pin the events on the video.



As the former First Lady battles to uphold her version of events, Kate Quigley, sister of fallen soldier Glen Doherty (ipctured at his funeral), has lashed out at Clinton, claiming she did pin the events on the video

'She knows that she knew what happened that day and she wasn't truthful,' Kate Quigley told the Boston Herald Radio's Morning Meeting on Wednesday.
'This is a woman that will do and say anything to get what she wants. I have very little respect for her.
'I know what she said to me and she can say all day long that she didn't say it. That's her cross to bear.'
She adds: 'As someone who has suffered so much heartache over the loss of Glen, it is hard to consider the possibility that help could have come much sooner.


'It is another testament to the character of our then-secretary of state and her staff that they continue to deny responsibility.'
Clinton has repeatedly defended her call to send troops over Libya.
Speaking on Sunday to ABC's This Week she addressed the victims' families' claims.
'I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans,' she said, in reference to Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.
She continued: 'I did testify as you know for 11 hours and I answered all of these questions.



The Democrat frontrunner has denied telling soldiers' relatives that the attacks were provoked by an anti-Muslim YouTube video

'Now, I can’t — I can’t help it that people think there has to be something else there, I said very clearly, there had been a terrorist group that had taken responsibility on Facebook, between the time that I, you know, when I talked to my daughter, that was the latest information, we were giving it credibility, and then we learned the next day, it wasn’t true.
'In fact, they retracted it. This was a fast-moving series of events in the fog of war. I think most Americans understand.'
Her top aides claim they were not given adequate warning from the military about the dangers they faced.
This claim was brought into question by another new email which has emerged in the Benghazi committee revealing Clinton's office received an offer for military consultation from the Pentagon.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Oh Joe have no clue. Just like in 2012 " dems abandoning Obama "

how many times will you idiots continue to do this?

I wasn't even here in 2012, idiot.

Don't worry bullshit vtard, you'll have plenty of opportunities to put your ass on the line and walk your talk for once....but of course you won't like always.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I wasn't even here in 2012, idiot.

Don't worry bullshit vtard, you'll have plenty of opportunities to put your ass on the line and walk your talk for once....but of course you won't like always.

Like minded dolts said those things in 2012 and I'm sure you were here.....under which name...who knows.

I will be ready to make all of you look stupid again. It's a tradition.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Benghazi Family Hits Back: Hillary Clinton Lied About Us To George Stephanopoulos[/h]


AP Photo/Willie J. Allen Jr.

by JOHN NOLTE10 Dec 20151,144
Kate Quigley, sister of Glen Doherty, one of the four murder victims of the September 11 terror attack against our Benghazi consulate in Libya in 2012, accused Hillary Clinton oflying to George Stephanopoulos about what the former Secretary of State told her and other grieving Benghazi family members.
During her Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week, Clinton said outright that she never told the Benghazi families that an anti-Muslim YouTube video caused the terror attack that resulted in the deaths of their loved ones.
In other words, Clinton accused these family members of lying.
Stephanopoulos asked her point blank, “Did you tell them it was about the film?”
Clinton flat-out denied it.
“No,” she said. “You know, look, I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans.”
When asked if Clinton told the truth to Stephanopoulos, Quigley told a Boston radio station Thursday that Clinton is now lying about telling the grieving family members the lie about the YouTube video:
This is a woman that will do and say anything to get what she wants. I have very little respect for her. I know what she said to me and she can say all day long that she didn’t say it. That’s her cross to bear. She knows that she knew what happened that day, and she wasn’t truthful, and that has come out in the last hearings — that she told her family one thing and was telling the public another thing. …
People made mistakes but for some reason somebody decided to perpetuate this lie and I don’t know if we’ll ever know. It fascinates me that people sit in a room and talk about, “Hey, let’s come up with this movie idea and Mohamed and a protest.” Nobody has ever owned up to where that story came from and why, and somebody knows. … It is a fascinating thing that in this day and age, a huge lie was created around a terror attack on 9/11.
So not only did Clinton lie to these people (and America) as they were grieving over their loved ones, Clinton is now publicly defaming them as liars on the Sunday shows.
Here’s the full audio. Hat tip to Mediaite.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
All we need is love…

URBANDALE, Iowa (AP) -- Hillary Clinton had just delivered some hard talk on terrorism, recalling tough decisions she made in the White House situation room as secretary of state and lashing out at her Republican rivals for threatening the safety of the American people.

But when an Iowa man broke into her riff with a question about how the country could confront a new wave of fear, her response sounded less like that of a commander in chief than of a soothing self-help guru. "We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness," she told a crowd of several hundred.

Is that what happened in Benghazi, not enough love for those terrorists?

Aug 6, 2006
All we need is love…

URBANDALE, Iowa (AP) -- Hillary Clinton had just delivered some hard talk on terrorism, recalling tough decisions she made in the White House situation room as secretary of state and lashing out at her Republican rivals for threatening the safety of the American people.

But when an Iowa man broke into her riff with a question about how the country could confront a new wave of fear, her response sounded less like that of a commander in chief than of a soothing self-help guru. "We've got to do everything we can to weed out hate and plant love and kindness," she told a crowd of several hundred.

Is that what happened in Benghazi, not enough love for those terrorists?

She should sit on a Colorado mountaintop and do shrooms. And then not come down. Ever.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said husband Bill would be "helpful" in the White House during an appearance on a late night TV talk show.

"I'll ask him about the economy, what we should do with dealing with a lot of difficult people in the world," Clinton said on NBC's "Late Night with Seth Meyers" in a segment taped Thursday.

Meyer asked her, "Having been a first lady, what qualities does your husband have that would be good for that job?"

Clinton responded that Bill is "a great host" and "loves giving tours," but "picking out flower arrangements, maybe not." He's also "vegan-ish" so "he might have useful information about menus" for vegan guests.

Meyers asked Hillary if she could keep Bill "out."

"Maybe there will be occasions when I don't want to," she said. Recalling Bill Clinton's 2009 trip to North Korea to free two Americans who were being held there, she said, "You never know why you might need to use him."

I’d imagine he would also be helpful in keeping those pesky female interns in line.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
A government watchdog is calling for an ethics investigation into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave preferential treatment to her hedge fund millionaire son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky.

In a complaint to be filed on Monday, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), will ask the Office of Government Ethics to look into whether Clinton gave special access to a deep sea mining company called Neptune Minerals after a 2012 email from Mezvinsky.

“It appears that then Secretary Hillary Clinton gave a private company special access to the State Department based upon the company’s relationships with Secretary Clinton’s family members and donors to the Clinton Foundation,” reads the group’s complaint.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Isn’t it about time for Vit to make a cameo appearance begging for this thread to die?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
He’s not a troll, he’s a millionaire who vacations at Virginia Beach. Loser!@#0

You don't understand family. Your daughter runs from you, you found out your dad died from a newspaper. The cost of a destination means nothing.....some of us can go anywhere in the world but we sacrifice for our kids. You simply can't understand that because you find child molesting to "boys being boys"

this thread is disgraceful and full of lies. Trey Gowdy is still in hospital from Hillary knockout.

The only thing better is catching Russ lying about ignoring me.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

[h=2]Three Hillary Clinton Stories You Probably Missed Thanks to the Media’s Obsession With Donald Trump[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
December 15, 2015 1:29 pm



Former Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has been absolutely dominating the media’s coverage of the 2016 presidential race, mostly because his comments allow pundits to courageously take a stand against racism. Also, they’re pretty desperate for good ratings.
Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, hasn’t gotten a lot of attention lately, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been making news. Here are few Hillary headlines you might have missed during the media’s most recent Trumpgasm.

Senate investigators have asked the State Department for backup copies of emails sent by Bryan Magliano, the guy Hillary hired to maintain her secret email server, and has since pled the Fifth in response to the ongoing federal investigations. The State Department, however, just told those investigator that they couldn’t find any copies of those emails. The FBI, which has taken possession of Pagliano’s government computer, might have better luck.

Just another run-of-the-mill story about nepotism/corruption involving Hillary Clinton and Goldman Sachs, her favorite Wall Street bank:
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton intervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law on behalf of a deep-sea mining firm to meet with her or other State Department officials, according to the recently released Clinton emails.
One of the firm’s investors had asked Clinton’s son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, who is married to Chelsea Clinton, for help setting up such contacts, the emails show.
Mezvinsky passed along the request on behalf of his former employer, Goldman Sachs, which was representing the mining firm Neptune in its effort to lobby for Senate approval of the Law of the Seas Treaty. Clinton forwarded the email to her aide Tom Nides, a former (and current) Morgan Stanley executive. The Clinton campaign refused to respond to multiple requests for comment from the Associated Press. A watchdog group has asked the U.S. Office of Government Ethics to investigate.

Hillary Clinton has repeatedly insisted that she never (sent or) received information on her private email server that was classified (at the time). The intelligence community rejects that assessment, which Hillary has dismissed as a “disagreement” between government agencies. Fox Newsreports on a new development that undermines Hillary’s case:
An intelligence community review has re-affirmed that two classified emails were indeed “top secret” when they hit Hillary Clinton’s unsecured personal server despite a challenge to that designation by the State Department, according to two sources familiar with the review.
The sources described the dispute over whether the two emails were classified at the highest level as a “settled matter.”
Perhaps one of these stories will come up at the next Democratic primary debate, which takes place this Saturday, at night, during an NFL game.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Sources: Review affirms Clinton server emails were 'top secret,' despite department challenge

By Catherine Herridge, Pamela Browne
Published December 15, 2015

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EXCLUSIVE: An intelligence community review has re-affirmed that two classified emails were indeed “top secret” when they hit Hillary Clinton’s unsecured personal server despite a challenge to that designation by the State Department, according to two sources familiar with the review.
The sources described the dispute over whether the two emails were classified at the highest level as a “settled matter.”
The agencies that owned and originated that intelligence – the CIA and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency or NGA – reviewed the emails to determine how they should be properly stored, as the State Department took issue with their highly classified nature. The subject matter of the messages is widely reported to be the movement of North Korean missiles and a drone strike. A top secret designation requires the highest level of security, and can include the use of an approved safe.
The sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, told Fox News that while the emails were indeed “top secret” when they hit Clinton’s server, one of them remains “top secret” to this day -- and must be handled at the highest security level. The second email is still considered classified but at the lower “secret” level because more information is publicly available about the event.
The findings have been transmitted to the State Department, which continues to challenge the intelligence community’s conclusions about the classification of all the emails. But the department has no authority to change the classification since it did not originate the information.
On Nov. 6, Politico reported that the intelligence community was retreating from the “top secret” classification, a development that could have helped Clinton’s presidential campaign deflect allegations about mishandling classified material. Fox News can confirm it is true the handling of one email has changed since it was drafted and sent, but this change has no bearing on the “top secret” nature of the emails when first received on Clinton’s server. And this is what matters to the FBI probe.
While the classification finding is important, the central issue is whether the FBI investigation concludes there was or was not a criminal violation.
Fox News reported earlier this month that two top Republican senators have written directly to Secretary of State John Kerry and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper about possible leaks from their departments on their review of Clinton’s emails -- wrongly leaving the impression that the two “top secret” messages were not that sensitive.
The letter was sent by Republican Sen. Bob Corker, who chairs the Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen. Richard Burr, who heads the powerful Intelligence Committee, on Nov. 13, with copies sent three days later to the intelligence community and State Department watchdogs known as inspectors general. The IGs were asked to conduct an independent review of the process.
While the senators’ letter is not public, Fox News has confirmed that the senators cited the Politico report from Nov. 6 where unnamed sources claimed the two “top secret” emails had been downgraded after a second review. While hailed by Clinton’s supporters as evidence she did not break the law and send classified information on her personal email account, the Politico story was later updated to reflect the fact that Clapper’s office said the review was ongoing.

from the above ;

While the classification finding is important, the central issue is whether the FBI investigation concludes there was or was not a criminal violation.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Refers to San Bernardino Couple as ‘Shooters,’ Not Terrorists[/h]SHARE

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
December 15, 2015 7:31 pm

Hillary Clinton chose not to call the couple that perpetrated the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif. “terrorists” during her Tuesday address on counterterrorism.
Clinton referred to Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik instead as “shooters,” making no reference to their ties to terrorism.
“Now as we all know, on December 2 two shooters killed 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California,” Clinton said.
Clinton has referred to the shooters in less ambiguous terms on other occasions, making her choice of words on Tuesday all the stranger. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, for example, Clinton called Malik a “jihadist.”
Clinton’s odd choice of words may have been an attempt to redirect the public discussion about domestic terrorism to one of the issues she likes to emphasize on the campaign trail: gun control.
Indeed, Clinton said Tuesday that gun control would make Americans safer from terrorist attacks. Clinton said that if she was elected president she would support a federal assault weapons ban, universal background checks, and a ban on gun sales to individuals on the terrorist watch list. Earlier this year, Clinton had to walk back comments expressing support for an Australian-style gun confiscation plan.
This is not the first time Clinton has tip-toed around discussions of terrorism. Last week, Clinton explained her decision not to use the term “radical Islam,” saying it demonizes Islam and “helps to create this clash of civilizations that is actually a recruiting tool for ISIS.”
Clinton used her Tuesday address to outline a three-step plan to defeat ISIS, the first step of which is “defeat ISIS.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
“A radical is one who advocates sweeping changes in the existing laws and methods of government.”
- Hillary Rodham (Clinton) in her 1969 thesis “There Is Only The Fight : An Analysis of the Alinsky Model”

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