Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Oct 29, 2010
The Hildabeast can't even beat Sanders and O'Malley in a debate!

A drudge poll. You have officially lost it. She's 30 points ahead.

She mashed that comical republican Benghazi committee and will embarrass trump in every debate. Of course the idiot minnions will vote over and over again that trump wins every debate......even if he shits his pants on stage. Trump policy knowledge is laughable and he will be exposed badly.....not that any of you will even recognize it.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Poor vtard still can't figure out why Democrats are hiding the Hildabeast and why she avoids campaigning and unscripted interviews the way he avoids proving his self-aggrandized bullshit.

The Hildabeast is low-energy with no stamina and not quick on her feet...literally:


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Why the Hildabeast and her handlers avoid press conferences and unscripted interviews the way vtard runs from bets ("Joe could cheat!" LMFAO):


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Poor vtard still can't figure out why Democrats are hiding the Hildabeast and why she avoids campaigning and unscripted interviews the way he avoids proving his self-aggrandized bullshit.

The Hildabeast is low-energy with no stamina and not quick on her feet...literally:


Lmao. You have no clue what you're talking about. They aren't hiding her. There is no need. She can't lose the nomination. You really don't understand how campaigns are run. It's sad to watch you flail away. But it's funny as well.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Is Hillary Clinton Mentally Unstable?

Posted On 27 Jul 2015
By : admin

Voters already know that Hillary Clinton is not to be trusted, but a new insider report says that her predilection for secrecy and lies may not be the most disturbing aspect of her personality. According to D.C. Whispers, Clinton’s campaign workers are worried about their girl.

- “Lost”

- “Confused

- “Tired”

- “Angry”

These are a few of the adjectives being used to describe Clinton by those who know her best. Unable to get away from the email scandal, Clinton is apparently falling into a pattern of erratic mood swings and bizarre behavior. One source told DC Whispers:

“She doesn’t understand how it works. She still thinks the New York Times is the end-all, be-all regarding media coverage and because they (the Clinton Machine) pretty much control how the Times covers them, she feels she controls her own media destiny and when that doesn’t happen, it infuriates her. She gets very angry very quickly and it’s a particularly aggressive kind of nasty on her part.”

Oh this is good…

Clinton wants this victory so bad she can taste it. Finally, she can come out from under her husband’s shadow to prove herself worthy of the national stage. To be the first female president. Why, she would do more than come out of Bill’s shadow; she would go down in the record books right beside Barack Obama. When future generations said the name “Clinton,” they would think of her first and her husband second.

And now she sees that even her inevitable Democratic nomination may not be as inevitable as she thought. Bernie Sanders is gaining on her fast in crucial first states, she has an unfavorable rating among the voters for the first time in years, and these scandals are showing no signs of going away. Meanwhile, the entire political world is talking about Donald Trump, leaving her to twist in the wind.

She is trying desperately to change her image from a cold, calculating liar to a kindly grandmother. When a New Hampshire voter asked her how she would like to be addressed, she smiled brightly and said, “Hillary is fine by me.” Armed with a fluctuating accent and a closetful of pantsuits, Clinton is determined to give herself a media makeover. But if the media – no longer quite the same monolithic empire as it was in the 1990s – doesn’t play ball, she is apparently going to seriously lose it.

The best we can hope for is that when she finally blows her lid, she does it on national television for everyone to enjoy.

- See more at:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Remember, this is the woman who coined the phrase "right wing conspiracy" to excuse and justify her husband's unethical and criminal behavior.

The Hildabeast can't handle the spotlight and will definitely implode.

I'm totally SHOCKED bullshit vtard would support a candidate this unstable!

(birds of a feather...)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton’s brief absence at the Democratic debate explained[/h]

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responded to a question from moderator Martha Raddatz.
By Annie Linskey GLOBE STAFF DECEMBER 20, 2015
Coverage of the Saturday night Democratic debate has focused on Bernie Sanders’ apology to Hillary Clinton for his staff’s poor judgment in viewing her campaign’s proprietary data. But Clinton issued a “sorry’’ of her own — although for a far less serious matter.
Clinton apologized to a live television audience for returning late from the ladies’ room after the break.
The reason is one many women are familiar with: An unexpected line for the loo. While Clinton waited for the ladies’ room to clear out, time ticked down and the debate organizers allowed the show to go on without her.
What viewers didn’t know was the sole women’s bathroom was a little further than the men’s room from the stage. And when the debate went to a long commercial break Clinton lost out to Lis Smith, the caffeine-guzzling deputy campaign manager for former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, who beat her to the restroom. Smith declined to comment for the story.
A top Clinton staffer who was strategically posted outside the bathroom (presumably to avoid these kinds of situations) gave Smith a verbal OK to make a quick pit stop, according to one person familiar with the ladies’ line.
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[h=4]Top moments in the Democratic debate[/h]Little happened to alter the trajectory of the Democratic contest, but there were memorable moments.

The women’s room included multiple stalls, so it’s not entirely clear why Clinton and Smith couldn’t both use the facilities. Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill declined to comment for the story, but said there wasn’t a security reason preventing the former secretary of state from sharing a bathroom.
Nevertheless, the hold up contributed to Clinton failing to make it back to the stage on time.
When Clinton finally returned, moderator David Muir was already asking another candidate a question. But the audience applauded as the front-runner walked up to her erstwhile empty podium.
Clinton said simply: “Sorry.”


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Will Hillary Return The Property She Got At The White House?[/h]



by PATRICK HOWLEY20 Dec 2015201
[h=2]Hillary Clinton bristled during Saturday’s Democratic debate when she was asked about her role as First Lady, which put her in charge of the Clinton administration’s White House floral and dining arrangements.[/h]But perhaps this Christmas season Clinton could actually return some of the items that she and her husband walked off with during their departure in 2001.
As the White House’s keyboards were losing their “W” buttons, so too was the First Lady making off with an historic haul in the form of gifts and presents from friends. Some actual White House artifacts ended up being part of the loot, according to Sally Bedell Smith, author of the 2007 book, For Love Of Politics.
“[The Clintons’] financial-disclosure forms revealed that they walked away with $190,027 worth of furniture, china, flatware, art, and other gifts, nearly half of it acquired in their final year. It also turned out that they took some property that actually belonged to the permanent White House collection.”
How did Clinton obtain these gifts, despite the fact that she was legally banned, as a United States Senator, from taking gifts over $50?
She took advantage of her status as First Lady to get around the rules, and claimed that she got the gifts at White House during Christmas time, days before she was sworn in to the Senate.
The Associated Press reported in 2001 that “as A Senator, Mrs. Clinton Is Prohibited From Accepting Most Gifts Worth More Than $50. But Since The Presents Arrived While She Still Was First Lady, No Such Limit Applied.”
Clinton also got a parting gift in the form of two coffee tables and two chairs – with a $7,375 value – from the ex-wife of last-minute Bill Clinton pardon recipient Mark Rich.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Even Huffington Post Says Hillary Clinton’s Donald Trump/Islamic State Claim Is BOGUS[/h]



by PATRICK HOWLEY20 Dec 2015447
[h=2]Hillary Clinton’s claim that Donald Trump is “becoming ISIS’s best recruiter” has sparked wide backlash against her presidential campaign.[/h]Clinton made the comment in Saturday night’s Democratic debate in New Hampshire. Breitbart News, which immediately flagged the remark, found no available evidence that Trump’s comments on Islam have ever been featured in ISIS recruiting videos.
Now Clinton is feeling the fact-based pain of the Internet Age, as her campaign sputters to try to come up with some kind of explanation.
Even the left-wing Huffington Post shot Clinton down on the factual merits.
According to associate politics editor Marina Fang’s piece, “Hillary Clinton’s Claim That Donald Trump Is In ISIS Recruiting Videos Isn’t True. Not Yet, At Least”:
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton stretched the truth a bit during Saturday’s primary debate…
Fact-checkers soon noted that Clinton may have been referring to a hypothetical situation, and an article cited by her campaign quoted a few experts who have found no evidence of the videos so far.

Trump blasted Clinton as a “liar” in a Sunday show interview on Meet The Press.
“Nobody has been able to back that up. It’s nonsense. Just another Hillary lie,” Trump said. “She lies like crazy about everything. Whether it’s trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she’s a liar and everybody knows that. But she just made this up in thin air.”
Clinton campaign communications director Jen Palmieri struggled to explain what, exactly, Clinton meant.
“Well what they have said is that they are using him, they, he is being used in social media by ISIS as propaganda,” Palmieri told interviewer George Stephanopoulos Sunday.
“She didn’t have a particular video in mind but he’s being used in social media, um, and uh, you know, what they haven’t found is, this group hasn’t found the video Mr. Trump keeps talking about this alleged mystery video of thousands of people in [New] Jersey cheering, uh, collapse of the World Trade Center,” Palmieri added.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
OMG! The campaign hasn't even started and bullshit vtard's Granny already stepped in it!

Not only was her "Trump is the ISIS best recruitment tool" totally made up bullshit, but also...


Donald Trump Isn’t In Any ISIS Recruitment Videos, But Bill Clinton Is [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton’s claim during Saturday’s debate that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as a recruitment tool has already been proved false. But it’s now emerged that one of the terrorist group’s most recent recruitment commercials features an image of someone very close to her, personally and politically.

A four-minute video released by ISIS last month, entitled “No Respite,” includes an image of Bill Clinton, who is called a “fornicator” — a reference to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, among many others.

The propaganda piece also shows President Obama and former President George W. Bush, who is called a “liar.” The terror group asserts in the high-quality short that the U.S. military, though large in number, is ineffectual against Muslim armies.

Clinton’s appearance in the video is especially ironic given his wife’s shocking claim during the weekend debate that ISIS recruiters “are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
Clinton said that Trump’s recent comments calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. made the Republican frontrunner ISIS’ “best recruitment tool.”

But after fact-checkers searched for such a video featuring Trump and came up empty, the Clinton campaign was forced to admit on Sunday that the candidate’s claim was inaccurate. Campaign chairman John Podesta asserted that Clinton stands by her remarks. He argued that since Trump appears on television in the Middle East, he is likely being used to inflame Muslims.

Trump responded to Clinton’s accusation by calling her a “liar” and demanding an apology.

Read more:


Hey Granny, your hubby is the best "ISIS recruitment tool" coz your hubby was a "fornicator"

You see vtard? This is why her handlers HIDE this total political trainwreck from the public. Granny is a disaster!


New member
Oct 29, 2010
OMG! The campaign hasn't even started and bullshit vtard's Granny already stepped in it!

Not only was her "Trump is the ISIS best recruitment tool" totally made up bullshit, but also...


Donald Trump Isn’t In Any ISIS Recruitment Videos, But Bill Clinton Is [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton’s claim during Saturday’s debate that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump as a recruitment tool has already been proved false. But it’s now emerged that one of the terrorist group’s most recent recruitment commercials features an image of someone very close to her, personally and politically.

A four-minute video released by ISIS last month, entitled “No Respite,” includes an image of Bill Clinton, who is called a “fornicator” — a reference to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, among many others.

The propaganda piece also shows President Obama and former President George W. Bush, who is called a “liar.” The terror group asserts in the high-quality short that the U.S. military, though large in number, is ineffectual against Muslim armies.

Clinton’s appearance in the video is especially ironic given his wife’s shocking claim during the weekend debate that ISIS recruiters “are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
Clinton said that Trump’s recent comments calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. made the Republican frontrunner ISIS’ “best recruitment tool.”

But after fact-checkers searched for such a video featuring Trump and came up empty, the Clinton campaign was forced to admit on Sunday that the candidate’s claim was inaccurate. Campaign chairman John Podesta asserted that Clinton stands by her remarks. He argued that since Trump appears on television in the Middle East, he is likely being used to inflame Muslims.

Trump responded to Clinton’s accusation by calling her a “liar” and demanding an apology.

Read more:


Hey Granny, your hubby is the best "ISIS recruitment tool" coz your hubby was a "fornicator"

You see vtard? This is why her handlers HIDE this total political trainwreck from the public. Granny is a disaster!


"Hiding her". Lmao. You have no clue how campaigns are run. You don't send a candidate with a 30 point primary lead out to every local parade.

She smacked around that idiotic committee for 11hours and trump and Joe says she doesn't have the stamina. Hahahaha. This from candidates complaining about debate questions.

Pray for Rubio or its over.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Hiding her". Lmao. You have no clue how campaigns are run. You don't send a candidate with a 30 point primary lead out to every local parade.

She smacked around that idiotic committee for 11hours and trump and Joe says she doesn't have the stamina. Hahahaha. This from candidates complaining about debate questions.

Pray for Rubio or its over.

The Hildabeast LIED HER ASS OFF in front of that committee but because the gaystream media said she "did well" (avoiding specifics naturally), idiots like you buy into the narrative. Bullshit vtard didn't even watch the hearings but claims she "smacked the committee" - you can't make this shit up!

The only thing that will get "smacked" is your granny when Trump bitch slaps her like Mohammed's child brides!

The Hildabeast is the best recruitment tool for the ISIS coz her hubby was a "fornicator" :):)

It's not looking good for bullshit vtard and his weak-bladdered granny.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
The Hildabeast LIED HER ASS OFF in front of that committee but because the gaystream media said she "did well" (avoiding specifics naturally), idiots like you buy into the narrative. Bullshit vtard didn't even watch the hearings but claims she "smacked the committee" - you can't make this shit up!

The only thing that will get "smacked" is your granny when Trump bitch slaps her like Mohammed's child brides!

The Hildabeast is the best recruitment tool for the ISIS coz her hubby was a "fornicator" :):)

It's not looking good for bullshit vtard and his weak-bladdered granny.

I saw the beat down. Even fox took it off because their hero Gowdy was a bloody mess.

We know ISIS hates any man that has sex. You are ideal recruit for them. Lone wolf, wacky mind, no women.

Trump will get killed during one on one debate. He works now for stupid people because he uses one liners, with a stage of 12.....morons understand that.

Im sure he will win the Drudge poll though and you and trump will claim victory. Look everybody he said loser on tv. We like this guy.....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"I saw the beat down"

Another bullshit vtard lie. Never once have you or anyone else here mentioned specifics.

Granny's fundraising increased after the hearing but only because clueless sheep like you eat it up every time.

How many videos would you like me to post of how much a train wreck this witch is in front of cameras? After her last press conference, her handlers said no more! From now on, everything will be scripted, prepared and days apart cause granny has no energy or stamina.

You just don't see it because you are the most ignorant party hack this forum has ever seen!

New member
Oct 29, 2010
"I saw the beat down"

Another bullshit vtard lie. Never once have you or anyone else here mentioned specifics.

Granny's fundraising increased after the hearing but only because clueless sheep like you eat it up every time.

How many videos would you like me to post of just how much of a train wreck this witch is in front of cameras? After her last press conference, her handlers said no more!

You just don't see it because you are the most ignorant party hack this forum has ever seen!

What the fuck are you talking about? I watched much of the beat down. It was discussed here while it was happening.

It was a bloody massacre!!

Im sure you have many edited, planned parenthood type videos on Hillary. You will add and delete stuff like you do with many posters quotes here.....but nothing can change the hearing. Hour after hour of republican beating. It was worse than your beating at

you are so blind to what's happening. That's why you support wackos like Trump and Cruz....they appeal to the sound bite, comic strip quip voters like you!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There was no committee "beat down" just like there are never any "knock outs"

You're so ignorant, inept and stupid you actually believe in your heart of hearts that using childish phrases like this over and over makes them true.

You're as delusional and pathological as granny: "Trump is the best recruitment tool for the ISIS"


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