Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Classy lady!

Hillary Clinton cheered the transfer of convicted murderer Omar Khadr from Guantanamo Bay to a Canadian prison, emails released on Monday show.

“Thank you for all you did to get this resolved,” then-Sec. of State Clinton wrote to State Department legal adviser Harold Koh in a Sept. 29, 2012 email, which was spotted by Vice News’ Jason Leopold, the reporter who filed the lawsuit that forced the State Department to release Clinton’s emails.

Koh had worked with the Canadian government to secure Khadr’s transfer. He had been at the Cuban facility since 2002 when he was detained in Afghanistan during a firefight with American soldiers. Then a 15-year-old child soldier, Khadr was accused of throwing a grenade that killed Sgt. First Class Christopher Speer, a member of a U.S. Army Special Forces Unit.

In an Oct. 2010 plea deal — reportedly pushed by Clinton — Khadr was given an eight year prison sentence after he admitted to murdering Speer and to planting improvised explosive devices and training with al-Qaeda. He has since repudiated his claim that he killed Speer, saying now that he only confessed in order to get out of Gitmo, where he claims he was tortured. Khadr has not repudiated his admission to having thrown the explosive, however. He has said he threw it out of fear and without intending to kill Speer.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hillary Clinton is getting crushed on social media, captured in one word cloud


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]CNN: Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle Was ‘Out of Touch’ With Public About Benghazi Testimony[/h]SHARE

BY: Blake Seitz
December 1, 2015 6:47 pm

CNN reporter Brianna Keilar said Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s inner circle was “out of touch” with public perceptions of Clinton’s testimony on the Benghazi terrorist attacks.
Emails released by the State Department on Monday show that Clinton’s staff was “out of touch with the repercussions of some of her testimony” despite keeping close tabs on her political prospects, according to Keilar.
The emails show a secretary inundated with praise and insulated from criticism by a small circle of advocates, notably Clinton aide Philippe Reines.
In 2013 Reines reacted defensively to criticism that Clinton’s famous outburst about Benghazi (“…what difference, at this point, does it make?”) would not go over well with the public.
“Give me a break. You do not look rattled. You looked real. There’s a difference, a big one,” Reines wrote to Clinton.
Another email sent by Clinton to daughter Chelsea Clinton reveals that the secretary knew within hours that the Benghazi attack was organized by an “Al Qaeda-like group.”
While Clinton privately acknowledged the role that terrorist groups played in the attack, she told the public that the attack was a spontaneous outgrowth of a protest over an anti-Islam video.
The email exchange between Clinton and her daughter bolsters critics’ contention that top Democratic officials downplayed the threat of terrorism to protect Obama’s reelection bid.
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Obama’s former top military intelligence official, now says that the administration ignored intelligence reports warning about the Islamic State to protect the president’s reelection bid.

Transcript below:
JAKE TAPPER: On to our politics lead now. The drip, drip, drip of Hillary Clinton’s emails. The State Department just released another batch of work-related emails that Clinton sent from her private email server while Secretary of State. They include an email to Chelsea who used the pseudonym ‘Diane Reynolds’ that Republicans have seized on as evidence that Clinton mislead the public about the cause of the Benghazi attack. She publicly blamed an anti-Muslim video while privately emailing Chelsea that it was terrorism. Brianna Keilar read through the emails. No surprise, it shows that Clinton and her team were focused on her political image throughout her time at the State Department.
BRIANNA KEILAR: Yes. Very concerned and, at times, out of touch with the repercussions of some of her testimony. It’s not surprising that Clinton’s aides and friends were looking out for her. But it is fascinating to really pull back the curtain as they assured her she never firmly committed to this notion that the attack on Benghazi was born out of a protest over a video depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
KEILAR: The most memorable moment from Hillary Clinton’s 2013 testimony on the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
(HILLARY CLINTON): Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?
KEILAR: Emails newly released by the State Department show denial among top Clinton aides that that controversial moment in her testimony was damaging. As congratulatory messages from Clinton supporters poured in, long-time confidante Mark Penn aired this concern: ‘I don’t think the emotion in the hearing works to your advantage. Looks more like they rattled you on something no one outside the crazy right blamed you for anyway.’ But a top aide dismissed the assessment, emailing the Secretary, ‘give me a break. You do not look rattled. You looked real. There’s a difference, a big one.’ Also in the batch, an email sent hours after the attack from Clinton to Diane Reynolds, a pseudonym used by her daughter Chelsea, telling her two officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Qaeda-like group. In a public Statement, that same night, Clinton raised the possibility that inflammatory material posted on the internet, a reference to video portraying Muslim Prophet Muhammad, was a precursor to the attack. Five days later, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice expanded on the inaccurate assessment when asked about reports that Libyan officials had arrested suspects in the attack.
(JAKE TAPPER): They’re saying that some people involved were from outside the country, there might have been Al Qaeda ties. What’s the latest information?
(SUSAN RICE): This began as a spontaneous, not premeditated, response to what had transpired in cairo.
KEILAR: Republicans have seized upon Clinton’s emails to claim she was covering up the cause of the attack for political reasons, less than two months from President Obama’s re-election.
(JIM JORDAN): You tell the people one thing, you tell your family an entirely different story. You can live with the protest about a video. That won’t hurt you. But a terrorist attack will.
KEILAR: Clinton later explained the discrepancy as confusion during a chaotic time. ‘The fog of war’ is what she called it in October. Republicans say she was lying to protect the administration’s narrative that terrorists were on the run right before the president’s re-election.
TAPPER: That’s the second time this narrative of terrorists on the run has come up during this show.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]SCANDAL=> Media Covers for HILLARY After She Says US Must Reserve “NUCLEAR OPTION” for IRAN[/h]Jim Hoft Dec 6th, 2015 12:44 pm 100 Comments
Hillary Clinton spoke today at the annual Brookings Institution’s Saban Forum on relations between the US and Israel.
During her remarks the for Obama Secretary of State told Israelis the US reserved the “NUCLEAR option” with Iran.
Of course, if a Republican said anything like this it would make major international headlines.
Michael Wilner, who was live-tweeting the event made note of the major gaffe by Hillary.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Email Highlights Cozy Relationship With Lobbyist[/h]SHARE


BY: Alana Goodman
December 4, 2015 4:48 pm

Hillary Clinton added a lobbyist to her “call list” after he told her he had “great news” from a top Clinton Foundation donor, according to an email obtained by watchdog group Judicial Watch.
BGR Group lobbyist Jonathan Mantz, Clinton’s campaign fundraiser, emailed the secretary of state on Feb. 10, 2009, to share news about the late Democratic donor Walter Shorenstein, who had given at least $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
“Wanted to let you know that I received great news from Walter Shorenstein today,” wrote Mantz.
Clinton forwarded the email to an aide with the note “Add Jonathan Mantz to call list.”
Mantz was lobbying for various companies seeking government contracts at the time and some foreign policy-related clients, including the Kurdistan regional government and former Prime Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra.
Mantz was Clinton’s finance director in 2008, and currently serves as a financial adviser to her campaign.
The Washington Free Beacon reported in September that Mantz emailed Clinton to promote a project for one of his clients, Claudio Osorio, in 2010. Osorio needed funding for a Haiti construction project, and received a $10 million expedited federal loan in 2010. The project turned out to be ascam, and Osorio is currently serving 12 years in prison on fraud charges related to the government loan.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton said on Sunday that the Islamic State had become “the most effective recruiter in the world” and that the only solution was to engage American technology companies in blocking or taking down militant websites, videos and encrypted communications.

I see a huge contract in the future for Platte River Networks. :homer:

New member
Jan 9, 2009
WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton said on Sunday that the Islamic State had become “the most effective recruiter in the world” and that the only solution was to engage American technology companies in blocking or taking down militant websites, videos and encrypted communications.

I see a huge contract in the future for Platte River Networks. :homer:

I think they should be engaged to find her missing emails lol.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Disclosed: Email Shows Pentagon Offered ‘Forces that Could Move to Benghazi’ Immediately[/h]SHARE

Burnt out compound in Benghazi / AP

BY: Adam Kredo
December 8, 2015 3:41 pm

Newly released emails show that a senior Defense Department official offered the State Department “forces that could move to Benghazi” immediately during the deadly 2012 attack there on the American consulate.
Jeremy Bash, the former Pentagon chief of staff, offered to provide forces at 7:19 p.m. on the evening of the attack, “only hours after they had begun,” according to Judicial Watch, which disclosed the email on Tuesday.
“We have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi. They are spinning up as we speak,” Bash wrote.
Portions of the email remain redacted by the Obama administration.
“The Obama administration redacted the details of the military forces available, oddly citing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption that allows the withholding of ‘deliberative process’ information,” according to Judicial Watch.
The newly disclosed email contradicts testimony to Congress by Obama administration officials who cited the inability to immediately provide forces in response to the attack.
“Bash’s email seems to directly contradict testimony given by then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta before the Senate Armed Services Committee in February 2013,” writes Judicial Watch.
“Defending the Obama administration’s lack of military response to the nearly six-hour-long attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Panetta claimed that ‘time, distance, the lack of an adequate warning, events that moved very quickly on the ground prevented a more immediate response,’” the group wrote in a press release.
Update 4:19 P.M.: Matt Wolking, press secretary for the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said that lawmakers have been aware of this piece of correspondence but did not release it publicly.
“The Select Committee has obtained and reviewed tens of thousands of documents in the course of its thorough, fact-centered investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks, and this information will be detailed in the final report the Committee hopes to release within the next few months,” Wolking told the Free Beacon.
“While the Committee does not rush to release or comment on every document it uncovers, I can confirm that we obtained the unredacted version of this email last year, in addition to Jake Sullivan’s response,” Wolding said. “This email chain helped inform the Committee’s interview of Sullivan in September and will help inform the Committee’s upcoming interviews with Thomas Nides and others.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Aided Mining Company on Behalf of Son-in-Law[/h]SHARE

Hillary Clinton / AP

BY: Alana Goodman
December 9, 2015 10:50 am

Hillary Clinton told a top aide to look into setting up a meeting between State Department officials and a mining firm, after a company representative made a request to her son-in-law, the Associated Pressreported on Tuesday.
An investor in Neptune Minerals emailed Marc Mezvinsky, Chelsea Clinton’s husband, in 2012 to ask for help setting up contacts in the secretary of state’s office. Three months later, Hillary Clinton forwarded the request to deputy secretary of state Thomas Nides, along with the note, “Could you have someone follow up on this request, which was forwarded to me?”
Nides replied “I’ll get on it.” It is unclear whether any meetings were arranged.
Mezvinsky and the Neptune Minerals investor, Harry Siklas, reportedly overlapped during their times at Goldman Sachs. Mezvinsky currently manages a hedge fund.
The Clinton campaign and Mezvinsky declined to comment to the AP. Neptune Minerals, Siklas, and a spokesperson for Chelsea Clinton did not respond to the AP’s requests for comment.
The Neptune Minerals message was included in the collection of Clinton’s emails publicly released by the State Department:
“Hey bud,” Siklas wrote, telling Mezvinsky that Neptune was pursuing sea-floor massive sulfide (SMS) mining in the South Pacific and had just bought out two other mining firms. Siklas said that he and Adam needed “a contact in Hillary’s office: someone my friend Josh (and I perhaps) can reach out via email or phone to discuss SMS mining and the current legal issues and regulations.” Siklas, then registered as a stockbroker at Goldman Sachs in New York, had contributed $2,000 to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 unsuccessful presidential bid.
Siklas said the State Department would be interested in the subject following Clinton’s Senate testimony. He said he and Adam “would feel very fortunate to have someone’s ear on this topical issue, with the hope that at some point we get in front of the secretary herself.”
The emails do not show how Clinton became directly aware of Siklas’ email to Mezvinsky or why it took three months for her to act after Mezvinsky became involved. The emails do not show a reply from Mezvinsky, but Hillary Clinton eventually obtained a copy and sent it to Nides that August, ordering a follow-up.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Jesus Christ. Let this thread die Russ. Hillary closed it after knocking out Gowdy and his hysterically inept committee.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Homeland Security Chairman Michael McCaul: Hillary Clinton ‘Responsible’ for Islamic State[/h]


Alex Wong/Getty Images

by CHARLIE SPIERING9 Dec 2015410
[h=2]Homeland Security Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX)

blames President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the rise of the Islamic State.[/h]“I would say that she and the president are responsible for ISIS rearing its ugly head,” McCaul said, during a Christian Science Monitor breakfast with reporters in Washington D.C. this morning.
He argued that any Republican nominee for president would have a huge advantage over Clinton in 2016 as it was clear that the issue of national security was paramount among voters.
“I think Mrs. Clinton has a lot of weaknesses because she was the architect of the Obama administration’s foreign policy,” McCaul said, referring to her role as Secretary of State.
He argued that a lack of a status of forces agreement in Iraq was mainly responsible for the security implosion in that country, pointing out that Clinton only visited Baghdad one time while serving as Secretary of State.
After Clinton and Obama took office, he noted, the entire State Department had dumbed down their language on the threat from radical Islamist terrorism and created a more dangerous world.
“The whole vernacular in the State Department changed when they came into office … they just wanted to wish this away, and you know what, it didn’t go away,” he said. “And now he can’t get his head around this thing called ISIS.”
By not defining the enemy, McCaul argued, or changing the rules of military engagement, it was hard to say that Obama believed his was at war with ISIS.
“I think that they are war with us, but I don’t think this administration is at war with them, and I think that’s the inherent problem,” he said. “We need to be.”

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I love this Comey guy.

President Obama does not receive briefings about the FBI’s investigation into the personal email setup Hillary Clinton used as secretary of State, bureau Director James Comey said on Wednesday.

As a result, Obama should have no way of knowing how the inquiry is proceeding, Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee, despite the president's apparent dismissal of concerns about impropriety.

The FBI’s examination of Clinton’s server, which held her private email account and has drawn intense criticism from Republicans and transparency advocates, has put the FBI in a tight spot.

In response, Comey has repeatedly attempted to shoot down concerns about political motivation in his bureau’s probe and fears that investigators will undermine evidence against Clinton or another Obama administration official.

“I hope the American people know the FBI well enough and the nature and character of this organization,” Comey told the Senate panel on Wednesday.

“As I’ve said many times, we don’t give a rip about politics,” he added. “We care about finding out what is true and doing that in a competent, honest and independent way. I promise you that’s the way we conduct ourselves.”


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Hillary’s Archive of Printed Emails Longer than the Bible[/h]Clinton asked staffers to ‘Pls print’ supportive tweets, notes, shopping lists

Wikimedia Commons

BY: Bill McMorris
December 10, 2015 5:01 am

Hillary Clinton could have printed the Bible and then some with all of the paper she used to print out fawning emails, news coverage, and shopping lists, according to aWashington Free Beacon analysis.
Clinton ordered underlings to print out more than 500 emails and articles during her four-year tenure as secretary of state. On a typical day, staffers, friends, insiders,thought leaders, and activists, includingGigli star Ben Affleck, would send emails about their pet issues, offering analysis, or giving Clinton praise. The frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination would then forward the message or article to an underling with orders to “Pls print.”
On April 6, 2010, the advertising executive in charge of rebranding Hillary 2.0 for the 2016 campaign emailed Clinton to share his thoughts of her performance as secretary of state. The email—the subject line of which was “Hi sis. My name is Roy Spence and I love you and”—reads as follows:
I miss you a lot. And I have no idea how you keep on keeping on doing whatever it takes to lift people-everywhere up- championing your Core Purpose of Fighting and digging deep for the opportunity for each person to be able to live up to their God Given Potential. Here and Around the world. The struggle for an Iran that is more concerned about its people than false power. The relentless quest to stabilize the un-stable. The never give up journey to inspire and empower women and young girls to have a seat at the table of full opportunity. The pursuit for opening doors of happiness for those who struggle with the unimaginable. The steady. The Steadfast. The unwavering commitment to the dream-not the hope-but the dream of a better USA and world for all. The tough and uncompromising ‘pretend leaders’ whom you have negotiate with. The opinion rich and caring poor arrogance of the mean spirited. The stuff that is on the news but is not really the real news. The love and respect you give freely to all whom love life and liberty and opportunity for all. The raw respect that you have earned in the trenches of real fears, real love and real longing for a village that is Dedicated to raising a village and its children. So I say to a beloved and dear love one-that be you-I love you. I respect you. I miss you. I cherish every moment of our remarkable journey together. God Speed. Dear Sis. We shall cross paths soon. And until then. Onward in all things.
“Pls print,” Clinton said in an email to an aide three days later. She left the same instructions for staffers when Spence emailed one month later to start up “HRC University,” a knock off of famed world class Trump University.
“To empower people everywhere with knowledge, purpose and passion so that they are destined-not lucky-to fully develop their God-given talents. We are in the Full Potential Business-here and around the world,” Spence said.
A Free Beacon review of every “Pls print” email by the State Department estimates that she would have used 1,849 pieces of paper to print out all of the materials requested—enough paper to print out a standard Bible and Clinton’s second memoir, Hard Choices.
Those estimates come from the page breaks in the emails, as well as the Print pages of news articles linked therein. The list is not yet complete, as the State Department has only released over 60 percent of the 55,000 pages of emails she delivered—in paper form—to the State Department.
The 1,849 pages are the minimum amount of paper needed to handle Clinton’s frequent requests. Many of the messages were cut off because they contained classified material, while others contained reading material with missing links or attached documents, which were not disclosed in the State Department releases. In some instances, staffers responded to her printing instructions by acknowledging that they printed out back-up copies, as well.
The analysis also does not take into consideration whether Clinton, 68, required larger print in order to spare her eyes the strain of reading.
On Feb. 21, 2011, Clinton’s 2008 speechwriter Lissa Muscatine forwarded her a Salon article offering tips on how Clinton can argue that she is a real pro-life politician while continuing to support abortion up to the point of birth. Clinton forwarded the email to an underling, saying “Pls print in bigger print.”
Clinton’s habit of printing out emails, notes, inspirational Maya Angelou and Ruth Bader Ginsburgquotes, supportive memes about “the Bosslady,” supportive tweets, and articles may put her at odds with the environmentalist movement she is championing in her 2016 run.
On June 24, 2011, President Bill Clinton Chief of Staff Thomas “Mack” McLarty emailed Hillary Chief of Staff Heather Mills to alert her to an invitation from The Nature Conservancy. “Pls print,” she said the following day. The conservancy was a featured guest at the 2011 Clinton Global Initiative months later and continues to support CGI and the foundation. It also recommends that employers go green by cutting back on their paper use and printing.
Clinton’s own emails had reminders of the environmental damage caused by printing. Retired Navy Admiral Bill Owens, the Guardian newspaper, and representatives from the Yemeni and UAEembassies sent messages to Clinton saying, “Please consider the environment before printing this email.” Printing out all of those pages left a sizable carbon footprint. Printer company HP’s online calculator estimates that Clinton used 405 pounds of energy and CO2 emissions, enough to drive agas-guzzling Hummer H2 more than 275 miles. The 148 kilowatt hours required to print all of that paper would be enough to power Al Gore’s Tennessee mansion for almost six hours.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Muslim Cleric with Clinton Ties Taken to Court for False Imprisonment[/h]Followers of Muslim leader accused of running cult donated up to $1 million to Clinton Foundation

Fethullah Gülen / screenshot from YouTube

BY: Adam Kredo
December 10, 2015 5:00 am

An Islamic Turkish religious leader whose followers have donated up to $1 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation is being taken to court on charges that he is using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund a reclusive cult that is indoctrinating U.S. children and silencing critics by force, according to a copy of the legal complaint filed Wednesday in a U.S. District Court.
Fethullah Gülen, a Muslim cleric whose movement has been described by critics as cult-like, stands accused of using hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds to establish more than 120 charter schools in the United States that are used to proselytize and indoctrinate American youths.
Gülen and his followers have long been accused of using these schools to brainwash children and hold hostage scores of Turkish immigrants who come to the United States on visas to teach at these institutions. The Turkish government has accused the movement of corruption and, in the past, has banned some of the cleric’s publications.
The court filing, a copy of which was obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, alleges that Gülen and his followers have “falsely imprisoned” Turkish individuals who spoke out against the movement. It further accuses Gülen of violating U.S. law by ordering his affiliates in Turkey to unlawfully detain these critics.
Patrick Egan, a Philadelphia-based lawyer who is leading the action, claimed in a press conference Wednesday that Gülen has placed at least three individuals “in incarceration without proper evidence.”
Gülen, who lives in rural eastern Pennsylvania, is accused in the suit of using “his well-placed religious followers residing in Turkey to launch a targeted campaign of persecution against a different religious group in Turkey that resulted in the arbitrary and prolonged detention” of at least three plaintiffs involved in the case, according to the complaint.
They are seeking a jury trial to adjudicate these allegations.
Robert Amsterdam, another attorney involved in the suit, alleged that Gülen and his followers are “proselytizing with taxpayer funds” and using their status to exert influence in U.S. political elections.
Followers of Gülen, who is touted by some as a moderate Muslim, have been prolific supporters of the Clinton Foundation, according to reports that individuals linked to the movement have given somewhere between $500,000 and $1 million to the foundation in recent months. The religious leader is believed to control about $25 billion in assets.
One prominent Gülen follower, Recep Ozkan, is reported to have served as a national finance co-chair on a pro-Clinton political action committee, the Daily Caller reported.
Diplomatic cables published by Wikileaks documented Hillary Clinton’s involvement with the organization.
“Hillary Clinton is known to have attended [Gülen] events in the US, including a September 2007 Ramadan breakfast organised by the Gulenist Turkish Cultural Center in New York City,” accordingto one 2009 email sent from an official of the global intelligence firm Stratfor.
Amsterdam said that these contributions to Clinton and others potentially violate the law and called on Clinton to return money accepted from Gülen.
State-level lawmakers also have come under scrutiny for accepting all-expense paid trips to Turkey that are orchestrated by the Gülen movement. An investigation by USA Today determined that at least 200 members of Congress and their staffers also partook in these trips.
Amsterdam, during the press conference, labeled Gülen’s political contributions as “systematically illegal” and noted that Sen. Ayotte (R., N.H.) recently returned a $43,000 contribution to her campaign donated by the movement.
“In addition to using his position in the U.S. as a base from which to direct attacks against his opponents back in Turkey, Muhammed Fethullah Gülen has used his network to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars in potentially illegal political donations to U.S. presidential campaigns and Members of Congress,” he told the Free Beacon. “Every candidate or official who received these questionable donations should follow the lead of Senator Kelly Ayotte and return them until the charges against Mr. Gülen and his network are fully investigated.”
The Gülen movement “appears they may be one of the largest for interveners in American political activity,” according to Amsterdam.
“The political contributions that went to candidates on both sides of the aisle, including what appears to be massive contributions” to organizations affiliated with various candidates,” appears to come mainly from Gülen’s teachers, who Amsterdam claims “were forced to give back income to the movement,” Amersterdam said at the press conference.
“We have information that anywhere from 10 to 40 percent of the income goes back to the movement in one form or another” in order “to further the political influence in the U.S,” he said.
In addition to accusations of poor living conditions for many immigrant teachers, Gülen’s schools have further come under scrutiny of failing to uphold minimum U.S. educational standards.
Amsterdam questioned “why American students are being allowed to be proselytized by a foreign religious body on American soil with American taxpayer money,” and expressed anger at why “the U.S. government with notice from 2005 to today has done so little about it.”


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Hillary just can’t help it. It’s in her DNA.

Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire: Hillary Clinton still insists she didn’t tell the grieving families of the Benghazi victims that an anti-Islam video was to blame.

Yet family members say she said just that, three days after the attack, at the Sept. 14, 2012, ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base.

George Stephanopoulos asked her Sunday if she’d told the victims it was about the film. Clinton gave a flat “no.”

She added: “I said very clearly there had been a terrorist group, uh, that had taken responsibility on Facebook.

At least four family members disagree.

Tyrone Woods’ father said he hugged Clinton and shook her hand. Then “she said we are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of my son. She said ‘the filmmaker who was responsible for the death of your son.”

Sean Smith’s mother said Hillary is “absolutely lying. She said it was because of the video.” Smith’s uncle backs her up.

Glen Doherty’s sister agreed: “When I think back now to that day and what she knew, it shows me a lot about her character that she would choose in that moment to basically perpetuate what she knew was untrue.”

“What she knew” refers to Clinton’s words to daughter Chelsea the night of the assault and the next day to Egypt’s prime minister, which made it plain the secretary of state knew full well that a terror group had long planned the attack.

The lie’s even in her words at the Sept. 14 ceremony: “We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with.”

Just why the administration united around this lie is another editorial. The disgrace here is Clinton’s refusal to admit her role — even pushing the fib to “comfort” the bereaved.

Stiff as the competition is, this has to count as her lowest-down, dirtiest lie of all.

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Benghazi hero’s sis rips Hillary Clinton[/h]
She knows that she knew what happened that day and she wasn’t truthful,” Kate Quigley said on Boston Herald Radio’s “Morning Meeting” show yesterday. “This is a woman that will do and say anything to get what she wants. I have very little respect for her. I know what she said to me and she can say all day long that she didn’t say it. That’s her cross to bear.”

The fresh outrage thrusts Clinton’s top Bay State backers, U.S. Sen. Edward J. Markey and U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch — who have worked tirelessly to retrieve Doherty’s wartime benefits for Quigley and her family — into a political pickle as they hit the campaign trail for the Demo*cratic front-runner.

Neither Markey — who filed a bill in Doherty’s honor yesterday — nor Lynch responded to multiple requests for comment about renewed concerns about Clinton’s actions and whether she could have done more to protect the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
A new email indicates that the Pentagon reached out to Clinton’s office to offer military help — an offer that may have prevented
 Doherty’s death, as well as the deaths of his CIA co-worker 
Ty Woods, U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Nicki Minaj. if this thread didn't die a long time ago....but Sheriff Dear gives it the final nail in the coffin.

You wackjobs are an embarrassment

Sep 21, 2004
Nicki Minaj. if this thread didn't die a long time ago....but Sheriff Dear gives it the final nail in the coffin.

You wackjobs are an embarrassment

I hear Lady Gaga is going over the issues as we speak, and trying to connect the dots before coming to her momentous decision. Mariah Carey is reading all she can on Benghazi. Taylor Swift 's big announcement should be any day now. :ohno:

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