Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^I have said it before and I will say it again, the Clinton Foundation is being scrutinized big time and for good reason.

from the above: According to its corporate records, Fondo Acceso is registered in Colombia as a “simplified stock corporation,” which legal experts said precludes it from doing business as a private equity fund.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Post-Paris Fox News Poll: The Hildabeast loses to...EVERYONE!

By Kyle Balluck

Six GOP presidential candidates would beat Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup, according to a Fox News poll released Sunday.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) would do best against Clinton, 50 to 42 percent, pollsters found.Billionaire Donald Trump, retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie would also win hypothetical elections, according to the new poll, taken after more than 100 people were killed and more than 300 others injured in a wave of terrorist attacks in Paris.

Clinton and former businesswoman Carly Fiorina would tie with 42 percent each.

Trump remains the GOP front-runner with 28 percent support from likely Republican primary voters in the new poll.

Carson has 18 percent while Cruz and Rubio are tied at 14 percent apiece. No other GOP candidate had more than 3 percent support.

The poll, conducted Nov. 16-19, has a 3 percent margin of error for all registered voters and a 4.5 percent margin of error for Republican primary voters.



New member
Oct 29, 2010
Post-Paris Fox News Poll: The Hildabeast loses to...EVERYONE!

By Kyle Balluck

Six GOP presidential candidates would beat Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in a head-to-head matchup, according to a Fox News poll released Sunday.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) would do best against Clinton, 50 to 42 percent, pollsters found.Billionaire Donald Trump, retired pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie would also win hypothetical elections, according to the new poll, taken after more than 100 people were killed and more than 300 others injured in a wave of terrorist attacks in Paris.

Clinton and former businesswoman Carly Fiorina would tie with 42 percent each.

Trump remains the GOP front-runner with 28 percent support from likely Republican primary voters in the new poll.

Carson has 18 percent while Cruz and Rubio are tied at 14 percent apiece. No other GOP candidate had more than 3 percent support.

The poll, conducted Nov. 16-19, has a 3 percent margin of error for all registered voters and a 4.5 percent margin of error for Republican primary voters.

cockingasnook()w-thumbs!^cheersgif setting themselves up to be spectacularly wrong again. Only poll that shows trump beating poll. They are settin up the old folks that watch fox for another rough November Election Day.

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Roger Stone: New Media Holding Hillary Accountable for Arming ISIS, Putting Americans in Danger[/h]


Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

by TONY LEE23 Nov 2015108
[h=2]Political strategist and author Roger Stone says the rise of new media outlets such Breitbart News and cable television will prevent the mainstream media from giving President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton a pass for enabling ISIS’s rise and putting Americans in danger.[/h]Stone, the author of The Clintons’ War on Women, told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on Monday’s Breitbart News Daily (6-9AM ET on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125), that “America is in danger” and the ISIS terror threat reveals the “the wide dichotomy between the American media and the American people.”
“Thank goodness for cable television,” Stone said. “Thank goodness for the Breitbarts of this world… We have an alternative media that is vigorous, and it’s growing every day.”
He said that when there were just three television networks in the 1960s, “they said Oswald killed Kennedy and there was no alternative theory that was ever allowed to be examined.”
“So it is with ISIS,” Stone said. “You have the New York Times and the three networks parroting the administration line.”
On Monday, President Barack Obama even asked the media to help get out the administration’s spin on terrorism, which would have been a lot easier in a world in which there were only three networks that served as gatekeepers.
Stone said that “this is not some abstract concept,” but since 9/11 happened a long time ago, “unfortunately people forget” and “their views soften… they begin to believe that we are safe again.”
“And we have an administration in Washington and a proposed successor—because Hillary would merely be the continuation of Barack Obama—who just are not taking the threat seriously,” he declared.
Stone said Obama and Clinton are too concerned—as they were in Benghazi—with the “atmospherics” and “not concerned enough about American lives and security.”
He also hoped that “we’re now going to get into a discussion about who armed ISIS and why ISIS even exists.”
“Hillary Clinton armed ISIS,” Stone said. “She is the one, who in her haste to overturn [Syrian President Bashir al-] Assad, gave no thought to who we were giving weapons to.”
Stone said that though “Clinton is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS,” she is “going to act like somebody else did that.”
He blasted Clinton for knocking off our allies and funding radicals in the Middle East “in the hopes that they would foment democracy of all things… and instead we are ending up facing our own guns… the guns in the regimes that we put in place.”
“It’s the failed architecture of a foreign policy that must be laid directly at the foot of Hillary Clinton,” Stone said.
He said that “only through two things—a vigorous, rising conservative media and…Citizens United” can the mainstream media be challenged.
Stone pointed out that without the Citizens United decision, “only the Clintons would have political money. Only the political dynasties would have political money, and advertising is speech.”
He added that the “really extraordinary” recent terror attacks are “radically changing the political agenda in the United States overnight” and “changing and roiling the presidential race.”
Stone said the recent acts of terrorism will be “a big boost in the Republican side to Donald Trump,
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

” and “to those candidates who are not afraid to call out radical Islamic extremism as the real enemy of the United States.” And he praised Trump in particular for “putting forward some harsh measures that may be necessary to save this country” and being the “one candidate who isn’t afraid to pin this right where it belongs—on Hillary Clinton.”He pointed out that because of Citizens United, Trump and his supporters can compete with the media. Stone said Trump can write a $100 million check tomorrow, for instance, to “counterpoint” those who say he is wrong and out of line. Stone also pointed out that Trump—because of his celebrity—”is able to issues into the mainstream that would never make the mainstream otherwise, that have been roundly ignored.” And that is why Trump may be an effective agent in holding Obama and Hillary accountable on terrorism.
Stone added that, for instance, though there was a “giant uproar” when Trump demanded to see President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, “nobody can deny that he gets a debate… he gets it examined in the public realm.”

Sep 21, 2004
Former Benghazi Committee Staff Member Sues Rep. Trey Gowdy for Defamation

Maj. Bradley Podliska alleges lawmaker and committee staff made ‘numerous false allegations to multiple national news outlets’

House Benghazi committee Chairman Trey Gowdy at a news conference after former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton testified on Capitol Hill in Washington in October. PHOTO: SHAWN THEW/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY


Updated Nov. 23, 2015 4:57 p.m. ET12 COMMENTS

WASHINGTON—A former staff member on the House Benghazi committee is suing the committee’s chairman for defamation, alleging he made false and reckless statements to the news media denigrating him.
In a suit filed Monday in federal court, former committee investigator Maj. Bradley Podliska alleges that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) and committee staff made “numerous false allegations to multiple national news outlets” after he announced his intention to sue the panel earlier this year over his termination from the committee.
“We intend to hold the Benghazi committee accountable,” said Joe Napiltonia, Maj. Podliska’s lead counsel in a statement.
The defamation allegation against Mr. Gowdy is the latest twist in the ongoing political drama over the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is investigating the deadly 2012 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.
Maj. Podliska’s suit accuses the committee of firing him from his position for fulfilling his commitment as a reservist in the Air Force, which Maj. Podliska’s lawyers say violated his rights under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.
Jamal Ware, a spokesman for the Republican majority on the Benghazi Committee, called the claims in the lawsuit meritless. “We reiterate that the committee did not and does not discriminate or retaliate based on military service, military status or any other unlawful factor,” he said. “We are confident that once all the facts are known—should this case be permitted to proceed—we will be fully exonerated.”
Since the committee’s inception in 2014, Democrats have been sharply critical of its investigation, alleging that it is a political exercise designed to harm Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Maj. Podliska, who describes himself as a conservative Republican, has emerged as a high-profile critic of the committee in recent months.
In interviews earlier this year and in the lawsuit, Maj. Podliska charges that the committee’s work was focused on Mrs. Clinton and the State Department—and deemphasized “the other agencies that were involved in the Benghazi attack and the aftermath of the attack.”
“I knew that we needed to get the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth—whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in October. “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth, and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”
Republicans say the committee has unearthed new information on the Obama administration’s handling of the 2012 attacks, which left four Americans dead, including a U.S. ambassador.
Mr. Gowdy previously said in a statement that Maj. Podliska was terminated for “deficient performance” and mishandling classified information—not for taking leave to fulfill his military commitment.
In the lawsuit, Maj. Podliska denies mishandling classified information and says that statement by Mr. Gowdy was false and defamatory.
“Chairman Gowdy knew that the aforementioned public statements he made to the media, including the allegation that Plaintiff mishandled classified information, were false, or he was reckless in disregard to the truth or falsity of those statements,” the complaint charges.
Maj. Podliska is seeking reinstatement on the committee staff, along with lost wages and damages. He is also seeking an injunction to stop Mr. Gowdy from repeating statements that he says are false.
The committee last held a public hearing in October, when Mrs. Clinton appeared on Capitol Hill for nearly 11 hours to testify about the 2012 attack. The Republican-led panel says it hopes to write a final report by early next year.
Members of Congress are generally immune from defamation lawsuits when performing their legislative duties under the speech or debate clause of the Constitution.
The Supreme Court ruled in 1979 that a U.S. Senator issuing a press release or speaking to the media was not immune from a defamation claim. But since that lawsuit, Congress has made it more difficult to sue members of Congress for defamation—though it hasn’t been extensively tested in court.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump posts video of Clinton laughing over Benghazi flames

By Jesse Byrnes

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump's latest video, posted online Monday, portrays Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton laughing over flaming images of the Benghazi attack.

"Hillary has been having a laugh at our expense for years," reads text at the beginning of the video, followed immediately with a series of video clips of the former secretary of State chuckling.

Clinton's laughter can be heard while several news clips fly across the screen highlighting several controversies, from Whitewater to the recent federal investigation into her private email arrangement while at State.

The final clip of Clinton laughing — taken from her testimony on Capitol Hill last month before the House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya — is overlaid on burning images from the attack, which left four Americans dead.

Her laughing in the video jumps to text to finish the ad: "Don't let the joke be on us!"

Clinton's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Rep. Trey Gowdy is Being Sued by Former Benghazi Committee Investigator[/h]
Michael Cantrell
November 23, 2015 5:59 pm


  • [*=center]SHARES181
Rep. Trey Gowdy, head of the Benghazi Committee, is being sued by a former GOP investigator.
This is going to be very interesting.
From TheBlaze:
Air Force Reserve Maj. Bradley Podliska, who has also accused the committee of conducting a “witch hunt” against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the investigations, filed a complaint in federal court Monday alleging that Gowdy made false statements about him after Podliska warned last month that he planned to sue the committee for wrongful termination.
Podliska was fired as committee staffer, according to the panel, for mishandling classified information and misbehavior, according to Politico. However, Podliska contests that he was unlawfully fired because he attempted to conduct a comprehensive probe into the Benghazi attacks instead of focusing solely on the State Department and Clinton — the two things he claims the committee was solely focused on after it was revealed that Clinton used a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
The former investigator, who has complained that the committee has moved too slowly, also accused the House Committee of participating in improper extracurricular activities such as “Wine Wednesdays.”
Gowdy and the rest of the committee have denied Podliska’s accusations.
I find this guy’s complaints strange, as the behavior he’s accusing Gowdy of participating in goes completely against the kind of man the South Carolina representative has appeared to be over the last few years.
It’s entirely possible this is just someone upset who has an axe to grind, or an attempt to smear Gowdy’s name, and there’s always the highly unlikely chance it’s actually true.
If it’s not, this guy is picking a fight with the wrong dude and is likely to get chewed up and spit out in a massively embarrassing — yet awesomely epic — way in front of the whole country.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Keep in mind that nobody ever connects Hillary to any kind of major contributions during her political career. However Benghazi highlights all the mistakes she has made during that time. Her attempts to down play that even including lying to the deceeased's family's about the video is what she is all about. If she was a hunter she would spend more time covering up her tracks then she would tracking down her prey. Accomodating Bill's secret sex life simply to prop her her political ambitions says a lot. It goes on and one.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Hillary and the mystery of the vanishing woman who decided which of her emails were to be erased: Key aide has not taken up expected campaign role

  • Heather Samuelson was tasked with going through Hillary Clinton's emails and decided which should be made public and which deleted
  • Samuelson was supposed to take a job at the campaign and even relocated to New York, but things got 'complicated'
  • Her role in the ongoing email scandal is being scrutinized by Senate Judiciary Chair Chuck Grassley who wants to know if she had an appropriate security clearance
  • More news on Hillary Clinton's campaign at
PUBLISHED: 16:01 EST, 23 November 2015 | UPDATED: 03:20 EST, 24 November 2015
166View comments​

Heather Samuelson was the Clinton aide who was tasked to go through the former secretary of state's emails and then, later on, was to take a job with the 2016 campaign.
But, according to Politico, Samuelson made the move – from Washington, D.C. to New York, as Clinton's campaign is headquartered in Brooklyn – but never started her campaign job.
'She moved to Brooklyn to work on the campaign, but then things got really complicated,' a friend of Samuelson's told Politico, asking to not be named.
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Heather Samuelson (left) was tasked with sifting through Hillary Clinton's (right) emails and then was supposed to take a job at the campaign, but, according to Politico, things got 'complicated'



Hillary Clinton's email scandal has gotten the attention of Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley who's aimed his ire at Heather Samuelson, an aide who sorted through Clinton's emails, and Huma Abedin

According to Politico, Samuelson was supposed to work for the campaign and vet senior level hires.
Samuelson did appear among the staffers that accompanied Clinton to her 11-hour testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.
'Heather Samuelson has been and is one of former Secretary Clinton's personal attorneys,' Clinton attorney David Kendall told
He wouldn't expand his comments beyond that and wouldn't say whether Samuelson was technically working for the campaign.
Before the New York City move, Samuelson had been a 2008 campaign staffer before becoming a senior adviser to Clinton at the State Department.
She was the person assigned to screen Clinton's emails and decide which ones should be handed over to the government.
Her role in the ongoing Clinton email scandal is once again being highlighted because Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, sent her a letter last Wednesday asking about her security clearance.
'It is not clear what level of security clearance you had at the different stages of this process, if any,' Grassley wrote, referring to the email sorting.
The Iowa senator mentioned how the FBI took the emails out of the hands of Clinton's attorney Kendall, who had a Top Secret clearance issued through the State Department, because even that level was 'insufficient to allow him to maintain custody of the emails,' Grassley explained.




Sen. Chuck Grassley (left) has been looking into Clinton aides including Huma Abedin (right) who had a 'special government status' that allowed her to work both inside and outside of the State Department, which Grassley is calling a conflict of interest

Using this same line of thinking, Grassley wrote, 'it is imperative to confirm when, how, and why you, and any of your associates, received a security clearance in connection with your work on behalf of Secretary Clinton and whether it was active while you had custody of Secretary Clinton's emails.'
Grassley said it was 'imperative' to understand Samuelson's background as she was the chief decider on which emails became public record and which were considered personal to the secretary and deleted.
Attached to the letter, Grassley included 19 numbered questions, some with multiple parts, that he wanted answered for the judiciary committee, giving Samuelson a deadline of Dec. 1.
So far, there's been no indication by the committee that she's replied.
Grassley has been sniffing around Clintonland for quite some time now.
Also in his crosshairs, since 2013, has been top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, the wife of disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, whose 'special government employee' status allowed her to simultaneously keep working at the State Department, while also taking a paycheck from Teneo, a corporate advisory firm linked to the Clintons.
This arrangement also allowed Abedin to do work for the Clinton Foundation.
Grassley considered this to be a conflict of interest, while Abedin's lawyer and the Clinton camp have pushed back and said she did nothing wrong, as these arrangements are fairly typical. Democrats, and Clinton-aligned groups like Correct the Record, have criticized Grassley more broadly as well, suggesting that his investigations are deeply partisan and part of the Republican plan to derail the former secretary of state's White House ambitions.
They point to a former Grassley aide, Emilia DiSanto, who now works for the State Department, suggesting that she's been leaking information to her former boss so that he can go after Clinton's people.
'You know the saying, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then it's a duck,' said Correct the Record head Brad Woodhouse to the Hill newspaper. 'We believe she's passing along information to Grassley to hurt Huma .. and to hurt Secretary Clinton. Would [Grassley] be interested in this issue if Hillary Clinton wasn't running for president?'
Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid also blasted his colleague on the Senate floor over the investigations of Clinton.
'How much taxpayer money is Sen. Grassley wasting on this anti-Hillary Clinton campaign?' Reid said. 'He should be willing to tell us about his committee resources that are being used to investigate Hillary Clinton.'
For a time, Grassley was holding up a number of State Department nominations too, but on that he's relaxed, now just holding onto three senior positions, as he waits for more questions about the Clinton emails to be answered.

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Sep 21, 2004

[h=1]New Clinton emails contradict Benghazi testimony[/h]
A new batch of Hillary Clinton's emails made public Monday by the State Department indicate the former secretary of state was worried about whether she had overplayed the administration's Benghazi narrative, blaming the attack on a demonstration over a YouTube clip, less than two weeks after four Americans at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi were killed.

Oh well. Her testimony is still classified as a huge win, right Guesser?

Sep 22, 2007
Hey, Righty Scum, how come so many of you turds are babbling about Hillary's e-mails, but didn't say jack shit about that scum Romney having his employees destroy thousands of e-mails when he was done as governor?

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Henry: Indication Of More Classified Information Contained In Hillary Clinton’s Emails[/h]SHARE

BY: Daniel Bassali
November 30, 2015 5:18 pm

The State Department released another batch of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server, and with that more indications Clinton possessed classified information on her unsecured private account according to Ed Henry.
“The bigger picture, the broader point here is Hillary Clinton back in March said no classified information on this server and as we continue to see the drip-drip there are indications, of course, that there are dozens of those emails already come out that did have classified information,” Henry said.
Politico reported that between 200 and 300 emails were marked classified by the State Department from their October release, bringing the total number of messages now deemed classified between600 and 700.
At the onset of her email scandal, Clinton assured the American people that there was no classified information sent or received on her private email address. She guaranteed that no sensitive information would be found on her server, and forcefully pushed back against accusations that her email set up was a national security risk.
After a CIA review revealed at least two emails on Clinton’s server possessed top-secret information, the Clinton campaign adjusted their story. Their new position was Clinton did not send or receive anything marked classified at the time.
“I did not send or receive any information marked classified. I take the responsibilities of handling classified materials very seriously and did so,” Clinton said in response to the story.
State Department spokesperson John Kirby echoed the Clinton campaign’s talking points last month, pointing out that of the hundreds of messages now labeled classified, none of them “were marked classified at the time they were sent or received.”
Clinton’s email fiasco has plagued her campaign since her announcement. During the summer months, the Democratic frontrunner suffered her worst favorability rating ever because a majority of Americans do not believe she is honest or trustworthy.
“That has been an issue for this campaign and will no doubt continue to be one,” Henry said.


New member
Jan 16, 2013
difference between DT & Mrs. Clinton:

Trump actually draws crowds. Hillary sweeps in, privately meets with a couple of local billionaires,
has a photo op with a tranny activist, and cocktails with the state BLM coordinator. Maybe, if your
lucky, she'll say a few words at the local left wing college in front of 100 people or so. But no questions
afterwards! And back to the private jet!

She'll have a billion in the general election warchest --- half from foreign sources.
China will pick up another 10 years on us in military technology during her administration.
Hey, that's just how dem dems roll.

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