Common mistake made by many posters at this site.


Sep 21, 2004
then that's your mistake, people who think they're going to earn a living or supplement their income are in for a rude awakening

gambling is much better when you're just having fun
You are a wize man, keep it fun and you will last for a while. I have been at this for over fifty years and only two
kind of people make money at this. The book and the tout, I have been both. What gets me is they talk shit about
touts and books.But bookie report, service play forum and newletters have the most hits.

Nov 25, 2006

We get the lecture from the resident expert and he follows it up with an 0-6 and tried to hide the one loss.


This thread should be pinned

Dec 13, 2007
comical how bad the enforcement here his anymore...when giving opinion opens you up to ridicule, scorn and taunts in NFL games forum you have a problem with your site....who'd post anymore besides the few left or better yet who'd join looking from the outside....

well done team RX

RX 25 to life
Nov 7, 2004
Big Lou WTF didnt the shrink an fishhead call you out 30 years ago about your scaming ways

Nov 25, 2006
Big Lou WTF didnt the shrink an fishhead call you out 30 years ago about your scaming ways
What exactly am I doing that makes you think I'm a scammer???

Sep 20, 2017
comical how bad the enforcement here his anymore...when giving opinion opens you up to ridicule, scorn and taunts in NFL games forum you have a problem with your site....who'd post anymore besides the few left or better yet who'd join looking from the outside....

well done team RX
I think criticizing his record keeping is fine he made mistakes
Debating his opinions and picks is fine
Is something is valid than it is valid or it is not
I don't care much for the bashing just because someone loses though

Sep 17, 2010
I think criticizing his record keeping is fine he made mistakes
Debating his opinions and picks is fine
Is something is valid than it is valid or it is not
I don't care much for the bashing just because someone loses though
I look at G-Man's write ups and there sometimes is some valid info, but he also makes some inaccurate, invalid points. I look them over and decide for myself, better than, respectfully, the handicapping posters who just put up their picks and keep tabs of the results.

But trolls that attack him 24/7 are not good for this board, trolls have pushed a lot of top notch posters off, AND there are some good knowledgeable people who have been on this board for over 10 years and look at it but do not post, ever, lest the trolls attack.

Some posters here attack because of conflicting political views from the political forum, some are mature enough to not do so.

Again, moderators should allow posters (OP's) to ban certain other troll type posters from their posts, not just ignore, but not allow them to post on their threads for others to read. ekg, seer, Kojak (though he came back for awhile), and others might be more interested in posting here again.

Dec 13, 2007
I think criticizing his record keeping is fine he made mistakes
Debating his opinions and picks is fine
Is something is valid than it is valid or it is not
I don't care much for the bashing just because someone loses though
"Opinion" being pick his record this weekend....
Whatever..if this were my shop I'd understand bashing someones weekend or season within the given pick forum is bad business.

The betting "amount $$$$" bashing is stupid as well...
I spent last week dealing with this shit.....

Jan 12, 2019
I’ve said many times I don’t care about what he picks and why. His records speak for themselves. If the record gets fudged which it has a time or two, it should be called out though.

I call out Bs when I see it, and 90 percent if not more of what he says about vegas and lines is exactly that. I don’t consider calling out that type of stuff bashing.

also as I’ve said. When you make outlashish posts and remarks and then following it up with an 0-7. Expect some backlash.

Jan 12, 2019
I look at G-Man's write ups and there sometimes is some valid info, but he also makes some inaccurate, invalid points. I look them over and decide for myself, better than, respectfully, the handicapping posters who just put up their picks and keep tabs of the results.

But trolls that attack him 24/7 are not good for this board, trolls have pushed a lot of top notch posters off, AND there are some good knowledgeable people who have been on this board for over 10 years and look at it but do not post, ever, lest the trolls attack.

Some posters here attack because of conflicting political views from the political forum, some are mature enough to not do so.

Again, moderators should allow posters (OP's) to ban certain other troll type posters from their posts, not just ignore, but not allow them to post on their threads for others to read. ekg, seer, Kojak (though he came back for awhile), and others might be more interested in posting here again.
I agree with the bold as well. Being able to “lock your own thread” would help.

but again rhe person in the question interjected himself into this conversation so it’s fair game. I do agree just going into a picks thread or a game discussion thread and just clogging it up with non sense isn’t good.

however I say again, when you make outlandish comments, talk down to people, and your record can’t back it up… you open yourself up to ridicule. I’ve never seen anyone bashed for quietly posting picks or opinions win or lose.

Dec 18, 2017
I’ve said many times I don’t care about what he picks and why. His records speak for themselves. If the record gets fudged which it has a time or two, it should be called out though.
Every tally was corrected. Both of them in 2 years. There was never anything posted inaccurately with intent. Thats one reason why your were banned - among many. Yet thats all you keep talking about... banning you once wasn't enough for you. Likely more to come.
OOOOOOHhhhhh. G-Man posted an incorrect win-loss count two times in 2 years...OOOOOOHhhhh.

Lets not forget that you are the guy full of BS.
Nothing I ever quoted about Points Spreads and Masses being moved with the lines from betting history is wrong. You just have to argue for the sake of arguing.
That alone is what is escapes you - and just because you are a conditioned believer in what you know nothing about makes you right.

You dont like being challenged and repeatedly being shown that you are wrong.
Its still amazing to me how any person (YOU) could come here and post a line of SHIT like they have "Connections" to the Georgia football program insider crap that guarantees a ML win only on a game over Ohio State!

Like I said for the Georgia/TCU game to you...What happened to your insider "Connections" when you had no guarantee on the GA/TCU game?...LOL...Your
source "connections "vanished.
But When I wrote up thatHUGE WIN I predicted with lines and betting history percentages etc, over TCU - which HAPPENED - you were no where to be found...

I did this to your ignorant rant last year as well - when I posted the BIG win with the National Championship GA win over your "homie team" Alabama. But you insisted that I was wrong about spreads a masses then as well and you were wrong again.
I always gave factors with percentages that validated what was happening on both games. You couldn't offer one reason why I was wrong...then BOOM - another exact win...
I posted the same factors on Superbowls That WON.

We've been here before with you on this - and you were one of the biggest hypocrite bashers here, when another poster called his game a LOCK... You of all people, are just a huge hypocrite and bashed him for what you already did by posting your "Connections" game...LOL. At least for that guy who posted a Lock it was all his belief...Not some story about him having "connections" He just stated what he felt that game would be like.

I call out Bs when I see it, and 90 percent if not more of what he says about vegas and lines is exactly that. I don’t consider calling out that type of stuff bashing.
There is no bull shit that you see by me. That only happens when you talk and look in the mirrow at the same time.
You just cant prove me wrong about my betting history and current perceptions of points spreads. Its always vaildated with decades of proven results.

To try and use my record in NFL games gives you a false angle to say Im wrong. Cracks me up how you vultures all hang around for a bad weekend in NFL games and when I went 61 percent for the year on hundreds of college games there is no posts about that. Again I rolled this year again as well in the Bowls .
Stop bringing up my betting factors when you haven't offered one sentence in proof that shows youre right on going against my theory. Youre conditioned by what you think and that all, there is. You can think what you want. But have no way to prove what i say is wrong...
also as I’ve said. When you make outlashish posts and remarks and then following it up with an 0-7. Expect some backlash.
I dont care about anyone remaking about going 0-7. It happens.
But where are your records for winning ever posted. None of you have posted plays.
One (1) game a year isnt posting plays.
You GUESSED on georgia/OSU and made sure it couldn't be blamed on you by claiming it was from "Connections" if it lost which for all practice purposes it was a loss because the 95 percent that took the Georgia game -4.5 ats LOST...LOL.

Youre a 20.20 hindsight complainer... Always after the fact... and making sure to stay way from the winning outcomes...
Last edited:

Jan 12, 2019
All I can do is laugh.

your a posted loser in:
2 years ago cfb
1 year ago cfb
This year you won

your a posted loser in:
2 years ago nfl
1 year ago nfl
This year nfl

your a posted loser in:
2 years ago mlb
1 year ago mlb
You win this year

your a posted loser in 2 years ago cbb and haven’t posted since
9 sports season, 2 winning seasons. You cna pick a winner now and then and when you do you like to remind us of it. But the 0-7 weeks come around way more often than the 1-2 games you win.

all the stuff you spout about vegas, if is true. It’s true you cant pick it, as the OP stated. It’s by far the perfect post of the all the forums.

and again this isn’t bashing the guy, it’s facts that can be looked up. Would you take blackjack advice from someone that couldn’t win at blackjack. Golf lessons from someone that couldn’t shoot 80? So yes when you spout of stuff I had to look at the source. It’s not bashing.

as I’ve said before and will continue to say. I’m a posted winner here. I posted winners in baseball, college football, nfl, and college basketball. You cna go and look. The point isn’t to play 100 games, it’s to win. I’m a posted winner here, something you’ll never be.

enjoy your day and obesssion with me and keep spouting stuff about vegas that no one believes and you can’t prove to be right….

for someone that knows so much about vegas and how it works… sure the hot streak is coming

Dec 18, 2017
Someone is bitter.
Not me. Its the guys who were banned for bashing that are bitter...Thats why they continue to post threads to start this over and over. If youre in that group of the few -GL/

Historical Capping theories are fact based on decades of data that proved it all.

Like Ive said before - If you dont like my picks go read someone else's.

I never said to follow me. There sure were a lot of interest and positive responses with my posts in bases and college.
It the choice of the viewers..
Im Looking forward to next week in NFL.

New member
Sep 18, 2022
As an outside observer, it was bitter. I didn’t even know or still don’t know that this thread was about you? i don’t know the back history, but this thread seemed like a good discussion Until the last few posts. This wasn’t a picks thread. But seemed like most agreed that picking a lot of games wasn’t good unless it was for fun. Quiet a few good points I thought.

Good luck sir.

Jan 18, 2017
As an outside observer, it was bitter. I didn’t even know or still don’t know that this thread was about you? i don’t know the back history, but this thread seemed like a good discussion Until the last few posts. This wasn’t a picks thread. But seemed like most agreed that picking a lot of games wasn’t good unless it was for fun. Quiet a few good points I thought.

Good luck sir.
I don't mind beer money wagers here and there but playing 10 games a week on average and playing every playoff game isn't the recepie to make money in the sports betting NFL world. I've said this before I can make a case for every team in every game and at that point you're just flipping a coin. I've said this before also what happened last week or two/three weeks ago has no bearing on what happens on a week by week basis. Maybe taking into consideration a specific pattern for a QB, defense, etc for a season admittedly carries a little weight though.

I gave G-Man a hard time a few days ago because I didn't agree with what was mentioned in his post and the information that was given for picks. I should have kept that to myself and people be as they are and do their thing. I've made that mistake a few times with a few posters here.

I don't need the attention as some people do in the forum and I need to remind myself of that on occasion. I'm sure people that are in the forum and look for picks know who's legit and who isn't and that's for them to decide.

Of course these are just my opinions. Everyone has one lol

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