CatsoverUnders tearing it up as a tout!!! Did you see his record??


The Miracle Worker
Jul 21, 1999
Cat Shit is a paid poster. Time for the RX to start being honest.
Its an arrangement and he's being compensated. The whole
Gimmick and interaction with the Mods gave it away weeks ago.

Jul 4, 2012
San Francisco 49ers @ Washington Redskins - $56 for $40
OVER 45 (Bought 1.5 points)

After what transpired in that Buccaneers/Lions matchup, the worst bad beat of the season that prevented me from going 5-1 in over/unders yesterday, I’m going to make sure I have this line at 45, as to protect myself in case of the always-possible 24-21 outcome. Although to be honest, I think this is an over that probably doesn’t need the little extra insurance.


Jul 4, 2012
Oh wait, there is more:

Adding another $20 for $15 on OVER 45 (Bought 1 point).

Still thinking about that Moss prop hmmm

Oh well, the flirtation with 60% was fun.

You pissed off all the wrong people cats. Enjoy the decline!


Dec 26, 2010
Check the fuck in you spineless, twat tout. Grab your shovel and dig off some layers of burial so we can hear your spin.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I must apologize, I gave the wrong information for the first half of the MLB Season on his record... This is the correct record.

Matt Zylbert's MLB Picks
Period: 01/01/2013 to 07/16/2013
Pick Type: All Picks
Record: 133-140-14 ( 48.7% , -2026)

So with that said... His "Clients" lost way over 20% (20%-25%) of their bankroll first half of the season IF they paid for a first half for $500.... more if they paid per month or daily (32%-40%).

Can you answer some questions Matt? Or Cats, or whatever you like to be called? I doubt you will, but Ill give it a shot anyways.

1. How much money did you put into your pocket the first half os the season, while your clients were losing their ass?

2. Since the first half you made your clients absolutely nothing, and pretty much raped their bankrolls... did you refund any money that you stole from them? If not, why?

3. Do you honestly think someone would purchase a second half of the season after such an abysmal first half? Do you think we would believe that? I do agree there might be a sucker or two somewhere in the world.

4. Why do you continue to only highlight just 1 part of your record (Second Half: 169-99-16 (63.1%)) Yet you never mention, or highlight the first half, playoffs or ENTIRE season.

5. Since you only barely made 1 set of clients 6% ROI (Those who purchased full seasons).... will those that lost paying for, and following your plays ever see a refund or compensation for the losses they incurred?

6. You stated that in the Playoffs anything can happen, and you aren't confident in your picks. Then why did you continue to sell and put out "Shit" picks to clients who purchased them, knowing you aren't confident in them, and "anything can happen". Shouldn't you have PASSED on these games and not tried to sell anything?

7. Why do you continue to hide from your whole season record, Playoffs, and first half record? Why do you refuse to acknowledge these? They are there... they are part of your record. Why do you try and convince people they don't exist... but you are happy to BOLD and ENLARGE how your second half was?

8. I did a check.. and the FIRST HALF of the season you LED your ENTIRE COMPANY in losses and money lost!! Why arent you highlighting that you led that? How about how you LED in losses and money lost in the MLB Playoffs!!! Why don't you highlight that as well? Since you love to show off when you led your company.... Isnt that another notch to add to your belt?

I doubt you will answer these... but instead we will get another 10 paragraphs of you highlighting your second half of the season record, and how you led the company during that point... yada yada... Or how we are jealous that you stole money from your clients for the first half of the season, and MADE them purchase a second half if they wanted to see any profit (be it a measly 6% for the whole season, -5% to 47% if they purchased monthly or daily).

Here kitty kitty...... Maybe he thinks if he ignores it, it will just go away. Or maybe if he ignores it, it wont exist?

We all know he has come in here and read all of this.... but why has he chosen not to respond or answer the questions?

Sep 14, 2006
I cant believe anyone would ever pay someone for picks that writes so poorly and corny. Its so fake its not very believable. He needs to learn to how write without sounding like a tool bag.

The Miracle Worker
Jul 21, 1999
The Litter Box is starting to stink.........

Obviously the worst smelling Litter Box in the Country, Net, Forums, Sites, Etc

Detailed In-Depth Stench or write-ups, Etc.....all the other catch phrases......LOLZ

Dec 26, 2010
Meeeeeeeeeeoooooow. Where you at pussycat? We know you've read every comment in this thread and want to respond. Spit some sand out and talk, BITCH.

Sep 14, 2006
The mods are a disgrace, they deleted all the posts in his thread today. I posted a legitimate post stating his loss for the week without bashing and they deleted it. What the fuck is going on? I know therx is useless and twitter is where all info is, but thats not right

The Miracle Worker
Jul 21, 1999
The mods are a disgrace, they deleted all the posts in his thread today. I posted a legitimate post stating his loss for the week without bashing and they deleted it. What the fuck is going on? I know therx is useless and twitter is where all info is, but thats not right

I had a reply to Tmoneyy where he criticized the Mods
And I agreed with him and thru in a couple of words for
A couple of Mods. And they deleted it. LOLZ
Apr 6, 2012
Sorry, guys. I have what's called "a life," so I'm not on these forums 24/7 like most of you degenerate losers are, which is why I haven't gotten to responding to some of these posts until now. I got a pretty good chuckle out of, not only some of these comments, but also the fact how a lot of you legitimately obsess over me hour after hour after hour. You do realize this is the Internet, right? You do realize that the majority of you are nothing more than no-name, faceless internet message board characters who are probably nothing in real life, right? I mean, some of you certainly don't have any sort of job, which is why you spend all your free time... on an internet message board. Man, I want to be you guys!

Anyway, here's that "long-awaited" response to some of the burning questions you all have been waiting for (Even though I've addressed every single one of these questions in the past before), but since you guys all love me so much and crave my attention, why not give some of you morons what you want, since let's face it: I am the highlight of your day, after all. How else do you explain all the attention you direct towards me? Alright, let's begin.

Can you answer some questions Matt? Or Cats, or whatever you like to be called? I doubt you will, but Ill give it a shot anyways.

I absolutely can. Shoot.

1. How much money did you put into your pocket the first half os the season, while your clients were losing their ass?

That's a personal question. Next. I have a more important question, actually: Did they end up POSITIVE IN THE BLACK at season's end? Yes they did. So that doesn't matter because you're taking a risk on ANYONE when you're only investing in them from a shorter sample size, rather than the full season when their defining percentage is more appropriate. Thus, that question only applies to idiotic gamblers who don't fully invest in someone over a full season.

2. Since the first half you made your clients absolutely nothing, and pretty much raped their bankrolls... did you refund any money that you stole from them? If not, why?

Lol what? If I'm up over $6,200 in the second half, which is obviously listed on my page and can be tracked from any date and so forth, how would they be "up absolutely nothing?" Haha that's one of the dumbest statements I've ever read on this forum. Nice tout statistics on your end, Mr. Trends. Actually, you're worse than a tout because you warp sentences and points to your own liking without even knowing it! What a dumbass thing to say. And no, I didn't refund any money because I made my clients A LOT of money for the FULL SEASON, so why would I subtract money from my company-leading performance? I did mention I led all of Vegas Insider for the regular season, right? You know, the nationally-renown company that everyone, including you losers, go to for any type of gambling information? Certainly not Covers, I hope, which has the most laughable reputation in our industry (Ha, don't even get me started on them and their "experts" that are always wrong, which is why they don't let you view their season records on their profiles, by the way. Look for yourselves)

3. Do you honestly think someone would purchase a second half of the season after such an abysmal first half? Do you think we would believe that? I do agree there might be a sucker or two somewhere in the world.

Ya got me there. Unexpectedly, no one bought my second half package, but I sold plenty of those $299 monthly packages! Plenty. And it was a wise investment by all of those gentlemen, especially if they caught on as early as possible, when I began my torrid run (41-21-2, 66.1%, +$1854 from July 6 to July 26), and continued that aforementioned run of God-like greatness all the way until the very end of the regular season. So yeah, plenty of $299 monthly packages and $99 weekly packages were sold, not to mention those $299 playoff packages. Unfortunately, those last packages didn't work out (By the way, I never claimed "God-like" for any type of playoff betting; playoff games are just a different beast altogether with countless more variables and potential scenarios), but that's how it works sometimes in postseason betting: Get the game right and just hope it "wins." My clients realized I was getting the games right a lot more times than not, and if unpredictable fluke BS takes over, what can ya do?

4. Why do you continue to only highlight just 1 part of your record (Second Half: 169-99-16 (63.1%)) Yet you never mention, or highlight the first half, playoffs or ENTIRE season.

I do?? Because I've mentioned a thousand times my final regular season record was 281-230-20 (55%).

5. Since you only barely made 1 set of clients 6% ROI (Those who purchased full seasons).... will those that lost paying for, and following your plays ever see a refund or compensation for the losses they incurred?

Geez, how many ways can you ask the same question?? Listen, I was first in the whole company in regular season baseball by a nice margin (Up over $3,000 for the season; only one other was up over $2,000, to put that into perspective). If clients picked the wrong area to invest in me, rather than being smart and doing it for the full season, which is what you should be doing when you invest in someone, how is that my fault? That's why it's called gambling. Streaks are part of the game, which is why a rule of thumb is to put your trust in someone over a full season. Not a difficult concept to understand.

6. You stated that in the Playoffs anything can happen, and you aren't confident in your picks. Then why did you continue to sell and put out "Shit" picks to clients who purchased them, knowing you aren't confident in them, and "anything can happen". Shouldn't you have PASSED on these games and not tried to sell anything?

Woah, woah, woah. Again, you're putting words in my mouth or making up shit, which is what a tout would do. Listen, every pick I put out I have full confidence in. You, or anyone else can say whatever you want about me, but if there's one thing you cannot argue, it is my dedication and my passion for this, and the several hours a day I spent every single freaking day for seven months working hard at this. So you can attack me all you want, but if there's one thing you do not have a case against, it is my work habits in this endeavor. Actually, it's the one thing I respect about you, Trends, because when I read your stuff, I can tell your genuine about the amount of work you put in (Ex. Watching games again on NFL Rewind; I give you credit for that), and at the very least, you guys should be able to see how genuine about the amount of work I put into my own handicapping - especially baseball (Hence the signature 700-word write-ups). So back to the main point: There was never a "shit" pick I put out; I stood 100-percent behind everything I offered, period, and I would HOPE every handicapper out there is like that, because any other attitude on the subject would be absolutely disgraceful.

Oh, and you can't "pass" on games in the postseason when there's one or two games a day! Yeah, "anything can happen" in a playoff game - absolutely. But just like the regular season, I didn't take a single day off (Just like last year here at The RX, and just like in the previous two seasons when I became serious with this), so I certainly wasn't going to take a day off during the postseason, and when you usually only have one game to work with a day, well, you have to work with what you've been given. And unfortunately, there was a lot of fluke-ish stuff going on that was actually widely complained about on various sites. Nothing you can do, if it happens, it happens and you have to move on to the next day

7. Why do you continue to hide from your whole season record, Playoffs, and first half record? Why do you refuse to acknowledge these? They are there... they are part of your record. Why do you try and convince people they don't exist... but you are happy to BOLD and ENLARGE how your second half was?

Huh? Again, I've referred to my WHOLE record multiple times - 281-230-30 - and kept my playoff record - 7-18 - separate because that's how it's supposed to be done. And that's not being "inconsistent" because if you look at ANY OF MY RECORDS ON HERE, I always keep playoffs separate, just like any REAL handicapper does. Playoff records and regular season records should never be combined because they're completely different - it's not even close. And like I said, that's how I've always done it so don't think I'm trying to fudge it. Look at my baseball record here on The RX last year. Notice how playoffs and regular season were kept separate? Notice how my football records this year AND last year are split between regular season and playoffs? It's such a simple concept that I can't believe I have to explain it to you. Again, regular season and playoff records should ALWAYS be kept separate because they're a significantly different entity, especially in baseball. If I'm betting on an over/under that involves Jake Peavy, do you really think regular season Jake Peavy is the same exact thing as postseason Jake Peavy? Are you crazy?

8. I did a check.. and the FIRST HALF of the season you LED your ENTIRE COMPANY in losses and money lost!! Why arent you highlighting that you led that? How about how you LED in losses and money lost in the MLB Playoffs!!! Why don't you highlight that as well? Since you love to show off when you led your company.... Isnt that another notch to add to your belt?

Lol that's news to me, considering they don't keep track of such a stat, so either you're completely making that up, or you actually looked at all 25 or 27 handicappers individual first-half performances (Which probably would have taken a couple of hours)... in which you case you need a life. In any case, why does that matter when at the end of the season, I was the one on top of the whole company after one of the most magical extensive [three-month] runs in recent gambling history? Do you really think 63% three-month DAILY runs grow on trees with -110 bets? Are you serious? Again, the only thing that matters is the END OF THE SEASON numbers, in which, at the very end of the season, I was the one on top of the whole company - in only my first year, by the way. Man, can't wait to see how many $500 packages I sell going into next season!! You'd be wise to invest in one of those, Trends. Based on my beautiful 2013 performance, I should have at least a dozen of those sold :)

I doubt you will answer these... but instead we will get another 10 paragraphs of you highlighting your second half of the season record, and how you led the company during that point... yada yada... Or how we are jealous that you stole money from your clients for the first half of the season, and MADE them purchase a second half if they wanted to see any profit (be it a measly 6% for the whole season, -5% to 47% if they purchased monthly or daily).

I answered them. Happy now?

Now go make positive use of your time and put that towards your football handicapping, because you are a good handicapper and you're above associating yourself with some of the deadbeat losers on here who don't even post plays (tmoney, acebb) or just post plays without unsurprisingly documenting/keeping track of any of their records because they suck (Kevy).

GL this week and have a good Thanksgiving. I hope you and I both excel with our inevitable Thanksgiving bets.
Oct 12, 2013
Still sounds like a tout. Cat thinks the first half of the season should be separate from the second half and not be included with the playoffs. Bets are bets. Cat you went 288-248 (53.7%) (+15.2 units). I went 44-15 in my Baseball totals and my Hockey totals will be much higher that 53.7%. You say that it was unexpected that no one bought your second half package. REALLY??? You lost a ton of money the first half and you refer to people as idiotic if they don't invest with you the second half. Cat is a joke and all things show it, I thought so once but now I know it. :):)

The Miracle Worker
Jul 21, 1999
Cat Shit/Matt Z

Bitch your a joke. I do this shit for a living. I do this shit professionally you broke dick.
I command more fucking respect in this industry than you ever will. Your like a fucking
flash light and I'm like the fucking Sun in this fucking industry. Your a sub par bull shit
artist selling picks because you cant make money in this like a real fucking man. Those
who can not do so have to Tout.

During the Baseball season I post a play and the line/price will move at several books.
You post a play and only your mouth moves. Here is how shit is going to play out this
Spring for you. Your little "because they suck" comment is going to cost you some $$$$

I think you are the only retard to ever make a comment like that. When I have made these
forum members way more $$$$$$$$$$$$ over the years (year after year) than you ever will.

You can come in here and apologize for your fucking disrespect. Short and sweet. Not a mini novel.


This Baseball season I will post here and a couple other sites every fucking day of the season
and let the marks know that they do not need to waste a fucking cent at that tout site on you
or any of the other broke dicks there. And I will provide them sides and totals for Bases every
fucking day of the whole season. From beginning to end. And remind them each day that they
don't need to waste a cent on you clowns. And I think they will see every day that I am right.
And I will make sure to keep a record and all that other shit too. Be careful what you ask for.

Had a thread this past Baseball season that had around 55,00 views in a four to six week time span.
And a very high "Unique" view count (which your threads do not have--according to some here at the site).

So if I was you. I think typing the words: "Kevy sorry Sir for the show of disrespect and the stupid comment"
and then hitting the submit reply button would be something I would strongly consider. And not writing a Novel.


I will just have to be here at the RX and a couple other places every day from April to October posting plays and
making sure to let the sheep that might be tempted to waste $$$$$$ on Touts know every day why they dont need to.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Sorry, guys. I have what's called "a life," so I'm not on these forums 24/7 like most of you degenerate losers are, which is why I haven't gotten to responding to some of these posts until now. I got a pretty good chuckle out of, not only some of these comments, but also the fact how a lot of you legitimately obsess over me hour after hour after hour. You do realize this is the Internet, right? You do realize that the majority of you are nothing more than no-name, faceless internet message board characters who are probably nothing in real life, right? I mean, some of you certainly don't have any sort of job, which is why you spend all your free time... on an internet message board. Man, I want to be you guys!

Anyway, here's that "long-awaited" response to some of the burning questions you all have been waiting for (Even though I've addressed every single one of these questions in the past before), but since you guys all love me so much and crave my attention, why not give some of you morons what you want, since let's face it: I am the highlight of your day, after all. How else do you explain all the attention you direct towards me? Alright, let's begin.

I absolutely can. Shoot.

That's a personal question. Next. I have a more important question, actually: Did they end up POSITIVE IN THE BLACK at season's end? Yes they did. So that doesn't matter because you're taking a risk on ANYONE when you're only investing in them from a shorter sample size, rather than the full season when their defining percentage is more appropriate. Thus, that question only applies to idiotic gamblers who don't fully invest in someone over a full season.

Lol what? If I'm up over $6,200 in the second half, which is obviously listed on my page and can be tracked from any date and so forth, how would they be "up absolutely nothing?" Haha that's one of the dumbest statements I've ever read on this forum. Nice tout statistics on your end, Mr. Trends. Actually, you're worse than a tout because you warp sentences and points to your own liking without even knowing it! What a dumbass thing to say. And no, I didn't refund any money because I made my clients A LOT of money for the FULL SEASON, so why would I subtract money from my company-leading performance? I did mention I led all of Vegas Insider for the regular season, right? You know, the nationally-renown company that everyone, including you losers, go to for any type of gambling information? Certainly not Covers, I hope, which has the most laughable reputation in our industry (Ha, don't even get me started on them and their "experts" that are always wrong, which is why they don't let you view their season records on their profiles, by the way. Look for yourselves)

Ya got me there. Unexpectedly, no one bought my second half package, but I sold plenty of those $299 monthly packages! Plenty. And it was a wise investment by all of those gentlemen, especially if they caught on as early as possible, when I began my torrid run (41-21-2, 66.1%, +$1854 from July 6 to July 26), and continued that aforementioned run of God-like greatness all the way until the very end of the regular season. So yeah, plenty of $299 monthly packages and $99 weekly packages were sold, not to mention those $299 playoff packages. Unfortunately, those last packages didn't work out (By the way, I never claimed "God-like" for any type of playoff betting; playoff games are just a different beast altogether with countless more variables and potential scenarios), but that's how it works sometimes in postseason betting: Get the game right and just hope it "wins." My clients realized I was getting the games right a lot more times than not, and if unpredictable fluke BS takes over, what can ya do?

I do?? Because I've mentioned a thousand times my final regular season record was 281-230-20 (55%).

Geez, how many ways can you ask the same question?? Listen, I was first in the whole company in regular season baseball by a nice margin (Up over $3,000 for the season; only one other was up over $2,000, to put that into perspective). If clients picked the wrong area to invest in me, rather than being smart and doing it for the full season, which is what you should be doing when you invest in someone, how is that my fault? That's why it's called gambling. Streaks are part of the game, which is why a rule of thumb is to put your trust in someone over a full season. Not a difficult concept to understand.

Woah, woah, woah. Again, you're putting words in my mouth or making up shit, which is what a tout would do. Listen, every pick I put out I have full confidence in. You, or anyone else can say whatever you want about me, but if there's one thing you cannot argue, it is my dedication and my passion for this, and the several hours a day I spent every single freaking day for seven months working hard at this. So you can attack me all you want, but if there's one thing you do not have a case against, it is my work habits in this endeavor. Actually, it's the one thing I respect about you, Trends, because when I read your stuff, I can tell your genuine about the amount of work you put in (Ex. Watching games again on NFL Rewind; I give you credit for that), and at the very least, you guys should be able to see how genuine about the amount of work I put into my own handicapping - especially baseball (Hence the signature 700-word write-ups). So back to the main point: There was never a "shit" pick I put out; I stood 100-percent behind everything I offered, period, and I would HOPE every handicapper out there is like that, because any other attitude on the subject would be absolutely disgraceful.

Oh, and you can't "pass" on games in the postseason when there's one or two games a day! Yeah, "anything can happen" in a playoff game - absolutely. But just like the regular season, I didn't take a single day off (Just like last year here at The RX, and just like in the previous two seasons when I became serious with this), so I certainly wasn't going to take a day off during the postseason, and when you usually only have one game to work with a day, well, you have to work with what you've been given. And unfortunately, there was a lot of fluke-ish stuff going on that was actually widely complained about on various sites. Nothing you can do, if it happens, it happens and you have to move on to the next day

Huh? Again, I've referred to my WHOLE record multiple times - 281-230-30 - and kept my playoff record - 7-18 - separate because that's how it's supposed to be done. And that's not being "inconsistent" because if you look at ANY OF MY RECORDS ON HERE, I always keep playoffs separate, just like any REAL handicapper does. Playoff records and regular season records should never be combined because they're completely different - it's not even close. And like I said, that's how I've always done it so don't think I'm trying to fudge it. Look at my baseball record here on The RX last year. Notice how playoffs and regular season were kept separate? Notice how my football records this year AND last year are split between regular season and playoffs? It's such a simple concept that I can't believe I have to explain it to you. Again, regular season and playoff records should ALWAYS be kept separate because they're a significantly different entity, especially in baseball. If I'm betting on an over/under that involves Jake Peavy, do you really think regular season Jake Peavy is the same exact thing as postseason Jake Peavy? Are you crazy?

Lol that's news to me, considering they don't keep track of such a stat, so either you're completely making that up, or you actually looked at all 25 or 27 handicappers individual first-half performances (Which probably would have taken a couple of hours)... in which you case you need a life. In any case, why does that matter when at the end of the season, I was the one on top of the whole company after one of the most magical extensive [three-month] runs in recent gambling history? Do you really think 63% three-month DAILY runs grow on trees with -110 bets? Are you serious? Again, the only thing that matters is the END OF THE SEASON numbers, in which, at the very end of the season, I was the one on top of the whole company - in only my first year, by the way. Man, can't wait to see how many $500 packages I sell going into next season!! You'd be wise to invest in one of those, Trends. Based on my beautiful 2013 performance, I should have at least a dozen of those sold :)

I answered them. Happy now?

Now go make positive use of your time and put that towards your football handicapping, because you are a good handicapper and you're above associating yourself with some of the deadbeat losers on here who don't even post plays (tmoney, acebb) or just post plays without unsurprisingly documenting/keeping track of any of their records because they suck (Kevy).

GL this week and have a good Thanksgiving. I hope you and I both excel with our inevitable Thanksgiving bets.

Of course you didn't answer any of them, you refused to answer or just bounced around the question. BUT some facts Id like to add....

The company you work for, considers a SEASON as THE WHOLE SEASON (season including playoffs), but yet, you say: "Again, I've referred to my WHOLE record multiple times - 281-230-30 - and kept my playoff record - 7-18 - separate because that's how it's supposed to be done.".... But when I check your company's board, they have SEASONS listed as playoffs+Regular season. Check the accolades and leaderboards yourself. I think you need to go to your bosses, and tell them that they are completely wrong, and that you are 100% right. Cause there is no REGULAR season tabs, or Regular season awards. Just SEASON (which includes the playoffs!!).

So lets go through your answers to the questions shall we?

1. You refused to answer... why is that? Would be nice to know how much money you made, while having your clients lose over 40% of their bankroll.

2. Did you not understand the question? Your clients LOST tons of money in the first half.... Did they receive refunds for the daily, monthly, and first half packages they bought for the first half? Does it seem fair to you that they paid for something, and ended up losing tons of $$, while you put $$ in your pocket? So, you are saying that if they want to make money, they need to continue to chase AND BUY more packages from you?

3. Since you admitted in question #3 that you sold ZERO 2nd half packages, then the customers would have needed to buy 3x $300 (total $900) to show a profit. So by that means, the best outcome anyone investing in you for the full season could have profited is a measly 1.98% of starting bankroll?. And that's the best case scenario if they bought the first half of season, then monthly the 2nd half.

4. Ok... so.. What was your first half record? What was your playoff record? What was your ENTIRE FULL SEASON including the playoffs? I have yet to see you ever post those three. IF so, show the quote and I will forever leave you alone.

5. So there will never be any refunds given, at any time, no matter what?

6. Yes you can "Pass" on any game on any day. You can pass on the whole day if you like. Ive passed on many days, and I am sure thousands of other had also. So that statement is 100% false.

7. Why does Vegasinsider Give out records, and awards for the season that INCLUDE the playoffs then? Ive checked the site up and down. There are no "Regular" season records to be found anywhere. Why did you win an award for #2 in money won? for the "season", but yet you claim you are #1 for the season? Is VegasInsider stupid? Did they make a mistake? You said yourself that REAL handicappers list regular season and playoffs separately... so whats their problem?

8. Takes about 20 seconds to look at a first half record per handicapper, it isn't hard. And can you show me your "end of season" accolade that shows you #1 for money won in your company? It shows you as #2.

And since you admitted that no one bought a 2nd half package, you made your clients anywhere from a +1.98% profit, to losses of -5% to -47%. That's not really something to be proud of....

But I am sure we wont get any flat answers to these yet again. We will get the normal bouncing around the questions, while highlighting your 2nd half, and regular season record. It seems so hard just to get a 1 or 2 sentence answer out of you. Direct questions should receive direct answers.

New member
Dec 21, 2008
Of course you didn't answer any of them, you refused to answer or just bounced around the question. BUT some facts Id like to add....

The company you work for, considers a SEASON as THE WHOLE SEASON (season including playoffs), but yet, you say: "Again, I've referred to my WHOLE record multiple times - 281-230-30 - and kept my playoff record - 7-18 - separate because that's how it's supposed to be done.".... But when I check your company's board, they have SEASONS listed as playoffs+Regular season. Check the accolades and leaderboards yourself. I think you need to go to your bosses, and tell them that they are completely wrong, and that you are 100% right. Cause there is no REGULAR season tabs, or Regular season awards. Just SEASON (which includes the playoffs!!).

So lets go through your answers to the questions shall we?

1. You refused to answer... why is that? Would be nice to know how much money you made, while having your clients lose over 40% of their bankroll.

2. Did you not understand the question? Your clients LOST tons of money in the first half.... Did they receive refunds for the daily, monthly, and first half packages they bought for the first half? Does it seem fair to you that they paid for something, and ended up losing tons of $$, while you put $$ in your pocket? So, you are saying that if they want to make money, they need to continue to chase AND BUY more packages from you?

3. Since you admitted in question #3 that you sold ZERO 2nd half packages, then the customers would have needed to buy 3x $300 (total $900) to show a profit. So by that means, the best outcome anyone investing in you for the full season could have profited is a measly 1.98% of starting bankroll?. And that's the best case scenario if they bought the first half of season, then monthly the 2nd half.

4. Ok... so.. What was your first half record? What was your playoff record? What was your ENTIRE FULL SEASON including the playoffs? I have yet to see you ever post those three. IF so, show the quote and I will forever leave you alone.

5. So there will never be any refunds given, at any time, no matter what?

6. Yes you can "Pass" on any game on any day. You can pass on the whole day if you like. Ive passed on many days, and I am sure thousands of other had also. So that statement is 100% false.

7. Why does Vegasinsider Give out records, and awards for the season that INCLUDE the playoffs then? Ive checked the site up and down. There are no "Regular" season records to be found anywhere. Why did you win an award for #2 in money won? for the "season", but yet you claim you are #1 for the season? Is VegasInsider stupid? Did they make a mistake? You said yourself that REAL handicappers list regular season and playoffs separately... so whats their problem?

8. Takes about 20 seconds to look at a first half record per handicapper, it isn't hard. And can you show me your "end of season" accolade that shows you #1 for money won in your company? It shows you as #2.

And since you admitted that no one bought a 2nd half package, you made your clients anywhere from a +1.98% profit, to losses of -5% to -47%. That's not really something to be proud of....

But I am sure we wont get any flat answers to these yet again. We will get the normal bouncing around the questions, while highlighting your 2nd half, and regular season record. It seems so hard just to get a 1 or 2 sentence answer out of you. Direct questions should receive direct answers.

The next baseball season will start before ya'll get this figured out .... might as well drop it.

...besides , he's been warned not to talk about his tout business/record. I know your questions are genuine , but to the naked eye it looks like you're trying to bait him into getting in trouble. ... might as well drop it.

If you really want to hit a tout where it hurts , buy his package next year (pool a group of people together) and post it everyday in the service plays thread.

Jul 4, 2012
That's a personal question. Next.


That's funny.

Don't worry, everyone knows the answer.

It is obvious and inarguable you lose money at this. High volume people like you can't stop themselves and you bet a bunch of stuff you do not post here.

Again, enjoy the decline, Cats!

Apr 6, 2012
Cat Shit/Matt Z

Bitch your a joke. I do this shit for a living. I do this shit professionally you broke dick.
I command more fucking respect in this industry than you ever will. Your like a fucking
flash light and I'm like the fucking Sun in this fucking industry. Your a sub par bull shit
artist selling picks because you cant make money in this like a real fucking man. Those
who can not do so have to Tout.

During the Baseball season I post a play and the line/price will move at several books.
You post a play and only your mouth moves. Here is how shit is going to play out this
Spring for you. Your little "because they suck" comment is going to cost you some $$$$

I think you are the only retard to ever make a comment like that. When I have made these
forum members way more $$$$$$$$$$$$ over the years (year after year) than you ever will.

You can come in here and apologize for your fucking disrespect. Short and sweet. Not a mini novel.


This Baseball season I will post here and a couple other sites every fucking day of the season
and let the marks know that they do not need to waste a fucking cent at that tout site on you
or any of the other broke dicks there. And I will provide them sides and totals for Bases every
fucking day of the whole season. From beginning to end. And remind them each day that they
don't need to waste a cent on you clowns. And I think they will see every day that I am right.
And I will make sure to keep a record and all that other shit too. Be careful what you ask for.

Had a thread this past Baseball season that had around 55,00 views in a four to six week time span.
And a very high "Unique" view count (which your threads do not have--according to some here at the site).

So if I was you. I think typing the words: "Kevy sorry Sir for the show of disrespect and the stupid comment"
and then hitting the submit reply button would be something I would strongly consider. And not writing a Novel.


I will just have to be here at the RX and a couple other places every day from April to October posting plays and
making sure to let the sheep that might be tempted to waste $$$$$$ on Touts know every day why they dont need to.

Really? Wow I had no idea, so I completely take back what I said. I REALLY don't like when someone who is ignorant on something comment on that subject, which is basically what I just did (I was only going by your football threads), so you do deserve an apology: Kevy, sorry, sir, for the show of disrespect and the stupid comment. Honestly had no idea about your baseball background, which is impressive.

Just out of curiosity, what do you focus on most? Moneylines, runlines, or over/unders? And what pitchers do you like to bet on and/or fade? I am obsessed with this stuff so I love talking baseball betting at any point of the year (LOVE the Dan Haren signing by the Dodgers from a betting perspective, by the way; will be a nice unders guy in the first couple of months, I feel, before Vegas regularly tags him in over/unders of 6.5; he might be in more games that are 7 early on, can't wait!).

And do you have any thoughts yet on any potential break-out teams for the upcoming year? And for Win Totals, which I am most dominant with (All over the Pirates each year since 2011 when Clint Hurdle first arrived; best bet was the Indians Over this past season, second one was Rockies Over, which almost collapsed at the end ahhh). I have a really intriguing one for 2013, but I'd like to hear your opinion first.

Again, legitimately sorry for the disrespect. Like I said, I don't like when ignorant people make comments on something they don't know about, which can deface someone's reputation, and that's what I did without even looking up your work. That's something a douchebag would do, so certainly a douche-y move on my part.

Dec 26, 2010
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. What was the word count on that fraudulent reply this piece of shit posted above? Pot, meet kettle.

The 120 pound, ugly fuck, Matt Zylbert is calling out people for not having a life after he wrote a short novel trying to unbury himself to a message board. Give it up man, you are being shit on and exposed hard. The numbers don't lie no matter how you try and spin them dude. You are literally up no money in football, laying juice like you work at an Orange Julius stand. In baseball, you lost a fucking FORTUNE for months on end and ruined people's bankrolls; we know you don't bet those games so you were able to just keep firing away daily and ripping off customers.

It literally takes 3 minutes to bury you, not hours. You just wrote a fucking essay though that you clearly worked on for days. We know you sat here and read every fucking post that continually destroyed any credibility you had. What took you so long to respond? This forums is all you have and your only avenue to try and rip off more people. Your little twat tirade above just further exposed you for the shitcunt you are.

Do you really not see that? All you did was dance around the questions, suck your own mini schlong for the 300,344,353 time and spout some more falsehoods. Embrace your inner scumbag already and quit trying to be something that you aren't.

Dec 26, 2010
Really? Wow I had no idea, so I completely take back what I said. I REALLY don't like when someone who is ignorant on something comment on that subject, which is basically what I just did (I was only going by your football threads), so you do deserve an apology: Kevy, sorry, sir, for the show of disrespect and the stupid comment. Honestly had no idea about your baseball background, which is impressive.

Just out of curiosity, what do you focus on most? Moneylines, runlines, or over/unders? And what pitchers do you like to bet on and/or fade? I am obsessed with this stuff so I love talking baseball betting at any point of the year (LOVE the Dan Haren signing by the Dodgers from a betting perspective, by the way; will be a nice unders guy in the first couple of months, I feel, before Vegas regularly tags him in over/unders of 6.5; he might be in more games that are 7 early on, can't wait!).

And do you have any thoughts yet on any potential break-out teams for the upcoming year? And for Win Totals, which I am most dominant with (All over the Pirates each year since 2011 when Clint Hurdle first arrived; best bet was the Indians Over this past season, second one was Rockies Over, which almost collapsed at the end ahhh). I have a really intriguing one for 2013, but I'd like to hear your opinion first.

Again, legitimately sorry for the disrespect. Like I said, I don't like when ignorant people make comments on something they don't know about, which can deface someone's reputation, and that's what I did without even looking up your work. That's something a douchebag would do, so certainly a douche-y move on my part.

OMGGGG LOL. Look how you bowed the fuck down with your little tail between your legs. Looks like you got scared straight real quick. Quit fucking asking for his opinion on breakout teams and strategy. If you can't get a read on how little he thinks of you and your tactics then you're blind. He thinks you are a piece of shit and I doubt has any interest in playing buddy-buddy.

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