CatsoverUnders tearing it up as a tout!!! Did you see his record??


Dec 26, 2010
Cat, if these whale clients of yours are betting such big amounts you must have really fucking buried people deep. You had to be one of the worst documented cappers on the planet for a good chunk of the season. You literally could not pick your nose for hundreds of games and were down a SIGNIFCANT amount of units for a long time. That negative amount doesn't even factor in the price of your dogshit picks.

Those poor saps who bet more than $100 on your picks were begging in the streets come June.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Ok cats.... ill make it simple.

You only made clients who followed you AT THE MOST 1.98% profit from their starting bankroll.

So lets say these WHALES that follow you plays had a starting bankroll of $100,000 and wager $1000 per game. You only made them $1,980.

A guy betting $10,000 a game with a starting bankroll of $1,000,000 only made a profit of $19,800.

Is that good? Nope.... they put $100,000 on the line to only win $2k!!! Or the $1,000,000 to win only $20k!! THATS A HUGE RISK FOR SUCH A LITTLE RETURN!!!

But... somehow all of these huge bettors decided to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars on someone brand new to selling picks with no proven track record they can find themselves. They just had to believe what a Bio says, that obviously you wrote yourself.

So it makes no sense how you can think we believe you had whale bettors following your plays.... and how you can.believe risking so much money for such a little return is a success??

Now about your lines from different places.... if it isn't a big deal then why is almost every play from a different book? Since they are all the same... why not just click the first one on the list? On days you have 3 plays, every play was a different book. Your excuse doesn't hold water at all. You know that if you stuck with 1-3 books (like non-touts do) that you would be in the whole cause of the juice alone.

But you don't seem to understand money management, sports investing and just plain integrity.

Jul 4, 2012
Uh-oh, the little kitty lost 33% of his 2013 "winnings" yesterday with another dumbass losing teaser (the ultimate sucker bet) this stupidity:

Matt McGloin OVER 33 Pass Attempts - $30 for $25
A lot of this has to do with how I feel the game will play out, as since I see the Cowboys winning decisively, that means the Raiders will have to play a lot of catch-up, which will mean work for the Raiders' newest starting quarterback


Of course the game went nothing like he said it would.

Jul 4, 2012
Oh, and let me say, total respect and mad props to NFL Trends who obviously knows this stuff inside & out and has absolutely destroyed cats in this thread. It almost isn't fair.

Again, enjoy the decline cats. It is going to get even worse going forward.


Dec 26, 2010
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuried. RIP.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Ok lets break down the "Facts"

1. Cats admitted NO ONE bought his $500 a month 2nd half season package.

2. Cats record for the complete MLB Season 3/31/2013 to 11/29/2013 = 288-249-30 ( 53.6% , +1598 )

3. Players spend either $30 per day, $300 per month, or $500 per half of season (1st half sales only)

4. Best case scenario a player bought first half for $500, and then 3 months at $300 each (total spent $1400)

5. Worst case scenario player bought daily plays for $30, costing them $7200.

6. Cats made only +15.98 units total for the complete season

7. $10,000 Bankroll bettors wagering 1% per play only profited $198 FOR THE WHOLE SEASON!!! *only if they bought the optimal First Half season +3monthly --- SEE #27 if they didn't!!!

8. But cats says he has WHALES buying his picks.

9. $100,000 Bankroll bettors wagering 1% of bankroll per play only profited $1980 FOR THE WHOLE SEASON!!! ONLY 1.98% PROFIT! *only if they bought the optimal First Half season +3monthly --- SEE #27 if they didn't!!!

10. Merrill Lynch Offers 6 Month CD rates with Deposits of $100,000 or more at 5.50%

11. The $100,000 Bankroll would have profited $5,500 Over 6 months, without having to pay any daily, monthly or season fee's - For a profit of 5.5%

12. The $1,000,000 Bankroll would have profited $55,000 Over 6 months, without having to pay any daily, monthly or season fee's - For a profit of 5.5%

13. Cats refuses to acknowledge that he LED the country and his company in LOSSES the first half or the season, and in the playoffs. That's an accomplishment

14. We know that the plays who paid for his plays lost over 40% of their bankroll (+cost of the plays) the first half of the season... but Cats refuses to tell us how much he profited the first half by selling his picks.

15. According to Cats... there are HUGE bettors who paid for and followed picks by someone who appeared out of nowhere, with no real track record to follow. They just have to take him by his word on what he OBVIOUSLY wrote himself in his bio.

16. Lines do not matter to Cats, they are the same at EVERY book. So instead of picking lines from the same book for every play for the whole season, he chose different books for every play, instead of just picking the first one on the list.

17. Wont acknowledge that he cherry picked lines from offshore, Vegas, and online books. Knowing that if he played the lines from the same book over the whole season, his "profits" would be significantly less, or maybe negative for the season.

18. Cats ( Matt Zylbert ) Will continue to use this charade next season, and that a guarantee. HE WILL cherry pick lines from all over the country... HE WILL yet again barely break 53% for the season... HE WILL still laugh happily to the bank cause some idiot bought his plays.... HE WILL still only wager $10 a play himself when he feels like it.... HE WILL never acknowledge his huge losses, but will continue to only highlight certain periods when he was ahead.

19. I hope that someone who was thinking about purchasing his picks at least does a search on his name, and comes to this page. This way they can see the whole truth, and refrain from paying him (or anyone from the horrible tout site) any money. Going through that list, ALL of their touts on there are horrible, and barely made any profits for their customers.

20. Cats put money in his pocket the first half of the season, while his followers were getting burned, buried and raped. But Cats DID NOT refund them any money for the first half of a season on a failed product.

21. Cats had his followers pay him yet MORE money to chase the huge losses in hopes they would at least break even (which luckily only a handful did with a 1.98% profit)

22. As of right now (11-29-2013), almost towards the end of the NFL season, I am more then DOUBLE the +profits, and have a DOUBLE DIGIT lead in win % then EVERY TOUT on Cats handicapper website!!

23. They charge hundreds and THOUSANDS of $$$ for their NFL plays, and yet.. .I don't charge ANYTHING. Why are they charging for a crap product, when people can get winners for free?

24. Professionals, like Cats, only sell plays to put money in their pocket, nothing else. Its because they wont make any money themselves betting on their plays, so they market and take advantage of new bettors, by selling them something they don't need, just so they can put money in their own pocket.

25. If Cats's plays were so great, and he was "god like"... Why isn't he simply betting his plays? He could make more money by doing that, instead of working for someone, and having to spend so much time marketing himself. Because he knows if he did, he would have bankrupted his bankroll first half of the season, losing almost HALF of it in just 3 months!!

26. Cats always feels the need to HIGHLIGHT and BOLD his second half of the season record..... YET, you don't see him EVER highlighting and BOLDING his first half, instead to him, it doesn't exist.

27. OTHER PLAYERS who didn't buy the optimal packages (1st season +3months) LOST between -5% and -47% of their bankroll!!! They got BURIED HARD!!!

Simple Facts about MATT ZYLBERT (so people can find on search engines) a so-called PROFESSIONAL handicapper. but in reality, Matt Zylbert, the whole website is just a SCAM to put money into their own pockets, without regard to the players who are paying them...

Dec 26, 2010
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Put the shovels away because we need a fucking backhoe in here! MATT ZYLBERT HAHAHA



Dec 26, 2010
Get your picks from the descendant of God himself! Go flip some coins you limp wristed fraud.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Get your picks from the descendant of God himself! Go flip some coins you limp wristed fraud.


He looks like a younger version of Stephen Hawking (that is if Stephen Hawking could stand up, and hold a beer that was paid for by stealing money from poor saps)

*Notice the guy in the background... he was one of Cats paying customers, he is contemplating jumping into the water with a cement block tied around his ankles**
Oct 12, 2013
Cat has himself to blame for this. I read his thread because not many threads on here are about totals. I was willing to share information but he has none to trade. He says he is the best but he is just average. I find his thread funny. I do not take his handicapping seriously. Cat, you have a long way to go. I hope you keep working at it and get better. I can give you help with totals but I know you won't take it. You seem to think you are the finished product.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Dug up some interesting stuff out of the littler box.... will post tomorrow morning when I get home. Just proves even more how much of a fraud he is!!

No drunk YET!
Mar 7, 2008
I have kind of followed this thread with amusement. But CAT forgot one important rule of betting: The only way to be a winner at the end of the season is to be around at the end of the season. If you blow yourself out after the first 3 months, you’re more than likely done for the season.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Ok... here we are again, still exposing this fraud for what he is. He just makes it so damn easy!!

First off, lets start by looking at some of his bio (which he obviously wrote himself, with all that self love and felatio he gives himself over and over), which is posted on that "handicapper" website.

"In 2011, Zylbert finished 366-270-42 (57.5%) in baseball over/unders, while taking no days off over the 7-month journey, which unquestionably was one of the best records in the country for that season. Despite slipping a bit in 2012 to a modest 361-329-47 (52.3%)."

Ok, so he went 366-270-42 in 2011??? Really...?? Where are the player tracking of plays for that year? I checked all the forums and NADA (hell, he didn't join theRX till April of 2012). And his handicapper website has nothing on him for last year, since he wasn't even there.... So where did that record come from? Are we supposed to just take his word for it? NO ONE will be able to find ANY PROOF that he hit that mark.. want to know why? CAUSE IT DOESNT EXIST!!

Now lets look at his 2012 record.... THIS is verifiable... AND quite comical. Did you also notice that he left out his UNIT (money) won or lost?? Well, it wouldn't surprise you that HE DID IT ON PURPOSE!! Simple reason.. HE WAS DOWN HUGE!!! He cant sell something worthless, if its shown that he lost.... (his last post of the 2012 season )

2012 MLB O/U Season Record: 361-329-47, -$1,490
2011 MLB O/U Season Record: 366-270-42, +$1,104

WOW.. no wonder he RAN from posting his MONEY LOST!! But then look... he made money in 2011... but I don't see any plays posted anywhere on the internet for Matt Zylbert, or Catsoverunders to verify that. So that's typical Brandon Lang type stuff right there!!!

NOW, going through his threads for 2012, he bets on average about $75 per play... He lost last year and was down pretty huge.. So lets see how he would have done THIS YEAR if he purchased his own packages and followed his own plays with an average bet of $75 per game.

At $75 per game, he would have profited $1198.50 over the whole season (which amounts to $4.99 a day). BUT, lets not forget he purchased his OWN packages. So since no one bought 2nd half full seasons, lets give him the benefit of the doubt that he purchased a first half ($500), then did monthly ($300 per month x3). So the total he spent on packages would be $1400.

$1198.50 - $1400 = -$201.50 SO by following his OWN plays this year, he would have lost -$201.50.

So.... that leaves us with some questions now doesn't it???

1. Why doesn't he put how much he lost in 2012 in his bio on that handicapper website?

2. Why isn't his "Magical" 2011 season record anywhere, where it can be verified?

3. Why is he handicapping and trying to sell picks, when its proven that he lost 2 years in a row? And a third year that "somehow" won, yet cant be proven anywhere.

4. Why would a player be forced to pay for more picks, risk more of their depleted bankroll, just to chase the 2nd half of the season, cause they got buried the first half?

We all know the typical response we will get (if any, cause we know he reads this thread everyday, but he runs from it hoping it will go away), SO lets list the responses before he comes in here and posts them:

Matt Zylbert: "Blah blah, you all are just jealous Im on a national stage blah blah blah, highest rated handicapper website blah blah blah, best record in the country the second half blah blah blah, first place regular season blah blah blah"

First off, we aren't jealous.... secondly, tout websites aren't a good thing, we know you intentionally leave out your first half and playoffs, and you continually leave out the WHOLE season where you were 2nd place.... I must be the CEO of your tout website, cause I am DOMINATING EVERY SINGLE "professional" HANDICAPPER on there this season myself, and I don't even sell picks, CAUSE I DONT NEED TO! I make my money at the window when I cash my tickets. I don't need to put other peoples money in my pockets, cause Ive proven over and over I can win. TOUTS sell picks CAUSE THEY CANT WIN!!!

Dec 26, 2010
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL wow. More gold from NFLTrends. He has literally buried this fraud 3 miles deep. Down and out for the count.

You ain'ttttttttttttt the greatest Pussycat.

Matt Zylbert CatsBuriedUnder


Dec 26, 2010
OMGGG link to this gem of a thread from the Site Promotions forum. Look at this ugly fuck try and give himself a little blowie in another tout's thread. Two dickless fraudstes arguing on a free internet forum about whose the less scummy tout. This little dicksnot even gave out a grammar lesson in the middle of sucking his own knob.

Dec 26, 2010
LOLLLL. The fraud talks about how he will never be limited by his bookie; of course you won't you fucking jerkoff. You bet $5 a game and lay -150+ on almost all of your wagers.


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