Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot-One of the many reasons that I watch the CNN hosts as opposed to those of Fox for the most part is because not only

are they intellectually superior to those on Fox but just as importantly, come across as warm, loving, caring

and compassionate people who have feelings for others.

I was raised in the same manner.

Without going into great detail, let just say in short that when listening to the likes of Gloria Borger, Dana Bash, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon,

not even taking into account what they say, I get a feeling that I am listening to real human beings with real emotions and empathy for their audience.

Conversely, when I tune into and listen to the likes of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Greg Gutfield,

I get the feeling that I am listening to vipers, androids, people with no feelings or emotions, and overall just find

myself shivering in an emotional sense.

In sense these folks remind me of Trump, who gives me the same overall cold/icy feeling, and it shows and has shown in the nasty manner in which

he deals with people who disagree with him.

Conversely, Biden gives me the same kind of warm feelings as those when I cited when I listen to the folks at CNN.

CNN dedicates just 4 minutes to Israel-Gaza conflict during the entire week in primetime

The so-called 'most trusted name in news' virtually ignored the biggest international news story in its primetime programming this week

Now on to our scheduled TDS programming

CNN’s @donlemon: “What happened at the Capitol was nothing less than war, as I said"

He gone !


Nov 11, 2007
Read the story, pal-he is NOT gone; he is simply going to do something else with the SAME network!

Have fun today patting each other on the pack at the Political Forum, where you and other folks can sulk in your misery because like it or not,

you are stuck with Biden/Harris until at least 2025.

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Read the story, pal-he is NOT gone; he is simply going to do something else with the SAME network!

Have fun today patting each other on the pack at the Political Forum, where you and other folks can sulk in your misery because like it or not,

you are stuck with Biden/Harris until at least 2025.

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! lol

Oh must be on to bigger and better things at the propaganda network after leaving his prime time show with dog shit ratings .

CNN Tonight' host claims he would rather have low ratings without Trump in office than vice versa

He’s got a real bad case of TDS . You must be a big fan .


Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with our early edition for today:

First, 10683 is nothing more of a compilation of recent lies and bullshit and predictions which will fail just like everything else sbd has predicted

over the last 15 months..

It looks like and is both sheer desperation on his part and at the same time in the same class as a two year old kid going through the "Terrible Two's"

stage where he just tries to be a royal pain in the ass.

As I have said before, if he REALLY wants some attention, perhaps sbd should travel to a place like Time Squares with all kind of this delusional

bullshit, take off all of his clothes hanging and hang it from all parts of his body including his pecker, stand there and

with a bullhorn scream to everyone within sight what is really going on in this country and of course not to worry

as Trump will be returning soon to assume the position as POTUS.

Moving on to today's segment of "One Year Ago," which is 5/15/2020 and looking at sbd's most telling post of that day, I chose this one.

It is post 1617 and is found on page 65.

Sbd: says this:

"If you don't see and understand the "game" (war) then you will never understand the "pain" or "mic drops".

OBAMAGATE is real and the pain will continue to be delivered!

A ton of disclosure (truth/pain) being delivered over the next couple of weeks."

You decide in retrospect how much of this stuff actually came true-hint-ZERO!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-As I said yesterday, FINALLY warm and sunny weather has arrived here in western Mass, with no end in sight for now.

In essence this means, that I am going to enjoy and not worry too much about boring stuff like what what if anything of relvance is going to happen to

Liz Cheney in the SHORT TERM, which means ZERO!!

Imo she will have PLENTY of influence on the Republican Party as time moves on.

I will though keep you appraised of more important stuff about snd, which is the main topic of this thread as well as of course news about the

for Matt Gaetz's penis in the GITMO area. lol

No new news re: that other than some stray semen was found in the woods a few miles away from GITMO enclosed in a Trump bumper sticker.

That's it for now.

Hopefully for you folks out there and especially for Trump supporters, the weather is also nice, and in the case of the latter, at least better than the stormy

situation you face in trying to overturn the results of the 2024 Election using questionable and biased audits more than six months after Election Day-good luck

with that as you are going to need it!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last matter to consider before going outside for a few hours to enjoy life:

Assuming that Matt Gaetz's penis is eventually arrested and brought back to GITMO, there is an interesting matter to consider,

which is whether The Penis will be tried separately from Matt Gaetz himself and if so, will Matt be tried as being an accomplice to his penis and what he did,

OR will be his penis be reattached to his body, and Matt and his penis will simply be tried as one unit?

The other possibility to consider is what happens if Matt's dick is never found and remains at large?

Will Matt still be tried and/or if he is, will his attorney argue that Matt's penis is a separate unit from Matt, meaning that it was/is on its own,

and thus that Matt should be found innocent or not even tried and set free as he himself was not responsible for what it did to those

underaged girls, and especially so since his penis cannot test(icle)ify. lol

Back a bit later!

Nov 11, 2007
If I was an owner and/or part of this Forum, I would attach a warning to the IVU Thread, which said that ownership assumes no responsibility

or any personal liability for any direct or indirect mental and/or emotional damage caused by reading any of sbd's posts and one proceeds at their own risk

by going to that Thread.

I would also attach a recommendation that if in any way it seems that sbd is promoting any kind of insurrection subversive/incendiary

violence that you report it to the FBI and other related agencies which you believe might be interested in pursuing/taking appropriate action.

Nov 11, 2007
One other thing for now:

Yesterday sbd stated that secret servant agents were stationed on the roof of the White House

I would like to know if they are still there, and if so why, and if not, whether they accomplished their mission or not.

Also we need him to specify what the mission was/is in the first place.

Nov 11, 2007
One last matter to consider before going outside for a few hours to enjoy life:

Assuming that Matt Gaetz's penis is eventually arrested and brought back to GITMO, there is an interesting matter to consider,

which is whether The Penis will be tried separately from Matt Gaetz himself and if so, will Matt be tried as being an accomplice to his penis and what he did,

OR will be his penis be reattached to his body, and Matt and his penis will simply be tried as one unit?

The other possibility to consider is what happens if Matt's dick is never found and remains at large?

Will Matt still be tried and/or if he is, will his attorney argue that Matt's penis is a separate unit from Matt, meaning that it was/is on its own,

and thus that Matt should be found innocent or not even tried and set free as he himself was not responsible for what it did to those

underaged girls, and especially so since his penis cannot test(icle)ify. lol

Back a bit later!

Here is one more intriguing thought on above to consider.

What if Matt's penis is spotted and cornered, but instead of being apprehended by the police, a cop shoots and kills it as it tries to escape-then what?

Would we have another case of police brutality to deal with; would their be some kind of lawsuit brought about by Matt Gaetz and his attorney who

represented the penis also?

If there was a trial, would it be along the lines of George Floyd?

If there was one, what would be basis of the charges, something along the lines of DICKslaughter or possibly even murder!! lol

I am quite sure that sbd and/or the QAnons would claim that there was a conspiracy because the penis knew too much, and if alive and brought

to trial, Matt's attorney would prove beyond a shadow that both the penis and its owner, Matt Gaetz, never sexually abused any underaged


Nov 11, 2007
Here is today's segment of "One Year Ago," which takes a look at what sbd said exactly one year ago, in this case on May 16, 2020:

It is post 1630 and is found on page 66.

As usual none of the other posts in his thread and predictions were true at the time or came true.

Anyways here is post 1630 in which he directed a few laughable predictions at me.

I will leave it to you to decide whether I really disappeared or not.

Actually it is just the opposite, as not only as I still here but of late have been getting 300-500 hits a day!!!

Also you decide whether he was right that the Virus would disappear soon-if you sre not sure, I suggest you check the current casualties not only

in the USA but the ENTIRE WORLD!!!

"Colorado’s coronavirus death toll drops significantly after major change in how it counts victims

The change came after Colorado’s Department of Public Health admitted that its COVID-19 death toll was counting those who tested positive for the coronavirus but had died of other causes, Fox 31 Denver reported late Friday.

It was only a matter of time!

And soon you will see other states and cities follow suit and admit the same!

Remember the repeated claims posted here about numbers being "overinflated"?

I know at least one member will!

He will just call it "coincidence" or try to direct your attention to some other meaningless and worthless gibberish.

So delusional he thinks he is "hitting HRs" with his posts.

As truth continues to show itself around COVID, Gen. Flynn, Obamagate, Human Trafficking, etc., all things predicted here, his thread will die and he will vanish for good!




Nov 11, 2007
ps Be sure you read Honey Badger's comments in sbd' thread and tell him the blunt truth about him to his face, assuming that you have not already come to

the same conclusion.

Nov 11, 2007
The only possible new news regarding the whereabouts of Matt Gaetz's penis today is that a local convenience store in

Guantanamo Bay, which closes at 12:00 AMand doesn't reopen until 7:00 AM reported to police that overnight someone had broken onto

his store, but for reasons unknown, no cash was taken, and that in fact the only items missing were the

five boxes of condoms which he kept behind the counter.

Could it be that the Matt's penis was the culprit here, and that it/he was taking precautions so as not to impregnate any underaged girls which is his

morsel, should he find any willing and/or for that matter not willing to meet its/his needs on a given day??? lol

Nov 11, 2007
To all of the many folks who visit my site everyday INCLUDING obviously sbd, there will be no posts here beginning now for

at least one hour, as I am watching one of my favorite and spot-on shows on tv, Meet the Press.

Speaking of the show, a thought just crossed my mind relative to the Matt Gaetz penis saga/ disappearance/investigation.

Anyways it just dawned on me that there must also be other escaped penises out there at large, some of which detached

themselves from the bodies of their "owner" on their own volition.

With that in mind, perhaps there should be some kind of show whose purpose is to interview these entities, ask them

questions such as why they decided to separate themselves from the human bodies to which they were attached and a lot more

that folks would find interesting and informative.

Like any other show, there would have to be an appropriate name for this show.
For me an excellent choice that would attract many viewers just because they would associate it with Meet the Press, would be MEET THE PRICK!!:pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
To all of the many folks who visit my site everyday INCLUDING obviously sbd, there will be no posts here beginning now for

at least one hour, as I am watching one of my favorite and spot-on shows on tv, Meet the Press.

Speaking of the show, a thought just crossed my mind relative to the Matt Gaetz penis saga/ disappearance/investigation.

Anyways it just dawned on me that there must also be other escaped penises out there at large, some of which detached

themselves from the bodies of their "owner" on their own volition.

With that in mind, perhaps there should be some kind of show whose purpose is to interview these entities, ask them

questions such as why they decided to separate themselves from the human bodies to which they were attached and a lot more

that folks would find interesting and informative.

Like any other show, there would have to be an appropriate name for this show.
For me an excellent choice that would attract many viewers just because they would associate it with Meet the Press, would be MEET THE PRICK!!:pointer:

I forgot to include this in previous post.

Andy is the creme de la creme when it comes to stuff like this.

Back to watching Meet the Prick, I mean Press.

Nov 11, 2007
So I see that sbd has posted something from another "reliable" and "trustworthy," source in post 10715.

In this case the "impeccable" source is Lara Trump, who stated that Biden's world is "crumbling."

This is the same Lara Trump who like sbd predicted a MASSIVE landslide on Election Day.

This is the same Lara Trump,a reasonably intelligent woman(relative to the guy she married anyways), who married Trump's son, Eric, EASILY

Trump's dumbest offspring(that is being kind) ONLY to advance her own political career.

Why else would a fairly accomplished woman marry a dope, unless of course Eric's weenie is a bit larger than daddy's, which according to Stormy

Davis and other women daddy fucked while being married, wouldn't being saying all that much. lol

Lara Trump predicts 'landslide' victory in rejection of election polling - POLITICO

Nov 11, 2007
I can't resist this before lunch from post 10717 from the desk of sbd:

"President Trump's social media platform will be launching July 4th.

No coincidences here.

Again, this will be a date to remember for centuries to come!"

I don't if it will be remembered for centuries to come, but July 4 is my announced date to return to sbd's thread and to pummel him multiple times

daily with questions and comments about Trump's "Return" if in fact Trump has NOT returned by that date and if he is NOT the official POTUS in the eyes

of the American Public and world.

Assuming that Trump has not reassumed the POTUS by that date, a "pretty good" assumption, that will mark eight months and one day

since the Election(and sbd's predictions of his return), which is PLENTY of time for Trump to have returned and been declared POTUS.

Others in his thread have done a FANTASTIC job of exposing his lies and bullshit; I am simply going to add to it each day with constant "reminders"

that Trump has not yet returned, and for him either to admit his prediction was wrong and/or to explain it.

I will accept nothing less!

If he doesn't respond at all, that will be of no consequence to me, and my efforts will continue!!

The post will be short but numerous, and will have no effect on this thread whatsoever and what I say!!


Nov 11, 2007
Need less to say when I return to sbd's thread on July 4, I will remind him of this post and others MULTIPLE times each days remind

him in case he "forgets." lol

As the old expression goes, "he(sbd) can run but he can't hide!"

"President Trump's social media platform will be launching July 4th.

No coincidences here.

Again, this will be a date to remember for centuries to come!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another one that sbd will be slammed on(post 10656) on July 4th and/until Trump returns LOL, which he posted in the last couple of days.

As I asked yesterday with no response, I would like to know if the secret service folks are still on the roof of the White House and with some

explanation as to what is going on.

I heard through the grapevine that at one point of the secret service agents on top of the roof was getting bored and lonely, so that he summoned his wife

to join him on the roof, and that some "humping action" ensued in full view of anyone within shouting distance of the WH. lol

If and when I get confirmation of this, I will post it here!


You are being played if you think [fake] Biden and Harris and President and VP.

Both will be removed very soon.

Looking for a "false flag" event in DC as the "trigger".

Biden, Harris and top ranking members in Congress will be removed for Treason.

Secret Service started gathering on top of White House about 4 hours ago."

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ot-One of the many reasons that I watch the CNN hosts as opposed to those of Fox for the most part is because not only

are they intellectually superior to those on Fox but just as importantly, come across as warm, loving, caring

and compassionate people who have feelings for others.

I was raised in the same manner.

Without going into great detail, let just say in short that when listening to the likes of Gloria Borger, Dana Bash, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon,

not even taking into account what they say, I get a feeling that I am listening to real human beings with real emotions and empathy for their audience.

Conversely, when I tune into and listen to the likes of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Greg Gutfield,

I get the feeling that I am listening to vipers, androids, people with no feelings or emotions, and overall just find

myself shivering in an emotional sense.

In sense these folks remind me of Trump, who gives me the same overall cold/icy feeling, and it shows and has shown in the nasty manner in which

he deals with people who disagree with him.

Conversely, Biden gives me the same kind of warm feelings as those when I cited when I listen to the folks at CNN.


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