Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
Anyone who has followed sbd's IVU Thread for a while realizes that many times over the last 15 months he has referred to events which he has recounted

are all part of a movie, and that we will "like the ending."

With that in mind and as promised earlier, lets pretend that sbd's thread itself was made into a movie, with sbd being the script writer, director and producer

and actor all wrapped into one and seen through his eyes.

The name of this movie is "The World According to sbd."

The review which is going to follow will be my impression as to the late and one of the most highly highly respected movie critics of all time, Roger Ebert,

would have written the review.

Actually to keep it simple, I am not going to do the review point by point as it is four hours of length, but rather just a rather quick review which

covers the salient points.

Here we go, and Roger Ebert if you are reading this review in the Hereafter, I hope you will give it a thumbs up both in content and the manner

in which it is written:

The movie ie entitled "The World According to sbd."

This is a movie written, produced, directed by sbd who also narrates this movie.

The movie is labeled as a documentary but as you will see is a pseudo-documentary.

Anyways the theme of the movie is based on many QAnon beliefs which points its finger at alleged evil democrats, the alleged "deep state" the "fake"

Corona Virus, the "stolen" 2024 Election, Donald Trump who is praised throughout the movie as some kind of deity, as well as sbd's personal beliefs.

During the "documentary," sbd points to many random events as "proof" that what is saying about the aforementioned is true.

There are also many predictions during the course of the movie that certain things are either going to happen on specific days

to turn the tables as well as to bring justice including Trump's "Return" to be reinstated as the legitimate POTUS, which sbd predicts many days

as about to happen.

As I watched the movie unfold, I started to become confused because sbd said many things which conflicted with things or contradicted other material

which he had said earlier in the movie.

Along the same lines, there was a lot of illogic and non sequiturs in the movie, meaning that conclusions he reached and stated

did not flow smoothly and to be blunt, made no sense whatsoever.

There were also a number of just plain downright lies in the movie, and the reason that I am labelling it as a pseudo documentary.

In addition I had an overall feeling that sbd was trying to do too much in this movie by jumping around with simply too many different disconnected

thoughts to be able succeed in whatever he was trying to prove/achieve in the first place.

In short the documentary falls flat on its own face because of the weight of its own incompetence.

I walked out of the theater both bored and at the same time angry at myself watching the entire four hour "documentary" instead of leaving

much sooner because I was HOPING that the movie would get better, which of anything got worse.

I give this movie/documentary on a scale of 0-10 a .5, a .5 rather than a ZERO because it is always possible that there is something worse.

It goes without saying that this movie gets the highest thumbs down possible and to stay away unless of course you have masochistic tendencies.

Nov 11, 2007
Today's edition of "One Year Later" goes back to 5/18/20.

From my perspective there are only posts worth of note:

In post 1661 he promises his usual "Boom Week" for his alleged "Patriots" side.

and in post 1663 found on page 67 he gives examples of what has happened so far and what is going to happen moving forward from that date.

In retrospect over the last 365 days since and in view if the fact that Biden won the Election handily and that Trump, his supporters, the

sbd and the QAnons are on the outside looking in since January 20th with nothing to indicate that this is EVER going to change

until the 2024 Election, to use Donald Trump's words when he is trying to make a point, the veracity in post 1663

can be summed up in four words, "I don't think so."

Here you go with post 1663:

"Well it's backfiring considering the number of Dems starting to turn on their own party and Americans who are registered Dems fleeing the party in droves!

It's scary to think Biden is the "best man" to represent the party.

It's even scarier to see others, including certain members here, call POTUS "incompetent" when he is one of the most intelligent and respected business men on this planet!

Just shows how delusional some people are!

Dems emptied their bag of desperate "dirt" tricks on Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Every attempt to expose him FAILED miserably and ended at a dead end!

Now in 2020 they are desperate again to discredit him and they are failing left and right.

People are awake, they see through to the bullshit now.

Americans want truth, justice and freedom and that's exactly what POTUS stands for!

Desperate people will try to twist the truth simply because they hate him out of pure ignorance but in the end they will look really dumb and silly!"

ps Check out the movie review in previous post if you haven't already done so.

Nov 11, 2007
Today's edition of "One Year Later" goes back to 5/18/20.

From my perspective there are only posts worth of note:

In post 1661 he promises his usual "Boom Week" for his alleged "Patriots" side.

and in post 1663 found on page 67 he gives examples of what has happened so far and what is going to happen moving forward from that date.

In retrospect over the last 365 days since and in view if the fact that Biden won the Election handily and that Trump, his supporters, the

sbd and the QAnons are on the outside looking in since January 20th with nothing to indicate that this is EVER going to change

until the 2024 Election, to use Donald Trump's words when he is trying to make a point, the veracity in post 1663

can be summed up in four words, "I don't think so."

Here you go with post 1663:

"Well it's backfiring considering the number of Dems starting to turn on their own party and Americans who are registered Dems fleeing the party in droves!

It's scary to think Biden is the "best man" to represent the party.

It's even scarier to see others, including certain members here, call POTUS "incompetent" when he is one of the most intelligent and respected business men on this planet!

Just shows how delusional some people are!

Dems emptied their bag of desperate "dirt" tricks on Trump in the 2016 campaign.

Every attempt to expose him FAILED miserably and ended at a dead end!

Now in 2020 they are desperate again to discredit him and they are failing left and right.

People are awake, they see through to the bullshit now.

Americans want truth, justice and freedom and that's exactly what POTUS stands for!

Desperate people will try to twist the truth simply because they hate him out of pure ignorance but in the end they will look really dumb and silly!"

ps Check out the movie review in previous post if you haven't already done so.

Coming attractions:

Assuming Trump has not "returned" to assume the role of POTUS by July 4 as sbd keeps telling us, un like Trump I will REALLY return to his thread and hammer

him multiple times daily with "friendly reminders" of this and request for him either to comment on why the prediction failed to come true or to admit

the failure of his prediction or face the consequences!

My chosen screen name for this forum is savage1 and he and anyone else who reads his thread will find out why beginning on July 4, which is

approaching soon, will find out why I chose that name if Trump has not returned!

Nov 11, 2007
In other news of the day, a UFO in the form and shape of a gigantic penis was seen briefly in the skies in the Gitmo area of Guantanamo area before completely

disappearing from view in the night sky in warp speed.

Inasmuch as Matt Gaetz's penis has still not been found and apprehended, analysts and policde are considering the possibility that it was either kidnapped

by the craft or a prearranged agreement with the penis to join the craft and whoever controls it in order not to be found by authorities

and thus to avoid prosecution for fucking underaged girls.

As usual, we will updates as they unfold.

Nov 11, 2007
Before I go out to run some errands, rest be assured that I am going to hammer sbd DAILY in his own thread til

the cows come home with posts like 10767 beginning on July 4 assuming of course that Trump is not recognized as the legitimate POTUS by then. lol

Nov 11, 2007
it-In addition to the movie review I did yesterday of "The World according to sbd," in the next few days I am going

to do an impression as to what a relationship is between sbd and his significant other, assuming that he has one,

which is A HUGE IF unless of course he is in relationship with a whacked QAnon woman and/or QAnon man who is as crazy as he is.

Anyways when I write this piece, it will be under the assumption that it is with a person somewhat normal, which isn't saying much in any event

when compared to him.

Nov 11, 2007
A crazy thought just entered my mind as it pertains to the disappearance of Matt Gaetz's penis while it is awaiting arraignment at Gitmo.

What I am curious about is if an older woman convinced a young teenage boy to have sex with her, could her vagina be arrested

and sent to be detained at GITMO until the trial.

The problem/big question regarding this is whether like Matt's penis, the lady's vagina could actually be detached from the body and sent to GITMO,

and/or whether that would be physically impossible.

If there are any gynecologists in the house, please feel free to offer an opinion. lol

Nov 11, 2007
I will start off today with post 10792 from sbd't thread:

"I have never met a Trump hater who can give me one good reason [policies, etc] WHY they actually hate him.

It always comes back to "he's mean".

Proof that MSM fake news brainwashing does actually work on the weak-minded folk.

Hate and ignorance blocks you from seeing TRUTH!

The TRUTH is staring you in the face.

Soon anti-Trumper's will be faced with the their worst nightmare.

"Orange man ISN'T bad afterall".

Accept it now.

Because the "return" is happening!"

Notice that sbd cleverly uses the word "hates" here and doesn't consider the fact that the "hate" refers to what Trump was as a Potus including his incompetency

his 33,000 DOCUMENTED lies and/or misleading statements during his four year tenure and yes his total arrogant and "hateful" attitude toward others

who disagree with him.

Those are just the tip of the iceberg why lots of us "hate" what he did and as a "human being."

Thus as I see it, the manner in which sbd tries to twist the word "hate" as being we hate him has no relevance for the simple reason that his use

of the word tries to divert attention from the real issue here, which was his performance as POTUS, his self-serving mindset, his lies and

the overtalll opinion of the majority of the population, which was a big thumbs down, the same term I used in describing my movie review yesterday

of "The World According to sbd."

As far as the rest of the bullshit goes re" "Trumps Return," all I can say is that I hope his thread is well barricaded if he has not returned by July4,

because yours truly is going to storm his thread to "remind him" of his failed prediction!!


Nov 11, 2007
I will start off today with post 10792 from sbd't thread:

"I have never met a Trump hater who can give me one good reason [policies, etc] WHY they actually hate him.

It always comes back to "he's mean".

Proof that MSM fake news brainwashing does actually work on the weak-minded folk.

Hate and ignorance blocks you from seeing TRUTH!

The TRUTH is staring you in the face.

Soon anti-Trumper's will be faced with the their worst nightmare.

"Orange man ISN'T bad afterall".

Accept it now.

Because the "return" is happening!"

Notice that sbd cleverly uses the word "hates" here and doesn't consider the fact that the "hate" refers to what Trump was as a Potus including his incompetency

his 33,000 DOCUMENTED lies and/or misleading statements during his four year tenure and yes his total arrogant and "hateful" attitude toward others

who disagree with him.

Those are just the tip of the iceberg why lots of us "hate" what he did and as a "human being."

Thus as I see it, the manner in which sbd tries to twist the word "hate" as being we hate him has no relevance for the simple reason that his use

of the word tries to divert attention from the real issue here, which was his performance as POTUS, his self-serving mindset, his lies and

the overtalll opinion of the majority of the population, which was a big thumbs down, the same term I used in describing my movie review yesterday

of "The World According to sbd."

As far as the rest of the bullshit goes re" "Trumps Return," all I can say is that I hope his thread is well barricaded if he has not returned by July4,

because yours truly is going to storm his thread to "remind him" of his failed prediction!!

Here is today's segment from "One Year Ago" re: what sbd said exactly one year ago in his thread, which in this case was 5/19/20.

It is post 1674 and found on page 67.

Of course there were also posts with the usual lies and bullshit which we have come to expect from sbd, but post 1674 stands out.

"The anti-Americans showed themselves through tyranny and corruption.

It's now time to put an end to it and allow "The People" to take off their masks and get on with life!

This virus is over and it's not coming back!"

The most obvious thing which sticks out like a sore thumb is the last line.

Hmm-by my definition, many hundreds of thousands of deaths in our country and millions in the world after this date indicates that

this statement fell "a little bit short" of coming true.

For that matter and in a fairness, sbd's ENTIRE LIFE until now has come up " a little bit short" when we view it in terms of this thread alone!!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I entitled the name of the sbd movie I reviewed as "The World According to sbd."

We all know what the sports term "Nothing but net" means.

That gave me an idea.

If someone decided to write a book about sbd's life, how about entitling the book "Nothing But Lies!!"

Nov 11, 2007
One more thing for now.

There is no new news today regarding the search for Matt Gaetz's penis and/or whether it was actually taken aboard the gigantic UFO in the form

of penis as a means of escape as suggested yesterday.

What we do know about the penis is that it will "stand up" when it sees underaged girls as possible food for fodder and recline and/or sit

down in their absence.

Nov 11, 2007
One last one before I hit the road for a while.

Since part of the focus of emphasis in this thread of late has been on the escape of and the search for Matt Gaetz's penis at Gitmo,

the thought crossed my mind if it would be possible someday for a detached penis to actually run for political office.

Say it did happen and it was elected and that it turned out to be like Hitler, Mussolini and the eyes of many like Trump.

The question is what might be a good adjective/noun to describe it?

Well for me the answer is quite simple: DICKtator.

Back later.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-regarding this latest revelation about CRIMINAL Trump, by nature I am a comparatively very small bettor compared to what I could be if I wanted to.

That said ,if Trump is arraigned for tax evasion and/or any other kind of crime, if there is any kind of a betting line as to whether he will be found guilty

of at least one of these charges, and if the betting line is reasonable, I am going to step out and bet a least a grand, which would be huge for me, or even

more that he will be found guilty.

The Trumpists can try to sweep everything under the rug and/or compare it to Russia, etc., but my good sense tells me that he is in deep doo doo

this time and with no Republican Senate(which was case before Election) to get him off the hook like they did with impeachment!

Stuff like this is one of the reasons why I give Trump at best a 10% chance of being the nominee in 2024.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

<header class="entry-header" style="margin-top: 0px;">Would An Actual Potato Be Better At Hosting ‘Reliable Sources’ Than Brian Stelter?

MAY 14, 2021 By Kylee Zempel


CNN’s Brian Stelter hits another yearly low in key demo as Fox News thrives

Fox News finished last week with greatest percentage advantage over CNN and MSNBC of the year

Chubby Checker’s 1963 hit "How Low Can You Go?" was about the limbo, but it could double as Stelter’s theme music these days. "Reliable Sources" has set yearly lows on a weekly basis, as the left-wing media program continues to struggle in the Biden era.


Nov 11, 2007
CNN’s Brian Stelter hits another yearly low in key demo as Fox News thrives

Fox News finished last week with greatest percentage advantage over CNN and MSNBC of the year

Chubby Checker’s 1963 hit "How Low Can You Go?" was about the limbo, but it could double as Stelter’s theme music these days. "Reliable Sources" has set yearly lows on a weekly basis, as the left-wing media program continues to struggle in the Biden era.


Two comments;

1) Imo this case would not have been elevated from a civil investigation case to a criminal unless the authorities had pretty solid

and damning evidence against Trum.

2) Perhaps you would like to comment on the other day when you got orgasmic because you claimed that Don Lemon was no longer with


Unless my eyes are deceiving me, this spot-on and insightful host is still there but simply the host of a new show.

"Perhaps" YOU need to find some new sources to rely upon rather than ones which continually suck on Trump's dick and cannot

see or understand reality!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Two comments;

1) Imo this case would not have been elevated from a civil investigation case to a criminal unless the authorities had pretty solid

and damning evidence against Trum.

2) Perhaps you would like to comment on the other day when you got orgasmic because you claimed that Don Lemon was no longer with


Unless my eyes are deceiving me, this spot-on and insightful host is still there but simply the host of a new show.

"Perhaps" YOU need to find some new sources to rely upon rather than ones which continually suck on Trump's dick and cannot

see or understand reality!!

He even had to make a statement to clarify he wasn’t leaving DNCNN. He doesn’t have dumbest man on TV stamped across his forehead given to by Trump for no reason . His viewers give him a run for the money .


Nov 11, 2007
He even had to make a statement to clarify he wasn’t leaving DNCNN. He doesn’t have dumbest man on TV stamped across his forehead given to by Trump for no reason . His viewers give him a run for the money .

Don Lemon is smarter and more perceptive than all of the Fox hosts put together-the same exists thing with the likes of Gloria Borger, Dana Bash,

Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper and on and on and on.

Also and just as importantly as I pointed out, these are REAL people who exude some warmth and empathy, which is in directed contrast

to the nasty/cold/zombie like people at Fox such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura InGROWNCUNT and perhaps the nastiest demonic folks

of them all, Jean Perino!!

One of the reasons I have stayed away from the Political Forum to post anything since January 6, is that with a few exceptions, most of people

over there come across in the same manner-I want no part of that!!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is some more and why Trump is or should be shitting in his pants:

Trump unloads on New York attorney general after reports of criminal probe (

If you read the article, it is of the same modus operandi when he was POTUS, namely bash anyone who says anything bad and/or exposes him

as is no one has a right to do so like he is a "paragon" of virtue, the truth and the "exemplary" person of all ages, races, creeds and colors

should try to emulate because he is such an "outstanding" person, has "never" " done anything illegal, has "never" lied and in general has all of

the human qualities and a lot more to be the POTUS that everyone wants! lol

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