Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007

Yeah-that one went a "little" awry(lol), but then again why should that surprise anyone when sbd has been documented as being wrong on 99.9%

of everything he has started and/or predicted since he started his thread in March of 2020!

Nov 11, 2007
Before I post today's edition of "One Year Ago," which is for those who don't know, a daily update of what I deem to be sbd's most significant

post , ie exemplifies his biggest failed post and/or prediction going exactly one year, I want to actually "praise" him for starting off my day

on the right foot with the laughable and delusional predictions he made today.

I won't dignify them by posting them here, but I strongly suggest that you read them if you want a good chuckle to start the day.

Anyways back to "One Year Ago."

Going back to 5/14/20, there were quite few posts on that day, all about events/predictions which had no relevance then nor moving forward.

Here is an example of one.

It is found on page 65 of his thread and is post 1610:

You decide how much of it came true.

If you answered ZERO, well then congratulations, you got it right!! lol

Here you go with the words/predictions of "wisdom" in post 1610: lol


Why is Clinton talking about #Qanon and how well organized "they are", it's just a larp right?


2:51 AM · May 14, 2020

Hillary, Obama and the entire evil and corrupt group are threatened by this group because they know the group includes some of the highest level of intell on the planet.

If it was just a "conspiracy" group like they all pretend to "play" WHY hasn't one person from MSM asked the President WHO Q/Q-Anon is despite being publicly challenged to do so many times?

It's because they are afraid of the answer!

Hillary, Obama and the entire evil group is running.

They have all officially retained Attorneys.

They are all avoiding testimony in front of the Senate trying to cite COVID as the reason.

It's not COVID they are afraid of, it's the fact they all know they have been CAUGHT in the biggest scandal in world history!





Nov 11, 2007
As we all know, one can buy virtually anything at such sites and Amazon and EBay.

It just dawned on me that if one does a search at one of those sites, maybe he can find for sale "predictions which will come true."

It goes without saying that if true, sbd might want to shell out a few bucks to purchase this item.

To help fund this purchase if it turns out to be pricey, he might want to take the hundreds if not thousands of his own predictions

which have failed to come true over the past 15 months, gather them all up and offer some kind of deals/packages

at one of the Dollar Stores to try to unload them. lol

Nov 11, 2007
And oh yes re: the disappearance of Matt Gaetz's penis(post 039), it is being reported that the penis is still at large(if Matt's dick is on the small size,

perhaps it would be better to say that it still at SMALL).

The only possible clue is that those in the search party did find a young deer which was dead and which appeared to have been sexually abused.

Stay tuned as we will update information on the search for Mr. Pecker as it breaks.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Say hello to the new #3 in the party Liz Stefanik .

Next up for Liz . Getting primaried in Wyoming next year .


Nov 11, 2007
Next up for Liz . Getting primaried in Wyoming next year .


She and folks like her are going to be STRONG political forces moving forward, with the end result being that either the

traditional Republican Party returns OR those who represent these values will splinter off and form another party,

all of which is bad news for Trump and his supporters!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
She and folks like her are going to be STRONG political forces moving forward, with the end result being that either the

traditional Republican Party returns OR those who represent these values will splinter off and form another party,

all of which is bad news for Trump and his supporters!

Good luck with Liz and the rest of the establishment Republicans .

The splintering of the party only turned into 75 million votes in 2020 . Lol !

Can’t wait to see that ‘22 primary scorecard of Trump endorsed candidates vs. never Trumpers .

Nov 11, 2007
Good luck with Liz and the rest of the establishment Republicans .

The splintering of the party only turned into 75 million votes in 2020 . Lol !

Can’t wait to see that ‘22 primary scorecard of Trump endorsed candidates vs. never Trumpers .

Keep dreaming, and while you are at it, take my previous advice, and try to do things to make YOURSELF great rather than simply promulgating Trumps slogan

of MAGA!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Keep dreaming, and while you are at it, take my previous advice, and try to do things to make YOURSELF great rather than simply promulgating Trumps slogan

of MAGA!

A sign of what’s coming for the never Trumpers .
Im sure you’ve seen this guy . He went crying to either DNCNN or MSDNC after his crushing defeat . :):)

Never Trump Republican candidate Michael Wood, who was endorsed by Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and received a campaign donation from Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), suffered an enormous defeat in Texas’s Sixth Congressional District special election over the weekend, placing ninth in the race and barely reaching three percent of the vote.

Nov 11, 2007
A sign of what’s coming for the never Trumpers .
Im sure you’ve seen this guy . He went crying to either DNCNN or MSDNC after his crushing defeat . :):)

Never Trump Republican candidate Michael Wood, who was endorsed by Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and received a campaign donation from Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), suffered an enormous defeat in Texas’s Sixth Congressional District special election over the weekend, placing ninth in the race and barely reaching three percent of the vote.

You can believe as you want based on TODAY's circumstances.

I choose to look out over the next few years and see Trump's influence eroding for lots of reasons I have stated before.

Each to their own.

I realize that the pain of seeing Biden/Harris in charge instead of Trump, and you are looking for something positive to dwell upon looking forward.

However perhaps you should pay some attention to other things also, like who is fucking who in Hollywood these days. lol

More importantly foe me anyways, after a totally shit, rainy and cold spring here in western Mass. beginning today we are going to get a nice string

of sunny and much warmer weather.

Guess what-while folks like you spend your entire existence speculating on Trump, the Republican Party, bashing Biden in the Political Forum

and patting each other on the back in the Political Forum, which you need to reinforce your opinions, I am shortly going to partake

of this nice weather and spend some time enjoying it!

Have fun speculating about Liz Cheney and the Trump fascist/dictatorial regime which you want to resurface.

That's it for now with you anyways.

Exposing sbd is much more important for me than debating your gossip and wild hopes borne out of desperation at this point because

Donnie LOST the Election, and you are stuck with Biden for the next four years!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Perhaps you should pay attention to other things like those wonderful economic numbers that have come out this week .



Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps you should pay attention to other things like those wonderful economic numbers that have come out this week .



Even though I did some take some chips of the table in my stock portfolio, I also did pay attention to the the very nice gains I have made this year. lol

Don't forget also that I am VERY schooled and educated in the market after over 50 years of being an active investor.

Two things are relevant here:

1) I have learned the hard way that one has to look at the forest(bigger picture) rather than the trees in investing, and that it is what happens

over the long term which counts, which I can attest by what my stocks are worth.\

2) Unlike in sports betting when you are betting on a team to win and/or cover, in the market there are lots of ways to win/ protect oneself such as selling

covered calls, buying puts or just plain shorting stocks if one thinks a certain stock or stocks is(are) overvalued or if the market is headed


This kind of approach is obviously only for seasoned investors with lots and lots of experience.

Bye(den) for now!

Nov 11, 2007
Way ot- it is how I feel about my overall feelings about my life today and with the prospect of summer and nice warm weather on the way.

In short is is a great day to be alive for me and hopefully you also!

With that I give you the lyrics from this wonderful song from one of the greatest musicals EVER/Oklahoma to express how I feel about today:

There's a bright golden haze on the meadow
There's a bright golden haze on the meadow
The corn is as high as an elephant's eye
And it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky
Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way
All the cattle are standing like statues
All the cattle are standing like statues
They don't turn their heads as they see me ride by
But a little brown maverick is winking her eye
Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way
All the sounds of the earth are like music
All the sounds of the earth are like music
The breeze is so busy, it don't miss a tree
And an old weeping willow is laughing at me
Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feeling
Everything's going my way
Oh, what a beautiful day

Nov 11, 2007
Before getting a quick bite to eat and then relaxing outside, I have this to say about sbd's post, which is as follows:


President Trump set the trap with the fake pandemic.

He set the trap with the election.

They all took the bait and they have been caught!

Trump is a genius and nothing can stop what is coming!"

My comments are going to be very short:

We all know what the "hat trick" is on hockey, and it a nice achievement.

Well sbd did one better today with not just three accomplishments, which is the case in the hat trick, bit with FIVE outrageous LIES.

However, one has to put an asterisk next to this, because sbd doesn't/actually cannot show us with EVIDENCE exactly of whatever it is he is talking about,

which is incredibly vague in itself and in actuality says nothing, which is and has always been the modus operandi of this walking/lying demonic TURD!!

Nov 11, 2007
Despite some desperate rants, hopes and delusions in the IVU Thread because a few folks refuse to accept that Biden/Harris are in charge,

there is not one solitary thing they can do about it to change it until the 2024 Election.

Rational, intelligent and objective people accept that the American Public spoke loud and clear on Election Day in 2024.

This song symbolizes who is REALLY in charge for the next four years, and for their own sanity

and well being sbd and others had better accept this!!

Back in a minute-I will let you think about what the song is.

After careful deliberation, the judges have decided that the most appropriate some to sum up the situation as it applies to Biden and

Harris is this one:

(2) Queen - We Are The Champions (Official Video) - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
ot-One quick random thought just came to mind.

I wonder if there is a direct correlation between the age at which a kid figures out that Santa Claus is imaginary and the delusion for adults The Election was stolen.

In this case it would mean that folks like sbd actually believed that Santa did travel all over the world on board his reindeer on Christmas Eve.

and go down millions of chimneys to deliver presents until he was at least 12-13 years old as opposed to kids who figure the truth out when the were/are 4 or 5

or even younger.

In both cases the kids and in this case alleged adults believed their respective fantasies and imagination until they were shattered by reality, and/or

hopefully in the case of folks like sbd WILL be shattered some day and who realize that their projections, hopes, imaginations, delusions, etc. DON'T

translate into reality!

Nov 11, 2007
Oh my goodness-just now I noticed that sbd posted just another tabloid headline with more delusional bullshit(assuming he really believes it or is

getting his rocks off by getting someone to respond to it).

He just posted this:


You are being played if you think [fake] Biden and Harris and President and VP.

Both will be removed very soon.

Looking for a "false flag" event in DC as the "trigger".

Biden, Harris and top ranking members in Congress will be removed for Treason.

Secret Service started gathering on top of White House about 4 hours ago."

I could go forever for this, but decided to confine myself to a few relevant related questions:

1) Who is in charge of the "Presidential Removal Unit" and what are the qualifications needed to apply for it and how

many years of experience in some other related field are needed to apply?

2) Along the same lines, if there are no specified qualifications, then I would think a dentist who specializes in extracting teeth might be a good

person to apply as well of course as a surgeon who specializes in removing cancerous body parts.

3) The next question is what is done with Biden, Harris and certain congressional members after they are removed?

Are they merely sent home to return to their private lives?

Perhaps they are shuttled off to GITMO and tried for treason and found guilty, are excuted.

While being detained until the trial, perhaps they can get a special assignment to help find Matt Gaetz's penis which

I talked about earlier in a previous post? lol

4) Another possibility is that they can be waterboarded until they fess up to the "truth," ie what Trump and his entourage of supporters want to

believe is the truth about the Election.

Nov 11, 2007
Only one line is sbd's late posts worth commenting on as the rest is the usual bullshit, lies and hopeful projections on his part.

Anyways he says this:

"The walls are closing in on [fake] Biden.

His days are numbered [literally]."


Sorry sbd as you have said on a number of occasions that the real Biden is dead-perhaps you should clarify what you mean here.

Also do you mean when you say that his days are numbered, that there is going to be an insurrection, violence, etc?

Don't you think you should be a little more explicit in this instance for a change!!

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