Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007

Down-to-earth, moderate and reasonable folks like Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Mike Dewine, are the types of

traditional Republicans need if they ever expect to regain power.

The bastardization of the Party with Trump is a far cry from this.

To be honest, if Kasich ran against Biden and the Election was held tomorrow, I would probably vote for Kasich.

He sees and evaluates things in pretty much the same way as I do, and I love the overall way he thinks and comes across.

Nov 11, 2007
First here is today's edition of "One Year Ago" which reposts one of sbd's memorable one going back one year to 5/13/20.

This is post 1584 and found on page 64 and is directed at me:

"Savage-Anons have been reduced to nothingness.

They couldn't prove any of the information posted here wrong so now they resort to trying to twist and turn things and discredit a group

that they ASSUME I am a part of.

They continue to put the ASS in assume!

Savage-Anons are nothing more than the clowns of their own circus!

They are not independent thinkers, nor do they possess the ability to understand anything beyond what they see and hear on the "news".

They are brainwashed sheep."

I am just to touch on this briefly because imo it is quite apparent to any rational and objective person one year later what the post

said about him at the time of the post and moving forward one year.

In short he is trying to project HIS OWN failures and predictions onto me.

Re: ihis independent thinker comments, in fact that is EXACTLY what I and the others are, as leading up to the time of the post and for the ensuing year,

all we have done is expose his FAILED predictions, accusations with 100% DOCUMENTATION!!

He also tries to pretend that he is not a QAnon when all he has done since he started his post is use them as "purveyors of the truth."

Sbd also makes some vague and cryptic statement about our ability to understand anything beyond what we hear about the notice.

He never has explained what that means and has shown no evidence of what he means, whereas we have documented that what he has stated and predicted

has amounted to 99.9% failures and outright LIES over the last 15 months.

The rest of what he stated on on that date pretty much what he always post including today, namely, lies, unproven accusations from one way and/or

unknown sources.

I leave you with this to consider:

If I and the others who have documented and exposed him for what he is since he started his thread with the TRUTH are "brainwashed sheep,"

then in turn what are the QAnons and the few people who agree with him and/or have and/or still give him the benefit of the doubt??

For me they are not only brainwashed sheep, but are people who are unable to deal with reality as IT IS AND WHAT THEY WANT IT TO BE

and in many cases such as is the case with sbd, LOSERS IN LIFE and who have turned to sbd and QAnon beliefs as some kind of fucked

up alternative to dealing with the REAL personal and emotional issues which at present time they cannot and/or refused to!

In addition the fact that sbd refuses to admit his failed predictions, which are virtually all, shows how deep his problems are

and how great the need is for professional help and or prayers on his part he needs moving forward!!!


Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more from sbd in post 10,604, the last two lines that is:



Translated to the secular world we live in, it means that the Truth is that Biden WON and that it was the Will of God that he won, and that Biden and Harris

will be in charge until at least Inauguration Day Jan. 2025.

Anyone who doesn't believe that at this point is going to endure disappointment upon disappointment ih the upcoming months

leading up until the 2024 Election where the people will speak once again and choose the next POTUS just as they did in 2020!!

Nov 11, 2007
As I said yesterday, Governor DeWine is a great example of what being a Republican and American is all about.

What he did today as posted in post 10605 in sbd's IVU Thread with offering a monetary incentive in the form of drawing to get people to take the

vaccine is a FABULOUS and creative idea.

Also, another excellent REAL Republican who I forgot to mention as being an excellent Republican/true patriot and human being

is Governor Charlie Baker of my home state of Massachusetts because of the caution he has taken with the virus rather than to give in to politics.

Hats off to folks like him!!!

ps In that thread sbd says people who want you to get the vaccine want you dead.

I guess then that also includes Trump them as he has gotten the vaccine and who has strongly encouraged everyone to get one!

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd:


The President of The Senate of the State of Arizona, who is NOT a MAGA Patriot Trump supporter, just blew the doors off the 2020 Election!


My response is that no one blew the doors off of anything except in sbd's demented mind,, and when all is said and done, there is ZERO,

NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH out there which can change the FACT the Biden and Harris are in charge for the next four years.

Congratulations to the folks including the SCOTUS who shot down the 70 some odd legal challenges to the Election after it was over.

This latest nonsense will end up as another laughable failure- LOCK!!

Nov 11, 2007
I almost forgot.

The "Trump Return" which has disappeared off of the map earlier this week after being last spotted on the Nowhere Island near the South Pole,

according t sources, made a brief appearance trying to emerge northward before encountering strong hurricane winds near the Island

of Constitution and once again disappeared.

The sources stated that the Return of the Trump ship appeared to be very battered when they sighted it for the last time.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I’m sure the left wing media will be all over the failure for the election board to comply with the subpoena in Maricopa County .

Maybe the Biden DOJ can step in before the Tuesday hearing on non compliance .

Maybe MSDNC and DNCNN can run another story about Jan 6 and the Capitol instead .

Nov 11, 2007
I’m sure the left wing media will be all over the failure for the election board to comply with the subpoena in Maricopa County .

Maybe the Biden DOJ can step in before the Tuesday hearing on non compliance .

Maybe they can run another story about Jan 6 and the Capitol instead .

Only a fool and someone out of touch with reality would believe that Trump actually won the Election.

With the raging pandemic/deaths and all of the other problems created under Trump's watch, it was a no brainer that Trump lost to Biden

with the accent being that Trump lost.

The polls may have gotten the margin of victory wrong, but all things all things considered, there is no way in Hell that the American Public voted to return

Trump for a second term and especially so after people found out over four years what a putrid, lying and disgusting piece of vermin he is as a "human being."

You can have the last say.

I have better things to do than to respond to/debate folks who live in a fantasy world and who believe that the American Public

would return this guy to a second term.

Out for lunch!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
In his interview with OAN Ken Bennett said Dominion is refusing to comply with the State Senate’s subpoena and is hiding the second password for their machines.

Dominion was in charge of the Maricopa County election. And now they are refusing to cooperated with a subpoena.

But but it’s all a tin foil hat conspiracy .

Nov 11, 2007
ot-One of the many reasons that I watch the CNN hosts as opposed to those of Fox for the most part is because not only

are they intellectually superior to those on Fox but just as importantly, come across as warm, loving, caring

and compassionate people who have feelings for others.

I was raised in the same manner.

Without going into great detail, let just say in short that when listening to the likes of Gloria Borger, Dana Bash, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon,

not even taking into account what they say, I get a feeling that I am listening to real human beings with real emotions and empathy for their audience.

Conversely, when I tune into and listen to the likes of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Greg Gutfield,

I get the feeling that I am listening to vipers, androids, people with no feelings or emotions, and overall just find

myself shivering in an emotional sense.

In sense these folks remind me of Trump, who gives me the same overall cold/icy feeling, and it shows and has shown in the nasty manner in which

he deals with people who disagree with him.

Conversely, Biden gives me the same kind of warm feelings as those when I cited when I listen to the folks at CNN.

Nov 11, 2007
If the "One Year Ago" segment should continue and be in effect one year from now, this laughable quote from sbd just posted will be high up there

on the list to be displayed, because in retrospect it will be shown to be as true, relative and significant as two flies fornicating in the middle of the desert

not one but FIFTY years ago:

"Nothing says "I'm guilty" quite like Maricopa County election officials deleting databases right before an audit.

These people are screwed.




Nov 11, 2007
One correction about what sbd about Governor DeSantis being role model governor.

As usual he is wrong, as it is Governor Charlie Baker of my home state of Massachusetts, who is the role model, a man who put politics aside and

who did everything in his power to protect the health and safety of the residents FIRST as should always be the case

This is another Republican, who I forgot to mention earlier, who I would feel confident about if he ever decided to run for POTUS

all things considered at this juncture.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
In his interview with OAN Ken Bennett said Dominion is refusing to comply with the State Senate’s subpoena and is hiding the second password for their machines.

Dominion was in charge of the Maricopa County election. And now they are refusing to cooperated with a subpoena.

But but it’s all a tin foil hat conspiracy .

As per the letter

Chain of custody and ballot organization anomalies and deleted databases prior to audit .

Paging the Biden DOJ . Please help . It’s getting hot in Maricopa County .

Sincerely ,

The Maricopa County Board of Elections .


Nov 11, 2007
As per the letter

Chain of custody and ballot organization anomalies and deleted databases .

Paging the Biden DOJ . Please help . It’s getting hot in Maricopa County .

Sincerely ,

The Maricopa County Board of Elections .


This is positively the last post to this delusional nonsense in Maricopa.

Even if they concocted something in Maricopa, most people are bored with the Election by now(I didn't see all), and/or wouldn't believe something

which is six months old in any case for obvious reasons and have moved on.

I assure you that with 99.9% accuracy/confidence that the folks who still fret and bitch about the Election like you, sbd and those who spend their entire


In all fairness though, it will tighten the security in FUTURE ELECTIONS, which is good.

As far as having an influence on results of the 2020 Election, it will not change anything, and that is all that matters to me!!

See ya!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment about previous post:

Trump and the folks who keep whining like little babies because they lost need to grow the fuck up and accept the results and move on.

Thank God there are REAL patriots like Al Gore who did the right thing re: Florida in 2000 and had a LOT more reason to bitch than the folks

who can't accept that Trump lost by over seven million votes, lost in the EC Votes decisively and who won't accept that all of

their many legal challenges failed after the Election INCLUDING MULTIPLE CHALLENGES TO THE SCOTUS!

If I had a kid who turned out like this who couldn't accept defeat, I would conclude that I had failed as a parent!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A Biden DOJ stoppage to the Maricopa audit = Illegitimate President !

But by all means keep crying delusional nonsense and conspiracy theory lunacy . :):)

Nov 11, 2007
One of the reason that I REALLY and TOTALLY DISAPPEARED from the Political Section of the Forum on January 6 is because I consider it beneath my dignity

to respond to most of the folks over there, because they are in effect petulant children in the bodies of adults, and who sadly have nothing better to do

in their lives than to go overboard and dwell with/on crap like this

I will say once again what I just said over the last few days, namely instead of allegedly trying to make America great, these folks should concern

themselves with making THEIR OWN lives great or at least a vast improvement over where it stands at the moment, which in many cases is not much

to write home about!

Nov 11, 2007
Late breaking story of the highest magnitude!!:

It is being reported that Matt Gaetz's penis has escaped from GITMO.

If you recall, about a week or two ago it was reported in this thread, that Matt's manhood had been sent there for observation as well

as to be tried for sexually abusing underaged girls; if convicted, it would punished for its crime by an indefinite stay at GITMO as well as being


Back to the story:

Authorities don't how the penis escaped or where it is headed(probably looking for the closest underaged pussy he can find lol)

An APB has been issued(in this case All Penis Bulletin)in an attempt to find it.

The GITMO guards as well as police from Guantanamo Bay have just started their search to find the dick before it can strike.

A spokesman from GITMO has stated that the penis may be armed and is considered extremely dangerous

and should not be attempted to be captured by most citizens.

If you see the penis, it is recommended that you call your local police.

The spokesman also warned that if you are under 18 years old and are either living with your parents or own your own, you should remain in your home or

apartment and lock all doors and windows until further notice!!

We will update this thread with further news when it breaks!!
Feb 20, 2002
I defy you, SBD, to come in and explain as to what happened to his most important and defining prediction, namely as he said over and over again that

Biden would NEVER be inaugurated and that it would be Trump giving the Inauguration Speech on Inauguration Day


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