Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Georgia, how did that turn out?

The only sure thing is that if Trump hadn't let his emotions get the best of him and sound off prior to the Senate runoffs in Georgia,

the two republican candidates would have both won.

As the link I posted says and implies, having Trump around or to be politically correct, his mouth, is a big asset for the Democratic Party for lots of

reasons moving forward.

Nov 11, 2007
Here you go with today's "One Year Ago" and what sbd said on 5/11/20.

Most of the other posts mirror the delirious ones today which are either lies, from one way sources and are based on false hopes, projections, hopes and


Anyways, the one I chose to post from "One Year Ago" is from post 1549 and says this:



As anyone who has followed his thread knows, he has used this post at the beginning of just about every week.

The implication was then as it is now that the "evil democrats/deep state" were going to have something

terrible befall them during that week, which would expose them, have many arrested, tried, convicted

and then either sent to GITMO or executed.

Looking over the last year and each of sbd's broken record "Boom Week" issued at the beginning of just about every week and most

importantly what transpired during that alleged "Boom Week," the only inference I can make is that sbd's definition of "Boom

Week" is quite different in his lexicon than in mine.

I say that because looking back retrospectively, I don't see ANY evidence of mass arrests, convictions, folks sent to GITMO, executions, etc.

Also using empirical evidence, how can he say that in general "Boom Week" is an applicable when Biden and NOT Trump was elected,

and along the same lines, who has been calling ALL of the shots since Inauguration Day on January-hint it isn't Trump.

The clearest and most obvious example of these alleged "Boom Weeks" is that since the Election, sbd predicted first on many occasions

before the Election that Trump would win in "the biggest landslide in history."

Lets call that MAJOR FAILED Boom Week #1 as well as of course all of the weeks in that time frame.

When that didn't "quite" work out, the "Boom Week" and subsequent weeks consisted of predictions that the results of

the Election would be overturned and Trump reinstated as the POTUS.

We all know how that worked out.

That is MAJOR FAILED Boom Week #2 as well as all of that weeks in that regard.

Since Inauguration Day, "Boom Week(s)" have consisted of FAILED predictions of "Trump's Return."

Never mind all of the other "Boom Weeks" which failed to produce anything(100% to be exact)..

Just using the three major things cited above, it is quite clear to any fair minded person that the "mighty" Caset, oops I mean

sbd has struck out!!!

Overall and to sum up looking back at what has transpired over the past year, perhaps he should have referred to all of

those 52 weeks as BUST Weeks rather than Boom Weeks!!

Nov 11, 2007
From what I see from sbd's world today, it looks like "Trump's Return" to be reinstated has been put on hold for the time being

as sbd has decided to concentrate on some other delusional drivel, which is as usual a figment of his imagination, projections and dreams

and which will go no place and turn out to be yet another of the longest consecutive BUST Weeks in internet history, in this case

going back to March 2020, when he started his thread for morons and/or people whose minds/thinking have been altered poisoned by delusional


Nov 11, 2007
Sbd's desperation is starting to fall off the charts.

Here you go with essentially the same Hail Mary he has used on multiple occasions over the last year, ALL of which ended up with the same

"success" as that of a 4th of July firecracker which fizzled because iw was drenched by rain lol:


If you can't see that something big is about to happen you need to wake up!

Make sure you have extra food, water and cash on hand.

Fill up your cars gas tank and gas cans before you can't.

These next few weeks are going to be intense."

Nov 11, 2007
The one question I have for sbd is that he says people are "waking" up to all of the "horrible" things which are going on in his country

under the leadership of Biden and all of the other "evil" democrats and ds.

He infers that the people are going to do something about it but doesn't say what they are going to do about it.

If he means anything else other than to vote these people out of office in 2022 and then 2024, well then fine and good, as that

is the traditional, legal and acceptable way according to our constitution.

If he means something else in the way of overthrow/violence or something along those lines, the only sure thing is that the REAL patriots of his

country which yes includes the military establishment which is under the command of Biden, will deal with these people in a manner

which lets just say won't be too "pleasant" for those who try it!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd quotes Liz Yore:

"The deep state and the deep church are planning and colluding this "great reset" to bring on the great communist socialist revolution around the world by using the pandemic." -- Liz Yore


Yes of course we should believe Liz Hore, just as we should have when sbd produced a video from one of his "reliable sources" who claimed that

George Floyd never died, and that the whole event was staged for political purposes or the QAnon "doctor" who warned us

that demons, evil spirits and the like rape/have sex with us while we are sleeping and dreaming for sinister reasons known only to them.

But don't worry, folks, this time it will be different with Liz Hore, who will be proven right in time and will be added to the "certified"

list of "Patriots" who sbd has already told us about! lol

Nov 11, 2007
From post 10577 from sbd:

"It's almost over!

Get ready for the "return"."

The REAL translation of this is that it is almost over for Trump, and it is just a matter of time for Trump's REAL return not to the WH, but to New York

and/or somewhere else, where he will face the courts for tax evasion and a lot more and be convicted and get his just due!


Nov 11, 2007
Come on, sbd-how about throwing us at least one more "bone" to feast on before the day is over. lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
byebye)(&^ Liz

Happy Liz Cheney vote removal day .

More than 100 Republicans, including some former elected officials, are preparing to release a letter this week threatening to form a third party if the Republican Party does not make certain changes, according to an organizer of the effort.

Oh look . The swamp isn’t happy .


Nov 11, 2007
Happy Liz Cheney vote removal day .

More than 100 Republicans, including some former elected officials, are preparing to release a letter this week threatening to form a third party if the Republican Party does not make certain changes, according to an organizer of the effort.

Oh look . The swamp isn’t happy .


A third party isn't going to help Republican's chances in Elections moving forward, that's for sure.

Removing Liz Cheney for speaking her mind smacks of fascism and won't play well with the American Public as a whole!

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with today's "One Year Ago" segment taken from sbd's thread and what he said on 5/12/20.

It begins on page 63.

Among other things is an interesting back and forth chat between sbd and Lexmark.

As usual, when cornered, sbd resorts to vague and cryptic generalizations which don't work and which are lies or delusions in any event.

I chose post 1574 as the most memorable example of bullshit, lies and predictions which were not true then and have not come to pass over

the pasty year.

Here you go:

"My focus and "predictions" here have been very narrow.

I am not trying to "predict the future", nor am I saying everything I ever say is true, I am simply saying that what I post here is true

and has already proven to be true whether it's been made public or not.

I have been clear from the start that this was more than the "virus" and to think "overlay".

It's all true and you should see it by now.

If you don't just keep watching.

Soon it will be crystal clear.

And remember, "opinions" are just ideas but they are no longer ideas once proven to be FACT.

Only then, does it become the UNDENIABLE TRUTH of what "just is"."

ps Post 1572 is also a crock of shit-check it out if you get a chance.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A third party isn't going to help Republican's chances in Elections moving forward, that's for sure.

Removing Liz Cheney for speaking her mind smacks of fascism and won't play well with the American Public as a whole![/QUOTE]

But banning the President from social media is fine .

Repeat after me once more .

MAGA is the majority !

Nov 11, 2007
A third party isn't going to help Republican's chances in Elections moving forward, that's for sure.

Removing Liz Cheney for speaking her mind smacks of fascism and won't play well with the American Public as a whole![/QUOTE]

But banning the President from social media is fine .

Repeat after me once more .

MAGA is the majority !

I am not going or debate this because it is a pointless.

I strongly believe that for lots of reasons Trump is on his way out and by the 2022 Election or certainly the 2024 Election to use a horse racing

expression, will be a non factor and won't be in a physical and/or mental condition to run for POTUS even if he wanted to.

You can have the last say, as I want to concentrate on my mission in this thread, which has to do with sbd and exposing him for those who don't know


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Memo to Liz .

A wise person once said .

A leader with no followers is nothing more than a person on a walk .

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps people who keep repeating over again the hackneyed and overused Trump term MAGA/Make American Great Again, should concentrate

on making THEIR OWN life great again and in many cases ""great" for the first time, and/or at the very least get over the rut they are in by

thinking and believing that Trump is some kind of a "deity", one to look up as an "exemplary" human being, the kind of person you want you son or daughter

to turn out to be and/or to marry!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a perfect example of sbd's narrative which changes by the day if not hour or minute.

He says this:

"In less than 4 months we went from:

- energy independence to gas shortages
- border security to border crisis
- Middle East peace to Middle East war
- job creation to a disastrous jobs report
- economic recovery to massive inflation
- respected globally to global laughingstock

Atta boy Joe!"

The trouble with this is that sbd has said that on many occasions that Biden is not really the POTUS and calling the shots, but rather it is and has always bee

Trump despite the person who APPEARS to be Biden but who in fact is not.

In fact sbd has stated on several occasions that Biden is dead and that what you say on tv is Biden's "evil spirit." lol

Thus the question is that if Trump has been in charge right along as he states, if anything has gone over the last four months, shouldn't we lay the blame

on Trump, as according to sbd he never left office in the first place?

In all fairness and as I have pointed out many times before, sbd has ZERO sense of how to put together anything which flows smoothly.

Rather just using the one example cited above, to any objective and rational person who has followed him for a while,

whatever sbd says is full of contradictions, inconsistencies, paradoxes, non sequiturs, poisoning the well begging the question,

illogic, and in general make about as much sense as saying that 1+1=3.


Nov 11, 2007
And one last thing for now:

Today as usual sbd makes vague and cryptic references as to how it is all over for Biden very soon, but doesn't have the balls to tell us how this is going

to happen and who exactly is going to pull this off.

But then again and to use the cliche, "what else is new," as stuff like this has been his standard modus operandi for the last 15 months!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd says this:

"Breaking ... Joe Biden is finally getting huge crowds at his car rallies."

Hmm-I don't see any relevance to this post inasmuch as according to sbd Trump has been the POTUS

right along, meaning that his post has no significance.

Just another day at the office for sbd, the "great debater" (or is it masturbator for his fantasizing about

doing Trump).lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
A third party isn't going to help Republican's chances in Elections moving forward, that's for sure.

Removing Liz Cheney for speaking her mind smacks of fascism and won't play well with the American Public as a whole!


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