Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For many reasons I have already stated, TIME is not Trump's ally for his political career moving forward.

We’ll see how the Trump backed candidates do vs. the never Trumpers in the midterms .

Here’s a sign of what’s coming .

Buh-Bye: Never-Trump TX Candidate Endorsed by Adam Kinzinger Only Gets 3% of Vote in Texas Congressional Race

. :missingte

Your early morning lesson of the day is MAGA is the majority . Class dismissed for now .

Nov 11, 2007
We’ll see how the Trump backed candidates do vs. the never Trumpers in the midterms .

Here’s a sign of what’s coming .

Buh-Bye: Never-Trump TX Candidate Endorsed by Adam Kinzinger Only Gets 3% of Vote in Texas Congressional Race

. :missingte

Your early morning lesson of the day is MAGA is the majority . Class dismissed for now .

As a person with a considerable about of money, I don't want this to occur for obvious reasons, but moving forward over

the next 10-20 years or even sooner, imo some form of socialism is going to be the order of the day in this

country, and to use sbd's words and to really mean it, I am afraid that no one or anything can stop this evolutionary process.

Nov 11, 2007
For any of you who go back to the late 50's to mid 60's and/or who have seen reruns of the original one half hour

Twilight Zone, you will recall that Rod Serling began each show with a brief lead-in to what or who the show was about.

Based on the manner in which he presented the introduction to each of the shows, imo this is how Mr. Serling would present sbd in the preamble:

"You are about to meet Mr. sbd, and internet poster, who lives in an alternate world of reality, a man whose world can be found on the outer limits

of time and space and a poster who is a prisoner in this world is a prisoner of his own psychosis, fantasies and imagination and who is

unable to escape, a place which we refer to as the Twilight Zone!"

Nov 11, 2007
And here you go with the latest except from sbd in the art of stupidity, illogic/non sequiturs and so much more.

He says this:

"In 2008, 2 years after the book was published, they began the "Billionaires Club", the plan to depopulate the world.

The highest bidder would fund the deadly vaccine agenda in Wuhan.

That bidder who won was Gates and he started the deadly vaccine plan immediately in 2009."

My response to this is if that whack bullshit was even remotely true, then why would Bill donate a "few dollars" to charity many

of which would prolong the lives of people?

And if you are wondering how much is a "few dollars," try 50 BILLION DOLLARS!!!

This is just another example of hundreds if not thousands of ill founded statements from sbd which make no sense

and are in fact "based" on inconsistencies, contradictions, illogic, non sequiturs, lies, to name a few, and why sbd head for the hills

when folks like myself and others point this out with documentation!

Again and as I have stated before, sbd needs to go back to the minor leagues for seasoning before he steps up to the

plate and attempts to hit the big league pitching that some of us offer!

Nov 11, 2007
Real fast with post 10531 with which sbd has just "graced" our presence.

In essence everything he has said about me and the others is actually about HIMSELF as anyone who has read our exposure, documentation,

and verification of his lies, failed predictions, failed to be proven accusation and conspiracy theories will attest to as well as his 100% REFUSAL TO ADMIT


This is the only line from the post cited which means anything as the rest of it is merely an feeble attempt to transfer/project all

of his failures, delusions, lies upon we folks who have exposed him

Anyways here is the one line which stands out:

"I will not engage with any of you again on any level."

The REAL reason that he says that he will no longer engage us is that dep down inside he realizes that in fact that he is unable to respond

to use because everything we have said about him and his posts is 100% TRUE and that he has no response which will fly

with intelligent and objective folks.

Not to toot my own horn, but just take a look at what I posted in posts, 504, 505 and 506 X-Files Covid 19 Vaccination

Thread and sbd's "response" to it and my request for sbd to respond to it.

Don't look too hard to find a response because there ISN'T ONE.

What does that tell you about sbd as well as the hundreds of his other "responses" of the same nature?

Logical thinking!

Nov 11, 2007
Before lunch, here is today's edition of "One Year Ago," which is a notable quote from sbd from one year ago on May 10, 2020(post 1540)"

"The left wing criminals, MSM, conspiracy theorists and Savage-Anons are all dead!


We all I can say here is that this is a "pretty long" extra inning game using the old rules, as after one year last I looked, the

game is far from over and especially one NOT in favor of sbd and his team of QUACKanons. lol

Nov 11, 2007
sbd says:

"They" are trying so hard to start a war.

They need a major distraction because of what is coming!

Pray for Israel."

If sbd means this literally, it is a HUGE LIE, as it has been documented that he and his QAnon group are among the biggest

anti-Semitic people in the world, and would love nothing better than to see all Jewish people in the world, which was the original

plan by Hitler.

Nov 11, 2007
I don't like to clutter by thread with too much direct quotes from sbd as I believe that by so doing, it may poison this thread and bring some bad karma to my own.

Anyways that said, I am going to post 10536 in its entirety and do a commentary about what he said about us folks who have exposed him for all

of the members to see.

"They are all a complete waste of time and space.

But given where we are at in the movie my time and focus needs to be elsewhere.

Savage1 wanted to make it about "right" and "wrong" and "winning" and "losing".

The others joined him on the delusional train.

Now they will be forced to see and face their truth very soon.

I stated at the onset that I knew how the movie ends.

They are about to see their worlds come crashing in.

And with this they will learn just how wrong they were.

And since I know this is inevitable there is no reason to engage any of them at any level anymore.

It's nothing more than that.

And so I send them all off in peace and love while praying for their souls."

First question for you to consider is what does he mean by a "delusional train?"

Keep in mind that is HE and NOT US who has made all of the FAILED predictions and unproven accusation and conspiracy theories over the last fifteen months.

Thus the question is how can WE be delusional when in fact we have documented that virtually none of what he has predicted has come true??

Perhaps in HIS alternate world and dictionary which exist in La La Land, his definition of "delusion" will stick by not in ours.

Then he says that I wanted to make it about "right an wrong" "winning and losing" when in fact it was HIM and not I

who made the failed predictions in the first place.

Again in HIS world he is saying that for me it was/is all about "right and wrong"/ winning and losing, when in fact all I

and the others have done is FACT CHECK and show that he came up short 99.9% of the time with his predictions, etc.

Then of course he goes on for the zillionth time to talk about his fucking movie which was allegedly supposed to end in his favor over a year ago but

which is still going on.

See my previous post for more on this, which documents what he said and when he said it, how wrong he was/is and how the show is still going on.

But of course, once again he promises that the truth will come crashing down on us and that it will prove that he was correct right along.

In actuality, the movie he keeps talking about should be deemed a documentary of 15 months from dedicated folks in here proving that he is a fraud,

liar, one who never has admitted a failed prediction and overall a total disgrace to the forum!!

And then he tries to rationalize that what he stated is the reason he will not engage us in conversation anymore.

However, as I pointed out earlier with his no response to what I offered in X-Files Covid Thread yesterday and today, the REAL

reason he hasn't/won't to us anymore is that on some level he recognizes that we have nailed him

with our documentation and dd and/or can't comprehend that, and that he cannot offer anything in a response

which will fly with anyone other than with REAL low iq people

If you believe HIS explanation as to why he won't take us on anymore is correct as opposed to mine, that so be it!

Also notice that he himself used the word "wrong" to drive home his point, forgetting that at the beginning of the post

that it was NOT about right and wrong.

This is far from the first time he has contradicted himself in this type of manner and sure as hell not the last-that is what you get when one steps out of

his league.

And yes as usual he ends by saying that HE will pray for our souls.

I will leave it to you to decide all things considered whether HE should rightfully praying for OUR souls or WE praying for HIS!

"Perhaps" instead he should in fact be praying to God for forgiveness for himself and his QAnon racist and anti-Semitic hatred.

Or if one wants to leave race, etc. out of it and be pragmatic, perhaps he should be praying to God to lead him to another forum which

will allow him to say whatever bullshit and lies, etc. he wants to and get away with it.

As he has painfully learned, this is NOT the right forum for him with the above goals in mind!!


Nov 11, 2007
Notice how fast that sbd tried to bury Honey Badger's 10540 with a barrage of posts of his own.

As I see it, he is unable to refute what HB said, and since he is a relatively unknown quantity, sbd doesn't want to take chance with his

name calling "response."

This is all very typical of a bully/coward but in all fairness, is in the sam manner in which sbd's hero/"GOD" Donald Trump conducts his.

This this is not all surprising.

And oh yes sbd claims that that the walls are closing in on Dr. Fauci.

We heard the same line about a year ago and multiple times after that-last I heard he is alive, active and well!!

"The walls are really closing in on Fraudci."

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for now.

Just check out X-Files new thread today entitled "Sbd Busted."

If you don't want to check out all of the links, I suggest that you just check a few at random.

By so doing, if you don't know already, you will find out in no particular order what a liar, fraud, prediction and conspiracy failure sbd is

as well as his refusal to admit EVER when he has been documented to be wrong about anything, which is 99.9% of the time!

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd in post 10548:

"Criminal group believed to be behind Colonial Pipeline cyberattack; major concerns about fuel supply "

What immediately came to mind when I read this is who supplies sbd with his "fuel supply," or better his lies and bullshit


Sep 5, 2010
Let me know how that Liz Cheney vote turns out and get back to me you clueless clown . :missingte

I'm a Democrat, if Cheney gets voted out it just makes the mid terms better for us.

Whoop de doo.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm a Democrat, if Cheney gets voted out it just makes the mid terms better for us.

Whoop de doo.

Yeah . The House is looking real good for you in ‘22 . About as good as Cheney's chances of surviving her removal vote .

Sep 5, 2010
Yeah . The House is looking real good for you in ‘22 . About as good as Cheney's chances of surviving her removal vote .

Actually as long as trump followers that are dumb enough to listen to him, won't vote.
It really is sad.
But watching the republican party implode is quite amusing.
And noone is smart enough or has the balls to stop it.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Actually as long as trump followers that are dumb enough to listen to him, won't vote.
It really is sad.
But watching the republican party implode is quite amusing.
And noone is smart enough or has the balls to stop it.

Did you just say Trump is gonna tell people to stay home for the midterms ?

Oh that’s right . You’re a Democrat .

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