Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
I am sure most of you know this already, but anyways for those who don't, the question is how can sbd call anyone delusional when it is

HE and not us who have made all of these failed predictions and conspiracy theories over the last 12 months.

In our dictionary at least, the definition or at least implication is that one has to say something which is not true to be called delusional.

Imo simply correcting all of sbd's 99.9% failed predictions with DOCUMENTED, verifiable and empirical evidence contrary to what he has predicted hardly

constitutes delusion on our part.

"Perhaps" just perhaps the word "delusional" applies to him instead!!

Nov 11, 2007
This has been on my mind for a while so I want to clear the air and make an admission that unlike sbd and his hero, Trump, I do not consider a myself

perfect person and at time do things that maybe I should not or at least for the reasons I do.

The best and most recent example is what I have posted in this thread and especially the motivation.

I could lie and say that I do what I do in this thread only in the way of fair, objective reporting and analysis of sbd and his modus operandi in order

to let others learn the truth about him.

While what I just said is true, it is not the ENTIRE truth about I do what I do.

The rest of the truth is that I have a mean and sadistic side of me, which shows through when I sense an easy prey and especially with someone

who I despise.

Thus to cut to the chase, in addition to offering objective commentary here for the benefit of those who read what i have to say about sbd, I do what I

do because I derive personal pleasure in destroying him in a figurative sense and because confidently I believe

I have proven my case to others by my commentary, which makes it even more enjoyable and rewarding.

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd:

"Yes, COVID-19 Was a Biological Attack by the Chinese Communist Party - Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D

This was stated at the onset of this thread and maintained throughout!"

1) We are supposed to believe what he says because HIS sources says it is so-is from the same sources who have give you so called reliable information which has

been DOCUMENTED to be false 99.9% of the time?

2) And in any case why should anyone care if the Virus is a biological attack or not because sbd ha maintained right along that it is a hoax in any event,

and in reality hardly anyone has died from it??

Just another day at the office from sbd, the contradictory, conflicting, paradoxical QAnon poster who gets his rocks off by posting

what he does each day and believing that people swallow it hook, line and sinker!


Nov 11, 2007
Quick today as I am very busy.

Nothing new from sbd except the same failed delusional nonsense and lies. we have been subjected to for the last 12 months.

"Radar Return" shows "Trumps Return" 50 miles from the South Pole and as usual making no progress moving northward or for that matter anywhere.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is the same bs we have heard many times before, which is in the same class as Covid is a hoax, hardly anyone died, Trump won all 50 states,

won over 90% of the Popular Vote, the death of George Floyd was faked and he is still alive, that sbd has never been sick not even one day in his

entire life, there has been a known cure for cancer for 70 years which cures kinds of cancer, but somehow has been hidden by all those who knew about

it over that time, the aliens invade our dreams and have sex with us while we dream, etc.

That is just the tip of the iceberg, but stated before I have much more important matters to attend to today than worry about what a psychotic/sbd says.

Here you go with his latest hallucinatory lie, drivel post:

"I stated at the onset of this thread, and maintained throughout, that masks don't protect but they will kill you.

The REAL science continues to prove that masks are not only deadly but they are contaminated too."

Nov 11, 2007
Here is just one more post from sbd the DOPE who has not clue as to out together a cohesive and convincing argument,

He says this which is based on ZERO reliable documentation in the first place and worse on this trip around unlike others make the Virus out to be serious

stuff, whereas in others when he wants to dismiss it as a hoax, he sings another tune.

A kid in middle school could compose an argument a lot more believable than his.

Then again though we know that most QAnons aren't the sharpest tools in the shed:

Here you go with the his latest post of the day which is in direct with most other stuff he has posted:

ps As usual he does not name the sources of who these alleged thousands of "doctors" and "scientists" are.

From what I have read from him, imo they are mostly made up and/or are fellow QAmons who live in the delusion that they are doctors and scientists. lol

Wait Until You Find Out What They’re Not Telling You About Covid-19

Informed consent isn’t possible when the opinions of renowned experts are being censored by those who control which voiced we get to hear.

Way back in July of 2020, I reported on the thousands of doctors and scientists desperately trying to get the word out that Anthony Fauci’s program of economic ruin and crippling social isolation had no scientific justification whatsoever.

Yet, to this day, the media and tech giants have managed to keep most of the public in the dark about the existence of any dissenting opinions on the wisdom of an historically unprecedented “public health” strategy that’s rained down more misery and death on the American people than our worst foreign foes could have imagined but, coincidentally, has turned out to be a financial windfall for tech giants and multinational corporations like Facebook and Amazon.

Soon the world will be shown the whole truth!

Nov 11, 2007
In sbd's/ the QAnon's "perfect world," all adults would be REQUIRED to own guns and encouraged to use them whenever they saw fit.

There would be no vaccines of any kind allowed or shots(shots from guns being the exception) because all sicknesses and diseases

including Covid are all made up bed evil democrats/DS for the financial benefit of the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Condoms and other forms of birth control would not be allowed because it is the "Divine Plan" to overpopulate the planet.

In fact rampant sex with anyone/strangers at any time would be encouraged in this regard.

White Supremacy would rule with all minority groups-Blacks, Jews, all immigrants whether legal or not, would be exterminated.

There are a lot more things, but inasmuch I am expecting a visitor to my home to do some home improvement shortly, I must end for now.

Nov 11, 2007
One more that I can't resist.

Sbs says:

"Incredible how many shootings have happened under Biden."

This is a typo and he really means Trump is to blame, as he keeps telliing us that Trump has been the POTUS and calling the shots right along. lol

Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
If anyone wants to look at sbd's thread another way aside from the failed predictions, I suggest this:

Just go back randomly since he started the thread a little over a year ago, and read some of the posts where there were no actual predictions made but

just sbd statements and links.

Look back today in retrospect and ask yourself how many of these meant anything such as changing the results of the Election or having any noticeable

and discernible effect on your life and society in general.

My strong sense is that if you do this, that you will find less than 1% at most which did.

Jun 4, 2018
I see where it is posted that Sarah Palin has tested positive for Covid.

My question and/or comment is whether she could have become infected with it by the manhood of some guy who also was infected?

I mean lets face it-the "manhoods" to which I am referring are not exactly strangers to Sarah, who has had LOTS of guys' "manhoods"

enter her "target zone." lol
WATCH YOUR MOUTH SAVAGE ..... YOUR TALKIN' ABOUT MY BELOVED SARAH PALIN , you want this to be :purple: you ?

Nov 11, 2007
WATCH YOUR MOUTH SAVAGE ..... YOUR TALKIN' ABOUT MY BELOVED SARAH PALIN , you want this to be :purple: you ?

Perhaps you should have vision checked if you haven't had an eye exam for a while.

Nov 11, 2007
WATCH YOUR MOUTH SAVAGE ..... YOUR TALKIN' ABOUT MY BELOVED SARAH PALIN , you want this to be :purple: you ?

ps If slutty, promiscuous, lowlife, white trash, Jerry Springer type "ladies," are your cup of tea, so be it-different strokes for different folks.

Nov 11, 2007
This is all which stands out today from sbd's comments in responding to another poster:

Originally Posted by RED EYE
I'm going to assume for just this post , that SBD is correct with the Amazon White House narrative.

Why haven't we heard any of the press corps complaining about traveling back and forth from Amazon Studios and Washington DC daily for the daily pressors ? Seems like that would be something we'd be hearing about.

"You have heard about Amazon studios and their role in this.

You have been shown proof too.

But you chose not to see it."

In essence all sbd does here is make a couple of vague and sweeping statements which amount to ZERO as far as responding to the very

relevant question posed, and then poison the well so to speak by ridiculing the poster by drawing on the false premise, which in this

case means that sbd has in fact provided the evidence of what he is claiming when he has not and/or at least stating what the evidence was/is.

This kind of circular and illogical reasoning has pervaded and dominated his thread since he started it over a year ago,

and why no intelligent, objective and analytical person gives any credence to what he says.


Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more example of sbd's continuing contradictions of himself and the inconsistencies of his posts.

He says this re: removing the All Star Game from Atlanta:

"The offensive is happening from the Republicans.

Continue to encourage them.

The Dems-DS and the Cabal Corporate America wants to continue to steal our votes so they can get stay in power and destroy America while they get richer.

We can’t let them."

Once again this makes no sense and/or is something that neither he nor any Trump supporter/Republican should worry about because

in the best case scenario and quoting sbd, "Trump has been in charge right along and is calling the shots," or in the worst, "he will be

returning very soon" in any case.

Thus the question is why worry as either Trump won't allow this to happen as he is calling the shots or will put an end to it "very soon" once he officially

becomes the POTUS.

In short, sbd and all of the rest of you Trump supporters out there just need to take a deep breath and relax because Uncle Donny will make sure that none

of this proposed stuff happens, and you need not worry about the Dems/DS staying in power which sbd confusing states because they never had the power

in the first place. lol


Nov 11, 2007
I posted this in error in sbd's thread originally in my own.

Thus kind of slip-up hasn't happened in some time, and it will be a long time before it happens again I assure you.

On the other hand, perhaps it was part of God's Plan for me to post there so that more people could see it.

Here you go.

One more quote from sbd:

"You don't need to travel back and forth when you have the holographic technologies they do."

For that matter using his logic, perhaps we can assume that sbd isn't a real person either (and others like him) but rather just a holographic entity

created by Satanic forces as part of their sinister plan to destroy the United States and possibly part of a bigger plan to destroy

human civilization!!

ps As always sbd is welcome to come over into this thread and discuss/debate anything I say over here. lo

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more "profound" statement from "Einstein/sbd:

"Nobody here cares what you have to say!

This is why every thread you start dies!"

As I said over the last few days in response to someone who else said the same thing, overall I have gotten an average of around 225 hits a day.

Over the last few weeks, it is closer to 300 as more and more people want to read the TRUTH about sbd as well as my solid logic and reasoning(his is the opposite)

in unmasking/dismantling this fraud whose real home apart from this Forum is found in world of imagination, which exists in La La Land.

The fact that unlike your thread where you have been beaten to a pulp with documentation of your lies and delusions, no one has come

forward in mine to dispute anything I say.

What does that tell you?


Nov 11, 2007
Very fast again because well what sbd says today is nothing more than the contradictory and delusional bullshit he has tossed at us for over a year.

Here is an example-sbd says this:

"It's time to fight back!

How can YOU make a difference?

Boycott these companies by refusing to by their products!

For starters Coca-Cola.

Just say NO to Coke!"

Suffice it to say that that will be the fucking day when 99.9% of the folks boycott the most well known and one of the most popular drinks in the world

because some psychopathic idiot like sbd and a far right fringe QAnon Cult Group tells you to do so because of of what went on in Georgia.

And once again for the zillionth time this topic is irrelevant in any case because allegfedly Donny Trump is control and/or will be shortly, meaning that it is HIS fault

in any event and/or will be shortly if he can't make things "right."

To be blunt, sbd as usual is talking out of both sides of his mouth, both of which are full of SHIT!!

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing before I partake of some more important things to do.

Notice sbd's last post as of now.

He once again uses the term "low iq" when someone, in this case habsburger, presents something to which he has no real response.

Does this remind you of someone else?

How about Donny Trump, whose term to describe something for which he has no rational explanation, and trying to sweep it under the rug, is calling

it "fake news."

This is not all that surprising in that anyone who has followed sbd and this thread for a while realizes that sbd worships Trump because he is a "deity",

meaning that in order to "ascend to his level" and become a bona fide protegee, he must do everything in his power to try to emulate him, which includes

his verbal modus operandi.

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