Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Sbd once again for the umpteenth time makes a complete fool out of himself by talking about a cover-up of who was responsible for the Virus and the millions

who died.

The trouble is that time and time again sbd has stated that the Virus was/is a hoax and that in reality very few people died because of the Virus


Hmm-there seems to be a bit of inconsistency/paradox there.

In another post he talks about people criticizing/ laughing about the Plan being part of the Plan.

Well guess what-I consider myself to be part of the Plan and directed by God as one of the ones to expose

lying/ irresponsible/fascist/racist/anti-Semitic Aholes like sbd and the QAnons for all to see.

If that is what sbd means by being part of the Plan, well then I feel very honored and am very proud to be part of that Plan!

Nov 11, 2007
Since sbd's usual stupidity, inconsistency and total inability to debate intelligently and coherently are on full display today, here is one more

to consider:

In post 9123 sbd complains about Covid 19 Passport and asks if we are "awake yet?"

Again the usual problems with this are this:

1) He keeps saying on the one hand that Trump is calling all of the shots, but on the other acknowledges that Biden is POTUS in complaining

about the Covid Passport?????

2) if we give sbd some kind of the benefit of the doubt with the contradiction, inconsistency and paradox just started, and assume that Biden

is POTUS for this day anyways, then why worry about it in any event for the simple reason that sbd VERY CLEARLY STATED that in

the next 4-6 weeks it will be official to everyone that Trump is the POTUS, meaning that stuff like above is irrelevant and meaningless

as it will all be rersed.

To change one word in the very famous quotation to fit sbd, "You can't have your SHIT and eat it too!"

Nov 11, 2007
Not to pile on, but if what sbd says here is true, then it will mean that in 2024 Trump will win "More" than all 50 states which he allegedly won in 2020

and "More" than the 90% plus popular votes which he allegedly got in 2020.

Even in sbd's/imaginary La La Land World, that would take some doing. lol

"And if there is an election Trump will win by an even bigger landslide than he he did on November 3rd!"

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go once again.

Here sbd calls the Virus a hoax and infers that very few died of it and the numbers were/are inflated, but in other posts including today which I cited,

sbd makes the disease out to be terrible and blames China, Dr. Fauci and others (never Trump) for letting it get out of hand.

In short sbd TRIES to set it up that he wins no matter what he says, no matter how much it conflicts/clashes with his other statements.

Fortunately there are folks like me in this Forum who see through his game, and who have battered and bloodied him with his lies and duplicity

and will continue to do so!:

Here is the post in the iVU Thread to which I am referring:

"More fear porn to sell you on the deadly vaccine.

By now you should understand the virus is real but the numbers are not and never were.

The real numbers are a VERY SMALL FRACTION of the reality and what they keep telling you.

Bottom line, this is and always been about the vaccine agenda.

I stated this at the onset and maintained it throughout.

Mass vaccinations are unconstitutional and NOBODY can EVER force you into it.

Know your rights!


ps Oh yeah-I almost forgot-don't worry in any event as Trump is going to reverse things once he is reinstated officially as the POTUS in the next
4-6 weeks!

Nov 11, 2007
Three things are relevant post 9137 in sbd's thread:

1) What is stated and quoted by Trump simply adds to the 33,000 PLUS DOCUMENTED lies or misleading statements he told during

his 4 years as POTUS.

2) There is at least one lie by omission which obviously Trump doesn't want to talk about, which was/is Trump's LYING to the American Public

about severity of the virus to Bob Woodward early on for fear that if he told the truth, it would cost him votes and probably the Election.

Imo and that of others, that lie in itself was responsible for hundreds if not thousands of deaths for those who took him at his word.

3) Most importantly, despite what sbd says to the contrary about Trump calling the shots now and right along(well at least when it suits his purpose

to designate Trump to be the current POTUS rather than Biden lol), Biden/Harris rule until at least Election Day 2024.

If sbd and/or any of his QAnons or other "patriots" don't like/accept that or try to change it by any kind of armed suppression, they will to be polite,

assume rood temperature permanently!!

Nov 11, 2007
Before having dinner, I can't resist commenting on the latest sbd post, which makes the adjective "stupid" seem like a compliment.




Consider especially the last line and ask yourself if the folks in such places as Russia, China, North Korea and other places in the world have the "gift of free will?"

As usual and as I have pointed out out too many times, sbd is one of the weakest debaters I have ever encountered in my entire life.

Most importantly whether it be by design or because of ignorance, he selects only that which suits his argument, which as I have pointed out

is always full of inconsistencies, contradictions, paradoxes, non sequiturs, illogic, begging the question, poisoning the well and lots more

that I don't have time to list.


Nov 11, 2007
ot-One of the things which is already apparent and which many of us appreciate is that Biden unlike Trump is not a flunky for Putin nor for any

other country and will not allow anyone to bully him or the country around.

Whether one likes Biden or not, he is one tough sob and won't let other countries have their way with/bully him as did Trump when

some leaders simply praised or fawned all over him ad nauseam.

These folks knew Trump's weakness in this regard and played and maximized it to the hilt!

Nov 11, 2007
Since sbd once again for the zillionth time referred to Trump's ALLEGED return(which in effect means only that he is returning only to face

the courts and surely not as anything else), for those of you who missed it the first time, I give you once again

the "massive" celebration which will ensue once that "historic day" is upon us. lol

Lets continue the musical kick I started yesterday in post 368 in order to commemorate Trump's "return."

Here are the lyrics to a very famous song which has been around since the Civil War hoping for its end.

I had to change the word "Johnny" to "Donny" to make it fit the present: lol

"When Donny comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home
Get ready for the Jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll celebrate the victory, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll all join in the big parade
And let the soldier have his day
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home

America, America, when Donny comes marching home
America, America, when Donny comes marching home
We'll sound the horns and beat the drums
Salute them for a job well done
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home"

Nov 11, 2007
If you haven't noticed already, there are striking similarities between sbd and Trump, which I consider as hardly coincidence but rather

as an attempt for sbd to live his obviously unfulfilling life through Trump.

I am going to list the most obvious reasons for the sake of brevity, but these are the key ones:

1)Notice how sbd like Trump never admits a mistake of any kind.

In the case of Trump it is something which he did which didn't work out the way he intended, but will not admit it.

This is known as lack of accountability.

In the case of sbd, it is essentially the with all of his failed predictions since he started the thread a year ago, which are obvious to any objective person.

the former which he will simply not admit.

Actually unlike Trump in many instances, sbd pretends he never even made the predictions in the first place.

2) Along the same lines, notice the similarity of the manner in which both try to avoid admitting failure when the failure is so obvious that they

know that they cannot simply get away with it by not admitting it.

In Trump's case, he will acknowledge the failure but 100% of the time he assess the blame on someone else no matter how unjustified it is.

In the case of sbd, since the nature of the matter is a bit different with predictions, meaning he cannot blame someone else for its failure, instead

he will try to wash the failure of the prediction away by simply making new predictions in the hopes that folks will forget the old failed

predictions and concentrate on the new ones.

3) Along the same lines, consider the overall arrogance and sense of infallibility of both Trump and sbd and their condescending attitudes toward others.

Both Trump and sbd feel they are above criticism by anyone, and when they get it, which in most cases is valid, they simply try to turn the tables

on the people who have stated their criticisms.

Just look at all of the people close to Trump on a professional and/or personal level who have written books about his behavior.

It goes without saying that he always states that these people are lying and tries to portray himself as the victim rather than trying to refute what was

said about him.

Sbd does essentially the same thing in his thread by referring to folks with valid criticisms and documentation of of his failed predictions and lies, as of

low iq and other choice expressions but NEVER trying to refute what was said by the poster posting what he did.

I go could on with a lot more similarities between Trump and sbd, and I am sure objective folks could think of a lot more on their own.

Nov 11, 2007
If you haven't noticed already, there are striking similarities between sbd and Trump, which I consider as hardly coincidence but rather

as an attempt for sbd to live his obviously unfulfilling life through Trump.

I am going to list the most obvious reasons for the sake of brevity, but these are the key ones:

1)Notice how sbd like Trump never admits a mistake of any kind.

In the case of Trump it is something which he did which didn't work out the way he intended, but will not admit it.

This is known as lack of accountability.

In the case of sbd, it is essentially the with all of his failed predictions since he started the thread a year ago, which are obvious to any objective person.

the former which he will simply not admit.

Actually unlike Trump in many instances, sbd pretends he never even made the predictions in the first place.

2) Along the same lines, notice the similarity of the manner in which both try to avoid admitting failure when the failure is so obvious that they

know that they cannot simply get away with it by not admitting it.

In Trump's case, he will acknowledge the failure but 100% of the time he assess the blame on someone else no matter how unjustified it is.

In the case of sbd, since the nature of the matter is a bit different with predictions, meaning he cannot blame someone else for its failure, instead

he will try to wash the failure of the prediction away by simply making new predictions in the hopes that folks will forget the old failed

predictions and concentrate on the new ones.

3) Along the same lines, consider the overall arrogance and sense of infallibility of both Trump and sbd and their condescending attitudes toward others.

Both Trump and sbd feel they are above criticism by anyone, and when they get it, which in most cases is valid, they simply try to turn the tables

on the people who have stated their criticisms.

Just look at all of the people close to Trump on a professional and/or personal level who have written books about his behavior.

It goes without saying that he always states that these people are lying and tries to portray himself as the victim rather than trying to refute what was

said about him.

Sbd does essentially the same thing in his thread by referring to folks with valid criticisms and documentation of of his failed predictions and lies, as of

low iq and other choice expressions but NEVER trying to refute what was said by the poster posting what he did.

I go could on with a lot more similarities between Trump and sbd, and I am sure objective folks could think of a lot more on their own.

My overall conclusion is that sbd is a wannabe protege of Trump.

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing to comment upon in sb/D-oo doo's thread is this today-quoting:

"fake] Biden staff says there is no crisis at the border.

They don't want you to see the truth.

Let's see what they do when President Trump shows up!"

The real question is not what REAL President Biden does but what EX President Trump does when he shows up.

Is he simply going to grab the reins from Biden and tell him to get th fu k out of here because his time is up?

At that time, is Trump also going to snap his fingers and have "his" military shuffle off Biden to GITMO?

Are all of the communication systems going to go out all over the country, and that we will all need to use our EBS "once again." lol

Or even better, will this mark the moment that sbd has been promising, the day that Donny comes marching home and "Returns."

There are lots of possibilities of what this "Return" will mean, but I am sure the "most likely" one and/or the one which sbd hopes for is that

Trump's "Return" on this day at the border marks the official day that he is inaugurated by God himself, a day where there is no EBS System needed,

but rather a day or night when the skies light up all over the country and world, lights so bright that one will need sunglasses in order not to be blinded.

And on that day or night we will see Donald Trump surrounded by that "heavenly light" on a Godlike chariot waving to the massive crowds standing and

cheering all over the country and world as Trump with his "glowing, angelic face" waves to them en route back to his rightful throne on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave,

first to resume his official capacity as POTUS and shortly afterwards for God to proclaim him as his Second Son and the Ruler of all countries in the world.

This is not an event for folks to buy just mere popcorn in advance for this event to happen, which will to use sbd's terminology, "very soon,"

but rather one for caviar to celebrate its significance, which of course God will make available using scamdicapper terminology in getting picks,

to everyone in the world "absolutely free" as it is so expensive.

This day will be one for the ages and will augur in permanently the "Dawning of the Age of Aquarius," you know the term sbd has used a number

of times to signify that all people in the world are "One," meaning that all people in the country and world will instantly love one another,

that wars, famine, disease, poverty and in general all afflictions of mankind will to use Trump's words, "just suddenly disappear" in the "same way"

as did the Virus when he used the same terminology. lol

Yes sir-Trump's "Return" on that awesome day will turn the world instantly into the one in which God intended when he created it, and Donald

Trump will be God's official representative and leader of the world to ensure that things go according to plan and to smooth over the transitional


Using one of sbd's favorite terms, "do you understand?" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is some more on the REAL meaning of Trump's "return," which is not "exactly" in line with sbd's definition. lol

Trump and his supporters better get those MAGA and/or rally caps on in a hurry, because and quoting sbd words, "nothing can stop what

is about to happen!!!(unlike his use of the words which is bullshit, my use carries lots of clout as Trump will soon find out!!).

Trump's legal problems are growing with 2 grand jury investigations in Georgia and a possible Dominion lawsuit (

Nov 11, 2007
Re this just posted in the IVU Thread:

Matt Gaetz Under Investigation Over Possible Sex Trafficking (

I fully realize that one has no control over what one's face looks like.

However, in his case if you just stuck a couple of horns on his head, Matt Gaetz would be a dead ringer for Satan/The Devil Himself.

On the other hand, all one has to do is listen to him, and imo you have Satan personified even without the horns.

I actually have to put a winter coat on even in my home when I listen to him say something, because the icy coldness and nastiness of the words

which emanate from his fascist/racist mouth make the temperature plunge within seconds!!

Nov 11, 2007
Lets just say that based on what I already know about this Scavino and his tweets, he is walking on the edge so to speak, and is going to end up in jail

if he becomes a little bit more subversive and/or incendiary.

As I said previously, Biden is one tough SOB and isn't going to give folks like Scavino the benefit of the doubt if he pushes his luck

too far!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by sbd:


Phase 1 - Make America Great Again. [checked]

Phase 2 - Change the election laws, show The People the Dem-DS system, bring them to the precipice. [checked]

Phase 3 - Save America with the help of The People and Military. [we are here]


I will add Phase 4, which is let anyone/QAnon try what is implied by sbd in the way of an overthrow of the government by

military insurrection, and end up DEAD as a doornail and hopefully have the remains of whoever tries this to be

tossed in the ocean for the sharks to feast upon before having theirevil souls carted off to the Eternal Flames in the Bowels

of Hell to join the likes of folks they try to emulate like Adolph Hitler!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by sbd:

"The only picture becoming clear here is the level of stupidity and delusion demonstrated by you.

Starting to think you and savage1 are the same person using different alias' because you two were cut from the same cloth."

Apparently we are getting to sbd and he is getting angrier and angrier by the moment for the simple reason and using his words, which are

in fact for a change correct in this instance, "there is nothing he can do to stop us" from exposing him rightfully as the demonic being

inspired by Satan and OUT OF HIS SAME CLOTH that in reality he is!!!


Nov 11, 2007
Since phases are being debated and discussed in the IVU Thread, here is my opinion about them with a few more thrown in:

Phase 1: Lose the Presidency by over seven million votes as well as losing EC votes handily.

Phase 2: Lose the Senate in the Georgia run-offs because emotions and childlike complaining about

the Election being stolen were o
ut of control, turning a lot of Georgia Republicans off who either abstained from voting or voted Democratic.

Phase 3: Justice finally catching up to Trump as a civilian as he tried and convicted of tax evasion, sexual assault,

other corrupt/criminal business dealing and a lot more.

Phase 4-Sometime between now and 2024 for various reasons, he will announce that he will

not be a candidate for POTUS n 2024 or lets just say kindly that he will not be in a physical and/or

mental condition to declare if he is going to be a candidate for POTUS let alone be one!! lol


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