Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Re: sbd's White Supremacist and racist remarks in post 9410, suffice it to say that if Floyd was White and Chauvin Black, sbd and his QAnon cohorts

would be demanding the death penalty for Chauvin.

Nov 11, 2007
Re: sbd's White Supremacist and racist remarks in post 9410, suffice it to say that if Floyd was White and Chauvin Black, sbd and his QAnon cohorts

would be demanding the death penalty for Chauvin.

Here is more on the obvious racist LIE told by sbd in post 9410, which he would never tell you because well he is sbd, who is synonymous

with lies, bullshit, racism and one way narratives:

Many of Derek Chauvin's colleagues disagree with how he restrained George Floyd (

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Stuff like this is why personally I cannot stand folks like sbd and the QAnons in addition to lots of other know reasons of course.

I have followed sbd's thread since day one, and not once he has stated that neither he nor his group are not anti-Semitic.

In fact as I stated previously, he posted an article about how many Jewish people are part of Biden's Administration with some very

anti-Semitic commentary attached.

I complained to the Moderators and the article was removed.

Anyways, here is the link:

QAnon Builds on Centuries of Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories (

Sep 5, 2010
Keep up the good work Savage1.
I'm on the road without my computer.
Popped in ladt night and tonight to see the low iqanons still being destroyed.
Keep up the good work.

Nov 11, 2007
Keep up the good work Savage1.
I'm on the road without my computer.
Popped in ladt night and tonight to see the low iqanons still being destroyed.
Keep up the good work.

Thanks wilbur.
Have no fear-the mission continues!!
You keep up your fine exposure of sb/Doo-doo also!!

Nov 11, 2007
Only two things to report from Sbd's Thread:

1) His only post today is yet another lie from a made-up source which no one ever heard of.

2) He is still recovering(not sure he every will) from Rainmaker's brutal/emasculating but 100% true post 9411 exposing sbd's lies from another post.

Nov 11, 2007
Two more things for now:

1) In post 9426 sbd complains about YouTube deleting some of what (fascist and totally incompetent) Governor DiSantis has stated.

My question is if Trump is really is the POTUS calling the shots as sbd keeps proclaiming, why doesn't he do something about it?

2) On the one hand I can understand sbd's obvious belief that he simply doesn't want to parrot the same stuff back that Sean Hannity, Tucker

Carlson, Laura Ingraham and the rest of the Fox crew as well as right wing radio Rush Limbaugh and Trump dick lickers, for the simple reason

that what he says won't stand out.

However, on the other hand and more importantly, he would be better off doing that than trying to get people

believe what he says with his insane/imaginary supermarket tabloid seeking headline approach with no basis or documentation.

For lack of a better term, it is a case of "having half a loaf is better than none at all."

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd bitches with this:

"$15,600 to ILLEGAL immigrants?

Dems always care more about the illegal immigrants than American citizens."

Shouldn't he be asking "where are you President Trump when we need you?

After all, Biden is a fake President and "real patriots" like myself realize that you are still POTUS and have been calling the shots

right along.

If we have to wait for the "official return" for you to do something about stuff like this, well ok, but why is it taking so long in the first place?

I mean the Election was five months ago, and the Evil Biden and the DS are still doing all of these nasty things.

How about putting your foot down NOW and saying enough is enough and show the "power" you possess"!!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am not sure I get sbd's point in post 9431 about state's rights in taking back our country again.

I would think that this is pretty irrelevant compared to "Trump's Return" when he aided by civilian and the military will be whatever

means in necessary return the country to the people.

Now lets all of us in unison sing this in anticipation of "Trump's 'Glorious' Return":

When Donny comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home
Get ready for the Jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll celebrate the victory, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll all join in the big parade
And let the soldier have his day
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home

America, America, when Donny comes marching home
America, America, when Donnycomes marching home
We'll sound the horns and beat the drums
Salute them for a job well done
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home

Nov 11, 2007
For sbd and other QAnons who are not happy and/or who concerned that "Trump's Return" is taking so long to occur, I suggest that you watch and listen to

this video so that you don't get too despondent or give up hope(even though in reality you are delusional/stupid to think that

Trump is going to return for any other reason than to face the Courts for crimes committed before and during his tenure as POTUS):

You Gotta Have Heart - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
It finally dawned on me that since sbd is obviously unemployed and has been for a while, it might be a good idea for him to listen.

We all know and as I have pointed out a number of times, sbd contradicts himself over and over again, makes one after another conflicting statements,

and says things which don't follow logically, lies, poisons the well, begs the questions and so much more, all of which add up to a big fat ZERO,

my suggestion for sbd is to become a POLITICIAN and especially one like his hero, Trump, who is a master at all of the above.

Nov 11, 2007
As you can see in post 9440 in his thread, when sbd has no answers, in this case to a spot-on post by Rainmaker, as usual he drops the "very low iq" bomb.

Regarding the sbd's contention re: state's rights, he is inconsistent as usual.

When some of the states sent a petition to the SC to try to change the laws of another state so that it would be awarded to Trump rather than

Biden, I didn't hear sbd stating that the Federal Govt. had no right meddling in a matter like this.

As has always been the case with him, it is heads I win, and tails you lose.

Or just as appropriately, he wants to have his cake and eat it too.

For me , he can have his own bowel movement and symbolically eat it too!

Nov 11, 2007
Well what do you know-snd finally said something which is actually true!!!


"The Great Awakening is happening everywhere!"

Since he didn't elaborate on what he meant or should have meant, let me do so:

First of all The Great Awakening has happened in his thread as whether folks came early or late to start reading what he had to say, by now they

realizes that 1) that NOTHING he has predicted to happen over the last 13 months has occurred as well as anything actually proven with

his delusional accusation and conspiracy theories and 2) there is ZERO accountability on his part, meaning not once has he acknowledged

that even on of his hundreds of predictions failed to come true.

Also and more importantly, the country as a whole including most QAnons have awakened to the fact that Trump lost and is not returning to

ascend to the throne of POTUS at this late date no matter how much a relative few stragglers like sbd continue to proclaim that he is.

The corollary of this is that the overwhelming number of Trump supporters/Republicans now realize/have awakened to the fact that the only

realistic way in which they will regain the Presidency is by taking back the House as a starting point in 2022 and also convincing the majority of

the public that Biden is not/hasn't been a good President and especially after they own candidate in 2024, which imo is quite unlikely to

be Trump for lots of reasons which I don't have time to enumerate at the moment.

That's it-again hats off to sbd for finally admitting that "the Great Awakening is happening everywhere!!"

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Whatever Matt "Gaetz," Matt deserves.

It kind of reminds me of the lyrics from the very old song "Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets."

Nov 11, 2007
Imo instead of the movie which sbd has talked about for 13 months and was supposed to end about a year ago but yet continues, I think a novel about

Trump's re-election efforts and the aftermath would be more appropriate.

Chapter One would be entitled the Campaign.

Chapter Two would be entitled Trump's Defeat on Election Day on Nov. 3, 2020.

Chapter Three would be entitled the Aftermath and Trump's Failure to Overturn the Results claiming that the Election was stolen from hi,

Chapter Four would be Entitled Biden's Inauguration On Jan. 20.

Chapter Five would be entitled QAnon's Promise of Trump's Return.

Chapter Six would be entitled Trump's RETURN to Face the Courts for tax evasion and other criminal offense both prior to his tenure as POTUS and

during it.

Chapter Seven would be entitled Trump's Conviction and the End of His Political Career.

Chapter Eight would be entitled What Trump does/did with the Rest of His Life Before Death(and probably ending up in the Other Place).

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd writes in post 9460:

"Look at that huge spike up since January!

This is a direct result of [fake] President Biden facilitating the trafficking of children by the cartel.

It's easy to understand why Biden or Harris haven't visited the border yet.

Or why they haven't even had a press conference to talk about it.

It's because they are directly responsible for what's going on there and it's exactly what they want."

Once again for the zillionth time I am calling out sbd for talking out of both sides of his mouth.

Anything regarding the above matter is TRUMP'S fault and NOT Biden's because according to sbd Trump is IS THE POTUS, and has been

calling the shots right along.

Perhaps this arrogant, miserable, repulsive, lying and disgusting Ahole will realize you can't have it both ways!!

Nov 11, 2007
One thing more for now before I run some errands.

The big problem that sbd has is that he copies and pastes material and links from QAnon websites from various posters who don't see everything

exactly the same way and/or from a different perspective.

Thus it is logical that when he posts something from one poster and then from other posters, in totality as we have seen, it doesn't add up to anything

in the way of consistency or logic to form a smooth narrative for the simple reason that as posted above, each individual poster he quotes

is operating from a different mindset.

The result as we have seen from sbd and as I and others have pointed out, a total confusing, contradictory and conflicting and inconsistent mess

which makes no sense to an intelligent and objective reader.

Nov 11, 2007
The bottom line is that sbd will support anyone, whether it be Matt Gaetz, a robber, a serial killer, a pedophile, sexual predator, adulterer, etc. so long

as they are a Trump supporter and hate all democrats.

Sometimes I wonder if sbd fits into any of the above categories!!!

Quoting sbd:

"The DS and RINOs are starting to show their hand.

Continue to fight Matt!"

Nov 11, 2007
Vegas should put out an over/under as to when Gaetz will no longer be a member of congress.

If I was making the over/under(before/after) line, I would make it Aug. 15 and bet under/before.

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