Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Post 9193 from sbd in he IVU Thread is yet one more stupid fu king post which makes no sense and is totally inconsistent with and contradicts other posts.

Sbd claims that Trump was right about everything predicted that Biden would do.

But wait-wait-how is this is possible and who gives a rat's ass in any event for the simple reason that sbd has stated that Trump has been calling the shots

right along, meaning that by definition that any of the charges against Biden if true are NOT Biden's doing/fault but Trump's!!

Sbd's posts in general are as consistent as the texture of an ice cream cone which starts off as solid ice cream in a cone but what is left

if uneaten/unattended for an hour outside in 105 degree heat without a cloud in the sky! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd is once again showing how beaten up and bloodied he is today because all he has in his "arsenal" of comebacks when confronted with FACTS is

to dismiss the poster of having a low iq with no actual response to what the poster said,

One of the things on my bucket list, which will most likely never happen, would be to debate sbd on virtually anything in the world and have it judged

obviously by unbiased people.

Based on the all over the map and inconsistent manner in which he presents his material in this Forum as opposed to mine, lets just say that after

about 15 minutes the persons judging the debate would or at least should invoke a mercy rule and declare the debate over

as he would be getting pummeled so badly by yours truly!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: the alleged rally that Trump is going to have.

He can have all of the rallies he wants to.

For all I care they can suck on each other's ding dongs and that of Trump at these rallies to their heart's content.

The bottom line is that short of any kind of armed insurrection to try to overthrow the Govt., which will result in the immediate deaths

of anyone trying it, Biden and Harris will prevail until at least Election Day 2024, and there is nothing that sbd and his slimy QAnon associates

can do about it, except of course in their twisted minds or in their alternate existence in La La land!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Repeat post about Matt. Gaetz because it is so true and everyone needs to see it:

Re this just posted in the IVU Thread:

Matt Gaetz Under Investigation Over Possible Sex Trafficking (

I fully realize that one has no control over what one's face looks like.

However, in his case if you just stuck a couple of horns on his head, Matt Gaetz would be a dead ringer for Satan/The Devil Himself.

On the other hand, all one has to do is listen to him, and imo you have Satan personified even without the horns.

I actually have to put a winter coat on even in my home when I listen to him say something, because the icy coldness and nastiness of the words

which emanate from his fascist/racist mouth make the temperature plunge within seconds!!

Nov 11, 2007
ot-I can hardly wait to see what folks like sbd say when/not if Trump is convicted of tax evasion and other matters.

It will probably be along the lines that the judge and/or jury were biased, hated Trump, blah, blah, blah.

Or perhaps the "real patriots" will overturn the verdict soon.

There is even the possibility that he will say that there was no trial, meaning no conviction at all-that it was all made up by MSM no matter what you see and hear

on tv, the internet, etc.

In short sbd will say that it is only in the minds of the haters that Trump committed any crime at all, was/is not honest, etc.

Further he will say that ALL of the 33,000 DOCUMENTED lies and/or misleading statements during his tenure are all made up, and that Trump

never even told ine lie during the entire four years of his Presidency!

Nov 11, 2007
Oh it looks like sports nut wants to get into battle with me and make a fool out himself-great!!

He says this:

"This is getting better by the minute, the Gay Rocker is having a conversation with himself. Somewhat like the Salvage thread that nobody looks at

or replies to, unless your a Libtard,"

So lets see-if you take the number of hits I have had since Jan. 20 when I opened the thread, 15954 and divide by

the number of days it has been open, which is 71, my math shows I have gotten an average of 225 hits a day.

Considering that around 85-90% of this forum is made up of Trump and/or supporter supporters, that means that LOTS of both democrats,

republicans and independents are reading it, which is all I care about.

The reason that I don't get many responses is because no one can refute anything I have said about sbd(including him

and his lies, failed predictions, lack of accountability, etc.

Perhaps sports nut should consider how many threads HE has started and how many views/responses he has gotten before criticizing me.

If you are out there, Mr. Sports Nut, I challenge you to come over here and state something with which you disagree, assuming of course that

you have the intelligence to understand the points I have made.

Sep 5, 2010

Nov 11, 2007
His avatar is a jock, go figure.

From what I have read of his posts so far, at best he has the intelligence of one of the low class slimy QAnons who stormed the Capitol.

If folks like you and me are considered "low iq" people as sbd maintains, then this guy is off of the "iq scale meter" on the negative side.

Perhaps he should look for and join a "See Spot Run" Forum for children, where he MIGHT at least have a fighting chance!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps I should start a separate thread, actually a contest, in which before a given week begins, folks predict how many times sbd will utter

the word "return"(referring to Trump's return of course) in that given week.

The one who guesses it correctly and/or gets the closest will receive an all expense paid trip to GITMO, where he will get to meet all of the many thousands

of "evil" democrats who have been arrested since sbd started his thread one year ago. lol

On a more serious note, ask yourself if someone predicts something multiple times a day, such as sbd does with

"Trump's return," whether it means the person saying it over and over again(in this case sbd), is really all that confident

about the prediction coming true or whether is is just a projection of his own hopes, imagination and fantasies.

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps the real "return" sbd is thinking about(actually worried about) on a subconscious level is not Trump's "return" to somehow overthrow

the Govt and be magically reinstated at POTUS, but rather Trump's tax RETURNS, which most likely is going to expose him for those who don't know

already, as a criminal, a liar, a cheat, totally corrupt, a felon, and to incorporate all of the different adjectives which describe him, low life,

bottom of the barrel scum and a total disgrace as a "human being" and a member of the human race, who Satan is

proud of as well as other folks of his unfortunate ilk!

Nov 11, 2007
Only one thing to comment upon from sbd's Thread today and it is a typical moronic statement:

"Is this another trap being set?

What if DOJ officials (and others), who really believe Biden is POTUS, go back to their old ways and walk right into a another big sting?"

The obvious problem with this is that he says there have already been "big stings."

Sbd can't even cite one DOCUMENTED sting which has taken place already let alone numerous ones!!

Nov 11, 2007
Only one thing to comment upon from sbd's Thread today and it is a typical moronic statement:

"Is this another trap being set?

What if DOJ officials (and others), who really believe Biden is POTUS, go back to their old ways and walk right into a another big sting?"

The obvious problem with this is that he says there have already been "big stings."

Sbd can't even cite one DOCUMENTED sting which has taken place already let alone numerous ones!!

Re: the above post, for those of you who don't know, sbd's statement is a clear example of begging the question, which typifies a lot of what

he says as well as poisoning the well.

Just look at the definition of "begging the question" here and you will see how it quite applicable as to sbd's statement and my commentary re: that

another trap and walking right along "into another big sting."

As stated in previous post, the fact that sbd cannot show documentation of his premise that there have been "big stings" in the past,

negates and/or makes irrelevant anything he says about another "sting" which allegedly is about to take place.

Here you go with the definition of the term:

In classical rhetoric and logic, begging the question or assuming the conclusion is an informal fallacy that occurs when an argument's premises assume the truth of the conclusion, instead of supporting it.
For example, the statement "Green is the best color because it is the greenest of all colors" claims that the color green is the best because it is the greenest—which it presupposes is the best.
It is a type of circular reasoning: an argument that requires that the desired conclusion be true. This often occurs in an indirect way such that the fallacy's presence is hidden, or at least not easily apparent.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another of quote showing sbd's "brilliance."

This one is a combination of illogic, non sequitur and poisoning the well:

"Poll: 81 percent of Republican voters hold favorable view of Trump

It's actually MUCH higher.

And this is what the Dems-DS are afraid of!"

There are as usual several things which make no sense here:

1) Who cares if 81% of Republicans hold a favorable view-what is the significance.

That is like saying that pre Covid 19 days when Fenway Park was packed on Opening Day that over 95% of the fans in attendance are/were Red Sox Fans.

Along the same lines and more importantly, I am sure that the percentage of democrats who believe Biden has done a good job so far is in excess of that.

2) Along the same lines, what counts is who is in the driver's seat charge at the moment and calling the shots

until 2024 l-Biden and the Democrats or Trump and the Republicans?

Who won the Election both handily in the Popular Vote and Electoral College, Biden and Democrats or Trump and the Republicans?

3) It follows that his comment about Dems-DS being afraid is a total non sequitur in that Biden and Harris and company are in charge

until 2024, meaning what is there to be afraid about?

Does it mean that the 2024 Election is "so close" and that Trump is so popular that Biden and all democrats should be shitting in their

pants because Trump is a shoo-in in four years?

If it means something else like Trump supporters/QAnons/The Military believe in Trump so much that they are going to storm the White House

before 2024 with some kind of lynch party or armed insurrection and pull off a coup d'etat?

If that is what he means, all I can say is that those who are planning to do this should load up on life insurance for their families because

they will no longer be able to provide for them unless of course they find employment in HELL after they are vaporized and are able to

send their families their weekly or monthly checks.


Nov 11, 2007
I see where it is posted that Sarah Palin has tested positive for Covid.

My question and/or comment is whether she could have become infected with it by the manhood of some guy who also was infected?

I mean lets face it-the "manhoods" to which I am referring are not exactly strangers to Sarah, who has had LOTS of guys' "manhoods"

enter her "target zone." lol

Nov 11, 2007
Check out sbd's thread and you will once again that he is a bs artist and does not have the courage of his convictions.

in short, his bluff is being called in the form of a wager as to when Trump's alleged return will be.

I would be shocked if he takes up the challenge.

I say that from personal experience as I wagered him several times before the Election, with the bet being that I would banish myself from the Forum forever

if Trump did win the Election as he alleged in "the biggest landslide in history."

If Biden won by ANY margin at all, all he had to do was not post for a month.

Did he accept the challenge?

Lifeline please! lol

This is typical of folks who love to "talk the talk," but when their bluff is called, they won't/can't "walk the walk," because to be blunt, they are

full of shit and/or in his case are full of fantasies and delusions which they wouldn't dare bet upon!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd just posted 4 moronic statements and/or lies over a seven minute span.

Here is the one which I find most telling, which is the one as to why he doesn't bet with forum members with some added commentary:

"I don’t make wagers of any kind with people in forums, especially delusional libtards like yourself!

But feel free to make up a bet in your mind for any amount you desire and just know you already lost!"

His first sentence is typical sbd , with his typical non sequitur/illogical "reasoning."

Perhaps he can tell us 1) why he won't wager with anyone in a forum if the money is sent and held by a trusted moderator to ensure that the person gets paid

If sbd is so mistrustful, then perhaps he shouldn't bet with an offshore or a local either.

Also, what does he mean when he says that he won't bet with a "delusional libtard (like the person he is addressing).

Does the money he will win if he wins have a political affiliation, and if it does not(most likely not lol), then why should it matter if

the person with whom he is wagering in his mind is a "delusional libtard."

Perhaps to be consistent, he should call his offshores and/or locals and see if they have any "delusional libtards" there who handle the wagers.

if they do, he should demand that someone who is not a "delusional libtard" handle his wager and payout if he wins or accept his money if he loses.

2) The second sentence about wagering in one's mind any amount he wants, knowing full well that he has already lost is in actuality a projection of what

he should be saying about himself, namely that based on his LOSING and DOCUMENTED 99.9% percentage

of his FAILED predictions over the last 12 months, that when he makes another prediction, consider it a LOSER IMMEDIATELY

just like all of the ones which preceded the new one turnedout to be.


Nov 11, 2007
Sbd is in machine gun mode this afternoon and evening firing one post after another in order to try to hide the beating and betting challenge he refused to

take re: when Trump's alleged return will occur.

He is a VERY badly wounded animal at this time from the whupping he has taken from multiple posters who are wise to his lies and bullshit

and who won't let him get away with it with the crock of shit and lies he posts every day.

He is beginning to get an idea as to how Davy Crockett felt at the Alamo.

Kudos to all who are doing this great service to the Forum!!

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