Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more from sbd in response to Red Eye, who he can't simply dismiss him as he does with people who don't care for Trump

and/or who support Biden, because Red Eye agrees with everything he says about Trump, Biden, the Election, etc:

What does " much sooner than anyone thinks " even mean SBD ?

If you look back thru this thread , this phrase was used quite a few months back here in this thread..

Maybe " longer than you think " would be more appropriate

Sbd/s response:

"You consume way too much time on "time", "dates" instead of just focusing on the facts in front of you and the outcome!

The fact is you and your skeptical views don't expect anything to happen so "sooner than you think" will exceed all of your expectations.

Only you know what this means to you."

Notice the total non-response/double- talk here.

He totally evades the issue of Red Eye's question of what "very soon" means and in a sense tries to portray himself as some kind of a victim here,

even though Red Eye is 100% correct of reminding sbd of all his either time drive, very soon or soon predictions, 99.9% of which have failed

to come true over the last 13 months.

And even worse, he tries to turn the tables on Red Eye by insinuating that Red Eye is the one who is too concerned with dates and to concentrate on the

"facts, whereas IN FACT, it is just opposite where as stated above it is and has always been sbd who has concentrated on dates and who IN FACT,

has not presented any FACTS at all.

The only REAL FACTS which matter are that 1) sbd has failed 99.9% of the time (that is giving him the benefit of the doubt)in his predictions and to

prove his conspiracy theories;2 he has not even once admitted that something he predicted failed to come true and 3)he has been rightfully slammed

and exposed for the fraud and liar he is by both me and the REAL patriots in his thread by DOCUMENTED FACTS!!

Nov 11, 2007
Before I have my lunch, here is the most telling and funniest line from sbd's post 9333 why his predictions are still going to occur even

though they did not happen when he originally predicted:

"Certain things happened unexpectedly along the way that have moved time ranges."

The REAL translation of this absurd/insulting line which assumes everyone reading it is of "low iq"/stupid, is that the only things which happened "unexpectedly,"

and that he won't admit is that is mind (if that is what you want to call it)is that his predictions turned out wrong because the "certain things" in his

mind were based on fantasies and his imagination in the first place.

The rest of us knew this to begin with.

If that is not the case, perhaps sbd can tell us what EXACTLY these events were that necessitated the moving of the goal posts.

Nov 11, 2007
Before I start eating and quoting sbd again:

"Certain things happened unexpectedly along the way that have moved time ranges."

Again this is a direct contradiciton because all of his predictions stated directly or by implication that there was/is "Nothing which could

stop his prediction from coming true."

Apparently there were/are exceptions to this, in FACT LOTS OF THEM!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
In post 9337 in answer to Red Eye's question about skepticism and whether he(sbd) would be skeptical if he was reading a thread like he TRIES

to answer by saying a number of times that it was clearly stated what the purpose and the goals are/were at the outset and cites them.

However this falls way short of an answer which flies simply because he doesn't show how the purpose and goals were met.

In fact, it is precisely the opposite here, as a number of posters have DOCUMENTED that his conspiracy and accusations were NEVER

proven to have occurred and more importantly virtually every prediction he made failed.

In short I ask anyone reading what he said and my response to it whether clearly stating a purpose and goal of the

thread with failed documentation of evidence to support these in itself is sufficient to say or infer/imply that skepticism is not warranted.

His kind of double-talk and trying to weasel out of a direct response doesn't fly with us "low iq" folks!

Nov 20, 2004
Our Country really is fucked when you have total fucking idiots like SBD living in it. Amazing how dumb and easily they are spoon fed non sense and they believe it. Gotta say the internet has helped to create all these total nut jobs who shouldnt even be allowed to have a drivers license

Nov 11, 2007
Our Country really is fucked when you have total fucking idiots like SBD living in it. Amazing how dumb and easily they are spoon fed non sense and they believe it. Gotta say the internet has helped to create all these total nut jobs who shouldn't even be allowed to have a drivers license

Spot on post, and the same for what you said about sports services and their so-called system plays; this is right up with the sports services which

post outrageous records and can get away with it for the simple reason that in most cases no one was stupid or gullible enough to buy their

plays in the first place, meaning that the only "documentation" which exists is what they say or print on their website. lol

Nov 11, 2007
I am sorry if this seems repetitive or if you already know it.

That said, all I am going to say that that as an older person who has conversed with thousands people in my life both on a personal and professional level,

and who knows a bit about psychology, it is quite obvious to me that after 13 months of viewing sbd's posts, I have come to the conclusion(as I

am sure many of you have), that he has deep emotional problems, which may be related to his personal and/or professional life.

As I see it, being a part of and/or concocting what he has along with his predictions(all of which have failed), he is either reaching out trying

to blame someone else for his present unhappy status in life accommodated by his many failures in the present and past in the hopes

that he can "prove himself" by posting the utter nonsense he does in order to try to in his own way achieve some skin deep feeling of self


In fact, from what I have seen, heard and read about the QAnons in general, misery, many failures in life and the accompanying low self-esteem which

are all very common with these folks.

Also imo, just reaching out with tabloid headlines as we have seen from sbd just about every day, is a sign that he and his fellow QAnon are seeking attention

as a means of drawing attention to themselves.

It doesn't matter to them that it is negative attention rather than positive attention-imo that is not the way that sbd's mind or QAnons operate.

Again as I see it it is a conscious attempt to deal with their subconscious, which is unhappy with their overall being at this juncture.

Nov 11, 2007
If you can believe it, sbd comes forth with yet another post which makes no sense and contradicts others.

Here you go:

"Early indication.


Remember, it was always part of the plan to remove Biden and replace with Harris.

I stated this before the election."

Hmm-it appears that sbd has more than one definition of the word "plan."

He stated too many times to count that the Divine Plan is for Trump to return "very soon" and be reinstalled as POTUS.

This has what he has said ad nauseam with specific dates since the Election and now more indefinite time frames

using the words, "very soon" and "soon."

The point is in view of above, is he now saying that the Divine Plan is for Harris to replace Biden, and if so, why?

OR does he mean that it is some other kind of plan not Divine for Harris to take over.

In second instance whose plan is it and why, and when will the reason be revealed?

This is another example of the kind of contradictory, conflicting, illogical, confusing and totally nonsensical bullshit that sbd is known for since

he started his thread 13 months ago and why virtually no one buys into it.

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment for now:

In all fairness imo sbd's thread could have been a bit more believable and even thought provoking had he toned it down a bit with a

LOT less arrogance, fewer predictions, less begging the question and poisoning the well and just presented his material is a "what do

you think" modus operandi rather than here is the 100% "truth," and if you don't believe it, well its your problem and not mine.

I mean ask yourself why anyone should believe what he says and predicts when not even once has he admitted that something he predicted

did not come true??

Even worse when something did not come true, he has now done an about face and simply stated that it will eventually(very soon) and that is the

bottom line.

That is actually fine and makes more sense, even though most of us don't buy any of it.

However just some kind of admittance on his part that he was wrong for so many months to make specific time date, specific predictions

would show that he now realizes that it was an error, and that he should not have done it in the first place, would have been much more appropriate.

I will be the first to admit that my responses and analysis to what he says are based on MY OPINIONS ONLY based on what he stated

and how I perceive them as well of course as the manner in which he has presented them.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is a classic example of why sbd has very little credibility, namely because a lot of what he says including this is based upon lies, delusion,

projections of his own hopes ono others.

He says this:

"Libtards fear this thread because they fear truth.

The only thing they fear more is the “return”.

They know it’s coming!

They feel it!

And they know nothing can stop it!"

First of all not all folks who read his thread are libtards.

In fact I would bet that most of the folks who read this thread are Trump fans and/or republicans, as it is quite obvious to all by comments

in political section that there are quite a few more republicans than democrats.

Anyways, back to the point, based on all sbd's failed predictions and unproven accusation and conspiracy theories, who won the Election

and who has been sitting as the POTUS since January and making all of the decisions, the question is why should anyone fear the truth or his

return(I find it interesting the sbd put the word "return" with quotations)?

In my way of thinking, that usually means something which is NOT going to happen and/or as a means of sarcasm.

And then to emphasize the point, he says "they know it's coming-they can feel it."

Any objective person with half a brain realizes that based on what actually is, that above statement has no basis to reality, and is just an

offshoot or another example of just about all of his other wishful thinking he has tried to get us to believe for the last thirteen months.

Nov 11, 2007
Final comments of the day:

Imo if we get into July, and there is nothing at all to indicate that Trump is going to return, not talking about returning to face the courts,

but rather as POTUS, sbd should just give it up and instead concentrate on how "evil" Biden and the democrats are, and to do everything LEGAL

in their power so that they can begin the procedure of returning the WH to Trump and/or whoever is nominated in 2024.

This would commence with working on taking back the House of Representatives in 2022.

On the other hand, for sbd to continue this charade into July and just move the goal posts out once again, simply makes him look even further out of it

than he already is and for lack of a better term, a poor loser!!

Nov 11, 2007
Latest Radar shows the "Trump Return" temporarily stalled 200 miles north of the South Pole but significantly weakening and pointed southward

and headed toward deserted Sbd Island and on the verge of (to use a well known phrase)just disappearing.

Should there be any change, which in this case means the speed at which the "Trump Return" no longer exists, the Truth Network will be the first

to know and inform you.

Stay tuned!

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd:

"If you thought the world went crazy over a virus that has a 99.8% survival rate, wait until they roll out the new "variant" [covid-21] that only gives you a 99.7% chance of survival."

Why does this even matter from sbd's perspective because as well all know, that "When Donny comes marching home," "VERY SOON(LOL), that stuff

like this will no longer be an issue because all of the doctors/DS involved in this "scandal" and attempt to scare the American Public will be

IMMEDIATELY arrested, convicted and either executed and/or sent to a similar place like GITMO to join the "many thousands" who have already

suffered this fate(I wonder where all of these folks will be transported to once GITMO officially closes its doors and/or whether they are

going to have a Going Out of Business Sale and perhaps auction off some of these "Evil DS Traitors" to the highest bidder lol).

On the other hand, why should any kind of "Trump return" be needed in the first place because sbd has told us numerous times that Trump

is in charge and has been calling the shots right along???

This is just one of the too many contradictions/paradoxes I have pointed out since sbd started his hallucinatory/ drug induced thread.


Nov 11, 2007
Here is another vage recycled quote from sbd's collection of delusions, lies and bullshit:


So much is going on behind the scenes right now.

Things are moving fast.


We have heard the same quote with a few words changed here and there since sbd started the thread 13 months ago

and especially after Election Day when virtually every day things were allegedly going on "behind the scenes" to return Trump to the Presidency.
How that that work out, and what indication is that this time will be any different?


Nov 11, 2007
ps Post 471 is very important, and imo if sbd doesn't comply along the lines I suggested and say "Uncle" if Trump is not the POTUS by July,

then he is even a bigger fraud and liar than we already know.

I think it is IMPERATIVE that sbd tells all of us if agrees with the date I have stated and why, and if not, why not.

I suggest that those who do comment in his thread ask him to set an absolute final date for the "Return" and to admit he was wrong without equivocation

if it does not.

If he does not agree to that, then it will just indicate one more example of his "talking the talk," but not being able to and/ore refusing to "walk

the wall." occur by that date.

Nov 11, 2007
Compare post 9390 in sbd's IVU thread today with post 6238 on 2/18, in which sbd posted this:

"So many huge things happening behind the scenes right now! w-thumbs!^

President Trump has been busier than ever this week!

Remember, he is still the REAL and LEGITIMATE President and running the show behind the scenes."

All I can say is that whatever allegedly happened "behind the scenes" on 2/18 must be going on at a snail's pace because as you can see in post 9390,

it is still a work in progress inasmuch as there is no discernible evidence that anything happened on 2/18 or as of today to indicate that Trump was/isit POTUS

back then, today and moving forward.

It is much more like that what is very evident sbd going on behind the scenes that an ever increasing number of relatively normal QAnon folks(there are some)

is that these folks have resigned themselves to the fact that the QAnons are a FAILED right wing cult, none of whose predictions have come true in four years,

and that it is time to face reality and accept Biden as the POTUS whether they care for his policies or not.


Nov 11, 2007
Sbd has so little "ammunition" and is so desperate at this point that he has hauled out of mothballs the "Election was stolen" tape today,

like 5 months later that is going to overturn the Election results.

Trump supporters actually need not worry about this as the "Trump Return" any day will be upon us, meaning that the people and military

will join forces to rightfully and officially reinstate Trump as the POTUS, even though as we all know and according to sbd Trump has been

calling the shots right along and never left in any case. lol

Nov 11, 2007
One last thing re: previous post and the "evidence" of alleged stolen election.

Sbd states "This is equally important because once the evidence is presented to SCOTUS it will make it almost impossible for them to not do the right thing."

Even if there was some new "evidence" which hasn't been seen or heard before and it was presented to the SCOTUS, they will do the same thing they did

when they they were pestered too many times to overturn the Election and declare Trump the winner, namely reject it.

While they will openly simply reject it once again, what they won't say publicly but are thinking is "Stop fucking bothering

us again with this delusional/made-up bullshit with no merit.

"We have much more important matters to spend our time with and to consider than to hear this redundant crap for the zillionth time!"


Nov 11, 2007
Referring to previous post, to petition the SCOTUS to overturn the Election Results and award it to Trump after five months because of

alleged both old and new information is about as likely to be successful as at this point a disgruntled KC Chief fan petitioning Roger Goodell

to declare KC the winner in the SB because of such reasons Brady doctored the ball, Brady and/or teammates were using PED'S,

TB illegally spied on KC and/orgot unauthorized access to their game plans using sophisticated and undetectable

technology(except to him), and on and on.

I don't have to tell you what the result of this would be.

It would be essentially the same thing with petitioning the SCOTUS at this juncture to overturn the results of the Election.

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