Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
If it is not obvious to you, let's just say that with sbd's musical chairs tv show, "Who is the POTUS Today," for the last couple of days, it has been Biden because

of the crisis at the Mexican Order.

However using sbd's statement that the "return is very near," expect that Trump will be officially in charge once he makes that visit to the border,

and he and his military buddies cast Biden onto the streets, and restore order.

If you are wondering as I am as to how this can possibly because as according to sbd, Biden is and has always been a "fake" POTUS and

was never inaugurated, just relax;I am confident that if sbd can't answer this paradoxical question, deadbeat/ pathological liar

and Trump's loyal right hand man, Jason Miller can clarify things for all of us!!

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of this tv show when things change again at some time in the future.

I am not sure as to when the next new show will actually be-only show producer sbd can answer this, and it will be dependent

on what happened on a given day to determine retrospectively moving forward if the "musical chair" remains the same

or was changed usurped by Biden or Trump.

Check your tv guide of better sbd's thread for the latest information on above.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Well written piece from on Trump's current relevance or better irrelevance:

As long as we are on the subject of the Trumps, Donald Sr. just hates to be ignored. Better to have bad publicity than no publicity at all, is his view. Making things particularly acute is that he went from having hundreds of millions of people hanging on his every utterance to being basically an afterthought overnight. And so, after several weeks of licking his wounds, he's getting ready for a media blitz, in hopes of regaining some relevance. In other words, get ready for the storm after the quiet.
To start with, if you want to write a book about Trump, and you want an interview with the man himself, now is the time. In the next few weeks, he will sit for 12 different interviews, each for a different book project. His advisers have pointed out that some of these authors (Michael Wolff, Maggie Haberman, Jon Karl) are not going to be producing flattering works. Others have pointed out that if Trump spills all his beans now, he won't have any left if he decides to do his own book project. He doesn't care.
Trump is also commencing a series of interviews with pretty much any outlet that will have him. Well, ok, any right-wing outlet. He'll talk to book authors from across the spectrum, but when it comes to TV face time, he's all about Fox, OAN, and Newsmax. And when he's not calling in, or sitting for remote hits, he's sending them "press releases" that are really just tweets. That will have to do for now, at least until he gets the new social media site that he has promised up and running.
All of this said, relevance is likely to prove more elusive than Trump thinks. The books he's interviewing for will make a few headlines when they are released, and then will quickly fade from view. When was the last time anyone talked about John Bolton's book, or Bob Woodward's, or Michael Cohen's, or the two Trump books that Wolff already wrote? Meanwhile, Trump will be able to connect with his base by going on Fox or OAN or Newsmax, and he'll be able to do the same with his social media platform (if it happens), but that will mean only a fraction of the attention that he was getting as recently as two months ago.
There's another significant problem related to existing solely in a right-wing bubble, and it's one that will be particularly evident if he actually does get his social media platform going. His base wants to see him "own the libs." They want to "own the libs" themselves. But the libs aren't going to sign up for Trumpter, or InstaDon, or whatever it is he comes up with. And without them, there's no party. It will be boring.
Indeed, "boring" may be the very best word to describe Trump these days. Back when he was a reality TV star, the ratings for his show declined every season it was on, because the shtick got old hat. Well, he's got the same problem now. He's been at this for 6 years, and he's said and done just about every outrageous thing under the sun. It got old and tired enough that even Fox stopped covering his rallies. And that was when he was still president, and his statements were the official position of the United States government. These days, his only real power is to toss Molotov cocktails into Republican primary races in red states.
If the former president really wants to reclaim some meaningful portion of the attention he craves, his best move would be to try to make peace with Twitter. That would give him vastly more exposure than his startup venture, and would provide a large supply of libs to own. Plus, when he pushed the rules to their breaking point, "Will he be kicked off Twitter again?" would be a big story. The problem here, besides the fact that Twitter might not go for it, is that Trump is a fellow who holds grudges, even if that means shooting himself in the foot. And so, he has already made clear that he would not return to Twitter even if they begged him, because they had their chance and blew it.
Time will tell what happens, of course, but we are a politics-centered site, and we've had two completely Trump-free days in the last two weeks, and only a handful of items like this one, where he was the star of the story. That does not bode well for his long-term relevance. (Z)

Nov 11, 2007
Here is one more example of the off the scale stupidity of sbd the clueless Ahole:

He quotes this from Trump:

TRUMP: “Congratulations to Georgia & the Georgia State Legislature on changing their voter Rules & Regulations. They learned from the travesty of the 2020 Presidential Election, which can never be allowed to happen again. Too bad these changes could not have been done sooner!”

Even if it is a plus for Trump, the key phrase is "Too bad these changes could not have been done sooner."

That is an obvious acknowledgment from Trump. that although nothing can be done about it for the 2020, Election, that hopefully it will improve things next time around.

But that isn't good enough for good old sbd.

As you can see even though Trump himself says in effect nothing can be done, sbd in his make believe fantasy world, decides to take it further and read into it that

it means that Biden will be removed and Trump reinstated.

Imo there is at least a 50% chance that sbd is taking some kind of hallucinatory drugs to come up with an illogical conclusion like that.

Here you go with sbd's editorial about what Trump said:

"Yes, “we” have a moral obligation to the constitution!

And soon this fake Biden clown will officially be removed because of it!"


Nov 11, 2007
I don't want to get involved in the conversation and debate between sbd and Red Eye, but just lets say that sbd's attitude

in responding to what he has to offer, the former which is spot-on, is beyond arrogance and is an attempt

to stifle him, even though Red Eye is about the only one who gives him even the slightest benefit of the doubt at this point.

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with my commentary from sbd as fast as possible because it is just Groundhog Day all over again for the zillionth time.

In one post he says this referring to Trump"

"He is just waiting for the perfect time to play his cards.

It's coming very soon!"


We have that with first specific dates and now vaguely "very soon" too many times to count since Election Day.

He doesn't specifically state how Trump is going to play his cards and be reinstated although the implication is and has always been armed

insurrection by the military.

That for me equals treason, which using sbd's own words, meaning DEATH as the punishment for Trump if he tries this.

And then the usual bullshit that Trump actually got 100 million votes and won the Election-yawn.

Actually this is a bit of an admission that he was wrong when he said with his earlier statements that Trump won ALL 50 states

and got over 90% of the vote in so doing.

I mean a "mere" 100 million alleged votes for Trump would not come anywhere near 90% plus of the votes.

Finally if I read his drivel correctly, there is a reference once again to "Bull" Durham, and that he will also be instrumental in saving the day

in restoring Trump officially to the POTUS, although everyday sbd tells us AT TIMES that Trump is the POTUS

and has been calling all of the shots right along???? lol

That's it for now.

Bye bye until later on.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-this would be fitting justice:

The Boston Globe reports that the state of Georgia could face a backlash that extends beyond skirmishing politicians into sports: “The 91st MLB All-Star Game is scheduled to be played in Atlanta this July. But on Thursday, in the wake of voting-restriction legislation signed into law by the Georgia governor, the executive director of the MLB Players Association said the players are ready to discuss moving their annual midsummer exhibition out of Georgia.
“Players are very much aware” of the Georgia voting bill, which places restrictions on voting that some believe will make it particularly difficult for Black voters to reach the polls, said Tony Clark in an interview with the Globe. “As it relates to the All-Star Game, we have not had a conversation with the league on that issue. If there is an opportunity to, we would look forward to having that conversation.”

Nov 11, 2007
Real quick:

Just posted by sbd.

Pay special attention to last line because it has been used too many times to count over the last 12 months with ZERO success route.

Perhaps sbd can state SPECIFICALLY for a change what cannot be stopped and is coming(and when) instead of beating

around the bush and just babbling. lol

"People are underestimating how effective and powerful the Georgia election law is.

The Dems-DS know and this is why they are flipping out.

If you don't understand how significant it really is you simply don't understand the Constitution.


Nov 11, 2007
ot I hardly ever go over to the Political Forum any more to read anything(I haven't posted anything there in over two months because it is an utter waste of

time with most of the posts by Trump lovers and Biden haters just posting the same stuff day after day and patting each other on the back and making

each person feel good about the other).

That said, unlike sbd, I do give them credit for at least acknowledging that the most important thing right now is to retake the House or Representatives

and the Senate over the next couple of years and then the Presidency in 2024.

As much as I disagree with these folks on lots of subjects, at the very least they realize unlike sbd, that neither Trump nor any other Republican member

is going to be the POTUS until at least Election Day in Nov. 2024.

But hey-if sbd's stating/believing otherwise floats his boat, and/or he is a masochist and loves getting tossed around like a ragdoll 24/7/365,

then well more power to him and best of luck-we folks will certainly continue to oblige and put him in his place! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Before you buy into post 9061 in sbd's thread re: George Floyd, I would remind you that shortly after his death, sbd posted and praised

a video from oneof his "impeccable sources" claiming that George Floyd never died and that the whole incident was staged to make Trump look bad.

But today the tune seems to have changed to fit today's narrative to state that George Floyd did in fact die but that it was due to drugs.
Perhaps sbd can fill us in on the "apparent" contradiction here, or maybe "enlighten" us all as to how and why both incidents as reported are accurate!:pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
Nothing to report from sbd's thread other than once again trying to say that something which occurred was not coincidence when it was.

From what I have seen of this delusional crap over the last 12 months, if it was proven that Putin and Kim Jong-un moved their bowels at exactly the

same time on a given day, sbd would try to make something out of and say it went far beyond coincidence.

Nov 11, 2007
I just came up with a novel idea.

We all know that when there is a hurricane or major snowstorm on the horizon, all of the national network and local meteorologists show us on a map

on our tv's where the storm is currently, its intensity level, its current path and trajectory, how fast it is moving and the dates and times

at which it will have an impact oncertain cities states on the map if there are no changes.

My suggestion is that there be someone on tv who does the same thing re: Trump's "Return."

He/she could show us exactly where it is at the moment on some kind of "return map," how fast it is moving, etc. in exactly the same manner as in the weather.

By so doing, all of us would have a pretty good idea before we went to bed each night and/or got up in the morning where the "Return" was/is

and how it was progressing in the short to intermediate term and maybe an idea as to when it would hit not just certain stares or cities as in

the weather projection, but to the country as a whole, because Trump's "arrival"/would be a national rather than localized event.

I am not quite sure who would/could serve as the "Trumpeoroligists" to do these hourly or daily updates.

That is an issue for the major networks and/or local tv stations to determine based on their own particular qualifications criteiron.

That said, I can assure you that no network or tv station other than perhaps the "QAnon Network" will select sbd for the job for the simple

reason that all of his date specific time projections for Trump's return have FAILED 100% of the time in the past, and that of late

his terminology of "very soon" or "soon" simply won't cut it for tv purposes any more than would a meteorologists

using such vague terms to describe time frame projections for major storms. lol

Nov 11, 2007
One brief comment for now.

What was NOT mentioned in the brief discussion in the IVU Thread comparing sbd to LOSER Lang is that while both are DOCUMENTED and proven LOSERS

over time with predictions, that unlike sbd who NEVER/NOT ONCE has EVER admitted he was wrong about a prediction, LOSER Lang

at least admits most of his although usually with excuses.

Nov 11, 2007
Out of all the posts today in the IVU Thread, I thought this was the most interesting one by sbd and needs to be examined and dissected.

As always, I will give my opinion of the thread(unlike sbd what I state is OPINION ONLY and does not equal fact as he believes his opinions are).

Obviously you will have to decide for yourself if you agree with me or not.

This is from post 9072 and my commentary follows.

First of all the premise of what is to follow has to do with the accuracy sbd's predictions in the past and for the future.

Here you go:

"You mean the "shitty predictions" that have come true and the ones that haven't will very soon.

Here sbd is answering to the charge that his predictions for the last 12 months have been well, as stated, shitty.

What is telling in his statement is that I and other folks have documented too many predictions which have failed to come to pass and ZERO which have.

If his predictions have as he has stated come true, then I invite him to name some of them SPECIFICALLY.

Also, having never predicted anything which has come true, he then makes the bold statement that we should believe the new ones which will occur

very soon.

Imo very in interesting "logic."

Next he says this:

"Some still can't see it or don't understand it even though it's being presented to you daily."

The question which follows from #1 is some can't see or understand what exactly even though it is being presented to us daily.

Again we do "SEE" and we do UNDERSTAND that what you have presented to us in the way of predictions daily has NOT come true.

If he disagrees with this, then I suggest he amplify, explain on what he means, as right now it is nothing but lies and bs.

Next he says

"Mostly because they are buried in hate and ignorance for ONE man - TRUMP."

I have several problems with this statement.

The first is it is a 100% non sequitur from the theme of his post which involves his failed predictions.

In essence, the question is what does hatred of Trump have to do with whether sbd has been right or wrong with is predictions?

For me the answer is ZERO.

Also his statement is a combination of poisoning the well and begging the question.

The most obvious example from his thread alone is Red Eye's comments.

Red Eye is a big Trump supporters and sees a lot of matters in the same way that sbd does.

However, the point is that Red Eye is NOT a Trump hater and if anything a Trump lover, but that doesn't and hasn't precluded him from calling out sbd for

failed predictions!.


"Sad that so much hate for one man blocks them from seeing the truth."

There isn't anything to say here that I didn't cover in previous commentary.


"Sad that so much hate for one man clouds their judgement."

Again not to much to comment upon except to again emphasize that it is a total non sequitur to say that one's judgment about sbd's 99.9% failed

and documented predictions have anything to do with one's perception of Trump(ps he spelled judgment wrong but that is minor in the total scheme of


Next he says this:

"But soon they will be forced to see it all and accept the TRUTH."

We have heard lines like this for the last 12 months.

The most important criticism and/or at least most important matter to consider is not that nothing he has predicted

has come true but rather how can anyone including sbd make a judgment on the truth when he has not once every defined what the "truth" is!!!

In the final line he says this:

"You and others are in for a VERY rude awakening!"

We have heard sbd us the "rude awakening" and other similar terms many, many times over the last year when he wants to emphasize that

what he is predicting will cometrue and that it won't be pleasant for some of us.

I would like to know what exactly the "rude awakenings" were over the last 12 months with examples.

I got a "rude awakening" a few weeks ago when I was awakened in the middle of the night with diarrhea, but something tells me that

is not what he meant. lol

Moving forward, perhaps sbd can tell us IN ADVANCE if not the date what in fact SPECIFICALLY this "rude awakening" will entail.

Perhaps this is what he means by the as of now undefined meaning of the word "truth."

Nov 11, 2007
One quick comment:

For those of you who are not all that familiar with sbd's failed predictions and/or for those who are but who may have forgotten, I suggest you look

at post 9112 in his thread in which habsburger quotes a previous post of sbd's predictions right before Inauguration Day on Jan. 20,

which fell a "little short" of getting there. lol

Anyone who has followed his predictions since day one a year ago realizes that laughable/whacko FAILED predictions like this one with no basis

are the OVERWHELMING order of the day rather than the exception!

Nov 11, 2007
My concluding comments for today are, and I feel confident that most would agree:

1) As an adult I couldn't live with myself with failing with virtually all of my predictions, but more importantly not acknowledging any of them like

I never made them or even lying about them as is the case with sbd-in short ZERO accountability.

2) As a child if I ever did in a sense what sbd has done for the last 12 months and got caught by parents, lets just say, I

would have gotten some pretty good hurting whacks across my tush from my father's leather belt to get me to consider what would happen

if I ever thought of trying it again!!

Nov 11, 2007
Just a few words to described sbd's only post so far today, namely recycled garbage which you have heard a million times before, which in essence

says that Trump is in charge, has been all along, and by inference that it will become "official" for all to see over the next 4-6 weeks.

This has about as much chance as flying as does an "overweight" elephant on its own!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is ne more before I hop into my jacuzzi:

Sbd says this:

"Dr. Fraudci aka Dr. Evil is about to get exposed to the world.

He's got a lot of blood on his hands."

Yes he is so "evil" and "untrusted" in fact that he has been part of seven consecutive Administration including Republicans and will continue

to do his great work for at least the next four years under the Biden Administration.

It is also interesting that he is still alive because according to sbd he was one of the ones who was supposed to been have arrested sometime early

on during the pandemic last year and either sent to GITMO or more likely executed.

How did that work out?? lol

Yeah but as we all know with all of sbd's 99.9% DOCUMENTED FAILED predictions, this time it will be different!!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
ot-All I hear is how dishonest democrats are, how they cheated, rigged the Election with the voting machines, etc.

These folks NEVER have once even implied let alone stated that Trump and/or the Republicans ever did anything wrong like trying to rig an Election.

I am extremely confident that when the dust settles in the courts this year with such matters as Trump's tax evasion and other matters,

lots of objective folks are going to find out if they don't know already, that Mr. Trump is not and has never been "exactly" what one would refer

to as the paragon of virtue and honesty, and in fact by the definition of a word, is a CRIMINAL!

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