Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
So far this is the only thing posted from sbd as he desperately reaches for new material which will fly other than of course with his bottom of

the barrel/dregs of society QAnons:


New government ready.

New financial system activated.

The circus is almost over!"

Speaking of the circus, when I read above, it reminds me of what I heard from the Carnival Barker pumping one of the games with his bullhorn

on the midway last time I went to the circus:

"Step right up, folks!

Here is your chance

It is so easy to win.

It costs only $4.00 to try your luck.

Make you day complete by showing your skills, and walk away with one of our beautiful and expensive prizes you see on display"!!! lol


Nov 11, 2007
Imo sbd needs some new and totally different headline seeking news at this point, because at the moment it is pretty much

the same boring and failed shit ad nauseam every day with perhaps a word changed or with a different character.

As a suggestion, how about sbd trying this one:

"Trump to reveal himself to the world very soon."

The reference to this could get people, at least folks like me thinking in at least these two scenarios:

1) He could take off all clothes including his underwear on national and international tv and "reveal" to the world that his pecker is a lot bigger

than it is purported to be.

2) He could "reveal" the "absolute proof" he has that he is the Second Son of God.

Perhaps to prove this beyond a shadow a doubt, he and God could do a joint press conference with the latter corroborating this and

then take questions. lol

Nov 11, 2007
I was curious about this Scavino AHole LOSER who sbd keeps referring to and quoting for "documentation" of something positive about Trump,

which is really difficult for obvious reasons.

This is the only "positive" thing I could find out about SCUMvino: lol

On June 18, 2019, USA Today released an article stating that Scavino writes several of Trump's tweets, most likely those sent between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and those without spelling mistakes.[SUP][13][/SUP]

Nov 11, 2007
Another slow day for sb/D-oormat as nothing posted yet.

It appears the QAnon "warehouse" of bullshit, delusions, lies and distortions has been running a bit thin of late and needs to be replenished.

Even when he has posted something of late, it has been forced and not up to the "fine standards of excellence" of most of the horseshit he posts. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Well what do you know-sbd apparently read my previous post and got an "overnight express" (actually much quicker than that-rush order) delivery

of not really fresh but actually recycled bullshit, lies and distortion from the QAnon warehouse(or is it whorehouse? lol).
Now we can all rest peacefully at night knowing that sbd is still alive and kicking.@):)

Nov 11, 2007
Question for sbd and/or a fellow QAnon:

If Trump is in charge and really calling this shots, then why is this press conference with BIDEN speaking and taking questions being allowed to take place?
Is this also part of the "Divine Plan" in order in its own way to make Trumps "return," which is going to occur "very soon" all that more dramatic?:pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
Every time I hear sbd predict Trump's return, it brings back memories of this song recorded by the Kingston Trio about a man who never did in fact


Imo and as I have stated before and as it applies to Trump, the one and only "return" Trump will have is to "return" to face the music in the courts

for misdemeanors and felonies for crimes committed he though he could get away with.

ps if you remember this song when it was recorded in 1959, you are getting up there in years like me.

(1) The Kingston Trio - M.T.A. - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
My god he is disgusting.

Imo anyone who condones this kind of behavior had either poor upbringing, has no sense of what is acceptable behavior between father and daughter,

and in any case in most cases is a societal dredge/bottom of the barrel lowlife, what Hillary rightfully referred to as a "deplorable."

Nov 11, 2007
Sb/D-ipshit strikes out again as he criticizes Biden's Press Conference today, which makes no sense because as "we all know" Trump

is the "real" POTUS, who calls the shots, meaning to be consistent that today's Press Conference was meaningless, and that it immaterial what Biden said.

In short and as is always the case, sbd is all over the map every time he speaks and and whose posts make about as much sense and are as consistent as

someone who has just downed 20 beers and trying to make sense to a cop who has just pulled him over for DUI!

Nov 11, 2007
Vague, repetitive, boring and silly delusional nonsense just posted by sbd shows how desperate he is for new material at this point.

"Get ready for the "return".

It won't be long!"

Nov 11, 2007
Lets continue the musical kick I started yesterday in post 368 in order to commemorate Trump's "return."

Here are the lyrics to a very famous song which has been around since the Civil War hoping for its end.

I had to change the word "Johnny" to "Donny" to make it fit the present: lol

"When Donny comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home
Get ready for the Jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll celebrate the victory, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll all join in the big parade
And let the soldier have his day
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home

America, America, when Donny comes marching home
America, America, when Donny comes marching home
We'll sound the horns and beat the drums
Salute them for a job well done
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home"

Nov 11, 2007
Lets continue the musical kick I started yesterday in post 368 in order to commemorate Trump's "return."

Here are the lyrics to a very famous song which has been around since the Civil War hoping for its end.

I had to change the word "Johnny" to "Donny" to make it fit the present: lol

"When Donny comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home
Get ready for the Jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll celebrate the victory, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll all join in the big parade
And let the soldier have his day
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home

America, America, when Donny comes marching home
America, America, when Donny comes marching home
We'll sound the horns and beat the drums
Salute them for a job well done
That joyful day when Donny comes marching home"

I guess I should include the video with someone actually singing the original.

Well here you go with a well known nice piece of ass to boot singing it. lol

(1) Dolly Parton - When Johnny Comes Marching Home [Official Music Video] - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
Lets play sbd's game for a minute.

He says this in referring to Trump's plan to visit the Mexican border:

"Time for the real and legitimate President of the USA to make a visit!"

So lets see:

According to sbd Trump, in one of his conflicting statements, is supposed to be the "legitimate" POTUS and has called all of the shots right

along even after Jan. 20.

So if this is true, two things are evident:

1) there should not be a border crisis in the first place because there never was under his tenure.

If this is not true, and there is a border crisis, that would imply that it is Biden's fault.

But again, if Biden is/was never POTUS, how is this possible???

2) Forget the contradiction in #1 for a moment, and lets say/assume that there is a real border crisis and that Trump is going to visit there shortly.

It seems to me that if he is in fact the acting POTUS and calling all of the shots, he/Trump should be able to take steps to fix the problem,

and that we should see the manifestation of this with speeches and legislation by him immediately right after the visit.

If we do not, the question is should we assume that he is as sbd says, the real ACTING legitimate POTUS or should we assume that Trump is only

the real and legitimate POTUS in sbd's mind and/or hopes, but certainly not the "acting" one unless of course as sbd keeps telling us that in cases

lie this he will act "very soon."

If you are confused, well then join the crowd except for Trump's lemming/QAnon followers who are not bright enough to understand this paradox and/or

who don't give a rat's ass in any event, so long as what is SAID about Trump makes him look like a deity.


Nov 11, 2007

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