Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Real fast today re: sbd's commentary today.

In short it is obvious that he believes that by posting a volume of posts which are just fluff, bullshit and lies and say nothing we haven't heard before, that somehow

that that in itself is going to negate the documentation, whupping and exposure he has been subjected to by folks who know what a delusional, lying and

irresponsible fraud he is.

Back later if he says anything worth commenting upon.

Nov 11, 2007
I have a strong sense that if there was an actual tape of the highlights or better lowlights of the life of sbd and lots of fellow QAnons,

we might very well get a better understanding of why they believe what they do.

In essence as I see it, people who fail in life need something to grasp onto no matter how fa -fetched it is in order to give their life some purpose

and meaning.

By latching onto QAnon beliefs and then reaching out to others in order to try to get them also to believe this, it makes folks like sbd at least on a conscious

level seem worthy and gives him some feeling of self-esteem.

However this is just a surface/skin deep feeling, for the simple reason that the much deeper feelings of unworthiness and insecurity remain unresolved.

Nov 11, 2007
To the trained observer, the rage, anger and frustration in sbd's posts shows through even more each day as he cannot do anything about the fact that Biden

is the acting POTUS and will be until at least the next Election in 2024 no matter how hard he tries to convince BOTH you and himself

that this is not the case.

Nov 11, 2007
To sum up today, snd is as usual all over the place, lying, making conflicting and contradicting statements and claiming that Trump is the POTUS

and getting it done behind the scenes.

As I have said before, this conflicts with other statements when something goes wrong on a given day for the country, in which Biden or his dead evil

spirit(lol) is POTUS for that day.

In addition he continues to claim that Trump is calling all of the shots behind the scenes and will be reintroduced soon as the POTUS.

But yet up until that alleged time, for some reason Biden has been "permitted" to do what he wants such as distributing the vaccine, curtailing

border expenses, calling Putin a "killer," and in general whatever he wants to do.

My questions are if Trump is in fact the POTUS, then why is Biden being given carte blanche to do what he wants now, and what is the reason

for the delay form Trump's return with no specific date as to when this will occur but the word "soon?"

If anyone can make sense out this hodgepodge mess which flows as smoothly as a clogged up toilet which doesn't flush at all

because there is too much(appropriately) shit in the bowl, then you are a better person than I am.

Nov 11, 2007
If a casual but intelligent and objective observer went over the sbd's thread for the first time, started reading it and somehow was able to read the

most important and standout things which defined sbd and the purpose of the thread, this is what in essence this person would conclude this:

He would start by saying -"beginning last March sbd predicted that Trump would win "in the biggest landslide in history," carry

ALL 50 states and win 90% plus of the popular vote.

"When this didn't happen, after the Election he claimed voter fraud and predicted that on at least 6-8 SPECIFIC dates including Inauguration Day on Jan. 20

and then March 4 Trump would be reinstated by the military.

"When neither of those happened using empirical evidence, sbd claimed several conflicting, inconsistent and contradictory things had occurred depending

on the narrative of that particular day:

"1) Trump is and has always been the POTUS and has been calling the shots right along.

2) Biden or his evil spirit(as Biden is in reality dead) may appear to be the POTUS but "soon" or "very soon" that will

all be overturned and Trump will be officially revealed and declared to be the POTUS when the "time is right."

Meanwhile for reasons unknown Biden has been permitted to enact legislation which affects everyone with no interference

from Trump who is calling theshots or maybe isn't calling the shots just yet depending on what the story is for that day.

3) "Most importantly here we are four and a half months after the Election and sbd is acting like the Election was yesterday and the results will be

overturned "soon,"(no more specific dates used as sbd finally figured out that using them is not to his advantage because

all of his predictions have failed).

4) "Not only has every one of his Election driven predictions failed to come to pass but so are all of the innumerable ones not directly related

to the Elections such as arrests, convictions, punishments such as executions, life sentences to GITMO for alleged offenses against noted

democrats for pedophilia and child trafficking rings as well as of course for "treason" against the United States."

5) Assuming our objective observer wasn't born yesterday, he would conclude by stating and most importantly that "if change and some kind of

justice for alleged wrongdoing was going to occur, it would have occurred LONG before now and probably within days after the Election results

were made official.

"In essence Sbd has done nothing but use stalling tactics and rationalizations starting on the day after the Elections

to try to string people along and try to convince them that eventually he will turn out to be right.

He has made accommodating statements to achieve these ends, which as stated above, conflict with one another,

are totally inconsistent, in many cases contradict other statements and in general add up to a 100% muddled mess.

Our observer would conclude that either sbd is/was very inept overall in concocting this nonsense or vastly underestimated the intelligence of

the people reading it."

Nov 11, 2007
ps OMG-pardon me for underestimating the stupidity and/or inability of sbd to make a contradictory and stupid looking fool out of himself.

All one has to do is take a look at post 8931.

He makes a sarcastic reference to Biden's stumbling to get on AF One.

However, in other posts including yesterday he states that Biden has never boarded Air Force in the first place because he is a "fake" POTUS and

thus would not be allowed on it.

Thus as I see it the only wat sbd can justify what he posted today would be to say that it was actually not Biden who was trying to board Air Force One

but some kind of a ringer of him paid to stumble to make Biden look bad or the artificially created image of Biden for the same reason.

The bottom line is that as I have pointed out many times including previous post, totally inconsistent with sbd's projection of Biden being

a "fake" POTUS, and that in reality Trump is and has been the POTUS right along and calling the shots, and/or will "officially" be


Moving forward, I strongly suggest that sbd enlist the help of a fellow QAnon, who as fucked up as they are in their beliefs, at the very least

has the ability to express himself in a manner which is cohesive, consistent, flows smoothly and overall makes a plausible case, which is clearly

not the case at the present time with sbd's narrative and overall presentation!

Nov 11, 2007
As an "old guy" myself at age 76, lets just say that I would rather stumble briefly getting onto an airplane than putting together totally

messed up, incoherent, illogical, inconsistent, full of flaws, contradictory and paradoxical posts, which make zero sense, and hoping they will fly, all of

which as I and others have clearly shown and documented define sbd's mental abilities and lack of logical writing skills.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd and folks like him will write off predictions from folks like this, whose opinions count only when they agree with their own.

I stated/predicted prior to reading this essentially the same thing.

If there was a line on this and one didn't have to commit the money now for four years, on my betting scale I would tap out that Trump will not be

the nominee for POTUS, nor will he be running for same for any other party.

Also, without going into detail, lets just say that imo he won't be in physical and/or mental condition even if he wanted to run.

You can use your imagination all you like as to why I won't go into detail about this, and chances are that you will be correct.

The historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 says Trump likely won't make a political comeback in 2024 (

Nov 11, 2007
Sometimes I wonder if in sbd's alternate world of "reality" using math as an example, if 1+1=2 and/or is it something else which is

based on some kind of mathematical conspiracy perpetrated by evil democrats and/or whether Biden or his dead spirit is running the country

or whether it is Trump on that particular day.

I mean if Trump did in fact win the Election in "the biggest landslide in history," and won ALL 50 states and got over 90% of the popular vote

in so doing, it wouldn't be that surprising using my example above that 1+1 does not equal 2, and that in fact that is a "fake equation"

the same as all of the "fake news" and "fake events" he has claimed over the last 12 months.

Nov 11, 2007
One final comment before dinner.

For me what sbd has said over the last 12 months reminds me of a defective large jigsaw puzzle with broken pieces, etc where virtually nothing fits together.

In fact, imo if one was to try to put together a jigsaw puzzle of 1000 pieces where none of the pieces are defective, he would have a better chances

of succeeding to put the whole thing successfully together in less than an hour than for all of the pieces in sbd's "jigsaw puzzle" narrative to ever fit together

enough to draw any conclusions other than of course that sbd and his mind reside in La La Land, where there is no difference between fact/reality and opinion.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd's massive incompetence and inability to present material which is consistent with other posts is on blinding display today.

In post 8945 he quotes this:
"ABC News: "Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was President?"Illegal immigrant: "Definitely not"ABC: "Did you come because Joe Biden was elected President?"Illegal: "Basically, basically"That’s the story. Trump protected our border and Joe Biden opened it."

The only problem/question with this is this could not have possibly happened with Biden as POTUS for the simple reason that sbd

has maintained right along that Biden is and never was the POTUS, meaning that he could not have permitted anything.

Since sbd allegedly has been the POTUS right along and calling the shots, the inference is that it is Trump and NOT Biden who is responsible

for the alleged ease in crossing the border.

If that is not enough, in post 4947, it is stated that Trump is currently the FORMER POTUS.

Hmm-how can that be when sbd claims that Trump is and has never relinquished the Presidency?

As I have pointed out many times before including over the last few days, sbd is a total mess , whose posts fly away in

all directions with no meaning because they make no sense and because they are contradictory and are inconsistent.

Chalk up yet another day of failure for sbd, which in fact is and has been EVERY DAY since he started his thread one year ago!

Nov 11, 2007
Well, well-what do you know-nothing new from sbd than what was post earlier today.

Perhaps he ran out of bullshit/"Q/ummnition" and lies and/or had to go look for fresh ideas or to the "QAnon Library" for help. lol

Nov 11, 2007
You got to love this, which was just posted by sb/D-onkeys ass:

"First it was the wind. Now it's tricky steps.

But trust “us”... he's 100% fine

The Biden circus clowns can’t even keep their story straight!"

Again this is a contradictory acknowledgment by sbd that Biden DID board Air Force when he has stated over and over again that he has NEVER boarded this plane!!!

To be politically correct, based on above and too many contradictions, inconsistencies, paradoxes and just too many lies to count, over the last 12 months, his final line should

read "Sbd cannot keep his story straight, never has and never will because he is a terrible debater, one of the worst I have ever encountered, and/or because he assumes that

people reading the bullshit he has thrown out are not smart enough to see what he is all about, which is in essence one big fat ZERO!!"


Nov 11, 2007
Re this posted by sbd in #8951:

"The future isn’t a bright one for FB and Twitter!"

My response is that neither the present, past nor future is, ever has been or ever will be a bright one for sbd is because he isn't very bright, and

because he is, always has been and always will be a LOSER IN LIFE!!

Just read his IVU Thread if you haven't done so already with the documentation, and you will see why the term LOSER is 100% applicable

to him no matter what dictionary you use to define the term!

Nov 11, 2007
snd ends his day with his posts in the same way he started it-lies, bullshit, delusion and massive paranoia which is off the scale.

See you tomorrow morning with the next episode of sbd's using his words, "The Movie," the only difference being is that his alleged movie will

allegedly have a happy Hollywood ending for Trump fellators, whereas his REAL Groundhog Day Movie will simply

be the same shit all over again with a few new meaningless events thrown in, but with the same ending each day,


on his part and most importantly being made a total fool of with those of us who have exposed him and who will continue to do so by

battering and bloodying him beyond recognition against the ropes with no one to save his sorry, whacko, lying ass!!

Nov 11, 2007
As usual nothing of importance to report today from sbd's right wing/ fascist/fellate Trump IVU Thread.

No mention of Trump's "return" today because alleged bad things are happening, meaning that under sbd's scenario of dual President's, Biden is in charge

today so that he can be blamed.

Again with sbd re: who is POTUS on any given day, it is Trump, I win and Biden you lose.

There is no end in sight for sbd's daily praise/blame Game of "Musical Chairs" President dependent on who sbd deems to be POTUS on that

particular day. lol

Nov 11, 2007
One important thing that I forget to mention in previous post is that for those of you who are forgetful at times, you will never again have to worry

about who is POTUS, meaning that you will no longer have to fret and toss and turn in bed not knowing.

All you will have to do is to go to sbd's thread each day and he will tell you who is currently the President based on the events prior to his deciding

to designate who this person is, Biden or Trump.

The downside/problem to this though is that sbd will tell you RETROACTIVELY who was/is the POTUS for that day,

as his choice is based on whether something was deemed to be good for the country or bad occurred.

However rumor has it that his "intel sources," which he says are the "best in the world," are working on this problem so that sbd will be able to

tell you at the beginning of each day whether Biden or Trump will be the POTUS for the new day rather than who was POTUS yesterday based

on what occurred.

If you are confused by all of this, then perhaps you should go back in his thread and read and/or re-read some of his posts for "clarification"

and "explanation." lol

Nov 11, 2007
Re: Last post:

Powell's legal team "defense" that no one would accept as fact that no one would accept what she said about the voting

machines as being factual, and therefore she should be acquitted, makes as much sense as saying that

someone who tried to assassinate Biden, Nancy Pelosi, etc. and who failed in their endeavor to do so but was arrested, should be

acquitted and set free because their venture was not successful. lol

Nov 11, 2007
I have a strong sense that when all of the dust settles with this lying and self-serving bitch Powell lady, it will be seen in retrospect

that in short term that she did pretty well in that she earned a tidy sum for lying for Trump and "winning the battle," but in the vastly more

important longer term, the war so to speak, it will turn out to be a devastating loss with almost unimaginable negative consequences

for this POS of a human being!!

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