Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
I forgot to quote this line from sb/D-emented's post:

"There is no rush now!"

To be politically correct, this is an acknowledgment whether he knows it or not, that NONE of his predictions have come true, and that

he can no longer say WHEN they will in the future, but to just be patient and wait.

For me the word "rush" means (and I am not talking about the arrogant right wing fascist talk show who just died because he thought

he knew more about the dangers of smoking than the most trusted doctors in the world), that it doesn't matter when or actually IF his

predictions come true so long as he has a platform to utter his delusional babble 24/7/365, and that hopefully a few fellow QAnon lunatics will

listen to what he has to say.

Nov 11, 2007
Re: this just posted by sb/D-esperate:

"Nobody in this thread thinks he’s a messiah.

But many of us do understand God is working through him!

Anyone who doesn’t understand this is seriously misled, misinformed or delusional

For you and others like you it’s “all of the above”.

Of course we "all know" that God is working through Trump.

I mean Go let Trump lose in the first place.

Godlet all of Trump's 60 or more legal challenges to the Election be tossed out including the ones to the Supreme Court.

Sbd's "God" also approved of letting Trump incite the riot and insurrection on the Capitol on Jan. 6 because it was part of the "Divine Plan."

Sbd's "God" also worked through Trump by directing him to tell the truth to Bob Woodward about the seriousness about the Virus while

at the same time lying to the American Public, which resulted in untold infections and deaths to those who believed him.

Sbd's "God" also directed to him to say in effect after the Election, "Fuck the America Public about the Virus and all of the other issues facing the country-

all that matters is getting the results of the Election changed so that I win."

Sbd's God also directed Trump to scream and yell like a whining baby, so much in fact that it turned off voters in Georgia so much that the Democrats

won both Senate runoffs, thus allowing those "evil democrats" to control both the House and Senate.

Sbd's "God" also looked the other way/approved of Trump's 30,000 plus DOCUMENTED lies and/or misleading statements while in office.

Sbd's "God" also worked through Trump with his documented racism for his entire adult life.

Sbd's "God" also approved of Trump's sexual predator ways and despicable attitude toward women except of course for his imaginary wife/sexual concubine,'


And speaking of Ivanka, Sbd's "God" also worked through Trump with his fucked up father/daughter relationship with Ivanka which has existed

between him and since birth and exists even now as a grown married adult with children.

And of course along the same lines, Sbd's "God" absolutely "Loves" the QAnon group.

I mean all of us "know" that God "loves" racism and especially since they agree with God on anti-Semitism and want to eliminate all

Jews off the face of the earth just like Hitler.

In short perhaps just perhaps Sbd is in effect stating that the "God" in the Other Place is the one who is working through Trump!!

Nov 11, 2007
From sb/D-esperate today:

"So much is going on behind the scenes.

More than you can imagine.

This includes unsealed indictments, arrests and executions.

Just because it’s not “public” doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Military and Patriots are 100% in control!

Much of what you see is optics, controlled narratives and methodical releases of information, all leading up to the “reveal” and “return”.

Take great comfort in knowing God won!"

Translated and in accordance with sbd's modus opertandi and as the old expression goes, "If you don't succeed the first time(actually in his case thousands

of times), try, try again."

There is NOT ONE PROVEN TRUTH in what he said today.

But what else is new-his entire thread is, has been and will always be lies, 99.9% FAILED predictions and ZERO accountability on his part to admit

that anything he predicted over the last 12 months since he started the thread DID NOT EVEN REMOTELT COME TRUE!!


Nov 11, 2007
Posted earlier by sb/D-elusional Ahole

"You’re too hung up on “time”.

And not understanding the “cleanup” is, and has been, happening!"

And I guess we are supposed to simply forget all of zillion TIME/DATE SPECIFIC PREDICTIONS he has made and which

have failed to come true over thepast 12 months including most importantly the 6-8 TIME/DATE SPECIFIC

FAILEDPREDICTIONS he made between Election Day itself and all ofthe FAILED dates after that up until and including March 4,

at which time Trump would be reinstated as POTUS and inaugurated.

What he is REALLY trying to tell you to do in his quote is to hopefully forget all of his failed time specific

predictions and just assume that they will come true very soon" perhaps going beyond your own lifespan and for that
matter going beyond eternity for them to occur, which means NEVER!!!

Lets just say that whoever raised this arrogant, repulsive and lying snot didn't do a very good job(and that's being kind),

unless of course they are cut of the same mold as he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
Posted earlier by sb/D-elusional Ahole

"You’re too hung up on “time”.

And not understanding the “cleanup” is, and has been, happening!"

And I guess we are supposed to simply forget all of zillion TIME/DATE SPECIFIC PREDICTIONS he has made and which

have failed to come true over thepast 12 months including most importantly the 6-8 TIME/DATE SPECIFIC

FAILEDPREDICTIONS he made between Election Day itself and all ofthe FAILED dates after that up until and including March 4,

at which time Trump would be reinstated as POTUS and inaugurated.

What he is REALLY trying to tell you to do in his quote is to hopefully forget all of his failed time specific

predictions and just assume that they will come true very soon" perhaps going beyond your own lifespan and for that
matter going beyond eternity for them to occur, which means NEVER!!!

Lets just say that whoever raised this arrogant, repulsive and lying snot didn't do a very good job(and that's being kind),

unless of course they are cut of the same mold as he is!!

One other thing I am going to say, and if the moderators don't care for ir, please delete it or tell me not to do it again and I will not.

Anyways all I will say that if this was my site and I had a poster who has no conscience and didn't admit when he was wrong, meaning no accountabilty,

he would be banished from posting, I don't care how may hits he got.

I always raised and warned about the importance of ALWAYS telling the truth and admitting I was wrong when it was proven that was

the case.

By not adhering to the Rules of the Game, which is clearly the case with sbd, imo there should be negative consequences until/if/when

he does!!

Nov 11, 2007
What I find as appalling as sbd's failed predictions is that he is arrogant to folks like Red Eye who feels Election was stolen and who is a big Trump supporter.

Anytime Red Eye questions politely anything with which he disagrees with sbd, about politics, sbd being the know-it-all he is, simply

in so many words tells Red Eye that he(sbd) is right and that nothing that Red Eyes states which disagrees with sbd can ever be right.

Sbd reminds me of the smug and snotty, aloof arrogant kid in middle school who claims that he is right about everything to the point that on one day after school

other kids who can't stand him any longer beat the shit out of him!!

Sep 5, 2010
What I find as appalling as sbd's failed predictions is that he is arrogant to folks like Red Eye who feels Election was stolen and who is a big Trump supporter.

Anytime Red Eye questions politely anything with which he disagrees with sbd, about politics, sbd being the know-it-all he is, simply

in so many words tells Red Eye that he(sbd) is right and that nothing that Red Eyes states which disagrees with sbd can ever be right.

Sbd reminds me of the smug and snotty, aloof arrogant kid in middle school who claims that he is right about everything to the point that on one day after school

other kids who can't stand him any longer beat the shit out of him!!

I'm 55 and will hold him for Red,if he needs the help.

Nov 11, 2007
I'm 55 and will hold him for Red,if he needs the help.

One word in our conventional dictionary which describes people like sbd is obnoxious as well as a good example as one can find in the posting boards

of a troll/attention seeking LOSER!

Nov 11, 2007
As today marks the first anniversary of the IVU Thread, a thread where its author, sbd has been so "spot on" with such matters as his accusation and conspiracy theories against

noted democrats, his "spot-on" analysis of the Coronavirus being nothing more than a massive hoax by the deep state to try to control people,

his "spot-on" prediction that Trump would win the Election in "the biggest landslide in history" and carry all 50 states and get upwards of 90% of the popular vote,

his "incredibly accurate and time specific predictions" after the Election that Trump would be inaugurated on Jan. 20 and then March 4 and now some

new date in May and so much more, I say lets give sbd a big shout out for all of this and starting this thread.

Hopefully the second year will be even more successful than the first one in "getting out the truth" to everyone. lol

Anyways in commemoration of this event I am reposting his very first post made last 3/18.

As you can say, it was "amazingly accurate" just like everything else which followed over the 12 months.

In short lets all offer him continued success in this venture for the next years and for all of his fellow QAnons , without whose help, none of this would

have been possible.

From post 1, March 18 of 2020:

03-18-2020, 03:11 PM
"The virus is a genetically modified A.I. and needs two things to manifest and spread... FEAR and as many people as possible calling it by its "CV" full name. The full name of the virus is its activation code and what it responds to.

Stay calm, do not fear it, keep your immune system strong and refrain from calling it by name.

Beyond the obvious of where it originated this is also why POTUS is now calling it what he is publicly and will never call it by its name again.

There is a bigger picture agenda in play and it's becoming more and more clear if you are watching closely... follow the white rabbit.

The timing is by design, ahead of tomorrow's Spring Equinox.

Stand in love, stand in compassion, serve others with authenticity... these are your weapons.

Stay safe, stay aware, stay united!

Peace to all!" "


Nov 11, 2007

Nov 11, 2007
ps This is how I interpret what sb/Doo-doo said in post 1(my post 330 where I quoted him).

The Coronavirus had/has a mind of its own, and if we respond to it directly like we do to a cat or a dog such as "here kitty, kitty," or

"here boy, and get your food," that in itself would inspire the Virus to do its thing and kill you.

But later on sbd changed the narrative so that it wouldn't matter if someone said, "Come on Coronavirus, come and get me, I am all yours," it wouldn't

matter because the Virus never existed in the first place and was just a gigantic hoax created by the Deep State, Bill gates, George Soros

in order to benefit financially from all of this.

But as we all know, that narrative has also changed from day to day with the introduction of the words masks, social distancing "vaccine," which allegedly don't

work, etc.

The point is that if the Virus is a hoax, why even bother to acknowledge such terms in any event?

Contradictions and inconsistencies like this are the kind of shit which has permeated sbd's thread for the last 365 days, and why only the dumbest of the

dumbest and most desperate of the desperate would give it even .000000000000000000000000001% of credibility/

Nov 11, 2007
What is telling is that even if some of this nonsense was true, there is nothing/zero/nada that sbd or any of his QAnon buddies can

do about it assuming of course that they value their lives and are smart enough not to try to take the law into their own hands

and overturn the Govt., which would if they tried and were lucky, result in lifetime incarceration.

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with yet another "happy ending" movie mantra from sbd's collection of bullshit.

"The movie you are watching is about to get really good!"

He has referred to this ongoing "movie" or "movies" many times in the past 12 months and has assured us that we will love the ending.

The only problem is that each of the "movies" were not the "Hollywood type" he predicted and wanted.

Rather they ended up with the "hero"/, Donald Trump, coming up on the shit end of the stick as well as the QAnon garbage from sbd's

collection of fantasies from imagination.

I assure you that this will continue to be the case with each new "movie" where sbd pumps the ending.

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps if a number of us sign a petition to change the name of the IVU Thread, we can change it to The Groundhog Update Thread, because lets face it,

everyday it is essentially the same.

Sbd posts some wild, whack theories and/or predictions, which always ultimately fail to come true, and then the next day we get more of the same, and

on and on and on ad nauseam, and with never one admission/acknowledgment that the previous ones failed to come to pass.

Nov 11, 2007
Real fast as nothing new from sbd today.

Sbd says this:

"You are watching a movie!

This administration is an embarrassment to America!"

Hmm-Trump is allegedly in charge and has been right along but yet he bashes BIDEN Administration.

But wait-as I have said before, in reality in isbd's world we have a narrative and dual and alternating Presidents on a given day, dependent on which

scenario make Biden look allegedly bad when it is his "turn" to be POTUS and to make Trump look good when he "is in charge."


Well then ask sbd to explain this "Musical Chair" paradox scenario between Biden and Trump and his choice of words in his various scenarios,

which in total add up to a totally inconsistent, illogical and screwed mess, which makes no sense whatsoever to anyone with just half a brain!

Nov 11, 2007
It is obvious that while sbd would never admit it, he is seething in the inside over the fact that Biden is control, calling the shots, and that there is not a blessed

thing he can do about it other than to write absurd posts based on 100% fantasy about what he WANTS to occur rather that what is actually happening.

The two are 180 degrees apart, and like it or, Biden/Harris are in charge and will remain so until the Election in 2024!!

Nov 11, 2007
Red Eye just caught sbd in his own complete inconsistency, contradiction and bullshit with this paradox, namely how

can Biden can get on Air Force One in the firstplace if he is a "fake" POTUS and Trump is the real POTUS?

"SBD tells us he's not allowed to fly on that craft... or is that part of the holographic part of the movie?"

As I have stated many times, sbd is so concerned with getting out his lies and bullshit everyday, that he doesn't take the time and/or

even care if it makes sense or not, as long as in his mind there is some stupid and ignorant fu k out there who will

simply look at what he is saying at the present time and not concern himself if it makes sense and is logical/consistent with what he has said overall previously.

Nov 11, 2007
It finally dawned on me who sbd reminds me of with all of his conflicting, illogical, inconsistent, paradoxical posts, which he hopes can and will stand on their own,

but as I and others have done over the last 12 months, cannot and make him look the stupid and clueless fool he is when taken as a whole.

Consider this:

One walks into an attorney's home and looks in his closet.

Contained therein are the clothes he needs to dress each day.

He has lots of nice suits, dress jackets, multiple pants, multiple shirts, multiple ties multiple shoes and different colored Socks, and a number of different belts,

all of which comprise his wardrobe.

One would think that he is all set to go to work everyday dressed nicely and appropriately with all of these individual pieces, right?

Well actually he is not because our attorney has no sense of color scheme, color coordination and in short is clueless as to dress with the right type of

overall clothes on a given day to make himself look nice

For example many times he wears a tie which doesn't go with his shirt or suit or dress jacket on that day.

Sometimes the shirt doesn't go with the suit or dress jacket and/or pants on a given day.

Sometimes the shoes and/or socks don't go with the rest of what he is wearing on that day.

In short you have an attorney with the right individual pieces to dress appropriately and when taken as a whole would/should give him a very nice and professional


However, in my example, the individual pieces don't mean if they are not coordinated in the right way.

This is how I view sbd-lots of separate different individual theories and ideas which some folks might swallow, but when taken in the composite, all

clash with other theories he has presented previously, and in short add up to a confusing mess full of holes and contradictions, which falls flat on its face

when considered in its entirety.

However and very importantly, this comparison is not entirely valid in any case because in the case of our theoretical attorney, the clothes

are actually nice and appropriate-he simply does not know how to coordinate them in the proper manner.

With sbd, unlike the attorney, his clothes(actually his assertions and predictions) are bullshit amd lies as has been documented many times too many times count.

Thus with sbd you have a bunch of theories, predictions, etc. which fail and have failed individually as entities onto themselves.

This being the case, they sure as hell aren't going to do any better when taken in the composite-and that is a understatement

which is off the scale! lol

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