Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
At this point if sbd has any even remote hope of obtaining any credibility, here is suggestion for starters:

In this game of dual/alternating/"Musical Chairs" Game of Presidents each day depending on the events of the day and in retrospect so as sbd can claim

that Biden was POTUS for the given day if the events were bad, and Trump if it was a good day, I propose that he sbd tell us BEFORE the day starts as to whether

Biden or Trump is going to rule on that day.

As it stands now, with sbd it is a game of "heads I win and tails you lose," which even us "low iq" people can see through.

Nov 11, 2007
Two comments so far from sbd's thread today:

There are no sources cited for the paranoia and unsubstantiated bullshit offered in post 8747.

Many millions of people have already got the injection, and you can count with the negative reactions including death on one hand.

Also, sbd's hero Trump and Melania have gotten the vaccination, and since according to sbd Trump is always right about everything, this would

be a contradiction.

Then again though, contradictions are far from rare events and happen multiple times just about every day.

2) Before when he uttered specific time driven predictions, he would repeat them from time to time to remind people of the date.

When they failed to occur, he would just issue new predictions with new dates.

The fact that he is no longer giving specific dates for these predictions but using terms like "very soon," etc. has led to his making the prediction

on a daily basis.

Based on my knowledge of psychology and dealing with many people on both a professional and personal level for many years, to me this indicates insecurity

and worry on his part that without a specific date for a prediction that people won't bother to heed his prediction unless he repeats it over and over again.

The best example I see of this at the moment is his daily repeated prediction that Trump will return very soon and to prepare for it.

Also, my own personal experience has taught me(and I am sure that many of you would agree)that when someone needs to predict things over

and over again, it shows that deep down inside that no matter how confident the person believes he is projecting himself to be, in fact

to intelligent and objective people who have experienced life, that in fact the person is anything but confident and on some conscious and/or

subconscious level, that he really has big doubt and worries as to whether what he has predicted is actually going to occur.

We all know that body language of someone can be a pretty good indicator of a person, ie whether he is telling the truth or not as well as

giving a keen insight into the person in general.

Imo the same exists for posting language and style, and in this instance sbd has told us a lot about himself by the manner in which he

posts since he started this thread a year ago, and it sure as hell is not positive!

Nov 11, 2007
ps For you folks who are fearful of getting the vaccine, then to be consistent you should also throw away your cell phones because some

folks believe they cause cancer if used over time.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-Until a thread I started in the Rubber Room was moved over to the Political Forum last June, I hardly knew that the latter even existed.

Now that I have read and participated in it(not since January), I am am amazed that four months after the Election, the whining, bitching

and complaining about the result, that it was stolen, etc. with thread after thread, post after post and the bashing of Biden every second

of the day continues 24/7/365.

But hey-that's just my opinion.

As the saying goes, "whatever floats your boat."

Nov 11, 2007
This post of sb/dingbat posted today shows how in reality he has so little "ammunition" left as it makes statements which are just plain

lies, hopes and/or are out of touch with reality.

Like everything he has said there is not even one fraction of an ounce of evidence to support it!





Nov 11, 2007
ps I am still waiting for proof that "elites" like Hillary Clinton have been arrested and eliminated.

What makes statements like this so moronic is that he/it simply assumes that no one will ask about the "disappearance" of the elites if they are not

seen or heard in a couple of days.

This is just one of too many examples to count where what sbd says doesn't add up and has contradiction after contradiction and so many loopholes

and loose ends that only a REAL low iq person would buy into it.

More importantly, it says that the person writing this kind of stuff, in this case sbd, has no clue as to how to make

statements such as what I quoted in previous post which will fly/resonate with intelligent, rational and objective people!

Nov 11, 2007
Oy vey-Just posted by sb/D-whacko in referring to Biden:

"Yes he was chosen to be executed last summer.

But his evil spirit has been kept “alive” through bad actors and holographic technologies similar to the Pope."

So lets see we have added to sbd's scenario of alternating/dual Presidents as to who is in charge on a given day.

Up until today, it was/is Biden in retrospect if something went/gord wrong in the country on a given day.

If it was/is a good day for the country, well then it was/is Trump in charge and who should get credit.

Now we have a third entity to enter the fray, namely Biden's spirit, who I would assume was/is some kind of a "floater" POTUS on a given

day for sbd's to be used as some kind of an entity to fill in the blanks to somehow help if in retrospect and/or as some kind

of alternative if sbd can't decide whether it was Biden or Trump who was in charge on that particular day.

In short, we have just one more indication that sbd is totally clueless in how to present a case.

I mean how can he or anyone else make a case and be taken seriously if he can't even decide/tell us in this case

whether Biden is in reality alive or deadand just as importantly tell us IN ADVANCE of what happens on a given day

if Biden is the POTUS, Biden's spirit is in charge as Biden is dead at least forthat particular day(lol) or Trump himself.

Perhaps Vegas should put out some kind of futures bet before each day starts so that people can wager upon at the beginning of each day

which one of the three entities cited above will be determine to be the POTUS after the day is completed.

For that matter, perhaps there could be a fourth entry designated as "field" for someone else and/or his/his spirit to be announced

end of the day in case it turns out to be someone else!!


Nov 11, 2007
Here are the current odds re: what words sbd will use at least once in his thread before 12:00 AM Wednesday morning:

All bets must be in before 6:30AM EDT or when sbd posts something, whichever comes first.

1) Military yes -1750 no+ 1250

2) Trump yes -15,000 no +12,500

3) Biden -yes -15,000 +12,500

4) Phrase "biggest landslide in history" yes -120 no +100

5) Fake-yes -2500 no +1750

6) Return- yes -3000 no +2250

7) Delusional or Delusional yes -2350 no +1750

8) Low IQ yes -2750 no +2150

9) Mic drop yes -160 no+ 140

10) GITMO yes -185 no -165

Nov 11, 2007
Re:post 309, #6, if you bet "yes," congratulations you just won your bet and if you bet "no," you lost as sbd just used the word "return" in

post 8785 of his thread. lol

Nov 11, 2007
As I said in post 302, a person who needs to keep repeating himself over and over again as is the case with sbd's predicted "return,"

of Trump, is showing massive insecurity, doubts and fears about the prediction, and is also hoping by stating it many times, that that in itself will

somehow make the prediction come true.

Nov 11, 2007
Re post 309, #7, you win if you bet that sbd would use the word "delusional," as he just used in in post 8789.

It looks like the betting lines I offered should have been higher as judging so far, the bets I used in the prop. bets are ones he needs to

use to get through each day. lol

Nov 11, 2007
From post 8792 of the sbd's thread:

"[fake] Biden continues to destroy America one policy at a time!

Congrats Libtards!"

So here we go again.

Biden is a fake President(or is it his dead spirit? lol) at least for today because he is doing something bad, but the "REAL" President and/or the one who is

"real" when something good happens to the country, Donald Trump, can't do anything about it.

Doesn't sb/D-ope realize that once again he is contradicting himself, stating an unresolved paradox, etc. and in general

just corroborating once again that he not only resides in LA La Land, but just as importantly has no clue as to make a case which fits

together and doesn't raise issues and loose ends such as I just cited!!


Nov 11, 2007
I know some don't agree with me about Red Eye and what he says in sbd's thread, but imo while he like sbd is a big Trump supporter,

he is also one who also understands reality, and who doesn't let his political views interfere with politely expressing his objective opinion

when it disagrees with that of sbd when it comes to reality.

Nov 11, 2007
In honor of Trump's "return"/welcome, which sbd boasts about everyday, but which is in fact a "return" to be prosecuted for such things as tax evasion and trying

to get the election returns overturned in Georgia, I offer this link, which I haven't posted in some time, to the "goodbye" to the cozy

life Trump has led up until now:

Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - Bing video

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go:

First of all, re: post 309, anyone who laid the odds that Trump's name would be used by sbd before Wednesday, 12:00 Am wins as it was used by sbd today.

Regarding the rest of what he says, all I will say that during my lifetime I have encountered quite a few stupid people who live in a world of fantasy

and hopes which are off of the scale, but it would be tough to top sbd.

Just to show how out of touch with reality and inconsistent he is, just look at his post 8806 today.

He makes mention of the fact that Pelosi is open to overturning the Election results in Iowa with a recount in one of the districts because it was decided

by six votes and because there may have been some uncounted votes.

He then deduces that if this happens, the door is open to overturn the results of the Presidential Election.


It seems to me that in the contested states, they were decide by many thousands of votes and not just six.

He also forgets that 60 some odd legal challenges by Trump's legal team have all failed including ones to the SCOTUS.

But all of a sudden this is going to change because of Iowa-yeah right!!! lol

The chances of this happening are about the same as overturning the results of the SuperBowl last season because someone claims

that Brady used some kindof an illegal football during one of the touchdown drives.

But wait, wait, there is more.

According to sb/D-ipshit, Trump is already the POTUS and the Biden and/or Biden's spirt who appears to be in charge is a "fake"

POTUS(even though he is clearly calling all of the shots and doing "evil" things to the country. lol).

In addition, he claims that the military and the people will somehow overthrow the government and that Trump will be officially reinstated "very soon."

That is interesting in itself because why should such action be needed if in fact TRUMP is ALREADY in charge???

In addition and getting back to Iowa and sbd's contention that this will set a precedent for dumping Biden and making Trump the POTUS,

the question is why even bother to worry about such a hypothetical issue like this for the simple reason that according to sbd, TRUMP IS ALREADY


Someone has to teach sbd that just by going to some QAnon chat board and copying and pasting shit like Iowa and hoping that it will fly, only makes

himself look even more clueless and stupid than he already is when there are so many loose ends and inconsistencies as is clearly the case here!!

Nov 11, 2007
Before I start my busy investing day, there are several matters and/or assumptions which need to be considered what I stated in previous post any or all

which may apply.

1) Sbd doesn't realize and/or care about the inconsistencies, illogic, loose end and incongruities of the stuff he posts.

2) He is aware of what is cited in #1 but assumes and/hopes that anyone who has read his previous posts will have forgotten what he said previously

and just concentrate on what he says today.

3) Along the same lines as #2, sbd assumes that there will be new readers of his thread each day who will not be aware of what he said in the past

and just consider what he is saying today.

4) His initial assumption was obviously was for reasons cited above and perhaps others, that he could get away with just about everyone would

believe him.

Never is his wildest nightmares did he think that that a number of folks would call him out on/document so many things and beat the tar out of him

in the eyes of any intelligent and objective people who read our commentary based on what he stated and predicted.

Nov 11, 2007
It gets even better.

This is the latest rationalization from sbd to try to support his contentions/narrative.

"Remember what I said almost a month ago when I said dates no longer exist.

the Dem-DS continue to do things that are in Trump’s/Patriot’s favor.

When this happens Trump and the Military continue to sit back and watch it play out!"

In other words, he is saying that Biden or Biden's evil spirit(as Biden is supposed to be dead) appears to be leading the country when good things

happen, but in reality good things are not happening, and that it is a trap set by Trump, that Trump is really in charge, and once something bad happens

about what now appears to be a good thing, Trump will reveal himself as the POTUS, and correct whatever evil Biden cast upon the country.

At that time Biden will be executed (assuming that he is now already dead and that his spirt appears to be in charge).

Then in retrospect it will be somehow be "proven" that Trump was/is the POTUS right along, that he never left office, and that it was part of

the "Divine Plan" for everyone to see how bad the "fake" Biden and/or the evil spirit of the dead Biden was before Trump could make it official that he is,

was the POTUS and will be the POTUS for as lone as he is alive.

"Great story!" lol

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