Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
Re: my last post, one of the repeated words that sb/D-elusional uses repeatedly is "low iq."

He uses this term in response to any of a number of posters who have pinned him up against the ropes with documentation of his lies and failed predictions.

Back to the point, anyone who actually believes that Hillary Clinton was arrested by Trump no less and is going to be shipped off to GITMO

because sb/D-ildo says so, should take being referred to as "low iq" as a compliment because they are so far beneath that on the scale

of intelligence.

Nov 11, 2007
ps I am still in stitches over jerkstore's great commentary about the alleged arrest in sbd's thread.

Nov 11, 2007
Hmm-it looks like sb/D-ementia is trying to revise history about his thread.

He says this:

"When Q showed up people didn’t understand it/he/they was actually showing you the future.

Therefore, people interpreted dates/events they posted as the present time and not future."

Well if this is true, then apparently sbd didn't buy into it because up until a week or so ago, he made ONE TIME SPECIFIC prediction after another

since he started the thread, and all of them failed.

Just because he finally wisened up and realized that he was making a fool out of himself by making predictions for SPECIFIC DAYS AND

TIMES, does not exonerate himself from he fact that he made them and just as importantly, never once/even admitted that the prediction

did not come true!

Again we "lo iq" people can see through this as an attempt to state that we are the ones to blame for not understanding "Q," whereas

in fact sbd has run this thread since day one and not Q and subjected us to his failures, lies and deceptions!!

Also, anyone can say that their predictions will come true SOMEDAY at an unspecified date in the near future.

After a while though, these predictions run out of steam and don't fly.

Just consider the Jehovah's Witnesses-they have been predicting the end of the world for a "mere" 150 years. lol

As I said a while back, imo it would make perfect sense for the Jehovah's Witnesses and the QAnons to merge into one group for both

social and financial reasons-in short, they are cut of he same mold.

Nov 11, 2007
And oh yes before I forget, lest anyone believe this this utter nonsense about Hillary, lets not forget that sometime around April last year,

sbd posted that he had irrefutable proof that Tom Hanks had been arrested for child trafficking and was now being detained at GITMO.
In fact the "proof" was "so irrefutable," that a few days Later Tom Hanks hosted SNL from his very own home!!@):):pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
I would venture to say that 95% plus of the folks who believe Hillary was arrested, also believe did in fact take that flight on Air Force One to Switzerland.

I also believe that the overwhelming number of QAnons are failures in the eyes of society and whether they want to admit it or not,

failures either on their ownconscious or unconscious level.

Professing the beliefs of the QAnons in some ways gives them an outlet to escape from the everyday miseries of their own existence and to to

give them an imagined feeling of self-esteem and in their eyes of many other people a lot of respect, when in fact nothing could be further

in the latter with intelligent and objective people.

In addition, these surface and/or subconscious feelings are intensified as they are in any type of cult when there are folks who believe exactly as they do.

Also, as we say in the IVU Thread, imo these folks just plain need attention to meet psychological and emotional needs.

If there was no QAnon, group, then lots of these folks would seek attention in other ways, some perhaps with behavior that is not socially acceptable!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: this posted today by sbd in his thread:


Military trials

Death penalty"

For a change I actually agree with him.

The most obvious folks are militant QAnons and for that matter anyone in a public forum or elsewhere who advocates

violence or uses any kind of incendiary language in the hopes of overturning the US Government.

You don't have to search very far in this section of Forum to find at least one individual who fits the description!!


Nov 11, 2007
In a nutshell here is my take on sbd's on who is POTUS.

If on a given day, good stuff happens, then Trump is the POTUS, has been the POTUS right along and Biden is a fake President.

If something perceived as bad happens on given day, then well it is Biden's fault because he is the POTUS but don't worry-sometime in the "very near future,"

the military and people will arise, upend Biden, and Trump will be the POTUS and end whatever bad happened.

In short in sbd's/the QAnons World, we in the US have what is known as "dual Presidents," where the news of the day determines

who is the President on that particular day.

What a great time to be alive!!!@):)

Nov 11, 2007
Well what do you know-for the zillionth time in the last 12 months sb/D-elirium has another fuc king fire and/or explosion

in the world to try to make out to big deal.

In retrospect what percentage of the time do you think did they turn out to mean something significant?

100%, 75%, 50%, 30%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, less than 5% or ZERO% ??

The answer is a BIG FAT ZERO%, just like what sbd is-that is an absolute indisputable fact!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Yawn-now sb/D-reck has moved the goalposts out to May 23 for the "Trump Inauguration."

And I can almost guarantee that on March 20 or 21, when the Spring Equinox begins, we will be told like all four times last year that when each

one of the seasons begin, it will have "HUGE" significance.

Oh but lets not also forget that he just told us that 3/3 of this year would be big and then 4/4 and then it will be 5/5, 6/6, 7/7, etc.

And there will also be "plenty" of mic drops along the way, all of which will usher in the Loving Age of the Dawn of Aquarius, where all of the

people will be one, where there will be no more wars, disease, famine, pestilence, divorce, all evil democrats will disappear, and of course

God designee on Earth, will preside over this until he dies, at which time his descendants will rule forever!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Not much to say re: what sb/D-elirious said today in his thread other than it is quite obvious that he is really stretching because he has

run out of material/bullshit and/or doesn't want to repeat what he has said already too many times to count.

What I will say though is that he shouldn't be insinuating anything about any sexual propensity against Biden when his hero Donald

Trump sexually abused Ivanka when she was a young teenager and possibly even stated, still has a totally abnormal father and

daughter relationship to this day, meaning he lusts about toward her as a grown and married adult and with children!!

Worse, I have presented documented material from the not so far past that both he and Giuliani have been quoted that they would like to screw here!!!

The fact alone that he has also publicly been quoted as saying that "If she wasn't my daughter, I would date her" is enough for concern.

Sorry-that is NOT the kind of thing that one should ever say publicly even if they feel it, which is fu ked up in itself!!

Nov 11, 2007
Well what I said in first sentence in previous post is not 100% true because sb/D-erelict out of sheer desperation has decided to recycle once again

the Biden Election mantra that the Election was fraudulent.

At this point he is so unsure of himself that he hopes that by claiming once again that Trump won by "the biggest landslide in history(he also maintains

that Trump won ALL fifty states and got over 90% of the popular vote lol) that somehow that that is going to connect with folks OTHER than

the same pathetic groups of whacko QAnons who already believe this.

Here you go:

"Biden lost in the biggest landslide in history!

The popular vote only made the fraud more obvious.

There are only 133 million registered voters in America.

Do the simple math libtards!

Trump actually secured closer to 100 million legal votes.

Get ready for the “return”."

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by sb/D-emented:

"Taking our guns away is the final move in the communist playbook.

Many of the wolves in sheep’s clothing waited for this moment to show themselves.

We needed to get here to see them all.

Their plan will fail again!"

And as usual he is dead wrong.

Biden/Harris are in charge until 2024, and whatever their "plan" is, it will succeed, AND sbd and his wishes/hopes/plans

and predictions are who and what they are will FAIL for the zillionth consecutive time!!

Nov 11, 2007
Question for sbd and/or whoever reads his bs:

If in fact Biden did as he claims purchase 750 million doses of the vaccine and has "other plans" for their use, then where the fu k is Trump in all of this?

After all, according to sbd he is charge and has been all along-shouldn't he as the alleged POTUS be able to thwart the "evil" Biden.

But wait, wait-I almost forgot.

By what sbd implies and as I have stated, we have two alternating Presidents of the US, depending on the daily narrative/plan, all intended
to make Biden look bad and Trump good!:pointer:

Nov 11, 2007
Fear not, all will be right after the election!

That’s right, ELECTION!"

Coming soon!

<iframe id="twitter-widget-1" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1370105868969254923" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 447px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;"></iframe>
Get ready for the “return” "

Re this just posted by sb/D-dingaling:

If you change the wording from "election" to "sbd's erection" (when he posts something and gets off on it) and what follows to from "coming"

to sbd's cumming, it will make more sense. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Its come to the point where I ALMOST feel bad for sb/D-ope/stradamus because 99.9% of his predictions have failed to come to pass.

Therefore I have decided out of the goodness of my heart to suggest that he make predictions such as these which have a "slightly" better chance of occurring

than the ones he has issued:

1) Predict that there will be at least one day between now and July 4 that the temperature in Las Vegas exceeds 90 degrees.

2) Predict that at least one person will be killed in an automobile accident in the next week.

3) Predict that in the next thirty days Donald Trump will claim at least once that he won the Election and that it was stolen from him.

4) Predict that the Baltimore Orioles will win less than 110 games this season.

5) Predict that some snow will fall somewhere in the world in the next 30 days.

6) Predict that Tiger Woods will not be playing in any Golf Tournaments in the next week.

7) Predict that at least one pick which is posted in this forum will lose within the next 30 days. lol

8) Predict that in the next year the same person will not win the PowerBall Jackpot in consecutive weeks.

9) Predict that somewhere in the world a baby will be born somewhere in the world within the next thirty days.

10) Finally and most importantly, predict that YOU are going to continue to get beat up and pulverized by us folks as long as you continue

to lie, and toss out total bullshit and laughable predictions with no accountability on your part when they as usual fail to come to pass!!

Nov 11, 2007
From the sb/D-isaster today:

"The time is now!

Military in control.

EBS remains in play."

So it looks like Trump is POTUS for this day in sbd's world of alternating who is POTUS on a given day.

Rest be assured though that if something which is perceived today or the next day, etc. as bad, in sbd's game of "Musical/Presidential Chairs,"

Biden will be deemed to be the POTUS of the Day until things get better at which time sbd Trump will proclaim that Trump is the POTUS. lol

Yeah and he we go once again with the old EBS tape sbd has dragged out of his box of lies and tricks to try to make a point.

Like everything also he has hauled out over the last 12 months, the EbS has been actually used ZERO, yeah I said ZERO percent of the time.

His invoking the word again reminds me of the diehard baseball team whose team has finished last or next to last for the last ten years

and who haven't even finished 500 or above in even more years.

But after each season ends, the fan repeats the old mantra/refrain to himself and to anyone who will listen, "Wait until next year-this time it will be different!"

It is no different with sbd's prediction re: EBS as well as everything else he has failed to predict correctly over the last 12 months!!


Nov 11, 2007
Since it is quite obvious by now that sbd has been unemployed for at least the last 12 months since he started his thread( and probably a lot longer

than that), I have a suggestion as to where he might find employment.

It would be in the circus as an illusionist based on his experience in his thread based on such things distorting facts and substituting his own lies, making countless

predictions, all of which have failed, and then pretending that he never made them and/or covering them up with new predictions.

On the surface that would seem to be pretty good credentials.

The only problem is that in his thread he has been 100% UNSUCCESSFUL and has been exposed as a liar and a fraud by someone just about

every day.

Then again he just might find employment in a circus owned and operated by fellow QAnons, and especially so since by definition Qanons are

a "circus" onto themselves to intelligent, objective and rational people everywhere.

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd rolls out the "he will return tape mantra" to try to encourage a Trump supporter who sees virtually no chance that Trump will be inaugurated and replace

Biden anytime in the near future.

"You will be pleasantly surprised by the ending!

Major plot twist coming too!

Get ready for the “return”!"

Nov 11, 2007
This is what the tax authorities in New York are contemplating and licking their chops over re: Trumps return, using sbd's quote:

"The best is yet to come!

Get ready for the “return”!"

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