Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
From post 7320 from sbd in his IVU Thread on January 20:

01-20-2021, 10:53 AM
"Trump's inauguration will be on MARCH 4th, 2021"

Notice that he hasn't commented on this failed prediction today, which is and has always been the

case with him, when he is wrong which is 99.9% of the time.

As I said earlier, instead of admitting his failures, he tries to

change the subject which matters has nothing to do with the prediction in order

to hopefully get folks to focus on that rather than this laughable failure on his part.

Nov 11, 2007
Shout it from the rooftops-sb/D-elusional/D-ipshit actually admitted he made a mistake in his prediction:

He predicted this originally:

"Trump's inauguration will be on MARCH 4th, 2021"

However in post 8584 in his thread he claims that Trump was actually inaugurated last Sunday!! lol

But wait, wait-it appears that his fellow QAnons don't agree with this as you can see in previous post, where it

is stated that the new Inauguration Date for Trump will be on March 20.

It looks like we will have to wait until at least March 20 to see who turned out to be correct or perhaps just perhaps
neither one, as it will end up being the "Eternity Day!" I described earlier in post 258.:):)

Nov 11, 2007
Re: sbd's claim that Trump just visited Switzerland on Air Force One:

Fact check: Footage of Trump arriving at Davos, Switzerland is from January 2018 | Reuters

Fact check: Trump 'surprise visit' to Switzerland uses 2018 footage (

This is the same kind of horseshit and lie that sb/D-elusiona/D-ipshit used back in June in trying to prove that Trump's rally in Oklahoma was

sro using a photo to "prove" it

The only problem is that sbd used another photo from another rally from another date in New York as "evidence."

When someone caught him in his LIE, he said it was unintentional on his part and just a human error. lol

I can hardly wait for sb/D-elusional/D-ipshit to explain this one away. lol

Nov 11, 2007
My overall sense is that someone hammers him about it in his thread, sbd is going to try to hide from his obvious lie about Trump going to

Switzerland this month on Air Force One or just plain try to bury it by posting other stuff.

Slime like this will never admit to stuff like this even when they get caught.

Nov 11, 2007
Instead of confronting and addressing directly the documentation in his thread that Trump was NOT in Switzerland but in 2018, not surprisingly

sbd digs into his sbd/QAnon Dictionary and pulls out the same vague overused/hackneyed phrases he has used before when pinned against the wall,

which say nothing to rebut the documentation presented:

"This proves just how clueless you are!

But don't worry your days are numbered.

Because what Trump did there THIS WEEK is going deliver you the knock out punch in the coming days and weeks.

Get ready for your very rude awakening!"

Nov 11, 2007
What sb/D-elusional/D-ipshit posted today is nothing we haven't heard before, and to summarize, is filled with inconsistences and contradictions

re: what he has said previously up the ying yang.

It is enveloped with the vague promise that Biden will be out soon and Trump reinstated as the POTUS but with no details as to how this is

going to be accomplished.

What he states is as usual tied up with many loose and conflicting ends which don't add up, all in turn which give his narrative ZERO credibility.

The biggest and most noticeable one is that he continues to refer to Biden as a "fake President" and that Trump in reality is the POTUS, who

was allegedly inaugurated last Sunday at the Convention.

Yet he still criticizes Biden and what he says and does, which gives the implication that he is the POTUS presently.

However he says that this will end shortly after people and the military and somehow restore Trump to the POTUS, which means by implication

that the "fake" Biden is still the acting POTUS, but when the time is right(which will be very soon), Trump will become the President and all

of this will become understandable to everyone.

Thus the way I see it as that we are supposed to pay attention to/give blind faith to what sbd says at a given

moment on a given day and NOT regard anything he has said in the past UNLESS it is consistent

with what he is saying today-anything which he said and/or predicted previously which did not come true, which is 99.9%,

should simply be disregarded.

In short, for sbd reality exists only based on what his CURRENT post(s) state in a given day.

Failed predictions and accountability do not exist.

As I have stated before many times, his modus operandi is based on the notion that people won't remember and/or care what he stated

in the past, and/or even better, they will have forgotten his failures in the past and just concentrate on what he is saying today.

As he has found it from both your truly and the dedicated folks who have exposed and documented his failures and lies in his thread,

this approach does not , has not and will never work!!

Nov 11, 2007
What sb/D-elusional/D-ipshit posted today is nothing we haven't heard before, and to summarize, is filled with inconsistences and contradictions

re: what he has said previously up the ying yang.

It is enveloped with the vague promise that Biden will be out soon and Trump reinstated as the POTUS but with no details as to how this is

going to be accomplished.

What he states is as usual tied up with many loose and conflicting ends which don't add up, all in turn which give his narrative ZERO credibility.

The biggest and most noticeable one is that he continues to refer to Biden as a "fake President" and that Trump in reality is the POTUS, who

was allegedly inaugurated last Sunday at the Convention.

Yet he still criticizes Biden and what he says and does, which gives the implication that he is the POTUS presently.

However he says that this will end shortly after people and the military and somehow restore Trump to the POTUS, which means by implication

that the "fake" Biden is still the acting POTUS, but when the time is right(which will be very soon), Trump will become the President and all

of this will become understandable to everyone.

Thus the way I see it as that we are supposed to pay attention to/give blind faith to what sbd says at a given

moment on a given day and NOT regard anything he has said in the past UNLESS it is consistent

with what he is saying today-anything which he said and/or predicted previously which did not come true, which is 99.9%,

should simply be disregarded.

In short, for sbd reality exists only based on what his CURRENT post(s) state in a given day.

Failed predictions and accountability do not exist.

As I have stated before many times, his modus operandi is based on the notion that people won't remember and/or care what he stated

in the past, and/or even better, they will have forgotten his failures in the past and just concentrate on what he is saying today.

As he has found it from both your truly and the dedicated folks who have exposed and documented his failures and lies in his thread,

this approach does not , has not and will never work!!

The most noteworthy thing missing in Trump's self-glorification speech posted in the IVU Thread in post 8622

is that he is solely responsible for the two Senate losses in the runoffs in Georgia, which effectively handed control over to the Democrats-

that is indisputable FACT!!

Nov 11, 2007
There is no point in spending much time on what sb/Drivel stated today because it is nothing more than the same repetitive lies and/or fantasies

we hear every day.

He claims that he has confirmation that Trump did fly to Switzerland earlier this week on Air Force but doesn't say from who(obviously he

can't because he didn't go and certainly not on AF One because he is no longer the POTUS).

The only other thing worth noting is that he claims that Trump is calling and has been calling the shots right along but yet claims Biden

has been failing as POTUS so far.-great and consistent narrative. lol

That's it-the bottom line is that Biden/Harris are in charge and have been since January 20 and will be until at least Inauguration Day in 2025,

and to use sbd's words, which really mean something in this case, there is nothing that sbd or his domestic terrorist racist QAnon buddies can do to change it.

If they try, their families will be minus one member!!

Nov 11, 2007

There is a difference between expressing a subjective opinion and simply being exposed for one failed prediction and conspiracy after another as well

as lying about events which simply did not occur-eg Trump's visit to Switzerland on AF One when he is not the POTUS and with ZERO


In the case of Knucklecup I don't consider the word "humiliation" applicable simply because a lot of people do not share his views/opinions

and say so.

It is a far different case with sbd when a number of folks including myself have exposed/humiliated him with documented FACTS which have

proven that his conspiracy theories are unproven and that his predictions have failed to come true 99.9% of the time.

Thus to conclude, imo to use the word "humiliation" in describing both knucklecup and sbd is simply not valid.

You are of course entitled to your opinion as I am mine, but it is not a topic I am going to debate in this thread.

Nov 11, 2007
In post 8649 sb/D-rivel/D-oormat uses the word "face" over and over again to try to emphasize what the libtards will be facing soon with Trump's

"return" for the eight years and beyond.

In actuality though he should be using the word "face," "facing" as it applies to Trump, as very

soon the courts and legal system re going to close in on this lying scandalous piece of dreck for such matters as tax evasion,

sexual harassment and a lot of other matters to concern himself with.

If sbd wants to use the word "return" in the sense that he is now going to "return" to be brought to justice and receive his just due,

then I agree 100% for sure!

Nov 11, 2007
I originally posted this in the wrong thread by mistake:

Here is one of my favorite sbd predictions made last year in his thread in post 52 on March 24.

The prediction didn't "quite get there" and he took a bit of heat at the time for making it.

In retrospect, I guess the heat he took was justified. lol

"Looking Glass"

As the end of the virus nears it will conclude with the rise of the TRUTH.

The truth will occur on a global stage.

There will be no room for question when it comes to the people.

No one will ever again question who's responsible for, coordinated, involved in, or ANYTHING that has happened or been considered a "conspiracy theory" EVER AGAIN!

This includes some of the most controversial topics like JFK, Oklahoma City, Whitewater, 9/11, ISIS, Mandalay Bay, Pizzagate and more.

It will be a "MIC DROP"!

A New Earth blossoms
Unity, Peace, Love, Compassion, Healing
We are spiritual beings having human experiences

The Age of Aquarius is the Golden Age of progress and prosperity based on spiritual values, honesty and truth."

Nov 11, 2007
Just posted by sbd in response to another poster and my take on it:

"You just witnessed a whole week's worth of evidence."

A typical vague, non response from sbd in that is doesn't say what the "evidence" is and what SPECIFICALLY the evidence proves.

"If you don't understand it you will soon."

We have heard this line since last March, and any objective who has followed his predictions, accusations, etc, ultimately never did understand what he

was saying what we would allegedly understood, assuming of course that we understood in the first place what we were supposed to understand. lol

For those of us like myself who have followed this thread for a long time(for me since it started), what we DO UNDERSTAND AND HAVE DOCUMENTED

is that sbd has failed at virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS PREDICTIONS, etc. over the last 12 months.

What we also understand is that the word ACCOUNTABILITY DOES NOT EXIST with sbd, and he has never, not even once admitted a failed prediction.

"Just remember, there is NO such thing as "coincidences".

This is a matter of opinion.

An atheist would disagree with him 100%.

Being religious myself, I actually agree with him to an extent.

That is to say that we are all here for a divine reason and that God presents us with certain situations, matters, problems, challenges, etc. for us to

deal with.

However I also believe that we have free will to act with what God has given us to work with, and how well we effectively deal with it is

one of the reason we are living on the planet in this time and space in our own evolution of our soul after we pass on and move up to the next step

in this process.

However and very importantly as opposed to sbd, I express this as OPINION ONLY rather than fact!!

"Our existence is intelligent design and NOTHING is by chance!"

I will let my response above to his previous quote serve here also.

Nov 11, 2007
Relatively real fast today because that is all that sbd's posts are worth today:

First of all 8650 is the EXACT copy of the same post he has used many times before with a few words added-he has done this with other posts also hoping

people will forget that it is a replica-that's why folks like me are a round.

We get the usual how great his sources are, so "great" in fact that they have failed to deliver 99.9% of anything true since the thread.

Finally we get the repeated bs that Trump went to Switzerland earlier this week on Air Force with the WEAK and I mean WEAK reasoning that

the reason that no one else besides him and his whacko buddies are saying this is because the MSM has hidden the truth from us.

Suffice it to say that it would be virtually impossible for Trump to board Air Force One when he is not POTUS and for a member of the press including

the QAnon Media not to see and report it!

But then again sb/D-reck/D-oormat is also the one who says that there is a 100% cure for cancer now and that is has been around for 70 years, and that somehow

not one doctor and/or anyone who knows about this has spilled the beans. lol

Nov 11, 2007
Upon further review, I decided to include on excerpt from post 8650 re: Trump's alleged trip to Switzerland on Air Force One:

"It happened, it's real and you saw some of the immediate actions as a result of that trip. [mask mandates lifted, states reopening, etc.

You won't find any "confirmation" of his actual flight there because MSM fake news networks don't want you to know.

But it happened and is confirmed."

As usual, sbd doesn't have a clue as to how to make a coherent and logical argument.

For example what does the states reopening and mask requirement have to do with what he is trying to prove, ie Trump's alleged trip to Switzerland?

I mean several states lifted the restrictions because of the effectiveness of the vaccine and because lots of people are and/or received-it is that


To infer that it has to do with Trump being the POTUS makes about as much sense and is believable as saying that

Rush Limbaugh's death was faked for undisclosed reasons and that he will shortly be returned to the airwaves.

Also, re: Trump's trip has been "confirmed," I would like an answer as to WHO it was confirmed by and with documentation.

To simply say that the MSM somehow "hid" the trip from all of us is NOT evidence or a confirmation.

Stuff like this is exemplary of what sb/D-reck has done for the entire thread since he started it a year ago and why no intelligent and objective

person who has an understanding of trying to make a logical case with all loose ends tied up believes anything that this jackass states.

In retrospect the REAL confirmation is that folks like myself and the others who post and who have posted his thread have DOCUMENTED that he

has failed 99.9% of the time to prove his accusation and conspiracy theories and that 99.9% of what he has predicted to come true over the last

year, in fact has NOT!!

In fact imo anyone who feels good about themselves would consider just about anything sbd has stated over the last 12 months

as totally insulting to their intelligence!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd-if you are reading this and want to make a splash, I have a suggestion for now.

Instead of stating that Trump made a visit to lousy Switzerland this week on Air Force One, why not say the next time you want to grab some attention

for yourself and the QAnons, that Trump made an unannounced trip to Heaven to visit GOD HIMSELF on GODFORCE ONE for a day to discuss strategy

for Trump's return to the POTUS.

And just think, you wouldn't have to say that MSM knew about the visit but wouldn't reveal it simply because only Trump would be able to see

GODFORCE One both when it picked him and returned him.

It goes without saying though that you and your "superior" and intellectually advanced" were able to witness this event

and would serve as all if the "evidence" which was needed to "prove it!" lol

Nov 11, 2007
My sources tell me that the reason sbd has not posted anything yet today is because he is currently on route on Air Force

One as an invited guest of and accompanying Donald Trump to Hawaii for a few days of sun and fun.

Rest be assured though that I am quite sure he will be back later on posting after he arrives at his desintaion.

Nov 11, 2007
Well after a two day absence for reasons unknown(probably because he temporarily ran out of fresh bullshit), the Town Crier/Pied Piper of lies and

delusions is back and tells us today that Hillary has been arrested and is going to be sent to GITMO under Trump's orders! lol

I say this to that:

If you believe that, then you will also believe that I have found a pill which has already increased the size of my pecker by a foot with no end in sight!!

More importantly, before anyone believes this, consider this link.

Also the question is how come Bill Clinton wasn't arrested also?

Just think Trump could have scored a two for one price doubleheader, which isn't that common anymore.

Here you go:

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