Call For Sbd to Explain his Latest Failed Prediction


Nov 11, 2007
From Sbd's(The Baron Of Bullshit and Lies) Thread:

"Seriously, after seeing savage1, wilbur, habsburger and others here like thejerkstorecalled and xfiles I never thought I would EVER see IQs any lower.

But these people almost make these people here look "intelligent"."

Lets piece all of this together.

Folks reading this thread and his thread are supposed to assume that the people he alludes to are of "low iq" when in fact they have in fact DOCUMENTED

one FAILED prediction of his after another which didn't come true since he started the thread almost a year ago and with no acknowledgment or admission

of any accountability when they all failed to pass.

Also people are supposed to accept that WE are the "low iq" people when in fact personally I have shown how weak and false/unproven virtually

everything he says(that is being kind).

I have pointed out and documented too many times to count how all of his predictions, statements and declarations are not only unsupported,

hearsay(and which have all failed to materialize in any event), but are all as I have documented, replete with illogic, fallacies,

inconsistencies and contradictions of what he has said in other posts and are always written in the modus operandi of begging the question poisoning the

well and just plain projections and hopes on his part, and in general ZERO basis of credulity and credibility.

One need only check his 99.9% failure rate to see that I am not making this up.

Later on today I will make the case why it is fact sbd who is the REAL TRAITOR here and guilty of treason rather than than the folks he alludes to.

We all know what the penalty for treason is also-the word starts with "d" and ends in "h."

Back later.


Nov 11, 2007
Here we go:

Snd claims and has always claimed that Trump won the Election "in the biggest landslide in history, and in so doing won all 50 states and got upwards of

90% of the vote.

Yet every day he lows smoke up our ass and tells everyone to wake up and realize how great Trump is and what a Putz.

Hmm-if Trump in fact did win in this massive landslide as described, then by inference these folks already know this and agree with him.

Thus the question is why bother to tell 90% of the people what they already know?

In looking at the matter more closely, there does appear to be another motive if one reads his posts.

The inference is that since 90% of the people agree with him about Trump, that they should do something about it.

No this is veiled in his statements that he believes/predicts the military will do something about this allegedly stolen Election.

However if one reads between the lines, then it is clearly seen that he is not just preaching to the choir about something they are already

aware of but actually encouraging them to do something about it, which in essence is what he is predicting and hoping that the military

will do.

By my way of thinking, this strongly implies that sbd in his own way of inciting a takeover the government not only by the military but also

by the people he is preaching to.

If true, this amounts to treason, which sbd stated in his last post as I write this in referring to someone else=death penalty!

This shit cuts both ways!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd is getting crushed as usual today by documentation of FAILED and DOCUMENTED predictions with the usual cliche nonresponse

on his part.

It is actually getting boring watching him get this kind of a whupping everyday.

I ALMOST feel sorry for him being this defenseless.

ps I agee 100% with the SC and for that matter all of the other courts who rejected the cases of massive Election fraud for the simple

reason that there was nowhere near enough substantiating evidence to support and certainly not enough to overturn the result

of the Election.

Trump and his whining supporters and legal team who can't accept this are nothing but whining crybabies and as alleged mature

adults should be ashamed of themselves for continuing this delusional nonsense.

To be fair though and from a monetary point of view, I can understand why BITCH Powell and other legal mercenaries associated with Trump

want to continue to pursue this even though they realize that they have no chance of even getting to first base at this point.

Nov 11, 2007
From sbd in post 8490:

"It won't be long before Patriots take back this country.

We are almost there!"

Hmm-once again no mention of SPECIFIC March. 4 date for all of this imagined nonsense to occur as date is only two days away.

It is obvious that he has decided to disavow himself from this date because it looks finally he has realized that he looks like the fu king idiot he is

and will get slammed and exposed when he he continues to fail in his date driven predictions.

Instead he issues some vague indefinite future time for this to occur, which in his mid will let him off of the hook so to speak when nothing does happen.

For reasons stated yesterday, I actually regards the words quoted above as incendiary and treasonous and the punishment it carries with it!!


Nov 11, 2007
Has anyone seen "newly inaugurated" "President" in the vicinity of the White House?

If not, can we simply assume that he is conducting business from his "satellite office" from his home in Florida? lol

Along the same lines can we assume that anything we hear emanating from "fake" President Joe Biden's mouth are "fake words," and for that matter

should/can we also assume that any Joe Biden we see speaking on tv is not really Joe Biden but some kind of android who appears to be Joe Biden,

while the real Joe Biden has been secretly arrested and shuttled off to some undisclosed location(possibly GITMO) until they decide what to do

with him?

Sorry, folks, that is all I know at the moment.

If you want to know more, perhaps you should go to the IVU Thread and ask sbd if he and /or his "inside sources", which are "the best in the world" and ask
him if he/they have the "latest breaking information" on this matter.:):)

Nov 11, 2007
Here is sbd's my "response" to what I said in previous post.


"Everything you have seen since January 20th has been fake.

Pretending to play President can only last so long.

It all eventually comes out.

And it's happening!"

As usual the "response" is vague without specifics and with a vague prediction that soon Biden's fake Presidency will end.

That in itself is confusing because in other posts he has stated the Trump has been the POTUS right along and that Biden was not

the POTUS in spite of what we have heard him say and do since January 20 when he was inaugurated.

Perhaps this is the kind of paradox which is beyond we like ourselves mortals, and only "superior" QAnon folks can comprehend this. lol

Nov 11, 2007
The Forum should have a Mercy Rule so that folks
like sbd can’t be humiliated day after day. lol

Nov 11, 2007
What a moronic post by sbd!

He states a fact which acknowledges that Biden is the POTUS, but then makes some delusional (and I mean delusional about his NOT being the POTUS).

With his inability to make any kind of sense with what he says, it is no wonder than he can't get any kind of a professional job other than perhaps cleaning

something like Trump's bathroom/toilet, which would be no easy task as he is as full of shit as is sbd!! lol

Here you go with the #1 moronic post of the day:

Biden STILL Won’t Publish Schedule, Visitor Logs, nor Hold a Presser… Deletes White House Comments and Petitions Pages.

Six weeks into the Biden regime, Joe’s professed commitment to truth and transparency continues to wane, with the President of the United States failing to hold a press conference, refusing to publish his schedule, hiding visitor logs from the public, and deleting the White House pages for comments and public petitions. Cynics might say that democracy is currently dying in darkness.

This is because Biden isn't President of the USA.

But he is the best President Communist China ever had!

Nov 11, 2007
Here is the only line worth noting today from sbd's thread, which was directed to Wilbur:

"Go hang out with savage1 in his delusional threads."

As usual he has never/not once explained why my threads or anything stated in them are "delusional" nor for that matter nothing in his own thread posted by

those who have exposed him.

All that needs to be said is that it was HE and NOT US who have made zillions of time driven predictions and finger pointing with alleged accusation

theories and accusation, ALL OF WHICH WERE DOCUMENTED FAILURES!!

If we are "delusional," then maybe someone can come up with some kind of word which describes what he is.

A number of things are evident for me, having followed his thread since he began it a year ago:

1) Nothing he has predicted has come true.

2) When he started his thread, he figured that he could say what he wanted and make as many predictions as he wanted whether he himself

deep down inside believed them or not and could get away with it if they failed, because he assumed that everything would forget what he

predicted on a given day.

This in essence meant/means to him that there were/are no limit to the amount of predictions and accusations he could make.

He obviously has found out that this is not true by real patriots like myself and those in his thread who have exposed him for the liar and fraud he is.

3) Anyone who has studied psychology or has lived long enough, realizes that he is an attention seeker needing to post as he does in order

to meet an emotional or deep down psychological need perhaps based on his low opinion of himself and/or something which happened in past

which has not been resolved.

4) Such words as "delusional," "low iq," etc. in describing us are words and phrases borne out of desperation in the hopes that they will fly with

others for the simple reason that he doesn't have any actual facts as we do as it applies to him to support what he says.

There is a lot more, but those cited above are what come to mind from this trained and informed observer.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is an example of the duplicity of sbd and trying to disavow/lie his way out of what he originally said:

He along with others originally said that on March 4 that the military by whatever means would reinstate/inaugurate Trump as the POTUS

not only for the next four years but for the next 12 years.

As anyone who follows the thread, he hasn't mentioned that date anymore, but has instead resorted to vague time frames like "very soon"

to say when it will all happen.

To try to further distance himself from his original prediction, to make it sound like he never made and instead to turn the tables,

he says this:

"One of the most corrupt agencies in our Federal Government says there is "chatter" about extremist activity tomorrow, March 4th.

They said the exact same thing on January 14th leading up to the Inauguration>>"

This is not at all shocking and in fact has been the modus operandi of his thread since last March-namely to make accusations, make predictions, and

then when they don't occur and/or it is obvious that they aren't going to occur like March 4, he either tries to weasel his way out of it

as I just posted today and/or pretends he never made the prediction and/or then tries to shift the focus of emphasis to a new prediction.

Thankfully some of us "low iq" folks have the ability to see through this bullshit, and document and expose him for the liar/con artist he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
Initially I posted this in error in the QAnon Thread:

Here is yet another contradiction from sb/DIPSHIT:

He quotes this to say that the Pillow Guy claims Trump will be the POTUS BEFORE 2024.

However according to sb/DIPSHIT, Trump is already the Potus or as he has said before, will be reinstated tomorrow, March. 4.

I mean anyone can mix and match and post multiple differing predictions and statements, and find a way to say he was right.

The more I read from this guy, the more I am convinced that he was a dropout from Trump University and/or is

one of the reasons it went out of business!

Here you go:

'Trump will be your President long before 2024' - Mike Lindell

How does he know?

Who does he talk to?

Who is he friends with?

And who HAS IT ALL?

Get ready for the "return"!

Nov 11, 2007
When I think of the multiple conflicting statements and predictions from sb/DELUSIONAL/DIPSHIT especially the last few days to try

to claim he is right, what comes to mind is someone who bets EVERY horse in a horserace so that he can say that he picked the winner. lol

Nov 11, 2007
From the IVU Thread from the Baron of Bullshit, Lies and Delusion"

"3/3 AND 4/4 - THE "BOOKENDS"

These are the most powerful universal gateways that exist.

This period will be one of the most significant time periods you may witness in your lifetime.

You will see all the truth revealed.

Those who choose to not see it or simply ignore it are choosing "darkness" over "light".

This choice is their God-given free-will right.

And we must respect it.

Show compassion for these people and pray for their souls."

Well, well well-what do you know sb/DIPSHIT has after an absence of this kind of crap, has once gain brought out the numerology card,

with another prediction that something important is about to happen.

However this time unlike some of his FAILED predictions, he is very vague as to what the "truth" is and what is allegedly going to happen.

He posted this same kind of numerology stuff a number of times since last March in his the thread in addition to a

number of unnamed events which were supposed to happen based on the dates of the different seasonal equinoxes and solstices.

I will give you a few seconds to decide on how many/what percentage of these predictions came true.

After you have reached your verdict, scroll down to find the actual answer to this.

May I have the envelope please?


I know that some of you may be "shocked" by this, but to be fair, we have to acknowledge that even the "infallible" sb/Delusional/DIPSHIT
can have an "occasional" bad year!!!

Nov 11, 2007
It will be interesting to see what the Baron of Bullshit, Lies and Deception says tomorrow in order to take the focus of emphasis of what will be another

failed prediction on his part.

As usual, your truly will try to provided insight into what he says based on following his thread since he started it one year ago.

If today is any indication, he will try to pretend that no prediction was made on his part for March 4 nor by any of the QAnons,

but will instead try to blame the media for overreacting and trying to stir up fear about something which was never supposed to occur

in the first place.

Nov 11, 2007
Does anyone know what time Trump's Inauguration is today?

I have some errands to run today and I want to be sure to be home watch this "historic event" on tv along with commentary form the QAnon

Network, as they are the ones who so "rightfully" predicted this would happen on this day.

Nov 11, 2007
Just as there is Leap Year every four years in February, meaning that in February there will be 29 days bringing total for the year to 366 rather than 365,

QAnon "scientists" have discovered that during 2021 that for astronomical reasons known only to them that there is also going to be an additional day added,

which they have designated to be named "Eternity."

While they don't know the precise time that this day will be added and revealed, what they do claim to know is that on this day Trump will be reinstated

and inaugurated as the POTUS.

QAnon scientists have stated that they are using their scientific data to try get a better idea as to when "Eternity Day" will occur, and have determined

that it will be "very soon."

QAnon advocates and followers while disappointed that while it looks like today Trump will not be inaugurated today March 4 as predicted,

understand that sometimes things like this happen and are beyond their control.

A spokesperson for the QAnon group named sbd and who posts the latest news at the RX Forum confirmed the news above, as long as his comment

that "Eternity Day is a certainty in the near future, and on that day Trump will officially be reinstated and inaugurated as the POTUS."

To emphasize his point, he stated that "there is nothing which can stop this from occurring!!

Stay tuned for more news on this developing story.

Nov 11, 2007
Just as there is Leap Year every four years in February, meaning that in February there will be 29 days bringing total for the year to 366 rather than 365,

QAnon "scientists" have discovered that during 2021 that for astronomical reasons known only to them that there is also going to be an additional day added,

which they have designated to be named "Eternity."

While they don't know the precise time that this day will be added and revealed, what they do claim to know is that on this day Trump will be reinstated

and inaugurated as the POTUS.

QAnon scientists have stated that they are using their scientific data to try get a better idea as to when "Eternity Day" will occur, and have determined

that it will be "very soon."

QAnon advocates and followers while disappointed that while it looks like today Trump will not be inaugurated today March 4 as predicted,

understand that sometimes things like this happen and are beyond their control.

A spokesperson for the QAnon group named sbd and who posts the latest news at the RX Forum confirmed the news above, as long as his comment

that "Eternity Day is a certainty in the near future, and on that day Trump will officially be reinstated and inaugurated as the POTUS."

To emphasize his point, he stated that "there is nothing which can stop this from occurring!!

Stay tuned for more news on this developing story.

Notice that everything I predicted about sb/DELUSIONAL/DIPSHIT has come true, namely to try to pretend that he NEVER made the prediction about

Trump being reinstated and inaugurated as the POTUS today March 4, by trying to divert attention to other matters such as Joe Biden and other material.

He might get away with this kind of stuff with a few folks who aren't very intelligent and/or perceptive but for some of us like myself who were

trained and who have experience in their professional livelihood to see through smokescreens like this, it is readily apparent what he is trying to do here.

Folks like me and the crew of highly intelligent and perceptive who have exposed his lies and deceptions in his own thread are his worst nightmare.

The objective folks who have read both his commentary and predictions and our take know who to believe, and it isn't him!!

Nov 11, 2007
Whether it actually happens or not, imo the odds are a lot greater that Trump will "get serviced" by Ivanka this year than his being inaugurated as the POTUS

during 2021.

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