Brainiac’s Winter Sports


New member
Nov 17, 2007
@Andresen: I decided to skip anything that includes him in the first race - could be he ends up being 30sth or he really concentrated on this event today, then he is one of the top5 runners; sure, he sucks at the shooting range, nonetheless he managed to win sprints and weather conditions are good today....

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Only have Frode in one small bet against Iarochenko , this one should cash but wont bet him against people like Nilsson .

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
<TABLE><TBODY><TR class=r1v2><TD align=middle>14</TD><TD>Mattias Jr. NILSSON (SWE ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+2 </TD><TD align=middle>26:19.4 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:20.2 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r2v2><TD align=middle>15</TD><TD>Emil Hegle SVENDSEN (NOR ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+2 </TD><TD align=middle>26:19.5 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:20.3 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r1v2><TD align=middle>16</TD><TD>Roman DOSTAL (CZE ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+0 </TD><TD align=middle>26:22.8 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:23.6 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r2v2><TD align=middle>17</TD><TD>Jay HAKKINEN (USA ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+0 </TD><TD align=middle>26:22.9 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:23.7 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r1v2><TD align=middle>18</TD><TD>Vincent DEFRASNE (FRA ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:30.1 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:30.9 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r2v2><TD align=middle>19</TD><TD>Ivan TCHEREZOV (RUS ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:30.6 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:31.4 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r1v2><TD align=middle>20</TD><TD>Chengye ZHANG (CHN ) </TD><TD align=middle>1+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:33.1 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:33.9 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r2v2><TD align=middle>21</TD><TD>Carl Johan BERGMAN (SWE ) </TD><TD align=middle>1+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:33.5 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:34.3 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r1v2><TD align=middle>22</TD><TD>Simon EDER (AUT ) </TD><TD align=middle>0+0 </TD><TD align=middle>26:33.7 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:34.5 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r2v2><TD align=middle>23</TD><TD>Carsten PUMP (GER ) </TD><TD align=middle>1+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:36.9 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:37.7 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r1v2><TD align=middle>24</TD><TD>Christoph Sumann (AUT ) </TD><TD align=middle>1+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:38.1 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:38.9 </TD></TR></TBODY><TBODY><TR class=r2v2><TD align=middle>25</TD><TD>Frode Andresen (NOR ) </TD><TD align=middle>1+1 </TD><TD align=middle>26:38.5 </TD><TD align=middle>+1:39.3 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Nilsson was 20 seconds ahead , both with 2 errors :think2:

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Stupid me , wish I took Lukas Bauer to win it all for 5.00 odds , never in doubt :ohno:

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Bricis I. (LAT) vs Tobreluts I. (EST)

is very interesting

Bricis is 1.60 , he is by far the better shooter here but not as fast as Tobreluts , however Tobreluts almost every time with atleast 3 errors or more and Bricis shouldnt make more than 2 errors . Wont bet that but fancy Bricis here , lets see where they finsih today LOL

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Kind of a review, lol - just wrote down some impressions after the sprints; thought I could as
well put them in here; perhaps it's of some use and/or you want to add some more thoughts or disagree etc....

Who confirmed the form: Henkel, Khvostenko, Berger, Bailly, Sleptsova, Hitzer, Ponza
Who disappointed: Wilhelm, Neuner, Glagow, Jonsson, Guseva, Becaert, Flatland, Mäkäräinen
Who surprised: Akhatova, Gwizdon, Bonnevie-Svendsen, Grudicek, Liduma
Some thoughts:
- Henkel: congrats! She had it all: fast running, perfect shooting, enough power for the final lap and esp the mental toughness.
- Akhatova: what a comeback! Sadly, stories like this always tend to bring up suspicions - hope she's clean; very good race concept: she was able to push hard in the last leg (only 7 sec behind Neuner);
- Khvostenko: after a bad olympic year 2006, she improved nicely over the last 2 years although her current World Cup ranking is only 22; did not have the stamina for a very good last leg;
- Berger: well, she showed what could be expected; solid performance like almost whole season;
- Bailly: better than thought, almost on the level of Henkel; strong on the track and only one error;
- Sleptsova: young Russian w an overall good performance, but not so good last round;
- Gwizdon: as I said - Gwizdon and Sikora are always able to put a top10 result on the board, esp at big events;
- BonnevieS: lots of praises before season start and didn't meet the expectations so far, but this 8th rank is quite ok; same as Sleptsova: not the power for that final round;
- Iourieva: in case of no error she would have been on a level w Henkel, but look at the lap-times: she got slower and slower - no good concept;
- Glagow: clearly visible that her illness fucked up the whole season plan - never was able to regain her strength from December.
- Neuner: what a crappy 2nd shooting! Once again destroyed all hopes for podium. I don't get it - even with 2 errors she would've had a chance for bronze.
- Wilhelm: 2 errors too much and zwoosh you are only ranked 21 (and much worse than Hitzer (12th w also 3 errors!));
- Olofsson: ok, but bad last lap - I don't think that we will see much better performances from her - she seemed quite satisfied after the finish line;

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Who confirmed the form: Tchoudov, Graf, Svendsen, Hallenbarter, Sikora, Ferry
Who disappointed: Bjoerndalen, Birnbacher, Iaroshenko, Wolf, Sumann, Krouglov, Bergman, Defrasne
Who surprised: Hanevold, Tscherezov, Roesch, Slesinger, Burke
Some thoughts:
- Russia: tv reporter mentioned that the russian team had excellent ski-material for the track conditions;
- Norway: despite the fact that they were very fast on the track, I got the impression that the norwegian ski material might have been not so good - saw a Slovakian gliding downhill much faster than Hanevold;
- Tchoudov: like Henkel in the women's race: he had the running skills, zero errors and the psychic edge.
- Hanevold: the older the better? ;) Respect. Even a better last lap than Bjoerndalen!
- Bjoerndalen: hm, this time he went full force right from the start, but remarkable that he was not able to push more on the last leg! Doesn't look so dominant like in past years...but like a reporter said: in most such cases he comes back the next day and blows away the field.....
- Tscherezov: kind of a surprise, with all that quarrel with the russian federation president, being degraded to EC, comes back and puts a nice race on the track, going strong till the end.
- Roesch: maybe coming in for ill Greis was the best that could happen to Roesch: no time to think too much. Should finally give him some confidence - no good season so far for him.
- Slesinger: yeah ok - right when I stated that he is disappointing, he comes out with a nice 6th rank :D
- Graf: underrated him the whole season - here he was even ok on the last lap which is normally not his forte.
- Birnbacher: kind of a disappointment - losing about 25 sec per round;
- Burke: wow, very good performance of the American - seems he did his homework during summer and shows it at the right time;
- Iarochenko: once again messed up the 2nd shooting - worse nerves than Tchoudov I'd say;
- Svendsen: nerves, nerves! But the man of the future I think.
- Ferry: looking only at the ranking one might say that he disappointed, but he had bad luck: he made a crash and did some "snow testing" ;) - lost a lot of time because of that (lucky me! w/o that he would've been better than Svendsen);
- Wolf: come on: one error and only 19th?? Rösch and Graf also one error and far ahead!!?
- Krouglov: big disappointment;
- Sumann: seems he was/is ill? (complete austrian team was not good);

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Thx mate , great stuff , lets make up tomorrow in pursuit . Now atleast I got a feeling of the actual form of most . Krouglov very slow today and his shooting didnt look like his usual form because I remember him as a very good shooter with good shooting times and today he was standing there lot of time waiting for every single shot and made two errors .

New member
Feb 21, 2002
great summary and i agree on most of them.

for the men: SUman is ill this is correct, but i doubt we will find him in a matchup
Hanevold with great race..he seems to be up for big occasion. this should give him enough boost to be solid all the way thru (maybe no medals, but good performances for match-ups)
You are right about Roesch. maybe it was good coming in late. it could have been a nice kick he is even fighting big time for a spot in the relay.
Bjorndalen: strange results continue. he is just not dominant . i had tschudov over him today. he will still beat most, but as a big fav over strong opponents his standing shooting results are dangerous
Tschudov...great race. hope he doesnt celebrate too much
Krouglov not good shooting and running. a nice fade
Svendsen...very solid running at least
Burke: can he hold up? i doubt it
Hallenbarter...despite the errors i liked the overall performance
Ferry: not sure what to make off this guy..he seems very overwelmed with the whole situation in sweden...he will be solid, but i doubt he will be great
Wolf: i agree, strange running form almost from the beginning..not sure what to think of that


Henkel great and she will be focused tommorow again (another win would be no surprise for me)
Wilhelm: actually not so bad as it looked. she missed the first 2 shots and after that mental blow kept her pretty much in the race for tomorrow (shooting and running)..this is a sign of strength for me)
Neuner..she is a freak when it comes to standing shooting and it becomes more and more a mental problem
Glagow: you are right. something is wrong with the running form..shooting always decent, but that s it
Sleptsova was solid IMO
Olofson..i ll keep fading here although i was surprised she was actually faster than Svendson

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
10 February
Biathlon - Women: World Championships 10km Pursuit

Solveig Rogstad vs Michaela Ponza

My pick is Michaela Ponza to finish ahead of Solveig Rogstad

10 units to win 6 units at gamebookers

Both with 1 error yesterday and Ponza is starting 9 seconds ahead of Rogstad . Ponza has very few errors in pursuit so far this season and has finished without a single error few times this season already . Rogstad took first place in one pursuit this season with 20/20 shots but I can hardly see it again .

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Svetlana Sleptsova vs Ekaterina Ioureva

My pick is Ekaterina Ioureva to finish ahead of Svetlana Sleptsova

10 units to win 6.5 units at gamebookers

Sleptsova starting 6 in front of Ioureva but she also had 1 error less which means Ioureva was around 20 seconds faster than Sleptsova in running .
Ioureva is one of my favourites for tomorrows pursuit with Andrea Henkel and I think young Sleptsova wont be able to handle the pressure like she did few times this season already . Ioureva with better shooting results and more stable than Svetlana Sleptsova . Very confident with this one .

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Leans/thoughts - opinions welcome....

Akhatova - Khvostenko
Sadly, odds are very low for Akhatova. Too low, I guess - Akhatova with plenty of experience and coming back for this event from "baby break", winning silver medal with style as if she was never out of the biathlon circus. Khvostenko pretty decent, but imo Akhatova has a clear edge when it gets towards the end of the race.

Bailly - Berger
50-50, best offer I see is 2.0 for Bailly (bet365; pinny has 1,926 for both); only interesting if I could get >2,0 for one of them;

Iourieva - Sleptsova
Agree here with Brainiac: same logic like Akhatova vs Khvostenko.

Ponza - Rogstad
That's a nice matchup. Ponza-Glagow also available, which is far more dangerous. Rogstad more prone to shooting errors - Ponza normally very good shooting and as we've seen in sprint, she's faster than Rogstad when they have the same amount of errors. Besides, way more experience for the Italian.

Neuner - Wilhelm
Hm, after yesterday's results, I fancy Neuner cuz of her running advantage (ahead of Wilhelm despite having 1 error more). But looking at the odds, I think that value is with Wilhelm: 2,09 - still, no bet for me; Wilhelm's form questionable, she seemed not to worry too much in an interview that I saw yesterday, but if I remember right, she was a lot closer to Neuner in the past. Same goes for Wilhelm vs Olofsson.
ps_Afaik, Wilhelm has another ski technician than the rest of the german team - so it could have been simply a matter of ski material, that she was so far away from Neuner's running performance...

Jonsson - Olofsson
Was thinking about Jonsson, but the sprint result may indicate that the young swedish runners are not up for the home challenge.

Hitzer - Neuner
Hello!?! 2,66 for Hitzer at pinny? Neuner hype settling in I guess, lol. Come on, Hitzer developed very nice in the last two seasons. Strong running, better shooting than Neuner, a headstart of 17 sec and way less media stress cuz everyone does only care about Magda. I see value here.

Henkel vs the Field
Considering the form of Henkel over the whole season and what she has shown to us yesterday, 2.34 seem quite nice for this.

Also thinking about Berger on podium and Bailly on podium, both at 3,00; if one gets through, it's ok; both with a very decent sprint;

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Half an hour left till start, I'm going with this:

Hitzer over Liu @1,60 (ub)
Ponza over Rogstad @1,55 (ub)

Bailly top3 @3,00 (bet365)
Berger top3 @3,00 (bet365)
Henkel over the Field @2,19 (pinny, damn it - waited too long, 2,34 gone)
Hitzer over Neuner @2,66 (pinny)

Huh, high odds I got there, hope it works out - come on, you "chicks with guns", do it! :D

New member
Feb 21, 2002
i like most of them:


wilhelm over Neuner @ 2.06: i dont think there is much between them as wilhelm will shoot much better today

Jonsson over Olofsson @ 2.01

Oloffson there is no rest (like the last 2 weeks) and a much longer race

Rogstad- over Grudicek-Rev @ 1.75

yesterday they were similar in running- G-V is 24 sec ahead, but had terrible results so far in persuit. Rogstadt always solid in persuit

Ponza-Rogstadt: line has moved too far for me, but i agree with the play

WIlhelm-Olofsson @ 1.56 !! 2 units!!

very big play. Wilhelm was faster yesterday and they are starting on same level today..i cant see this losing

Henkel to win @2.35

i ll probably not be around till start of men:

i have

Tschudov over Bjornd. @ 2.06

not much between them running yesterday. 30 sec ahead is 2 errors.. i take it and hope the russian will not collapse completely. Bjorndalen will also have 2-3 errors

Svendsen over Ferry @ 1.89

8 sec ahead despite 2 more errors. even if Ferry might be better today and Svendsen still struggling in shooting there will be a 4 shot cussion !!

Hanevold over Tscheresov @ 1.98

Hanevold will be solid . 16 sec ahead. dont believe in the russian

Hallenbarter over Burke @ 1.72

Will try to get the money back from yesterday. Hallenbarter made it close (3 sec) despite one more error. the us-guy overperformed

BOL to all

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Women Pursuit +2,13u
Damn Russians! Iourieva and Akhatova shooting too good, so Berger 4th, Bailly 5th....
Neuner with a rare excellent standing shooting, so Hitzer no chance.
Ponza surprisingly weak shooting and only a sec or so ahead of Rogstad - pheew!

Men Pursuit
Looking at the sprint standings, I cannot imagine anyone winning but one of the first four.
about Chris' picks:
- Tchoudov over OEB: agree with this - still I'll not bet it: not the balls to go against the king on bounce back mode...
- Svendsen over Ferry: disagree with your reasoning - as I said before, Ferry had a crash in sprint, so his running time does not show his real strength; pick might be correct thou as I see them on the same level: Svendsen slightly better running - Ferry better shooting (w/o looking at stats, just afa I remember), and Svendsen with small headstart while Ferry has a lot of pressure....
- Hanevold over Tcherezov: got no idea about this one;
- Hallenbarter over Burke: I think I will join you again on the Swiss.

Check out UB: they got DeLorenzi over Sumann @2,30!
The Italian was 6 sec ahead with 1 error more and Sumann ill as it seems! No info about DeLorenzi - trap?

Also ub: Bricis over Kruglov @2,30
Both 2 errors and Bricis with a 17 sec headstart.

What do you guys think about these two?

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Like I said yesterday about Bricis over Tobreluts but didnt have the balls to bet it . Bricis an old tough guy that really dissapointed this season , I mean I didnt think he would have best running times but he has way too many errors for who used to be one of the most solid shooters ages ago . Watched Krouglov very close yesterday because I had big bet on him against Tcherezov which I obvious lost , Krouglov sucked ! He was very slow both shooting and running . Very solid shot with Bricis in my opinion , guy can shoot especially in events like this he striked before .

New member
Nov 17, 2007
Somehow I don't get a good feeling about all this. I keep it low stakes.

Hallenbarter over Burke @1,75 (ub)
DeLorenzi over Sumann @2,30 (ub)
Bricis over Kruglov @2,30 (ub)

Hope DeLorenzi and Bricis are such big dogs only because their opponents have the bigger names and not because of some info that we don't have ;) Anyway, if Hallenbarter beats Burke this time and one of the doggies gets to bark out, I will be satisfied....

They who lose today may win tomorrow
Feb 7, 2007
Hallenbarter dog vs Burke now at pinnacle -101 and Burke -115

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