Cops pointed a taser at Arbery for smoking a joint in a park by himself. He was harassed.
Two cops also used their tasers to tase two students in a car to pull them out of the car because they were driving home past curfew. Clearly.
If the guy is running away with the taser and discharging it over his shoulder without even looking....how is the cop in any threat to lose his gun and get shot? The guy was running AWAY, clearly.
They’re tyrants. If they use a taser whenever just like that....it’s not a life or death situation.
Hey mob...
Go look up
Georgia Code Title 16(Crimes and offenses 16-11-106)....just go look it buddy.
You know what that law says mob?
(a) the term "firearm" shall include STUN GUNS and TASERS. The stun gun or taser is a device powered by electrical charging units such as batteries and emits an electrical charge in excess of 20,000 volts or is otherwise capable of incapacitating a person with an electrical charge.
It becomes a lethal weapon when...
(1) ANY crime against or involving the person of another...And that crime becomes a felony.
Blah Blah...
The Atlanta Police department manual states...
"An employee may only use deadly force when"....
(1) He or she reasonably believes that the suspect possesses a DEADLY WEAPON or any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury and when he or she reasonably believes that the suspect poses an immediate threat of serious bodily injury to the officer or others.
So mob...by the book the officer was justified and will receive a nice pay day by the citizens of Atlanta...Thank the Mayor...
You are WRONG on this mob and have been from the start...
Your whole argument here is "what ifs and shoulda, coulda, woulda"...Not FACTS.
Take the L and move along this subject ain't for you bro.