Are you for/against gay marriage?


Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Franklin Graham: Putin is better on gay issues than Obama[/h]
By Kevin Eckstrom
Religion News Service
Posted: Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2014
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    Franklin Graham speaks at Charlotte Douglas International Airport Friday, January 17, 2014. Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child program is sending more than 65,000 shoebox gifts to Syrian children living in refugee camps in northern Iraq.

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Evangelist Franklin Graham is praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggressive crackdown on homosexuality, saying his record on protecting children from gay “propaganda” is better than President Barack Obama’s “shameful” embrace of gay rights.

Graham, who now heads the Charlotte-based Billy Graham Evangelistic Association started by his famous father, praised Putin in the March issue of the group’s Decision magazine for signing a bill that imposes fines for adults who promote “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations to minors.”
The Russian law came under heavy criticism from gay-rights activists – and from Obama – ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. In response, Obama included openly gay athletes as part of the official U.S. delegation to Sochi.
“In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues,” Graham wrote. “Obviously, he may be wrong about many things, but he has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.

“Our president and his attorney general have turned their backs on God and His standards, and many in the Congress are following the administration’s lead. This is shameful.”
With the caveat that “I am not endorsing President Putin,” Graham nonetheless praised Russia’s get-tough approach toward gay rights.
“Isn’t it sad, though, that America’s own morality has fallen so far that on this issue – protecting children from any homosexual agenda or propaganda – Russia’s standard is higher than our own?”
A spokeswoman for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said that Franklin Graham was traveling and unavailable for comment. A statement from the association noted his article went to press before the current crisis in Ukraine that has pitted Putin and Russia against the West.
Marianne Duddy-Burke, who heads the gay Catholic group DignityUSA and is a member of the National Religious Leadership Roundtable of gay-friendly religious groups, said she has met with gay and lesbian Russians who have been beaten, stabbed and burned as Russia cracks down.
“It’s really disturbing when a religious leader seems to endorse laws that lead to this kind of behavior,” she said.
Graham’s father was a virulent anti-Communist in his early years; in 1949, he called communism “a religion that is inspired, directed, and motivated by the Devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God.” But as he took his message around the world, he softened his rhetoric on a host of issues, including politics and hot-button fronts in the culture wars.
“If I had it to do over again, I would avoid any semblance of involvement in partisan politics,” the elder Graham, now 95, wrote in his 1997 autobiography, “Just As I Am.”
Since Franklin Graham took over in 2001, he has steered the Graham franchise in a more political direction by openly questioning Obama’s faith, endorsing a North Carolina measure that banned gay marriage, calling Islam an “evil and wicked religion” and implicitly endorsing Mitt Romney’s 2012 White House bid.
Michael Hamilton, who has studied the Graham legacy as a historian at Seattle Pacific University, said both father and son have been known to wade into controversy, but Franklin Graham responds differently.
“When the firestorm would hit, Billy Graham would always backtrack or walk back his comments in some way,” Hamilton said. “But when the firestorm hits Franklin, he doesn’t seem to really care.”


New member
Sep 24, 2012
Then why if you that honorable thing stated above are so focused on bashing them on this thread. One thing is not agreeing and another very different one humiliating. I think you are an honest person, I buy that, Ive seen you post for 7 fuckin years. I just don't get why decisions made by others in their PERSONAL life affect you so much? Is just mind-boggling. I take the libertarian Ron Paul approach and think government shouldn't be fucking with what you do with your personal life as long as it doesn't harm others. That includes gays and drug users. There is just not proof that gay parents can't be as good as normal parents, kids just want to be loved, listened and understood. Yes of course gay people have abused kids; so has straight people, married parents, school and high school teachers, priests, coaches, police officers and clowns. There's no label that defines what kind of person you are.

This is a smart post.

New member
Nov 27, 2013
Personally? I am against marrying a gay person...will not do it! However, they should be free to do it to each other...equal misery for all.

Sep 18, 2005
I am not for it because in my adult life they could form a Civil Union and otherwise just live with one another and that's that. But all of this political bullshit that goes along with it drags me down. Gay political activists are the most intolerant, most condemning, most self-aggrandizing political types I;'ve ever encountered. If I'm wrong name another political activist faction (American) that has been worse.

Marriage to me is a 'historical thing' and not a Legal definition. Oh and btw, I do not hate gay people. Just a few that were as annoying as some idiot hetros that I know.

This is all about politics, I repeat, because they can couple up any way they want, it's just that some (thankfully not all) gays demand that hetrosexual types approve of this and declare homosexuals to be equal to hetro's in every way. So the tipping point with me becomes the history of marriage here on planet earth... I know it as a union of a man and woman who commit to one another with the probabilty of having offspring and rearing them in a sensible way. This is that whole propogation of the species thing that is job number one in all current and previous civilizations. So simply put, it takes a man and a woman to go this route, therefore 2 men or 2 women in a marriage is not the same thing and does not have the same... value for lack of better term. Sorry, it just isn't the same deal.
So with political gays, it's all about the labeling. If we say we are "Married" that makes us equal to all hetrosexual married couples. Again, it is not the same deal even if they choose to adopt. But mostly I am SICK OF THE POLITICS inherent with this discussion.

And for all of you 20 somethings that like to roll your eyes at the over 40 crowd, get over yourselves. This does not make you enlightened beings because you are all "Oh who cares who loves who... let consenting adults do what they want... if they love each other they should be together" etc. etc. I agree with all of that as well it is just that gay marriage is NOT necessary to make this fly. Gay couples did just fine in decades prior without all of the political bullshit that dominated the airwaves in recent years. It's kind of bogus in my eyes. A gay couple will never be the same as a hetro couple in my eyes. Again sorry to all of you who are aghast at this.
Sep 21, 2004
I am not for it because in my adult life they could form a Civil Union and otherwise just live with one another and that's that. But all of this political bullshit that goes along with it drags me down. Gay political activists are the most intolerant, most condemning, most self-aggrandizing political types I;'ve ever encountered. If I'm wrong name another political activist faction (American) that has been worse.

Marriage to me is a 'historical thing' and not a Legal definition. Oh and btw, I do not hate gay people. Just a few that were as annoying as some idiot hetros that I know.

This is all about politics, I repeat, because they can couple up any way they want, it's just that some (thankfully not all) gays demand that hetrosexual types approve of this and declare homosexuals to be equal to hetro's in every way. So the tipping point with me becomes the history of marriage here on planet earth... I know it as a union of a man and woman who commit to one another with the probabilty of having offspring and rearing them in a sensible way. This is that whole propogation of the species thing that is job number one in all current and previous civilizations. So simply put, it takes a man and a woman to go this route, therefore 2 men or 2 women in a marriage is not the same thing and does not have the same... value for lack of better term. Sorry, it just isn't the same deal.
So with political gays, it's all about the labeling. If we say we are "Married" that makes us equal to all hetrosexual married couples. Again, it is not the same deal even if they choose to adopt. But mostly I am SICK OF THE POLITICS inherent with this discussion.

And for all of you 20 somethings that like to roll your eyes at the over 40 crowd, get over yourselves. This does not make you enlightened beings because you are all "Oh who cares who loves who... let consenting adults do what they want... if they love each other they should be together" etc. etc. I agree with all of that as well it is just that gay marriage is NOT necessary to make this fly. Gay couples did just fine in decades prior without all of the political bullshit that dominated the airwaves in recent years. It's kind of bogus in my eyes. A gay couple will never be the same as a hetro couple in my eyes. Again sorry to all of you who are aghast at this.

This is a smart post.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
I am not for it because in my adult life they could form a Civil Union and otherwise just live with one another and that's that. But all of this political bullshit that goes along with it drags me down. Gay political activists are the most intolerant, most condemning, most self-aggrandizing political types I;'ve ever encountered. If I'm wrong name another political activist faction (American) that has been worse.

Marriage to me is a 'historical thing' and not a Legal definition. Oh and btw, I do not hate gay people. Just a few that were as annoying as some idiot hetros that I know.

This is all about politics, I repeat, because they can couple up any way they want, it's just that some (thankfully not all) gays demand that hetrosexual types approve of this and declare homosexuals to be equal to hetro's in every way. So the tipping point with me becomes the history of marriage here on planet earth... I know it as a union of a man and woman who commit to one another with the probabilty of having offspring and rearing them in a sensible way. This is that whole propogation of the species thing that is job number one in all current and previous civilizations. So simply put, it takes a man and a woman to go this route, therefore 2 men or 2 women in a marriage is not the same thing and does not have the same... value for lack of better term. Sorry, it just isn't the same deal.
So with political gays, it's all about the labeling. If we say we are "Married" that makes us equal to all hetrosexual married couples. Again, it is not the same deal even if they choose to adopt. But mostly I am SICK OF THE POLITICS inherent with this discussion.

And for all of you 20 somethings that like to roll your eyes at the over 40 crowd, get over yourselves. This does not make you enlightened beings because you are all "Oh who cares who loves who... let consenting adults do what they want... if they love each other they should be together" etc. etc. I agree with all of that as well it is just that gay marriage is NOT necessary to make this fly. Gay couples did just fine in decades prior without all of the political bullshit that dominated the airwaves in recent years. It's kind of bogus in my eyes. A gay couple will never be the same as a hetro couple in my eyes. Again sorry to all of you who are aghast at this.

I believe it has ZERO to do with politics and instead is about human rights.

Sep 18, 2005
I believe it has ZERO to do with politics and instead is about human rights.

Human rights is just a tag to throw into the mix to make it appear like it carries more weight than it acutally does. These humans can live together and call it marriage, civil union, a relationship, a friendship and so forth. NOBODY is preventing this from happening so therefore it is not a genuine human rights thing.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
Human rights is just a tag to throw into the mix to make it appear like it carries more weight than it acutally does. These humans can live together and call it marriage, civil union, a relationship, a friendship and so forth. NOBODY is preventing this from happening so therefore it is not a genuine human rights thing.

They can?

Sep 18, 2005
It has *everything* to do with politics.
Pretty much. There are those who are hung up on the whole "label" aspect of this. Hardcore political gay activists want everyone to acknowledge that a homosexual 'marriage' is fully equal to a hetrosexual 'marriage'. People have varied definitions of 'marriage' regardless of what the letter of the law says.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=2]Female Softball Player Comes Out as Straight[/h] Apr 10, 2014

A college softball player from the University of Texas shocked the sports world today by coming out as a heterosexual.
In an emotional press conference this morning, Jennifer Ryan, 23, announced that she was a “proud member” of the opposite-sex community. The senior shortstop is believed to be the first and only openly straight women’s softball player in the history of NCAA athletics.
“I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me through this difficult time in my life,” she told reporters at McCombs Field in Austin. “For years I have known that I was different, but lacked the courage to be open about my lifestyle with family, friends and teammates.
“Today I would like to tell the world that I am straight. It’s not something that I chose. I was simply born this way. And after years of living in the closet, the time has come for me to start being who I really am.
“I want to tell every little girl in America: you don’t have to be gay to be an elite softball player. Straight athletes hit just as hard, pitch just as hard, and run just as hard as everybody else.
“Hopefully my example will inspire other straight softball players to come out from the shadows. We need to stand up and be recognized for the amazing contributions we have made to this sport.”
[h=5]First Base[/h] Today’s news move comes after several high-profile male athletes have come out as gay in recent months. Jason Collins became the first openly-gay player in the NBA this year after the Brooklyn Nets signed him in February. And the NFL is expected to have its first openly gay player when Missouri defensive end Michael Sam is drafted in May.

Just yesterday, men’s college basketball became the latest sport to have it’s first openly gay player when UMass sophomore forward Derrick Gordon came out to USA Today.
Other collegiate sports have long had gay openly gay athletes. But some, like softball, have notoriously had a dearth of openly straight ones.
Nevertheless Ryan’s coming-out has drawn support from several prominent gay softball stars. Shortly after the press conference 2008 silver medalist Lauren Lappin Tweeted, “Great day for college softball. Jennifer Ryan has proved we are a sport that accepts all lifestyles.”

Nov 21, 2006
Female Softball Player Comes Out as Straight

Apr 10, 2014

A college softball player from the University of Texas shocked the sports world today by coming out as a heterosexual.
In an emotional press conference this morning, Jennifer Ryan, 23, announced that she was a “proud member” of the opposite-sex community. The senior shortstop is believed to be the first and only openly straight women’s softball player in the history of NCAA athletics.
“I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me through this difficult time in my life,” she told reporters at McCombs Field in Austin. “For years I have known that I was different, but lacked the courage to be open about my lifestyle with family, friends and teammates.
“Today I would like to tell the world that I am straight. It’s not something that I chose. I was simply born this way. And after years of living in the closet, the time has come for me to start being who I really am.
“I want to tell every little girl in America: you don’t have to be gay to be an elite softball player. Straight athletes hit just as hard, pitch just as hard, and run just as hard as everybody else.
“Hopefully my example will inspire other straight softball players to come out from the shadows. We need to stand up and be recognized for the amazing contributions we have made to this sport.”
First Base

Today’s news move comes after several high-profile male athletes have come out as gay in recent months. Jason Collins became the first openly-gay player in the NBA this year after the Brooklyn Nets signed him in February. And the NFL is expected to have its first openly gay player when Missouri defensive end Michael Sam is drafted in May.

Just yesterday, men’s college basketball became the latest sport to have it’s first openly gay player when UMass sophomore forward Derrick Gordon came out to USA Today.
Other collegiate sports have long had gay openly gay athletes. But some, like softball, have notoriously had a dearth of openly straight ones.
Nevertheless Ryan’s coming-out has drawn support from several prominent gay softball stars. Shortly after the press conference 2008 silver medalist Lauren Lappin Tweeted, “Great day for college softball. Jennifer Ryan has proved we are a sport that accepts all lifestyles.”

Yep she is gay

New member
Sep 24, 2012
Female Softball Player Comes Out as Straight

Apr 10, 2014

A college softball player from the University of Texas shocked the sports world today by coming out as a heterosexual.
In an emotional press conference this morning, Jennifer Ryan, 23, announced that she was a “proud member” of the opposite-sex community. The senior shortstop is believed to be the first and only openly straight women’s softball player in the history of NCAA athletics.
“I would just like to thank everyone who has supported me through this difficult time in my life,” she told reporters at McCombs Field in Austin. “For years I have known that I was different, but lacked the courage to be open about my lifestyle with family, friends and teammates.
“Today I would like to tell the world that I am straight. It’s not something that I chose. I was simply born this way. And after years of living in the closet, the time has come for me to start being who I really am.
“I want to tell every little girl in America: you don’t have to be gay to be an elite softball player. Straight athletes hit just as hard, pitch just as hard, and run just as hard as everybody else.
“Hopefully my example will inspire other straight softball players to come out from the shadows. We need to stand up and be recognized for the amazing contributions we have made to this sport.”
First Base

Today’s news move comes after several high-profile male athletes have come out as gay in recent months. Jason Collins became the first openly-gay player in the NBA this year after the Brooklyn Nets signed him in February. And the NFL is expected to have its first openly gay player when Missouri defensive end Michael Sam is drafted in May.

Just yesterday, men’s college basketball became the latest sport to have it’s first openly gay player when UMass sophomore forward Derrick Gordon came out to USA Today.
Other collegiate sports have long had gay openly gay athletes. But some, like softball, have notoriously had a dearth of openly straight ones.
Nevertheless Ryan’s coming-out has drawn support from several prominent gay softball stars. Shortly after the press conference 2008 silver medalist Lauren Lappin Tweeted, “Great day for college softball. Jennifer Ryan has proved we are a sport that accepts all lifestyles.”

Should we post something about the countless "straight" people that are now out as gay

Sep 21, 2004
Should we post something about the countless "straight" people that are now out as gay


Justin, you're just not very bright are you?

Did you really think that that softball player was the first straight softball player in the history of the NCAA?

"The senior shortstop is believed to be the first and only openly straight women’s softball player in the history of NCAA athletics."

Keep posting Justin, you are a comedy gold mine.

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