Then why if you that honorable thing stated above are so focused on bashing them on this thread. One thing is not agreeing and another very different one humiliating. I think you are an honest person, I buy that, Ive seen you post for 7 fuckin years. I just don't get why decisions made by others in their PERSONAL life affect you so much? Is just mind-boggling. I take the libertarian Ron Paul approach and think government shouldn't be fucking with what you do with your personal life as long as it doesn't harm others. That includes gays and drug users. There is just not proof that gay parents can't be as good as normal parents, kids just want to be loved, listened and understood. Yes of course gay people have abused kids; so has straight people, married parents, school and high school teachers, priests, coaches, police officers and clowns. There's no label that defines what kind of person you are.