I'm with you on Rubio. He was very good last night. He's been impressive in both debates. You are probably correct with needed Kasich to get Ohio. Fiorina could help a ticket I think. She handled the abortion issue about as well as you can coming from a pro-lifer. Honestly, I'm looking forward to cutting the fat. They need to get this down to 5-6 people to have a more meaningful debate. 3+ hours and 11 candidates is a total circus.
Still iffy on Carly....taking 100 million while firing thousands.....is not good.
If I was the head of Republican Party I would try to get these guys and gal all in one room and explain to them electoral math and why we need certain candidates. Have all drop out, except for chosen one, with promised positions in the administration.
but with all the ego's I know that is unrealistic. Because when it comes down to it.....I don't think most of them care who wins...if it isn't them.