Trump won the last drudge poll after the 1st debate with something like 42%
All the pundits were saying his 1st debate would start his downfall
Drudge was right the pundits were wrong
Same thing this time, Drudge was right the pundits were wrong
How was the first 4 person debate? Did anyone pull off a Carley ?
What were the ratings ?
TammyMy die hard demo husband has not only committed to voting for Trump he converted 2 friends over the weekend. Yay!!!
(This is what I was trying to explain to DuhFinch & some of the other die hard communists here)
Ted Cruz won this debate hands down and CNN hardly let him speak. He's playing the long game and will benefit once the pretenders start dropping out.
So many of today's problems wouldn't exist if this rock-ribbed conservative was America's chief executive.
That is fucking hilarious. Cruz didn't even come close to winning. Anyone with an OUNCE of common sense about politics could tell that Fiorina made the most impact. Not that I agree with her but it was BEYOND obvious that she scored the most points and took the biggest steps up.
Let's explain it this way: Cruz has as much a chance of becoming president as Jim Webb. Obviously you are OBSESSED with him and his rhetoric. One can only hope that you won't become too depressed when he runs out of money. But maybe if you kick Vit's ass in a handicapping contest you can make enough to keep contributing to your hero.
Which Presidential Candidates Are Winning the Money Race
Are you still denying Trump isn't blowing away the rest of the field?
Why even bother discussing campaign, polls and elections with Joe Contrarian. The guy has never been right about any of those things since his arrival here. He's not only wrong......he's wrong by miles and miles.
I'd prefer to see some clips of Rubio or Fiorina shitting on Donald.