Anti Immigration & Illegal Immigration Info - Ongoing Thread

Oct 30, 2006
klynch67 wrote: 3m ago

The story slanters are at it again. I watched GMA and seen a story about Hispanics taking over the town from it’s a wonderful life. The mayor was saying “ just get used to it”. The GMA staff painted everyone opposed as being racist or mean. Typical propaganda in preparation for the attempt by congress to sneak the Dream ACT in under the radar. We will not stand for it.

We the people who are opposed to illegal immigration are not racist or mean. First, illegal immigrant is not a race. It is a legal status. You can be white and illegal. We have immigration laws for a reason. We need to account for the number of people coming into this country so we can build hospitals, schools, housing, etc. In border states, the flood of illegals is overwhelming hospitals who have to provide them free care. It is overcrowding schools where kids have to get a poor education just to accommodate the flood of illegal children. Housing is overwhelmed with 6-7 families living in one apartment. Social programs can not keep up. Cities are going bankrupt. Crime is running rampant. People are dying.

We also have immigration laws to keep out terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, murders, gang bangers, etc. Having a background check is part of the LEGAL process. Families who want to work and who do not have criminal records should be let in through the legal process. The criminals should be kept out.

Lawmakers are trying to give illegals rights that even citizens do not have. Free college tuition to illegal children. Free lawyers. Free housing. They already get free healthcare at any emergency room. They get free education for their kids. They do not pay taxes, and most of their money goes back to Mexico. THIS IS UNFAIR TO CITIZENS.

These people break the law by sneaking into this country. Politicians want to reward these criminals with free everything and citizenship just to get another voter. They try to gain sympathy by saying they are just here to feed their family. Well ,if I rob a bank to feed my family, I will go to jail. We have a legal citizenship process.these people can come here legally or not at all.

As a citizen, I will not stand by while politicians let illegals take over this country. They break our laws coming here and demand everything be in Spanish, fly the Mexican flag, get everything free, take jobs from citizens, have no regard for the law or our country, etc. It is time to rise up again and stop the dream act and send the politicians another message. It is obvious by them ignoring the outrage over the amnesty bill that they do not care what Americans want, just how much special interest will pay them for their vote.

We need to start the flood of calls to our politician again!!! Source: News story blogs
Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE class=media-innerbuffer cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=markerTEXTblueMAJOR colSpan=3>Attrition by enforcement is the best course of action </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXTred colSpan=3>Spartanburg (S.C.) Herald-Journal : September 30 , 2007 -- by MARK KRIKORIAN Source:</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=markerTEXTblueMINOR vAlign=top height="100%">"[W]e need to pursue a policy of 'attrition through enforcement' - a third way between the extremes of mass roundups on the one hand and amnesty on the other. This means steady, across-the-board enforcement of our immigration laws (something we have never even tried before) so that not only would fewer illegal immigrants come here, but more who are already here would give up and deport themselves."
</TD><TD width="2%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Since it is unlikely there will be any major immigration legislation coming out of Congress until at least 2009, it might appear that the only option is to continue President Bush's "silent amnesty" - in other words, to leave in place his unwillingness to enforce the immigration laws and his assistance to illegal immigrants trying to embed themselves in our society.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>But it isn't. Instead, we need to pursue a policy of "attrition through enforcement" - a third way between the extremes of mass roundups on the one hand and amnesty on the other. This means steady, across-the-board enforcement of our immigration laws (something we have never even tried before) so that not only would fewer illegal immigrants come here, but more who are already here would give up and deport themselves.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>The goal would be to get the total illegal population to start shrinking from one year to the next instead of allowing it to simply keep growing. Over time, the size of the problem would decrease, and we would then be able to decide what further steps, if any, are warranted.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Though there are specific laws Congress could pass that would promote such an attrition policy, the first priority has to be a clear, unequivocal proof that the executive branch is actually enforcing the law, using the many tools already available to it. Too often in the past, laws have been passed that appear tough - to satisfy voter concerns - but were not implemented, thus satisfying special interests. Ending this bait-and-switch is the first step toward better immigration policy.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>To do this, the president must go beyond enforcement measures at the border itself, important as they are. After all, a third or more of illegal immigrants entered the United States legally on visas but then stayed on after their permission expired. Even those who did sneak across the border won't consider leaving until it starts becoming more difficult to live and work here than it is under Bush's silent amnesty. And measures that actually would make life easier for illegals, like repeal of the current 10-year bar on re-entry for long-term illegals, are obviously counterproductive.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Probably the most important part of making it hard to be an illegal immigrant is to make it harder for illegal immigrants to find jobs. This was the point to the big 1986 immigration law, which for the first time ever prohibited the employment of illegal aliens, but it was never seriously enforced, and employers were able to claim (often sincerely) that they had no idea whether the people they hired were really legal.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>But there is now a solution. The federal government has a voluntary online tool called "E-Verify" to help employers determine whether the people they hire really are who they say they are. Nearly 20,000 employers are currently participating.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Eventually, Congress will have to require that all businesses check all workers through this system, as this summer's failed Senate bill would have done. But there was never any reason to accept amnesty as a price for a nationwide verification system. In fact, given the magnitude of the challenge of enrolling all American employers in such a system, it's probably better for the president to try to expand it as much as possible on his own, allowing for more flexibility and adaptation, before asking Congress to mandate it for everybody.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>To do this, he should take a page from Franklin Roosevelt, who in 1941 acted on his own, through an executive order, to prohibit racial discrimination as a precondition for private companies seeking defense contracts. The equivalent in immigration would be to require all federal contractors and recipients of federal funds to enroll in E-Verify as a condition of receiving funds - something the government announced last month it is beginning to look into.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Given the size of today's federal budget, this would move much of the mainstream economy away from use of illegal labor. The only thing Congress would need to do would be to authorize the Social Security Administration and the IRS to report discrepancies to immigration authorities, something they are now reluctant to do for reasons of "privacy," even though they have detailed information on millions of illegal workers.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>The second way the president, on his own, can make it hard to live here as an illegal immigrant is to enhance cooperation between state and local police and federal immigration authorities. The 700,000 state and local cops can be a force multiplier for the federal government because they encounter illegal immigrants every day.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>This would increase the likelihood of detection, which for an otherwise non-criminal illegal immigrant is now close to zero. Even a slight increase in the probability that an illegal immigrant will get caught dramatically changes the incentives for those considering coming here illegally (and for those already here illegally).
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>The reason no legislation is needed in this area is that the president has done much to prevent expanded law enforcement cooperation - and simply reversing those measures would do a lot of good. For instance, the White House quashed a Justice Department memo in 2002 that laid out the inherent constitutional authority of state and local police to make arrests for civil violations of federal immigration law. Finally allowing this memo to be published would send an important new signal to law enforcement.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Also, the administration has slowed to a snail's pace a program mandated by Congress in 1996 to help train police in the finer points of immigration law. Only a few hundred officers have gone through the "287g" program despite the huge demand for it. A serious effort at ending the silent amnesty would double or triple the number of officers being trained and also prepare a less-intensive, perhaps Web-based, training program that could be accessed by thousands of officers who don't need the depth of the full program.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Using these and other methods, the president could set in motion a policy of attrition that over time would persuade a large part of the illegal population that it is time to leave. But whatever small steps this administration may take in this direction, a concerted, comprehensive enforcement effort is very much in doubt. President Bush may be too emotionally and psychologically opposed to immigration enforcement to do what needs to be done.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>But in any case, the ball is not in Congress' court. Most of the needed laws already exist. The question is whether the president will start enforcing them.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Mark Krikorian is executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
Gen. Powell himself reverted to cliché. "America could not survive without immigration."

But this is nonsense. From 1789 to 1845, we had almost no immigration, before the Irish came. Did we not survive? From 1925 to 1965, we had almost no immigration. Yet, we conquered the Great Depression, won World World II, became the greatest power on earth and ended those four decades with an Era of Good Feeling under Ike and JFK unlike any we had known before.

Was the America of the 1940s and 1950s in which Colin Powell grew up in danger of not surviving for lack of immigration?

In our time, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia have split apart. The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have broken up into two dozen nations. Terrorism had nothing to do with it. Tribalism had everything to do with it.

Race, ethnicity and religion are the fault lines along which nations like Iraq are coming apart. If America ends, it will not be the work of an Osama bin Laden. As Abraham Lincoln said, it will be by our own hand, it will be by suicide.

September 22, 2007

New member
Jul 20, 2007

Is Belgium Breaking Up?
by Patrick J. Buchanan
by Patrick J. Buchanan


All politics are local, said "Tip" O'Neill.

Not so. It is more true to say that all politics are tribal.

For the 1991 prediction of Arthur Schlesinger – "Ethnic and racial conflict, it now seems evident, will soon replace the conflict of ideologies as the explosive issue of our time" – has proven prophetic.

As Schlesinger was writing, the Soviet Union, a prison house of nations held together by the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, the Red Army, the KGB and the Communist Party, was disintegrating. Out of its carcass came 15 nations. Causes of secession: ethnicity and culture.

At the same time, Yugoslavia crumbled. Slovenes and Croats broke free of Belgrade, and Bosnia was beset by a civil-sectarian war of Croats, Serbs and Muslims. Macedonia seceded, then Montenegro. Now Kosovo, cradle of the Orthodox Serb people, but 90 percent Albanian and Muslim, is moving toward secession.

Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union came apart, after becoming free, confirming what my late friend Sam Francis said: Multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual countries are held together either by an authoritarian regime or an ethnocultural core – as the English have held the United Kingdom together – or they come apart.

Today we see agitation for secession by Scottish nationalists who wish to follow the Irish nationalists of the early 20th century out of the United Kingdom. Which brings us to the point of this column.

Belgium, created by the European powers in 1831, is the likely next nation in Europe to break up – into a Dutch-speaking Flanders in the north, tied to Holland by language and culture, and a Francophone south, Wallonia, tied to France by language and culture.

What puts the breakup of Belgium on the front burner is that this nation of 10 million has been without a government for three months. In June, Yves Leterme, the leader of the Flemish Christian Democrats, won the general election, but was blocked from forming a government by Wallonia, which fears Leterme is a closet nationalist bent on secession.

Belgium is also divided economically and politically. Flanders is wealthy, conservative, capitalist. Wallonia is poor, socialist, statist. As the Flemish 60 percent of the population generates 70 percent of GDP and 80 percent of all exports, it is weary of seeing its taxes – the top rate is 50 percent – going to sustain a socialist Wallonia where unemployment is 15 percent. By one poll, 43 percent of Flemish wish to quit Belgium and go their own way.

What enables Wallonia to block formation of a government is a parliamentary system where Flanders and Wallonia must each assent to any government. Which means that half of the Walloons, 20 percent of Belgium's population, holds veto power over a national government.

Not only is the parliamentary situation becoming intolerable to Flanders, there is rage over the recent socialist government's having brought in French-speaking North Africans to give Walloons control of Brussels, which, though in Flanders, has a French-speaking majority.

Heightening the tensions, on Sept. 11, a demonstration was held in Brussels to protest "the Islamization of Europe," featuring a moment of silence for the victims of 9-11. There, as Washington Times columnist Diana West describes the videotape, "we see black-clad Belgian policemen brutalizing a man in a light-colored suit and tie. His hands are cuffed behind his back, his right elbow is clasped in what is known as an arm-bar hold, and he is being subjected to a genital hold – a vicious grip that, a retired cop friend of mine tells me, would get any American policeman thrown off the force."

The victim of this police brutality was Frank Vanhecke, president of the Flemish secessionist party Vlams Belang and a member of the European Parliament. Also arrested and beaten was Filip Dewinter, the leading politician of Vlams Belang, which is Belgium's largest opposition party. This is like having Mitch McConnell beaten up and arrested at a rally on the Washington Mall to protest illegal immigration.

Seemingly condoning what was done to the Vlams Belang leaders, Terry Davis, the secretary general of the Council of Europe, issued a statement declaring, "The freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are indeed preconditions for democracy, but they should not be regarded as a license to offend."

Are offensive ideas and speech now verboten in the European Union?

While European and U.S. leftists regard Dewinter, Vanhecke and Vlams Belang as crypto-fascist, as West writes, it was the police conduct that might better be described as "The New Face of Fascism" in Europe. Moreover, West and I have met both men, and neither was wearing jackboots. What they seek is what many Americans seek: the preservation of their country and their unique national identity.

If a party of small-government immigration reformers and defenders of Europe's unique culture, heritage and identity can be subjected to such treatment by Belgian police and Europe's elite, we have to ask: Just how democratic is this new European Union, when its own ideology of multiculturalism is challenged by the people in whose name it presumes to speak?

September 29, 2007
Oct 30, 2006
mariegail wrote: 6h 54m ago
Gringos, the people YOU elect allows us to live in the U.S. and have our own language, free medical care, free food, low rent housing, plus we pay NO taxes. But, we do file an income tax return to get free money from YOUR IRS by claiming child credits. How do we file an income tax return without a valid SS #. We just have Your IRS issue us a Tax ID number with a wink and a nod and no questions asked or we just use fake S.S. numbers. Either way is ok with your IRS.
You elect good leaders who give us a superior lifestyle at no cost to us. It is like we all win the lotto and become instant millionaires when we cross the border. What is funny is the fact that your elected officials make you the U.S. citizens pay our way. Our “Good Old Gringos” then push for our amnesty, which keeps you busy, trying to prevent that so you have no fight left to do away with the thousands of benefits your leaders have already given us. Your leaders are very clever and dupe the idiotic U.S. citizens into keeping them in office and us on our FREE ride. If any Gringos complain, we just say racist Americans and you hide in a corner like a scared mouse. Free food, housing, money is just a tiny bit of what we are given already and you know, we WILL get your SS.
But, please keep electing our “Good Old Gringos” and you had better learn Spanish because we don’t want to learn English. (Source: news story blogs)
Oct 30, 2006
G J Temquin................Im talking about the USA today not Europe yesterday...Thanks for your post
Oct 30, 2006
Gen. Powell himself reverted to cliché. "America could not survive without immigration."

But this is nonsense. From 1789 to 1845, we had almost no immigration, before the Irish came. Did we not survive? From 1925 to 1965, we had almost no immigration. Yet, we conquered the Great Depression, won World World II, became the greatest power on earth and ended those four decades with an Era of Good Feeling under Ike and JFK unlike any we had known before.

Was the America of the 1940s and 1950s in which Colin Powell grew up in danger of not surviving for lack of immigration?

In our time, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Czechoslovakia have split apart. The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have broken up into two dozen nations. Terrorism had nothing to do with it. Tribalism had everything to do with it.

Race, ethnicity and religion are the fault lines along which nations like Iraq are coming apart. If America ends, it will not be the work of an Osama bin Laden. As Abraham Lincoln said, it will be by our own hand, it will be by suicide.

September 22, 2007
They let 1,000,000 legals in per year...Watch this video..

New member
Jul 20, 2007
No offense Road Reeler , nor disrespect intended to your fantastic illegal immigration information thread.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Some Americans can not see the forest for the trees.

I know your thread is about the UNITED STATES of today. The reason that I posted those article snippets is to show readers of this thread what the US has to look forward a WARNING FROM HISTORY. Many saps in the U.S. blindly & foolishly believe it can not happen to the mighty melting pot country. But this century it can & may happen to The American Nation if does not soon stop this invasion of the States. America falls apart.

How many undocumented are in the country between 12 - 30 million illegal foreign occupants ???

Those countries in the articles broke apart because a house divided against it self can not long stand . Many in citizens in those nations thought they would never fall apart.

America very well may be next if it does not learn those past century lessons and quickly & effectively responds to this influx that it can not contain nor sustain the strain of illegal invaders. The bubble going to burst , it is just a matter of when. And how bad this illegal immigration will affect the future of the country Time to wake up & smell the coffee as America continues down the road to third world status.

American needs to stop illegal immigration totally & have total moratorium on legal immigration. Start a effective program of assimilation before the states becomes the Balkanized United States literally it is in many sections it is already there figuratively.

Look what befell Europe in my lifetime.

A parallel to get someone readers of this fine thread thinking along what could occur.

Comprende Amigo , where I was going with those post clarification.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
My bad G.K.....I guess I misunderstood it I needed Joe Contrarian to explain Everybody (Including your Congressman.. Should watch> Thats how I got started on all this....Thanks

Not bad RR just a little misguided. Just a little off track.

I believe it is a little late for many of those crooks & liars in congress ... both house.... many years too late.They done nothing but talk , same with El Presedente Bush. They are allowing this invasion to continue.

Look at That clown that rules New York State , Gov. Spitzer , is going to give illegalls Driver Licenses . He is an enabler of criminal lawlessness. He took an oath of office to protect & defend the constitution of U.S. He is breaking the law.

He is a traitor who should be removed from office.

Everyone should see the video.

Hopefully some people will awake from their slumber if they see it. America is knee deep in this mess of illegals. The nation better do something quick.It may already to late.

Thank You for this outstanding informative thread.

Keep up the excellent job of warning everyone of the illegal invasion of the country.

Besides is not Joe Contrain in charge of keeping the border fenced & safe ???
Oct 30, 2006
The joke aout Joe C meant in a good way...He's smarter than I am...Im simple G K it's not too late...We should have put our foot down in 86...Now marching in the streets for more?.Flying there flag above ours..BS...Join numbersusa & fight back...It's free & donate if U want to...Me I donate but I also advertise on my blogs for them also & I think they are the best group out there so check em out RXers
Oct 30, 2006
Calls & faxes urgently needed

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=580 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=t1redunderbigheader>Dear Faxer:</TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1thinwhitespace><!--t3_approve --> </TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>*DREAM* Act amnesty considered as an amendment: Fax today!
This new fax has been posted in your Action Buffet based on your answers to the Interest Survey.
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There is a strong possibility that amnesty advocates will try to attach the DREAM Act amnesty to the Labor, Health and Human Services appropriations bill (H.R. 3043).

Please fax your senators and remind them why millions of Americans oppose this amnesty!

On September 27, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced that the DREAM Act would not be considered as an amendment to H.R. 1585, the Defense Department authorization bill for fiscal year 2008.

Supporters of this ill-conceived amnesty are not giving up, however, and this represents their latest attempt to pass the bill into law by attaching it to an appropriations bill.

Tell Senate offices that the following things remain unchanged:

- The DREAM Act allows illegal "teens" to petition for their parents, leading eventually to their aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins:

The big argument for this amnesty is that it is for teenagers who are here illegally because their parents broke the law. Even with the new "less-than-30" age requirement, far more than teens can get this amnesty (and Sen. Durbin has included "humanitarian" and "family unity" exceptions to the age limit). Nonetheless, the argument is that the teenagers should not be punished for the crimes of their parents.

But as soon as DREAM amnesty citizens are over 21, they can bring in their parents who broke the law to get them into the country. The chief criminals will be rewarded after all.

And because of Chain Migration, the amnestied "teens" can see their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents getting permanent U.S. residency as well.

- The DREAM Act does not Protect Americans from Terrorists and Criminals:

Illegal immigrants are not required to submit fingerprints or undergo background security checks at any point in the DREAM Act process. Therefore, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has no way to know whether an alien seeking DREAM Act amnesty is a terrorist or criminal. This security failure is compounded by the confidentiality section of the DREAM Act, which is a relic from pre-9/11 days (it’s modeled on the fraud-prone 1986 amnesty). This section basically requires DHS to hide information about terrorist and criminal aliens from itself. If a DHS adjudicator at USCIS learns from a DREAM Act application that an alien poses terrorist or criminal concerns, the adjudicator is prohibited from alerting ICE enforcement officers at DHS, and in fact, if the adjudicator were to volunteer such information to ICE, he could be fined $10,000. To cap it all, DHS is prohibited from removing from the United States all aliens, including criminals, terrorists, fraudsters, and other ineligible aliens while they have a DREAM Act application pending, even if that application is based upon fraud or the alien is ineligible.

- The DREAM Act Offers Citizenship to Illegal Aliens Who Lack Good Moral Character:

The DREAM Act does not require that aliens have a history of good moral character; it only requires that they have good moral character from the time that they apply. This means that criminal aliens, terrorists, and other aliens who lack good moral character before they apply get an amnesty for their pre-application period conduct, no matter how bad or extensive that conduct.

- The DREAM Act is Not Just for Young People:

Sponsors insist that the point of the DREAM Act is to provide legal status to “kids” and “young people.” However, the DREAM Act is not directed just at minors. Under the "new" DREAM Act, anyone 29 years old or younger, who illegally entered the United States before the age of 16 and has illegally remained here for 5 years or more will qualify for lawful permanent residence (and eventual citizenship) if they satisfy the easily-met criteria for DREAM Act amnesty. Illegal aliens who are 30-years-old or older can still be granted the DREAM amnesty through "humanitarian" or "family unity" waivers.

- The DREAM Act is a Big Amnesty:

There are an estimated 2 million illegal immigrant children currently in the United States. They are only a portion of the millions of aliens who will likely qualify for the DREAM Act amnesty, because the DREAM Act does not place a cap on the number of people who qualify, provides exceptions to the newly-formed under-30 age limit, and applies retroactively to anyone who first entered before age 16. Furthermore, the recipients of the DREAM Act amnesty will be permitted to petition for their illegal parents and adult relatives once they become citizens.

- The DREAM Act is Deceptive:

The marketing campaign for the DREAM Act makes as though the amnesty is intended for high school graduates who are on their way to college or military service. But the bill as written ensures that illegal immigrants don’t have to attend high school or go to college to qualify for the amnesty: they need only take an ability-to-benefit test and complete a 1-year vocational program to get eventual citizenship (and there’s no requirement that they actually complete their college education). Nor do aliens have to join the Armed Forces: they need only go to work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or Public Health Service for 2 years to get eventual citizenship.

- The DREAM Act is a Fraud Machine:

We know from experience that amnesty from immigration laws generates massive fraud, and the DREAM Act is no exception. Nothing in the DREAM Act will prevent a 29-year old alien from asserting that he entered the United States before the age of 16 and has remained here ever since. The DREAM Act is silent on how DHS will determine the veracity of such claims. The DREAM Act will actually promote fraud because it prevents DHS from deporting aliens who’ve applied for the amnesty until their applications are resolved – a process that will likely take years, because DHS lacks the resources to rapidly process the millions of applications it will receive. Even if DHS eventually decides that some aliens do not qualify for the amnesty, DHS cannot use the statements aliens made in their applications to deport them, because their statements are protected by the confidentiality section in the DREAM Act.

- The DREAM Act is Unfair to American Students and Taxpayers:

The "new" DREAM Act removed the in-state college tuition section. However, aliens who get the amnesty will become legal residents and will therefore be automatically eligible for in-state tuition anyway.

- The DREAM Act Puts Illegal Immigrants at the Front of the Line for Green Cards:

The DREAM Act requires that applications for its amnesty must be expedited, bars DHS from charging fees for expedited service, and fails to provide DHS the additional personnel and equipment needed to handle expedited applications. Because millions of people will file applications for DREAM Act amnesty (regardless of whether or not they eventually qualify), DHS will experience a significant backlog of cases that will necessarily slow DHS’ ability to process conventional business and family visas, and applications for naturalization. This will adversely impact our economy, and disrupt the settled expectations of intending legal immigrants to the United States.

- The DREAM Act Will Allow Dangerous Criminal Aliens to Remain At Large in the United States:

DHS lacks the resources to detain all criminal aliens it encounters in the United States, and so DHS has to pick and choose which criminals to hold for deportation. When DHS deports a criminal al ien, the detention or “bed space” vacated by the out-going criminal is immediately filled by another criminal alien. The DREAM Act does not disqualify anyone (even criminals) from filing an application and bars DHS from removing any alien who’s filed an application for amnesty. Thus, criminal aliens who have no desire to be deported will file DREAM Act applications to halt or slow their deportations, which means they will spend more time taking up detention space which could be used to house other criminal aliens. That means more criminal aliens whom DHS cannot house will be free to roam the United States. The DREAM Act also creates an opportunity for extremely dangerous criminal aliens to be released into the general population. By law, a criminal alien who is subject to a final order of removal must be released from DHS custody within 90 days if his removal is not “reasonably foreseeable.” As mentioned previously, the DREAM Act does not allocate resources to DHS to process the millions of applications that are sure to be filed, which will result in very lengthy delays. The result? A dangerous criminal alien who would otherwise have been removed from the United States files his DREAM Act application, and when that application stalls at DHS with millions of others, he can file a petition in a district court after 90 days to effect his release because his removal is not “reasonably foreseeable.”

Oct 30, 2006
Join up & donate what you can

<TABLE height=264 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TH scope=row><TABLE height=50 width=650><TBODY><TR><TD width="27.5%"></TD><TD borderColor=#cc0000 align=middle width="42%" bgColor=#ff0000>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Press Here To Donate [/SIZE][/FONT]</TD><TD width="27.5%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+3]2-for-1 Matching Gifts Offered for All Individual Gifts to NumbersUSA[/SIZE][/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]If you've been waiting for the Ideal Time to donate to NumbersUSA, THIS IS THE TIME!![/SIZE][/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DEAR JIM M,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+1]Congratulations! Your phone calls and faxes this week have once again stopped Senators from attaching an amnesty to a spending bill! [/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]You kept the amnesty off the Defense bill in September.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This week, you've kept it off the Labor bill.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But now the Senate amnesty leaders have decided to push the "Dream Act" amnesty as a stand-alone bill.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We are in a Battle Royale once again![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But I know you'll want to hear about this. Beginning October 1, several donors have begun a 2-for-1 matching grant opportunity to NumbersUSA members. [/FONT]​
<TABLE height=50 width=650><TBODY><TR><TD width="27.5%"></TD><TD borderColor=#cc0000 align=middle width="42%" bgColor=#ff0000>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Press Here To Donate [/SIZE][/FONT]</TD><TD width="27.5%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Our special financial difficulty right now is that NumbersUSA’s new budget year began on Oct. 1. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Because of various IRS and foundation rules, THE WEALTHY DONORS CAN GIVE US NOTHING AFTER OCTOBER 1 unless we first raise money from individual citizens like yourselves.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Open Borders lobby is well-funded by countless wealthy foundations and corporations with deep pockets. We are fortunate that there are a few wealthy donors who share our love of a sovereign America and for the values of freedom, economic justice and preservation of our quality of life.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]But their large donations are dependent on your smaller ones.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What does this 2-for-1 match mean?[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]> For every $25 you send us, we can raise another $50.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]> For every $50, we get another $100.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]> And for every $100 gift, the large donors are standing by to add an additional $200![/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Let me put the match another way. For every $25 you give us, we will have a total of $75 to work for immigration reductions. For every $100 you donate, we will have $300 to spend.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To emphasize why full funding of NumbersUSA is so important, I know that I don’t have to do much more than remind you of the unique mission NumbersUSA fills:[/FONT]​
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NumbersUSA has sent more than 13 million faxes to Congress and the White House, at absolutely no cost to the senders.[/FONT]

  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NumbersUSA maintains a fulltime professional lobbying staff on Capitol Hill to press Congress to get immigration numbers down to traditional levels--every day! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The 2-for-1 match is good for any donation you make by on-line, postal or phoned credit card donation, by postal check, by Pay Pal, by stock, by donation of an auto or any other means. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you are currently a donor to NumbersUSA, this is a great opportunity to multiply your giving. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If you've not yet made a first gift, please consider making your first donation to NumbersUSA this month. We must stop the "Dream Act" Amnesty! [/FONT]​
<TABLE height=50 width=650><TBODY><TR><TD width="27.5%"></TD><TD borderColor=#cc0000 align=middle width="42%" bgColor=#ff0000>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=+2]Press Here To Donate [/SIZE][/FONT]</TD><TD width="27.5%"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]THANK YOU,[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ROY BECK PRESIDENT

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