Anti Immigration & Illegal Immigration Info - Ongoing Thread

Oct 30, 2006
The public's not with the pols on illegal aliens : August 21 , 2007 -- by Paul Mulshine

"The preppie-in-chief deserves the ultimate responsibility for those murders in Newark. They were just a variation on those September 2001 attacks in New York City, much smaller in scale but equally devastating to the relatives of the victims."
The public reaction to that triple-homicide in Newark has taken a 180-degree turn from where the politicians wanted it to go.

Here's how Gov. Corzine, Newark Mayor Cory Booker and the other Democratic leaders were trying to spin the story: Those three college kids were killed because an uncaring public didn't want to spend enough money on Newark.

Here's how the public sees the story: Those three college kids were killed because uncaring politicians didn't want to enforce the law and deport illegal aliens who commit crimes.

Tuesday's Star-Ledger has a front-page article that shows why the public is right. It's headlined "How Criminals Dodge Deportation." Reporter Brian Donohue details a number of cases in which illegal aliens who should have been deported for relatively minor crimes were instead permitted to hang around until they did something truly dreadful. In one such case, an illegal immigrant from Honduras named Ricardo Cepates was arrested for holding a knife to a woman's throat in New Brunswick in 1998. Cepates was already under a deportation order, but he was let loose anyway. In 2004, a serial rapist terrorized the city for months. Guess who?.

Later in the article we get to hear from a number of incompetent officials. The reader can practically see them throwing up their hands as they shrug and say "What can we do?" There are so many illegal alien criminals that it's impossible to deport them all, they say.

But why are there so many illegal alien criminals? Because there are so many illegal aliens.

And why are there so many illegal aliens? Because politicians of both parties all the way up to President Bush refuse to solve a problem that the pols claimed to have solved back in 1986, when they passed that immigration amnesty. That law, which was accompanied by workplace sanctions, was supposed to end illegal immigration. But Bush, who failed to enforce those sanctions, has been calling for a new amnesty ever since 2004.

The preppie-in-chief deserves the ultimate responsibility for those murders in Newark. They were just a variation on those September 2001 attacks in New York City, much smaller in scale but equally devastating to the relatives of the victims. The theory of the liberals - a category into which we conservatives have always placed Bush - is that the government can make America into such a wonderful, welcoming society that even homicidal maniacs can be permitted to walk among us unchallenged. We don't have to know who's in our country. We just have to know that the wonderful, caring government, with its liberal or "compassionate conservative" approach, will magically transform them into good citizens.

Nonsense. As of Sept. 11, Bush could have pushed through any program he wished in the area of immigration, including his beloved amnesty and guest-worker programs. Instead he left the borders open to about a million illegal entrants a year. If Bush had cared as much about the people of America as he does about the people of Mexico - or for that matter Iraq - the problem would have been solved by now. The two alleged ring-leaders of that triple homicide would have been back in their native lands. The underground society in which one of them hid from the law for two weeks after the killings would not have existed.

Booker and Corzine could have gotten tremendous public support by making this point at their press conferences. But the Democrats are even more softheaded about immigration than Bush. They will never point out how insane it is to put criminal immigrants back on the streets.

It's all the public talks about, however.

(Source: )
Oct 30, 2006
Oklahoma no longer OK for Illegal Aliens

Every State needs to [do] this!!!!

Oklahoma's Governor Brad Henry has signed a sweeping immigration Reform bill:

House Bill 1804 that its sponsor believes will go a long way in dealing with the illegal alien problem in the state.

House Bill 1804 was passed by overwhelming majorities in both the House and Senate of the Oklahoma Legislature. T he measure's sponsor, State Representative Randy Terrill, says the bill has four main topical areas: it deals with identity theft; it terminates public assistance benefits to illegal; it empowers state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws; and it punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

Oklahoma is no longer "O.K ." for illegal aliens, Terrill observes. "When you put everything together in context," he contends, "the bottom line is illegal aliens will not come here if there are no jobs waiting for them, they will not stay here if there is no government subsidy, and they certainly won't stay here if they know that if they ever encounter our state and local law enforcement officers, they will be physically detained until they're deported. And that's ex actly what House Bill 1804 does."

The Oklahoma legislator is pleased the bill he sponsored into law was signed by Governor Henry and believes it will go a long way to curb the illegal immigration problem in the state. "I would remind people that states are separate sovereigns in our federal system," Terrill points out. "Anyone who doesn't understand that needs to go back and take an American federal government class in college," he says.

As a result of that sovereignty, the Oklahoma lawmaker insists, "we have as much right - in fact, I would argue, a responsibility - to protect our tax payers against that sort of egregious waste, fraud and abuse as the federal government should have a responsibility to protect that international border, but doesn't do that."

Terrill says as long as the federal government refuses to do its job of protecting the international borders of the United States, states like Oklahoma must take action to deal with the problem that is costing taxpayers in the state $200 million a year in public benefits, law enforcement costs, and other resources.


(websites provided for verification)

Hope these 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read by the majority of Americans. Then they will have something to yell at their U.S. Congress members.

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year.

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the United States

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroine and marijuana, crossed into the U. S. from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report: <

12. The National Policy Institute "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period."

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin.

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants in the United States ".

So using the LOWEST estimates, the annual cost OF ILLEGAL ALIENS is $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!

So if deporting them costs between $206 and $230 BILLION DOLLARS, Start getting rid of em'. We'll be ahead after the 1st year!!!

Please pass this on. Americans need to wake up!

Hawk Smessaert
Hawk's Firearms Instruction
Oct 30, 2006

Immigration to Add 100+ Million to U.S. Population by 2060
Center for Immigration Studies : August 30 , 2007

"Whatever one thinks of population growth, the projected 167 million growth in the nation's population in the next 53 years is very large. It is larger than the entire U.S. population in 1950, and it is more than the combined total populations of California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, and New Jersey." CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL REPORT

This study uses Census Bureau data to project how different levels of immigration impact population size and the aging of American society. The findings show that the current level of net immigration (1.25 million a year) will add 105 million to the nation's population by 2060. While immigration makes the population larger, it has a small effect on the aging of society.

Among the findings:

* Currently, 1.6 million legal and illegal immigrants settle in the country each year; 350,000 immigrants leave each year, resulting in net immigration of 1.25 million.

* If immigration continues at current levels, the nation's population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060 -- a 167 million (56 percent) increase. Immigrants plus their descendents will account for 105 million (63 percent) of the increase.

* The total projected growth of 167 million is equal to the combined populations of Great Britain, France, and Spain. The 105 million from immigration by itself is equal to 13 additional New York Cities.

* If the annual level of net immigration was reduced to 300,000, future immigration would add 25 million people to the population by 2060, 80 million fewer than the current level of immigration would add.

* The above projection follows exactly the Census Bureau's assumptions about future birth and death rates, including a decline in the birth rate for Hispanics, who comprise the largest share of immigrants.

* Net immigration has been increasing for five decades; if immigration continues to increase, it will add more than the projected 105 million by 2060 that will be added if immigration levels stay the same.

* While immigration has a very large impact on the size of the nation's population, it has only a small effect on slowing the aging of American society.

* At the current level of net immigration (1.25 million a year), 61 percent of the nation's population will be of working age (15-66) in 2060, compared to 60 percent if net immigration were reduced to 300,000 a year.

* If net immigration was doubled to 2.5 million a year it would raise the working-age share of the population by one additional percentage point, to 62 percent, by 2060. But at that level of immigration, the U.S. population would reach 573 million, double its size in the 2000 Census.

* The nation's ongoing debate over immigration generally has not focused on the effect it has on U.S. population size. Yet, increasing the nation's total population is one of immigration's clearest and most direct effects. Supporters of low immigration point to the congestion, sprawl, traffic, pollution, loss of open spaces, and greenhouse gas emissions that could be impacted by population growth. Supporters of high immigration argue that population growth may create more opportunities for businesses, workers, and consumers. Whatever one thinks of population growth, the projected 167 million growth in the nation's population in the next 53 years is very large. It is larger than the entire U.S. population in 1950, and it is more than the combined total populations of California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, and New Jersey. Even the impact of immigration by itself is enormous. The 105 million immigration will add to the population by 2060 is more than all of the population growth that occurred in United States in the first 130 years of the nation's history after independence. Our findings are consistent with projections done by the U.S. Census Bureau and others. Since we have used Bureau projections of death and birth rates by race and simply varied the immigration component, this is to be expected. The Methodology Appendix at the end of the report explains in detail how the projections were created. We provide many alternative levels of immigration, leaving the reader free to judge how different immigration levels impact population size and the age structure. This report makes clear that immigration has a very large impact on the nation's population. The question is not whether immigration levels are a key determinant of population increase -- they are. The question is what costs and benefits will the increase bring. How we answer these questions will to a significant extent determine which immigration policy we pursue.

Oct 30, 2006
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Date" -->August 31, 2007 <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
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<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Headline" -->Truckers outraged at impending opening of Mexican border <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
<SCRIPT><!--function getText(el) { if (el.nodeType == 3) return el.nodeValue; var txt = new Array(),i=0; while(el.childNodes) { txt[txt.length] = getText(el.childNodes); i++; } return txt.join("");}mText = getText(document.getElementById("hdr_title"));document.title = mText;//--></SCRIPT><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Body" -->Calls and letters are flooding into the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association from truckers expressing everything from dismay, to outrage, to genuine fear for their livelihood with the opening of the border to Mexican motor carriers.
The message has been loud and clear from Congress to the Bush administration that this program is not to move forward without being thoroughly checked. The fact that it’s being shoved through without complying with the letter of the law is not sitting well with a lot of truckers – truckers like Gail Daugherty.
Daugherty, a 20-year plus OTR driver and one who makes frequent trips to Laredo, TX, has seen first hand the trucks and trailers operating in the commercial zone under the current cross-border agreement.
“The gall of this administration to wait until Congress is out of session is appalling,” said Daugherty. “We were promised nothing was going to happen until all the i’s were dotted and the t’s were crossed. What a crock!”
A complicated web of regulations governs the U.S. trucking industry – regulations that many truckers fear their Mexican counterparts may not be subject to.
“Why in God’s name would they allow this, when the truckers in this country must abide by the rules and regulations,” trucker Rob Morris pointed out in a letter to Land Line.
“Each state has its laws governing big rigs that haul in their state – axle requirements, permits, length of loads, weights, hazardous material bans and laws. Certain kinds of brakes are not allowed, width of load, flagged shipments.”
Dave Faltermeier has seen firsthand how the enforcement community may handle a driver who cannot communicate in English.
“I’ve had enough, and enough is enough,” Faltermeier wrote to Land Line. “I was at the Harrisonville Scale in Harrisonville, MO, last summer down on Highway 71, and was inside the scale house, when there was a driver in there, from God knows where, who couldn’t even speak English and properly communicate with the scale attendant whatsoever. It was so bad that he just let the driver go, on his way and gave up even trying.
“Of course I ended up getting a measly logbook violation, for being a few hours behind, go figure.”
Freight demand and rates are already down in the U.S. and truckers are worried what impact the competition from Mexican motor carriers, whose drivers will most certainly make far less than their U.S. counterparts, will have.
OOIDA member James Thomas of Barry, Ontario, says rates for Canadian truckers who pick up back-hauls in the states are already depressed.
He fears opening the southern border will make things worse.
OOIDA encourages truckers with concerns about the cross-border program to immediately contact their U.S. lawmakers. If there’s only time for a phone call or two, the Association recommends calling your two U.S. Senators.
The U.S. Capitol Switchboard phone number is (202) 224-3121. If you don’t know who your U.S. lawmakers are, you can call the OOIDA Membership Department 1-800-444-5791 and they will look the information up for you.
– By Jami Jones, senior editor
Oct 30, 2006
September 6, 2007 PrintSaveE-mailSize: +/–SPECIAL REPORT: Truckers, Reps urge Senate to stop pilot program Thursday, Sept. 6, 2007 – The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association will stand alongside members of the U.S. House of Representatives today to ask the U.S. Senate to take immediate action against the Mexican trucking pilot program.

U.S. Reps. Nancy Boyda, D-KS, Peter DeFazio, D-OR, and James Oberstar, D-MN, will urge the Senate to act immediately to stop the implementation of the program.

The event is scheduled for noon today on Capitol Hill.

OOIDA Executive Vice President Todd Spencer will represent professional truck drivers.

As lawmakers returned to work this week in Washington, DC, following their annual August break, one of the first issues Senators face is likely to involve funding of the Mexican cross-border trucking pilot program. On Wednesday, Sept. 5, Sen. Harry Reid, D-NV, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, announced that the Senate will begin debate on the FY2008 Transportation Appropriations bill next week.

Earlier this summer, the U.S. House of Representatives addressed the pilot program. In May, the House voted overwhelmingly, 411-3, to approve the Safe American Roads Act of 2007, legislation which would place restrictions on the pilot program and establish a process to analyze the impact of the pilot program.

The House version of the transportation appropriations bill contained an amendment offered by Reps. Duncan Hunter, R-CA, Gary Miller, R-CA, along with Boyda and DeFazio, that would cut off funding for the Mexican truck pilot program. The House version was approved in July.

This week, OOIDA issued a national action alert urging its members to contact their senators and ask them to include a similar provision in the Senate version of the FY2008 Transportation Appropriations bill to cut off funding to the Mexican truck pilot program.

– By Sandi Soendker, managing editor (We need some help on this from the general public..Call or write your Congressman..Thanks more info
Oct 30, 2006
LAREDO, Texas (AP) — Dozens of truckers rallied at Mexican border crossings in California and Texas Thursday to protest a pilot program to allow up to 100 Mexican trucking companies to haul their cargo anywhere in the United States.
Carrying signs reading "NAFTA Kills" and "Unsafe Mexican Trucks," a few dozen protesters circled in the heat for two hours at Laredo's port of entry on the U.S.-Mexico border.

"What do we want? Safe highways. When do we want them? Now!" they chanted.

The U.S. Transportation Department issued the first permit Thursday to Transportes Olympic, based in a suburb of Monterrey, Mexico. It won the permit after Mexico granted authority to Stagecoach Cartage & Distribution Inc. of El Paso, to travel anywhere in Mexico.

Both companies can cross the border immediately but may not do so for several days while they determine new routes, said John Hill, who runs the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which regulates truck safety.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Texas | Mexico | San Diego | Mexican | California Highway Patrol | US-Mexico border | Teamsters | Laredo | NAFTA | Denis Poroy | Truckers | Otay
"What we're hearing from the carriers is they could be ready to go as soon as days from now," Hill told reporters on a conference call from Washington.

The U.S. plans to give as many as 25 Mexican firms permission by the end of September and add another 25 companies each month until hitting 100 by the end of this year under the one-year program, Hill said.

Mexico has also committed to allow as many as 100 U.S. firms anywhere in Mexico by the end of this year, he said, and 14 are poised to receive permission.

So far, 38 Mexican trucking firms have been prescreened to go anywhere in the U.S., Hill said.

The Teamsters union, Sierra Club and watchdog group Public Citizen had sued to stop the program, arguing there wouldn't be enough oversight of drivers, but a federal appeals court ruled the Bush administration could move ahead.

Government lawyers said the program is a necessary part of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the trucks would meet U.S. regulations.

Near San Diego's Otay Mesa border crossing, dozens of truckers led by the Teamsters mixed with anti-illegal-immigration activists. Business was uninterrupted, said Lt. Hector Paredes of the California Highway Patrol, which inspects about 3,000 trucks a day at the crossing.

"We're already inspecting Mexican trucks and will continue to inspect them the same way," Paredes said. "These trucks already haul product from Tijuana to San Diego. Now they will be able to go beyond San Diego."

Critics such as Teamsters organizer Hugo Flores doubt that Mexican drivers will be held to the same rules, such as the length of work shifts and drug testing.

"There are no means to regulate these guys. Bush has opened up highways to unsafe trucks," Flores said at the Laredo protest. "I don't want them sharing the roads with my family."

NAFTA requires that all roads in the United States, Mexico and Canada be opened to carriers from all three countries. Canadian trucking companies already have full access to U.S. roads, but Mexican trucks can travel only about 20 miles inside the country at certain border crossings.

The pilot program is designed to study whether opening the U.S.-Mexico border to all trucks could be done safely.

The government says it has imposed rigorous safety protocols, including drug and alcohol testing for drivers done by U.S. companies. Additionally, law enforcement officials have stepped up nationwide enforcement of a law requiring interstate truck and bus drivers to have a basic understanding of written and spoken English.

Besides the safety issues, Flores said there are also concerns about job security and pollution from emissions.

"Now they're trying to export all our driving jobs to Mexico," Flores said. "That's one less American job."

At a Petro truck stop near El Paso along Interstate 10, reactions to the program were mixed.

Carlos Moreno, who has been a truck driver for nearly four decades, said he doesn't begrudge anyone trying to make a living.

"There's enough for all of us," said Moreno, an El Paso resident.

But he is concerned that some of the drivers from Mexico can't read highway signs written in English. "You can always tell in construction zones," he said.

Omar Nunez, a 34-year-old driver from Pecos, said he worries that freight prices will drop as shippers turn to Mexican trucking companies that may offer cheaper services.

"As it is, I'm barely making it right now," he said.

Among those most concerned were a group of drivers gathered at the Flying J truck stop in Edinburg, Texas. Much of their business has come from picking up loads that Mexican drivers previously had to leave at the border.

"That's my business," said Gerald Fernow, 36, from Flatonia, Texas. "What am I supposed to do? I'm screwed."
Oct 30, 2006
Wen782 wrote: 21m ago
Hey Tigger... nice thinkin' pal, but I doubt that the US will allow itself to become a 3rd world country. Thanks, but no thanks. And find somewhere else to spread your stupidity, please.

I sent this note (long and windy) to George Voinovich and Sherrod Brown of Ohio. We'll see if I get anything back. Our government needs to be revamped and the good old boys and their bull need to go the way of the beta max. NAFTA is not fair trade. It's supposed to stand for North American Free Trade Agreement. It really means North America: F*** The Americans.

'As one of your constituents and a registered voter, I hope that I can count on you and the rest of the government to do the right thing and block the Mexican trucking company invasion into the US. I realize, and you know, that the public feels that the government is not here to help us, but maybe you can change our minds about at least the representatives we have in Ohio.

Sending the "best of the best" of the Mexican companies over here until they establish that they're ok and then sending whatever is leftover isn't going to help the US economy.

As it is, if you don't support ending the Mexican trucking companies coming here, you are turning your back on me, my husband and our community. My husband is an owner operator. His business would be affected by this. Perhaps not directly, but indirectly, as more money hungry companies stretch out to increase the profits and say heck with the little man.

We're not out to make a fortune doing this, we're out to survive and support our lifestyle and our home. You, as a member of the elected officials for our state, SHOULD be sponsoring that in the best way you can. That means not supporting this border crossing at free will.

I don't want to live in Mexico, and you should want to stay in office, so I would hope that you also would be against this happening. The US needs to make a stand, not keep standing up for lower cost and bigger profits and saying heck with the American public and worker.

Note that YOUR STATE has double the national average of foreclosures. Do you REALLY think that allowing Mexican trucking companies free reign here in the US (and Ohio) where many American truck drivers live will really help that situation? No.

It's time for the American public and government to stand up, stand strong and try to keep this country strong and proud, not allow it to become a third world country. (Source news story blogs)
Oct 30, 2006
Sherry Madison wrote: 6m ago
It was an American citizen apparently. He will be executed. Good Riddance.

But the last cop killer in Texas was an illegal alien from Mexico who had been deported four times before. Once for child molestation. He had re entered the USA, went to sanctuary city Houston and killed Officer Johnson. Houston had given him an I.D. card. Officer Johnsons picked him up for drunkeness. The illegal then got into the trooper's car and then when his back was turned, the coward shot him in the back of the head. Johnson was black, not that it matters except Rep. Sheilia Jackson Lee, also black and also of Texas just co sponsored the new Amnesty Bill in the House last week. It is called the STRIVE act. Officer Jonson Left five children.

Texas has a slew of Border Patrol Agents in jail for stopping drug smugglers and such on the Border. Ramos, Campeon in jail for the next decade for shooting a drug LT. in the hinny, Hernandez. in jail for shooting the tire of a van loaded with illegals, plus the USA govt. paid the illegals $80,000 of your money each. ...Sipes had his conviction overturned after five years in jail when the appeals court found the DA down there had paid the Illegal aliens to testify against the agents security cards. And on and on. Smell the corruption oozing out of once glorious Texas.

Yesterday, the Washington Times reported that Texas Lawmen, not far from Odessa had a shoot out with armed Mexican Troops. This happens a lot as the Times pointed out. Mexican troops attacked Texas Lawmen with machine guns mounted on humvees in the spring.

So knowing all of this, but determined to keep the USA open for their pals who oursourced our jobs, moved to Mexico and built factories where they exploit Mexicans....knows those manufactors need to get their cheap goods to YOU to buy so Our Govt. just opened all of the Roads in the USA to Mexican trucks. And with the Pan American Highway, all of Central and South America also gets access to every road in the USA.

The utter contempt for the lives and safety of the USA public this Administration and This congress has shown, the spitting on laws.......leads the homegrown creeps to do the same. Anarchy starts this law does not matter, then two don't matter......then none matter.

Bush and your Congress just gave the Drug Cartels wheels. No city or town is beyond their reach now. So go ahead, obsess with Iraq. Which is half a world away. Meanwhile, here, stateside, The Nazgulls...sorry, drug cartels..... crossed our border into Gondor....sorry, the dark of night thursday night.

But unlike in the movies, I don't see any beacons shining out warning us DANGER! ALERT! THEY HAVE CROSSED OUR BORDERS!

Instead the Democrats are down in Miami debating in Spanish on Univision tonight. Congress is obsessed with Iraq. Bush must have a big smile on his face every day of the year. It must be like giving candy to a baby for the Multinationals. The Open Borders Crowd. The Amnesty Lobby.

May God recieve these brave men and hold them in honor and respect they did not get in their lives.

"A single leaf does not fall without the knowledge of the entire tree."(Gibran)
Does that not find us all guilty? (Source news story blogs)
Oct 30, 2006
May 23, 2007

Apparently, my position on immigration is that we must deport all 12 million illegal aliens immediately, inasmuch as this is billed as the only alternative to immediate amnesty. The jejune fact that we "can't deport them all" is supposed to lead ineluctably to the conclusion that we must grant amnesty to illegal aliens — and fast!

I'm astounded that debate has sunk so low that I need to type the following words, but: No law is ever enforced 100 percent.

We can't catch all rapists, so why not grant amnesty to rapists? Surely no one wants thousands of rapists living in the shadows! How about discrimination laws? Insider trading laws? Do you expect Bush to round up everyone who goes over the speed limit? Of course we can't do that. We can't even catch all murderers. What we need is "comprehensive murder reform." It's not "amnesty" — we'll ask them to pay a small fine.

If it's "impossible" to deport illegal aliens, how did we come to have so much specific information about them? I keep hearing they are Catholic, pro-life, hardworking, just dying to become American citizens, and will take jobs other Americans won't. Someone must have talked to them to gather all this information. Let's find that guy — he must know where they are!

How do we even know there are 12 million of them? Why not 3 million, or 40 million? Maybe we should put the guy who counted them in charge of deporting them.

If the 12-million figure is an extrapolation based on the number of illegal immigrants in public schools or emergency rooms and well-manicured lawns in Brentwood, then shouldn't we be looking for them at schools and hospitals and well-manicured lawns in Brentwood?

I believe that the shortage of unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans we experienced in the '60s has been remedied by now.

Since Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act, more than half of all legal immigrants have been unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans. America takes in roughly 1 million legal immigrants each year. Only about 30,000 of them have Ph.D.s. Why on earth would any rational immigration policy discriminate against immigrants with Ph.D.s in favor of unskilled, non-English-speaking immigrants?

Say, don't Ph.D.s and other skilled workers have more influence on government policy than unskilled workers? Aren't they more likely to bend a president's ear? Yes, I believe they are! Noticeably, the biggest proponents of the government's policy of importing a huge underclass of unskilled workers are not themselves unskilled workers.

The great bounty of cheap labor by unskilled immigrants isn't going to hardworking Americans who hang drywall or clean hotel rooms — and who are having trouble getting jobs, now that they're forced to compete with the vast influx of unskilled workers who don't pay taxes.

The people who make arguments about "jobs Americans won't do" are never in a line of work where unskilled immigrants can compete with them. Liberals love to strike generous, humanitarian poses with other people's lives.

Something tells me the immigration debate would be different if we were importing millions of politicians or Hollywood agents. You lose your job, while I keep my job at the Endeavor agency, my Senate seat, my professorship, my editorial position or my presidency. (And I get a maid!)

The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants — unlike you lazy Americans — are the wealthy, who want the cheap labor while making the rest of us chip in for the immigrants' schooling, food and health care.

These great lovers of the downtrodden — the downtrodden trimming their hedges — pretend to believe that their gardeners' children will be graduating from Harvard and curing cancer someday, but (1) they don't believe that; and (2) if it happened, they'd lose their gardeners.

Not to worry, Marie Antoinettes! According to "Alien Nation" author Peter Brimelow, "There is recent evidence that, even after four generations, fewer than 10 percent of Mexicans have post-high school degrees, as opposed to nearly half of non-Mexican-Americans." So you'll always have the maid. As New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said, our golf fairways would suffer without illegal immigrants: "You and I both play golf; who takes care of the greens and the fairways on your golf course?"

We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago. They've become so desperate for servants that now they're importing an underclass to wash their clothes and pick their vegetables. This vast class of unskilled immigrants is the left's new form of slavery.

What do they care if their servants are made citizens eligible to vote and collect government benefits? Aren't the fabulously rich happy in Venezuela? Oops, wrong example. Brazil? No, no, let me try again. Mexico! ... Well, no matter. What could go wrong? (Source: archives)
Oct 30, 2006
From: Dave Gorak
Date: Sept.10, 2007 7:37 p.m.

LETTER SUCCESSES – Two-week period ended Sept. 8


Dave Gorak


--Following is the published letters report for the period Aug. 26 – Sept.8

--BUT FIRST: Under normal circumstances we list letters published prior to the week we’re reporting under the heading “Letters Just Received.” We postponed the Sept. 8 report because of too few letters that will be incorporated this summary. We will resume the distinction between current and “old” letters with the next report.

“COPY AND PASTE” is the quickest way of getting your published letters to me. For those who don’t know how to do this, it’s very simple:

Hold down the LEFT mouse button as you move the cursor from beginning to end of the online material you want “highlighted.” Then press the RIGHT button and select “copy.” Place the cursor inside you e-mail blank and again press the RIGHT button, but this time select “paste.” That’s it! You also can use this procedure to copy the item’s link that appears at the top of your browser.

Moving right along: James Aldridge in South Carolina hopes efforts to “dump” Sen. Lindsey Graham are successful; Californian Rick Mullen worries about our immigration-fueled population explosion; Linda Thom in Washington says the AgJOBS would turn 1.5 million illegal farm workers into indentured servants; Rhonda Omberg in Texas bashes Gov. Perry for his outrageous criticism of our immigration policy while visiting Mexico; and Tom Shuford in North Carolina praises the federal government’s 287(g) program that trains local police in immigration law enforcement.

--As always, this memo is intended for participants in this program,plus a few friends, and not for wide distribution. Editors tend not to publish letters they suspect are part of an organized letter-writing campaign. So, please refrain from cc:ing us on your letters-to-the-editor and from talking about the program in public forums.

--And please remember to include the full name of the paper that ran your letter and the date.

-- NumbersUSA forwards these letters to you so you can share in the success of the program and see the published efforts of our writers. As a reminder, however, the letters are personal and do not necessarily represent NumbersUSA positions.

RECOMMENDED WRITING STYLE: We recognize that each of you has the ability to make your own decisions about how to write your letters. NumbersUSA's opinion is that letters are more likely to be published and more likely to help our cause of dramatic immigration reductions if they are written in a temperate, self-controlled way that avoids name-calling and arguments based on race, religion or national origin. A strong use of a few facts, voting records, concise analysis and sometimes humor seems the best way to advance our arguments. We encourage specific criticism of open-border politicians and others, but caution against "in your face" rhetoric. Firm but civil argument tends to get the best results. You, of course, are free to disagree. We applaud all published letters that advocate for our immigration-reduction goals, but we may not disseminate those that move outside the tone that we encourage, a tone that many newspapers include in their own letters to the editor guidelines.

--Thanks so much for your hard work and persistence.


Greenville (S.C.) News – 8/28
(1) James F. Aldridge

Daily Record (N.J.) – 8/29
(2) Linda Kilcrease

The Malibu (Calif.) Times – 8/29
(3) Rick Mullen

News-Times (Wash.) – 9/1
(4) Linda Thom

Delta Democrat-Times (Miss.) – 9/2
(5) Gene Nelson

Houston Chronicle – 9/5
(6) Rhonda Omberg

North County (Calif.) Times - 9/5
(7) Joan O’Connor

Chicago Tribune – 9/6
(8) Paul Carrazzo

The New York Times – 9/7
(9) David C. Holzman

Press Democrat (Calif.) – 9/7
(10) Kevin C. McDonald

The Arizona Star – 9/7
(11) Paul Nachman

Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record -9/8
(12) Tom Shuford

Greenville (S.C.) News – 8/28

South Carolinians say dump Graham

Two letters in The Greenville News on Aug. 18 commented on Lindsey Graham's support of the failed S-1639 Amnesty bill for illegal aliens. One writer said Graham's conduct was admirable, and another said that even though she did not condone illegal immigration, the resolution passed by the Greenville County Republican Executive Committee censuring Graham "rings of hypocrisy" because the national Republican leadership supports illegal immigration. Still, both letters seem to indicate that neither understood that the 614-page bill was an "amnesty" for 12 to 20 million illegals dressed up as an border enforcement bill.
As Sen. Jeff Sessions said, the Bush-McCain-Kennedy comprehensive amnesty immigration bill is fatally flawed and will not establish a functioning immigration system. We must put a stop to this illegal alien colonization bill and secure our borders because this is a piece of legislation that, in my opinion, should never, ever become law. And, it is a bill concocted by "The Gang of 14" who seem to have their own agenda. It is a bill that is only a shell of what it should have been because it allows millions of "chain immigrants" to continue coming into the U.S until 2016.

Because of Graham's votes on conservative issues and calling Republican, S.C. grassroots activists "bigots" before a Hispanic advocacy organization, La Raza (The Race), South Carolinians have set up a Web site, DumpLindsey.Org, to help select a conservative candidate to defeat Graham in the next Republican primary. And, I for one, pray they will be successful.

James F. Aldridge
Anderson, S.C.

Daily Record (N.J.) – 8/29

Know the facts on illegal aliens

To the Editor:

Donald Haberthur wrote another letter far from the truth. Four of the 9/11 terrorists had illegal immigration status with visa overstays.

Testimony to the U. S. Senate by Michelle Malkin says that half of those tied to terrorist plots in the U. S. over the past 10 years were illegals or relied on illegals for fake IDs. Those with unlawful status can be processed as a deportable alien. If repeated, it is a felony. United States law provides that it is unlawful to hire illegal aliens.

The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection reported that 7,000 illegals detained in year 2002 were from countries known to give safe haven to terrorists. Since 9/11, there have been 15,000 such detainees. Thousands more enter undetected. Criminal aliens and terrorists benefit from the disconnect between the Federal, state and local governments. A sanctuary state like New Jersey is a magnet for criminals because we provide them cover.

Illegals take much from us including jobs, taxpayer-funded education and medical care. Haberthur's faulty logic says a job is not worth more just because an American is doing it. Rather, jobs are worth less because more than 12 million uneducated illegals have flooded our country which depresses wages for the unskilled to below a livable wage. A 1996 Rice University study estimates illegals displace roughly 730,000 Americans per year at a cost of about $4.3 billion. The numbers are higher today with the doubling of the illegal population.

Haberthur says he stands up for all. Instead, he seems to betray Americans and legal immigrants.

Linda Kilcrease
Dover, N.J.

The Malibu (Calif.) Times – 8/29

Politics and population

The Malibu Chamber of Commerce Business Directory has a nice photo on its cover from the "Golden Age of Surfing," the mid-1960s. I contend that was probably the Golden Age of California. Starting in 1965, for reasons I have yet to comprehend, the U.S. government decided to greatly increase the amount of legal immigration into this country. It is presently at about 1.2 million a year. They also got very lax on illegal immigration from about that same time.

Here are some startling statistics: The population of California increased by 43 percent in the 20 years from 1979 to 1999. That, by any standards, is an outrageous increase in population. That increase was largely the result of immigration, legal and illegal.

Here's another startling statistic: according to the Census Bureau, the population of the United States increased by 33.3 million from July 1994 to July 2004. You read that right: 33 million in one 10-year period! That's insane. And it has been getting worse and worse. It is projected not only to continue but to increase greatly in the future.

No part of the country has been more affected by the huge increases in both legal and illegal immigration than Southern California. Yet our elected officials have not just been asleep at the wheel on this issue, but some have been actively working to increase it as evidenced by the support of the recently defeated amnesty bill in the Senate.
A recent Rasmussen poll shows what most Americans have known for a while: a majority of Americans favor cutting off federal funds for "sanctuary cities" that thumb their noses at federal immigrations laws. By a wide margin (71 percent to 16 percent) Americans favor having foreign visitors carry a universal ID card. A majority also want the fence on the border with Mexico to be built.

As we approach the next presidential election, many people think that the big issue will be the war in Iraq. The candidates have staked out their positions on that issue pretty clearly. I personally believe the biggest issue for the majority of Americans at election time will be immigration and overpopulation. On that issue, the candidates have also clearly staked out their positions.

This is not a question of right and left, and it is not a racial issue. This is a question of numbers and sustainability. Our population is simply getting too big too rapidly. Our country was actually at a relatively manageable minimum growth pace back in the "Golden Age" of California. Remember the 2.1 kids per family equation? Then our government officials decided to drastically increase the legal immigrant numbers (the U.S. allows more legal immigrants than all of the rest of the countries of the world combined!) and concurrently not enforce immigration laws. The problem is: they never consulted the citizenry on this issue, despite the fact that a majority of Americans have always favored immigration and population controls. We need some new leaders and representatives. This will be a hard and difficult fight. The future of America is at stake. We must take action now to avert foolishly allowing our population to balloon into nightmare proportions.

Rick Mullen
Malibu, Calif.


News-Times (Wash.) – 9/1

No indentured servants wanted

The News-Times reported in “Larsen talks shop with business leaders (Aug. 25)” that Rep. Rick Larsen would like to see “a comprehensive solution for guest workers.”

The solution that Larsen supports is the AgJobs amnesty, H.R. 371. He is a co-sponsor of the bill. This bill would grant permanent legal status for up to 1.5 million farm workers and their families who are in the country illegally.

Who will pay for educating the children? Who will pay for free medical services provided in emergency rooms? Not the employers.
Moreover, if enacted, this bill would create indentured servants. An indentured servant is an unfree laborer under contract to work for a specified amount of time for another person in exchange for wages, food, housing or free passage to a new country. Indentured servitude was abolished by the 13th Amendment.

Guest workers must perform 2,587 hours of agricultural work within seven years of enactment or be deported. Employers can pay the minimum wage.

I think Rep. Larsen should not be co-sponsoring this bill. Tell Rep. Larsen what you think by sending him a free fax available on the Internet at or by calling his Everett office, toll free, at 1-800-562-1385.

Linda Thom
Coupeville, Wash.

Delta Democrat-Times (Miss.) – 9/2

Dallas was right about greedy special interests

To the editor:

Too bad that Jerry Dallas's wonderful article won't likely be reprinted in any of the newspapers serving largemarkets on either coast of the United States. Why? Because the greedy special interests that Jerry criticizes could not tolerate such criticism.

Did you know that Microsoft lobbyist Jack Abramoff worked with former Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, to procure advantageous (to Microsoft) changes to the controversial H-1B visa program in 1996, 1998, and 2000?

Microsoft expended over $20 million in so-called "lobbying expenses" between 1998 and 2000 - and millions more for "campaign finance contributions." Microsoft avoided paying billions to experienced American citizen technical professionals.

As a consequence of the H-1B visa program, millions of talented and loyal American citizens are now unemployed or underemployed.

This author uses the term "Abramoff Visa" to describe the corruption. He invites interested Delta Democrat Times
readers to contact him at for more details.

Gene Nelson, Ph.D.
San Luis Obispo, Calif.

Houston Chronicle – 9/5

Perry's critical remarks

The willing enablers

How convenient was the opportunity given to our governor to criticize Congress for its "mean" rhetoric concerning immigration reform (see the Chronicle's Aug. 29 article "Perry blasts Congress over immigration") during his visit in Mexico. Gov. Rick Perry certainly employed some of that same rhetoric while campaigning for this term. He told voters it was imperative that a fence be built, for our future and security.

Now, it can be argued that Perry could want a fence and a guest worker program at the same time, but it can also be argued that a guest worker program would make the border even more porous. A promise of amnesty would be the next item on the agenda.

It was also interesting to me that President Felipe Calderon is continuing former Mexican President Vicente Fox's legacy of lobbying the U.S. government on immigration, when Mexico is the wealthiest country in Latin America after Brazil.

Clearly, Mexico's leadership doesn't want to fix their country's problems. And, as long as they have such willing enablers as Perry and his "large delegation of executives," they don't need to. Mexican trucks, a NAFTA superhighway, happenstance border enforcement — this is the recipe for fatter business and government, while the middle class continues its slip into the abyss.

Rhonda Omberg
Houston, Texas

North County (Calif.) Times - 9/5

The cost of criminality

It seems obvious to me that in the case of the Texan native mistakenly arrested as an illegal immigrant, the blame should fall on all illegal immigrants ("Texas native threatened with deportation after police mistake her for illegal immigrant," Sept. 1). Criminal behavior changes all law-abiding citizens' lives, and not for the better. Evidently someone with the same name and birth date is the one responsible for this unfortunate citizen's arrest, not the authorities.

Once again, according to federal law, entering this country legally is not a crime, entering this country illegally is, it's a matter of law. We all know illegal immigration has taken a tremendous toll on our educational, medical, court and prison systems, not to mention stolen IDs. Our hard-earned tax dollars should be used to help our own citizens in need, who seem to have less rights than illegals. ... We should not have to cope with criminals of another country.

I suggest that Tina Jillings and her ilk, Bishops Mahoney and Brom and all pro-illegal/sanctuary churches and activists, lead Mexican citizens in protest in their native Mexico and start obeying the laws of our land. What an extraordinary accomplishment that would be. Imagine, Mexico taking care of its own!

Joan O'Connor
Vista, Calif.

Chicago Tribune – 9/6

"Kudos to ICE"

Congratulations to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for the recent deportation of Elvira Arellano.
Arellano had been claiming ‘sanctuary’ in a Chicago church for the past year and was arrested in Los Angeles.

The churches that sheltered her and the corrupt employers that hired her should be in trouble with the law.

Paul Carrozzo
Algonquin, Ill.

The New York Times – 9/7

Iraqi Refugees Need Us

Re “Abandoned at the Border,” by Joseph P. Hoar (Op-Ed, Aug. 31):

I am an immigration restrictionist because of environmental issues and jobs. (According to the Center for Immigration Studies, at the current rates, immigration will add the population equivalent of 13 New York Cities over the next 50 years.)

Nonetheless, I agree with Mr. Hoar that we must welcome to our country those Iraqis whose lives are at risk because they helped our forces, and those Iraqi refugees residing in Jordan.

David C. Holzman
Lexington, Mass.

Press Democrat (Calif.) – 9/7


I try not feel outraged when I read news articles. It's not good for my blood pressure. However, there is no other sensible reaction to the public opening of a day labor center in Graton which will cater mainly to illegal immigrants.

Studies have shown that approximately 84% of day laborers are illegal aliens. They are breaking the law, and anyone who hires them is breaking the law. Will the organizers of the hiring hall be checking the immigration status of the laborers? If not, they are complicit in daily violations of federal immigration codes.

I hope ICE does frequent sweeps of the hiring hall, and I'm sure I'm not alone. The majority of Americans are fed up with illegal immigration. We are tired of its negative effects on wages, hospitals, schools, and public safety. Yet here are contractors (who benefit from the cheap labor) openly flaunting the law.

Why does the government tolerate it? Why do we tolerate it?

Kevin McDonald
Novato, Calif.

The Arizona Star – 9/7

In response to the Sept. 2 article "Even in Ariz., McCain in trouble."

Sen. John McCain provides an example of an important truth, one that American voters should take pains to remember. McCain survived an ordeal in a North Vietnamese prison that perhaps one in a million of the rest of us could have borne. In that sense, he is a hero.

However, his subsequent career in public office has been highlighted by his entanglement in the Keating Five scandal, his unfortunately successful efforts to pass manifestly unconstitutional campaign reform legislation, and by his unrequited mania for amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

Thus, McCain has prominently proven, once and for all, that military heroism is unrelated to suitability for public office.

Paul Nachman
Retired physicist, Bozeman, Mont.

Greensboro (N.C.) News & Record -9/8

Sheriffs' immigration crackdowns can work

It's good news that Guilford County Sheriff BJ Barnes is applying to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to enable selected officers to be trained to identify illegal aliens.

Mecklenburg County Sheriff Jim Pendergraph was the first local law officer in the eastern United States to take advantage of a provision, 287(g), of 1996 immigration legislation that makes such training possible.

Sheriff Pendergraph described some effects of 287(g) training in a March interview on NPR's "Charlotte Talks":

*It greatly reduced incidence of illegal immigrant gang activity. "The word on the street is that illegal immigrant gangs are kind of laying low because they are very aware of our ability here to identify illegal immigrants and deport you. ... They don't want to get hooked up on some traffic charge and be deported."

*It lowered risks of drunken driving: "A fifth of the 2,600 people arrested and marked for deportation as of August were arrested for drunk driving. ... When you take those people out of the country, there is a good chance that you're removing someone from our community that might run into you head-on tonight â€" or your family."

Let's hope the federal government provides funding to meet burgeoning demand for 287(g)training.

Tom Shuford


The letters program - as all the projects of NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you, along with grants from private foundations to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America. Would you consider making a donation? Click on: or send your donation to NumbersUSA, 1601 N. Kent St., Suite 1100, Arlington, VA 22209-2105; 1-877-885-7733.
Oct 30, 2006
September 10, 2007 PrintSaveE-mailSize: +/–SPECIAL REPORT: Cross-border program funding in jeopardy in Senate Monday, Sept. 10, 2007 – In a one-two punch directed at the cross-border trucking program with Mexico, the Senate will soon consider an amendment seeking to cutoff funding to the program.

The U.S. House of Representatives approved an amendment as part of its 2008 transportation appropriations legislation that calls to stop funding of the cross-border program.

U.S. Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-ND, announced today he will offer an amendment on Tuesday to stop the Bush Administration’s pilot program that now allows Mexican trucks to haul freight throughout the United States.

Dorgan will offer the amendment to the Senate’s FY 2008 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill. It would cut off funds for implementing the program, according to a press release issued by Dorgan.

Specifically, the amendment stipulates: “None of the funds made available under this act may be used to establish a cross-border motor carrier demonstration program to allow Mexico domiciled motor carriers to operate beyond the commercial zones along the international border between the United States and Mexico.”

Dorgan obviously is taking exception to how the program was launched.

“The Bush Administration rushed to implement the pilot program late last week – literally in the dark of night. It was launched just one hour after a required Transportation Department Inspector General’s report was issued,” Dorgan’s press release stated.

That report identified numerous problems with allowing the program to go forward.

“They didn't even wait for the ink to dry, much less read the report or consider the questions it raised,” Dorgan said.

He described the administration’s hurried action as “arrogant” and said that it “puts Americans at risk” because Mexican enforcement of truck and driver standards are “much less rigorous” than in the United States.

A crash of a Mexican truck earlier today in northern Mexico made the point that the need is for caution, not speed, in allowing Mexican trucks to travel throughout the United States, Dorgan said. A truck loaded with 25 tons of explosives collided with another vehicle according to The Associated Press. The ensuing explosion left 37 dead and a 65-foot crater in the road.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association issued a national Call to Action urging members to contact their senators in support of Dorgan’s amendment.

Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and give them your home ZIP code to be connected with the senators from your state.

– By Jami Jones, senior editor

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
My turn...

Flippers, Floppers & Frauds vs. Duncan Hunter

Alexander J. Madison - August 31, 2007

Mitt Romney

** “I think an amnesty program which is that all the illegal immigrants here are now citizens and walk up and get your citizenship. What the President has proposed and what Senator McCain and Cornyn have proposed are quite different from that. They require people signing up for, well, registering and receiving a, if you will, a number or a registration number, then working here for six years, paying taxes and not taking benefits – health, Medicaid, food stamps and so forth – not taking benefits. Then at the end of that period, registering to become a citizen, or applying to become a citizen, then paying a fee. And those are the things being considered and I think that those are reasonable proposals. - Mitt Romney, November 2005, Boston Globe.

** “I don't believe in rounding up 11 million people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country. With these 11 million people, let's have them registered, know who they are. Those who've been arrested or convicted of crimes shouldn't be here; those that are here paying taxes and not taking government benefits should begin a process toward application for citizenship, as they would from their home country." – Mitt Romney, March 2006, Lowell Sun

** “the first thing I'd like them (illegals) to do is to register, so I know how many there are, and what their circumstances are. And on that basis, we can see who would receive temporary employment visas and who would instead be required to return home," – Mitt Romney, March 2007 – SF Chronicle

** “Legal immigration is great. But illegal immigration, that we've got to end. And amnesty is not the way to do it.” – Mitt Romney, Radio ad, August 2007

**Sanctuary Cities Under Romney

While governor of Massachusetts from 2003 until 2007, three cities in Romney's home state -- Somerville, Cambridge, and Orleans -- either declared or reissued declarations stating that they are in essence sanctuary cities.

Curtatone, president of the Massachusetts Mayors Association, adds that his May 2006 declaration of Somerville as a "city of hope" committed to providing services to illegal immigrants was just official recognition of what exists everywhere in his state.

** “I don't know of any community in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts -- whether by official declaration or by their action -- who has not adopted the same policy," he said. "I never heard Gov. Romney bring it up one way or another." – ABC News, August 2007


Rudy Giuliani

** "Some groups staunchly oppose legalizing any undocumented aliens. There is no other choice but to legalize these people. To hunt them down, apprehend them and expel them from the country is impractical, a waste of limited resources, inhumane and ultimately destructive to the continuing tradition of America." – Rudy Giuliani, October 1981, Bar Association of the City of New York

**Immigrants Safe Haven

Last Wednesday, the council passed a resolution declaring Jersey City a "safe haven" for all immigrants, legal or otherwise. It declared that "no municipal resources will be used to identify, persecute, apprehend, or deport any non-citizen resident, and called on the federal government "to address this problem with more humanity."

Two days later, as if not to be left behind, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has upheld Koch's executive order, took it one step further. He filed a lawsuit against the federal government, challenging provisions of the new welfare and immigration laws that call for city employees to blow the whistle on illegal immigrants who seek police protection, health care, or other services. He called the provisions unconstitutional, a violation of the 10th Amendment, which gives states those powers not expressly delegated to the federal government. – The Record, October 1996

** "There isn't a mayor or a public official in this country that's more strongly pro-immigrant than I am, including disagreeing with President Clinton when he signed an anti-immigration legislation about two or three years ago, which we got some amendments of to protect the rights of (illegal) immigrants." – Rudy Giuliani, 1999, Meet the Press

**So we have to find a way, and I think the compromise the Senate was looking at, something along those lines, makes sense. Give people a way to earn citizenship, give them a way to earn citizenship in which they have to demonstrate facility with English, and they, uh, have jobs, and they are paying taxes, and they put themselves in an entirely legal status. – Rudy Giulaini, April 2006, Manhattan Institute.

** “Mayor Giuliani was convinced that immigrants (mostly illegal) played an essential role in his city’s economy. He advocated for $12 million to start a city agency that would assist those already here in the process of becoming citizens. He rejected calls for a change in city policy that would allow police and hospital workers to check a person’s immigration status. He even publicly condemned new anti-immigration movements, comparing them in 1996 to past discriminatory movements like the Chinese Exclusionary Act and the Know Nothing Movement. ‘These were movements that encouraged Americans to fear foreigners, to fear something that is different, and to stop immigration.’” – Father Jonathan Morris, April 2007, Fox News

** “I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation. – Rudy Giuliani, June 2007,

** “If for some reason I made a decision not to run, McCain would be my candidate.” – Rudy Giuliani, August 2007, townhall meeting


Fred Thompson

**Voted against the Exon Amendment No. 2525 to the 1995 Welfare Reform Bill; “To prohibit the payment of certain Federal benefits to any person not lawfully present within the United States, and for other purposes”. Fred Thompson was one of six Nays. The others included open borders republicans Judd Gregg, Lisa Murkowski, Rod Grams and democrat Paul Simon (who received an F- grade from Americans for Better Immigration) – Congressional Record, September 1995.

**Voted against the Simpson Amendment No. 3671 to the 1996 Immigration Bill. The amendment stated “Any alien who falsely represents, or has falsely represented, himself to be a citizen of the United States is deportable.” – Congressional Record, April 1996.

**In 1996, removed higher fines for businesses which hire illegal aliens

Sen. Thompson, in committee consideration of S.1664 protected businesses from having to pay higher fines when they are caught hiring illegal aliens. Under the idea that current fines were not enough of a deterrent against businesses cutting their labor costs by hiring illegal aliens, the Senate immigration subcommittee approved higher fines. Various study commissions have found that the willingness of U.S. businesses to hire illegal aliens is the No. 1 incentive for foreign workers to become illegal aliens here. But Sen. Thompson voted with a 10-8 majority in the Judiciary Committee to remove the higher fines from the 1996 legislation against illegal immigration. – Numbers USA

** “When it comes to personal courage and integrity, and the courage to do what he thinks is right, regardless whether or not it is particularly popular at the moment, John McCain has shown the characteristics of leadership like no one else I’ve ever seen.” – Fred Thompson, August 1999

** “Because we allowed ourselves to wait until we woke up one day and found 12 million illegals here, there’s no easy solution. And I think that you have to realize that you’re either going to drive 12 million people underground permanently, which is not a good solution. You’re going to get them all together and get them out of the country, which is not going to happen. Or you’re going to have to, in some way, work out a deal where they can have some aspirations of citizenship, but not make it so easy that it’s unfair to the people waiting in line and abiding by the law.” - Fred Thompson, April 2006, Fox News

** “We are all very well aware of the fact that we have an illegal-immigration problem in this country. As usual, we avoided the problem for as long as we could and when we couldn't avoid it any longer we were told that, indeed, somewhere between 12 and 20 million people had somehow come into this country unnoticed. It's like we went overnight from "no problem" to a problem so big that it now defies a good solution. It's become one of those "there are no good choices only less bad choices" that Americans are becoming all too familiar with.” – Fred Thompson, March 2007, ABC radio.

** “The 12 million [illegal immigrants] here aren’t as much as a concern as the next 12 million after that.” – Fred Thompson, May 2007, Lincoln Club of O.C.


Mike Huckabee

**Huckabee promotes 'open door' policy at LULAC convention Thursday, Jun 30, 2005

In a impassioned speech before hundreds of influential Hispanic civil rights leaders from across the nation, Gov. Mike Huckabee told a captive audience Wednesday that America is great because it has always opened it doors up to people seeking a better way of life.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you," Huckabee said, citing the Golden Rule. "I have tried to govern that way and it stands to reason that I really do believe that what made this great country so great and so unique is that it has always been a place for people to run to - and not run from.

"I would hope that no matter who we are, or where we are from, that America should always be a place that opens its arms, opens it heart, opens its spirit to people who come because they want the best for their families ...," Huckabee said as the largely Hispanic audience gave him a standing ovation.

In his opening remarks, he said the nation will need to address the concerns of the Hispanic community because of its growing influence and population base.

"Pretty soon, Southern white guys like me may be in the minority," Huckabee said jokingly as the crowd roared in laughter.

He told the LULAC delegates that their presence in the state's capital city was very important because Arkansas has one of the fastest growing Hispanic populations in the nation.

"Your gathering is so very significant for our state," Huckabee said. "We are delighted to have you."

"This is an issue that is going to require extraordinary efforts on both sides of the border, particularly those coming from Mexico," Huckabee said of verifying the status of illegal aliens. "But I am confident that our government will recognize that we should accommodate people who wish to provide the best opportunities for their families (and) employers so that we can make sure our economy has the necessary work force."

During the legislation session, Huckabee criticized an immigration bill by Republican senators Jim Holt of Springdale and Denny Altes of Fort Smith as un-Christian, un-American, irresponsible and anti-life. – Arkansas News Bureau, June 2005

**When people say illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans, Huckabee said he asks them to name someone "who cannot get a job because a Mexican illegally here has taken the job they want."

"If that's the case, if you can get me their name and phone number by five this afternoon, I can have them making a bed, plucking a chicken, tarring a roof or picking a tomato by the morning at 8 o' clock," he said.

No one has been able to give him a name, he said. Illegal immigrants have jobs Americans don't want, he said – August 2006, The State (SC)

**Q: When it comes to illegal immigration, do you think we should allow illegal aliens currently in the country to become citizens or at least give them the opportunity to or the opportunity to stay as guest workers, or do you think they should have to leave the United States?

A: “Well, I'm not as sure that leaving and then coming back is as important as it is to acknowledge that what they've done is illegal, pay a fine, and then get in line behind the people that are going through the process of being here legally. It's important that we have a legal process.” – Mike Huckabee, 2006, Right Wing News interview.

** "I didn't sign the 'No Amnesty' pledge because it was a silly piece of campaign propaganda cooked up by Tancredo. Candidates don't make pledges for each other to sign, and he knows that." – Mike Huckabee, August 2007


John McCain

**"My name is John McCain, and I have had the pleasure of serving my country all of my life" – John McCain, April 2007 Campaign ad.

** Kennedy-McCain partnership falters – Headline Boston Globe, March 2007


Duncan Hunter

**Cosponsored H.R. 4449 - The Social Security Alien and Foreign Resident Limitations Act of 1981, which sought to “amend title II of the Social Security Act to limit benefits in the case of individuals who are not citizens or nationals of the United States or who are residing abroad.” – Congressional Record, September, 1981

**Sponsored H.R. 2534 - A bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize the Attorney General to accept donated horses for use in patrolling the borders of the United States. – Congressional Record, April, 1983

**Voted against S.1200, The Immigration and Control Act of 1986, which included TITLE II -"ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS OF CERTAIN ENTRANTS BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1982, TO THAT OF PERSON ADMITTED FOR LAWFUL RESIDENCE (Amnesty). – Congressional Record, October 1986.

**Cosponsored H.R. 2964, The Comprehensive Border Control Act of 1991 - Directs the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service to make specified improvements in border enforcement and security. – Congressional Record, July, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 3438, The Immigration Document Fraud Prevention Act of 1991 To prevent immigration document fraud, and for other purposes. - Congressional Record, October, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 3439, the Improved Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 1991 – Increases FY 1993 personnel levels and funding for the Border Patrol, Increases for FY 1993 the number of Assistant United States Attorney positions, and assigns such additional personnel to prosecute persons who harbor or bring into the United States illegal aliens. Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to increase penalties for harboring or bringing into the United States aliens for profit. – Congressional Record, October, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 3440, the Employer Sanctions Improvements Act of 1991 – Directs the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide for the issuance of new counterfeit-resistant social security cards to employable aliens solely for the purpose of providing employment eligibility. – Congressional Record, October, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 3441, To prohibit direct Federal financial benefits and unemployment benefits for illegal aliens. – Congressional record, October, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 3442, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit transportation of illegal aliens for purposes of employment. – Congressional Record, October, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 4134, The California-Mexico Border Drug Trafficking Reduction Act - Directs the Attorney General, to prevent the illegal entry of aliens into the United States, to take action to: (1) acquire a permanent easement for the United States extending 50 feet outwards along the length of the U.S.-Mexican border in California for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a security fence and access road; and (2) establish a 500-feet setback along the length of such border for the purpose of restricting any development within such setback. – Congressional Record, June, 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 4754, To provide for 2,000 additional border patrol agents from military personnel displaced by defense cutbacks. – Congressional Record, April 1991.

**Cosponsored H.R. 709, The California-Mexico Border Drug Trafficking Reduction Act - Directs the Attorney General, to prevent the illegal entry of aliens into the United States, to take action to: (1) acquire a permanent easement for the United States extending 50 feet outwards along the length of the U.S.-Mexican border in California for the purpose of erecting and maintaining a security fence and access road; and (2) establish a 500-feet setback along the length of such border for the purpose of restricting any development within such setback. – Congressional Record, February 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R. 852, To authorize additional appropriations to increase border patrol personnel to 6,800 by the end of fiscal year 1995 and to make available amounts in the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund for the additional border patrol personnel. – Congressional Record, February 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R. 985, To include infection with the agent for acquired immune deficiency syndrome as a communicable disease of public health significance for which an alien is excludable under the Immigration and Nationality Act. – Congressional Record, February 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R., the Improved Immigration Law Enforcement Act of 1993- Amends the Act to increase penalties for harboring or bringing into the United States aliens for profit and expresses the sense of the Senate that the Attorney General and the Secretary of State should initiate programs with Mexico and Canada to prevent and prosecute the smuggling of aliens into the United States. – Congressional Record, February 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R. 1080, To prohibit direct Federal financial benefits and unemployment benefits for aliens who are not lawful permanent residents. – Congressional Record, March 1993

**Cosponsored H.R. 1082, To provide for 2,500 additional border patrol agents from military personnel displaced by defense cutbacks. – Congressional Record, March 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R. 1191, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to limit citizenship at birth, merely by virtue of birth in the United States, to persons with citizen or legal resident mothers. – Congressional Record, March 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R. 1355, The Exclusion and Asylum Reform Amendments of 1993 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to create grounds for exclusion of an alien who: (1) uses or attempts to use a fraudulent document to enter the United States, or to board a common carrier for such purpose; or (2) uses a document to board a common carrier and then fails to present such document to an immigration official upon arrival at a U.S. port of entry. – Congressional Record, April 1993.

**Sponsored H.R. 2018, to Prohibit an eligible State from receiving State Legalization Impact Assistance Grants until the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Border Patrol certify that the State is cooperating in the apprehension, detention, and transfer of illegal immigrants. – Congressional Record, May 1993

**Sponsored H.R. 2646, To direct that certain Federal financial benefits be provided only to citizens and nationals of the United States. – Congressional Record, August 1993

**Cosponsored H.R. 2859, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide that public ceremonies for the admission of new citizens shall be conducted solely in English. – Congressional Record, August 1993.

**Cosponsored H.R. 3105, To restructure the enforcement components of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. – Congressional Record, September 1993

**Cosponsored H.R. 3284, Entitled the "Asylum Abuse Prevention Act of 1993". Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to prohibit the United States from granting asylum to an alien who prior to U.S. arrival passes through another country which provides asylum or safe haven. – Congressional Record, October 1993

**Cosponsored H.R. 3320, the Immigration Stabilization Act of 1993: To curb criminal activity by aliens, to defend against acts of international terrorism, to protect American workers from unfair labor competition, and to relieve pressure on public services by strengthening border security and stabilizing immigration into the United States. – Congressional Record, October 1993

**Cosponsored H.R. 3869, the Illegal Immigration Control Act of 1994: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act and other laws of the United States relating to border security, illegal immigration, alien eligibility for Federal financial benefits and services, criminal activity by aliens, alien smuggling, fraudulent document use by aliens, asylum, terrorist aliens, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, May 1994

**Sponsored H.AMDT 191 to H.R. 2519, an Amendment to increase by $60 million the funds appropriated in the bill for salaries and expenses within the Immigration and Naturalization Service. – Congressional Record, July 1993

**Sponsored H.AMDT to H.R. 4092. The Amendment authorizes the hiring of an additional 6,000 Border Patrol Agents and support staff over the next five fiscal years. – Congressional Record, April 1994

**Cosponsored H.R. 372, the Immigrant Financial Responsibility and Sponsorship Act of 1995 - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to: (1) revise the public charge grounds for excludability; and (2) set forth sponsor financial responsibility requirements. - Congressional Record, January 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 375, To provide for asylum reform, prohibition of Federal benefits to certain aliens, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, January 1995.

**Cosponsored H.R. 387, To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign Department of Defense personnel to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Customs Service perform their border protection functions. – Congressional Record, June 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 592, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to repeal the provision allowing adjustment of status of unlawful aliens in the United States. – Congressional Record, January 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 739, Declaration of Official Language Act of 1995 - Declares English to be the official language of the U.S. Government. States that English is the preferred language of communication among U.S. citizens. Requires the U.S. Government to promote and support the use of English for communications among U.S. citizens. Requires communications by officers and employees of the U.S. Government with U.S. citizens to be in English. – Congressional Record, February 1995

**Sponsored H.R. 756 and H.R. 1018, the Illegal Immigration Control Acts of 1995: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act and other laws of the United States relating to border security, illegal immigration, alien eligibility for Federal financial benefits and services, criminal activity by aliens, alien smuggling, fraudulent document use by aliens, asylum, terrorist aliens, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, January and February 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 1363, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to deny citizenship at birth to children born in the United States of parents who are not citizens or permanent resident aliens. – Congressional Record, March 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 1377, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize States to deny public education benefits to aliens not lawfully present in the United States. – Congressional Record, April 1995

**Sponsored H.R. 1658, To enhance border security in the vicinity of San Diego, California through the construction and improvement of physical barriers at the United States border and through the forward deployment of Border Patrol agents to the border. (San Diego Border Fence Bill) – Congressional Record, May 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 1915 and H.R. 2202, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to improve deterrence of illegal immigration to the United States by increasing border patrol and investigative personnel, by increasing penalties for alien smuggling and for document fraud, by reforming exclusion and deportation law and procedures, by improving the verification system for eligibility for employment, and through other measures, to reform the legal immigration system and facilitate legal entries into the United States, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, August and September 1995

**Cosponsored H.R. 3724, To improve the integrity of the Social Security card and to provide for criminal penalties for fraud and related activity involving work authorization documents for purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act. – Congressional Record, June 1996

**Cosponsored H.R. 7, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to deny citizenship at birth to children born in the United States of parents who are not citizens or permanent resident aliens. – Congressional Record, June 1996

**Cosponsored H.R. 849, To prohibit an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States from receiving assistance under the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970. – Congressional record, February 1997

**Cosponsored H.R. 901, To preserve the sovereignty of the United States over public lands and acquired lands owned by the United States, and to preserve State sovereignty and private property rights in non-Federal lands surrounding those public lands and acquired lands. – Congressional Record, February 1997

**Cosponsored H.R. 1428, the Voter Eligibility Verification Act: To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to establish a system through which the Commissioner of Social Security and the Attorney General respond to inquiries made by election officials concerning the citizenship of voting registration applicants and to amend the Social Security Act to permit States to require individuals registering to vote in elections to provide the individual's Social Security number. – Congressional Record, April 1997

**Cosponsored H.R. 1493, To require the Attorney General to establish a program in local prisons to identify, prior to arraignment, criminal aliens and aliens who are unlawfully present in the United States, and for other purposes. – Congressional record, May, 1997

**Cosponsored H.R. 2356, To amend the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to eliminate certain provisions relating to bilingual voting requirements. – Congressional Record, July 1997

**Cosponsored H.R. 2922, To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Customs Service in the performance of border protection functions. – Congressional Record, November 1997

**Sponsored H.R. 3858, To assure drug-free borders by increasing penalties for certain drug-related offenses, to enhance law enforcement efforts for counter-drug activities, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, May 1998.

**Cosponsored H.R. 38, To repeal the (Clinton) National Voter Registration Act of 1993. – Congressional Record, January 1999

**Cosponsored H.R. 73, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to deny citizenship at birth to children born in the United States of parents who are not citizens or permanent resident aliens. – Congressional Record, January 1999

**Cosponsored H.R. 123, To amend title 4, United States Code, to declare English as the official language of the Government of the United States. - Congressional Record, January 1999

**Cosponsored H.R. 191, To improve the integrity of the Social Security card and to provide for criminal penalties for fraud and related activity involving work authorization documents for purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act. – Congressional Record, January 1999

**Cosponsored H.R. 628, To amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize the Secretary of Defense to assign members of the Armed Forces, under certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the United States Customs Service in the performance of border protection functions. – Congressional Record, February 1999

**Cosponsored H.R. 2528, To establish the Bureau of Immigration Services and the Bureau of Immigration Enforcement within the Department of Justice. – Congressional Record, July 1999

**Cosponsored H.R. 4282, To provide Federal reimbursement for indirect costs relating to the incarceration of illegal aliens and for emergency health services furnished to undocumented aliens. – Congressional Record, April 2000

**Sponsored H.AMDT 581, an amendment to H.R. 5005, to express the sense of the Congress that completion of the San Diego Border Fence Project is a priority of the DHS. – Congressional Record, July 2002

**Cosponsored H.R. 10, To provide for reform of the intelligence community, terrorism prevention and prosecution, border security, and international cooperation and coordination, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, September 2004

**Cosponsored H.R. 502, To require identification that may be used in obtaining Federal public benefits to meet restrictions ensuring that it is secure and verifiable. – Congressional Record, January 2003

**Cosponsored H.R. 687, To prohibit the Federal Government from accepting a form of identification issued by a foreign government, except for a passport that is accepted for such a purpose on the date of enactment of this Act. – Congressional Record, February 2003

**Cosponsored H.R. 993, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2004 through 2010 to carry out the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. – Congressional Record, February 2003

**Sponsored H.R. 1392, To require inspection of all cargo on commercial trucks and vessels entering the United States. – Congressional Record, March 2003

**Cosponsored H.R. 1557, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to deny citizenship at birth to children born in the United States of parents who are not citizens or permanent resident aliens. – Congressional Record, April 2003

**Cosponsored H.R. 2671, the Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act of 2003 or the CLEAR Act of 2003 - States that: (1) State and local law enforcement personnel are fully authorized to investigate, apprehend, or remove aliens in the United States (including interstate transportation of such aliens to detention centers) in the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws; and (2) a State that does not have a statute permitting enforcement of Federal immigration laws within two years of enactment of this Act shall not receive certain Federal incarceration assistance. – Congressional Record, July 2003

**Sponsored H.R. 3235, To amend title 23, United States Code, to withhold highway funds from States that issue drivers' licenses to illegal aliens. – Congressional record, October 2003

**Cosponsored H.R. 19, To require employers to conduct employment eligibility verification to prevent illegal aliens from working in the United States. – Congressional Record, January 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 98, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to enforce restrictions on employment in the United States of unauthorized aliens through the use of improved Social Security cards and an Employment Eligibility Database, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, January 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 698, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to deny citizenship at birth to children born in the United States of parents who are not citizens or permanent resident aliens. – Congressional Record, February 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 3171, To provide for enhanced Federal, State, and local assistance in the enforcement of the immigration laws, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act, to authorize appropriations to carry out the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, June 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 3938, the Enforcement First Immigration Reform Act of 2005. Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act and other immigration-related provisions with respect to: (1) enforcement and detention of, and criminal penalties for, illegal aliens; (2) the institutional removal (IRP) and criminal alien assistance (SCAAP) programs; (3) alien smuggling, document fraud, gang violence, and drug trafficking; (4) border security, personnel increases, and border-related assignment of armed forces members; (5) provision of social security numbers; (6) work authorization and enforcement; (7) secure identification standards, including birth certificates; (8) reform of legal immigration, including elimination of the diversity lottery visa category and certain limitations on entrants from Mexico; (9) citizenship reform, including limitations on citizenship by birth; and (10) wages paid to unauthorized aliens. – Congressional Record, September 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 4032, To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to remove the discretion of the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to expedited removal under section 235(b)(1)(A)(iii)(I) of such Act and to amend the Truth in Lending Act to prohibit issuance of residential mortgages to illegal aliens. – Congressional Record, October 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 4083, the Border Security Improvement Act - Amends the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 to: (1) make the Secretary of Homeland Security rather than the Attorney General responsible for border barrier improvements; and (2) direct the Secretary to provide for construction of a fence along the entire U.S. southern border. – Congressional Record, October 2005

**Sponsored H.R. 4313, the TRUE Enforcement and Border Security Act of 2005 - Sets forth border security-related provisions, including provisions respecting: (1) construction of fencing and security improvements in the the Pacific Ocean-Gulf of Mexico border area; (2) increased availability of Department of Defense (DOD) equipment on the southern border; and (3) construction of additional ports of entry. – Congressional Record, November 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 4360, To enforce law and order by establishing a program to authorize, fund, and otherwise assist local Sheriffs' offices in designated counties to provide a second line of defense alongside and in close cooperation with the United States Customs Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to conduct law enforcement operations in their counties along the southern international border of the United States, and to prevent lawlessness in border areas. – Congressional Record, November 2005

**Cosponsored H.R. 6015, To enhance border security through the use of temporary support personnel, expansion of Border Patrol agent training, increased hiring authority, support for local law enforcement agencies, and for other purposes. – Congressional Record, July 2006

**Wrote and Cosponsored H.R. 6061, Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security, within 18 months of enactment of this Act, to take appropriate actions to achieve operational control over U.S. international land and maritime borders, including: (1) systematic border surveillance through more effective use of personnel and technology, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage, and cameras; and (2) physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful border entry and facilitate border access by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, such as additional checkpoints, all weather access roads, and vehicle barriers. – Congressional Record, September 2006

**Sponsored H.AMDT to amend H.R. 4437. Amendment mandates the construction of specific security fencing, including lights and cameras, along the Southwest border for the purposes of gaining operational control of the border; designates fencing in specific sectors; and includes a requirement for the Secretary of Homeland Security to conduct a study on the use of physical barriers along the northern international land and maritime border of the United States. – Congressional Record, December 2005

**Cosponsored H.CON.RES 40, Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada. – Congressional Record, January 2007

**Cosponsored H.CON.RES 83, Expressing the sense of the Congress that State and local governments should be supported for taking actions to discourage illegal immigration and that legislation should be enacted to ease the burden on State and local governments for taking such actions. – Congressional Record, March 2007

**Cosponsored H.R. 19, To require employers to conduct employment eligibility verification to prevent illegal aliens from working in the United States. – Congressional Record, January 2007

**Sponsored H.R. 1756, To prohibit Mexico-domiciled motor carriers from operating beyond United States municipalities and commercial zones on the United States-Mexico border until certain conditions are met to ensure the safety of such operations. – Congressional Record, March 2007

**Cosponsored H.R. 1940, To amend section 301 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to clarify those classes of individuals born in the United States who are nationals and citizens of the United States at birth. – Congressional Record, April 2007

**Cosponsored H.R. 2508, To require Federal contractors to participate in the basic pilot program for employment eligibility verification to prevent illegal aliens from working in the United States. - Congressional Record, May 2007

**Sponsored H.AMDT 630 to amend H.R. 3074. An amendment prohibiting the use of funds to participate in a working group pursuant to the Security and Prosperity Partnership. – Congressional Record, July 2007

** "The cornerstone of our responsibilities as elected officials is to defend and protect the American people. This was reinforced with the attacks of September 11th, which immediately made border security a national security issue. Protecting our homeland begins at our nation’s borders and it is imperative that our border enforcement agencies be provided with the necessary resources to ensure that we know both who and what are entering the country. I believe in providing Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement corps with sufficient strength to secure our borders and providing for interior enforcement throughout the country because it is imperative in our fight to protect Americans. To not do so can only be characterized as irresponsible." – Duncan Hunter, 2007 Campaign speech.


Fellow conservatives, if you take the time to read the quotes and excerpts listed above, it will be very obvious that there is only one man who Americans can trust to stamp out illegal immigration. And do so without introducing some form of Amnesty in the process. Duncan Hunter not only believes in, and has fought for, a rock-solid, secure border, but he is the only candidate who has never wavered in his call to deport the illegals now in this country.

Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Huckabee have spent the last few months working with consultants on various immigration schemes to present to conservatives, in feeble attempts to make them appear tough on borders and illegal aliens. Though it is certainly refreshing to see most of the candidates climb aboard this bandwagon, it is also glaringly obvious that they still don’t quite grasp the problem. And it is even more obvious that it is strictly an election ploy. There is no reason to believe a man who is pandering for votes after an entire career ignoring or soft-pedaling the problem of illegal immigration.

John McCain was the only one of these Hunter opponents brave (and foolish) enough to remain consistent in his views. Alas, his fate was sealed with this spring’s Kennedy-McCain-Bush Amnesty bill. He went down swinging, but he has been knocked out like a cold mackerel; deservedly so. The rest of the pack was savvy enough to feign distance from McCain’s amnesty bill, despite all having supported it previously. They must have been watching the polls and peeking in on conservative websites, because they all headed for the high ground.

Mitt Romney was extolling the virtues of amnesty as recently as 2006. Naturally, he did not label it as such. Like McCain and Bush, he chose to define paying a fee and registering to stay as something other than amnesty, while tossing in the ignorant hyperbole - “I don't believe in rounding up 11 million people and forcing them at gunpoint from our country”.

Mitt has also recently attacked Rudy Giuliani for his full throated support of New York City’s ‘sanctuary’ status for illegal aliens. While certainly true and certainly preposterous, Mitt does not have any standing for such an attack. His entire state was essentially a sanctuary state. The mayor of Somerville, MA stated recently, “I don't know of any community in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts -- whether by official declaration or by their action -- who has not adopted the same policy. I never heard Gov. Romney bring it up one way or another.” Mr. Romney has never had any credibility on this or any other subject important to conservatives, and his brazen flip-flops are good only for their comedic value.

Rudy Giuliani’s record on illegal aliens, like his record on abortion, can only be described as leftwing extremism. He was Bella Abzug without the hat. Not only did Rudy vigorously defend his sanctuary city, he even had the nerve to sue the federal government when they moved to cut welfare cut benefits for illegals. Rudy did not sue to protect US citizens from welfare cuts, after all- he brags about his own reductions of welfare rolls. Rather, it was the illegals he sought to protect, suing all the way to the Supreme Court only to lose in the end. Rudy also spent his entire career conflating illegal aliens with legal immigrants as if there were no difference, insulting every law abiding immigrant who went through the pain and effort to come to our country the right way. Time and time again this charlatan made the case that illegal aliens were good for the country. One would think a former prosecutor would understand the intrinsic value of law and order, but instead he displayed grotesque disdain for our federal laws and the will of the people. Now, Rudy hilariously proclaims “he will put an end to illegal immigration”. Unfortunately for this sorry leftist, but fortunately for the country, illegal immigration is going to put an end to him.

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has also been attempting to reshape his image on illegal immigration to bamboozle the electorate. While he displays all the symptoms of a former fatty who recently discovered good health – sounding like a homespun version of nanny-state guru Mike Bloomberg – he has not displayed any characteristics of one who has discovered how harmful illegal aliens are to America. Speaking to the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), a leftwing, open borders front group, Huckabee said, “we should accommodate people who wish to provide the best opportunities for their families (and) employers so that we can make sure our economy has the necessary work force”.

When the Huckster tells John Hawkins at Right Wing News, “I'm not as sure that leaving and then coming back is as important as it is to acknowledge that what they've done is illegal, pay a fine, and then get in line behind the people that are going through the process of being here legally. It's important that we have a legal process”, you can rest assured that there will be few deportations on the agenda. Just another hair-brained version of amnesty given a new focus-grouped title. The bottom line is Mike Huckabee’s career record on illegal immigration has been abysmal, in a state where only a few large employers backed his open borders agenda, while the population seethed. Despite trying to sound like Duncan Hunter in recent weeks, calling for the border fence, he has yet to give up on amnesty, telling a group of supporters recently (caught on Youtube):

“Secure the border. Then let’s have a realistic way to say there, uh, is a pathway for people to pay restitution, they pay back taxes, they go back home, we’ll discuss that….you don’t give people (legal) status then let them work for it, you let them work for it then you give them status”.

The only difference between this claptrap and Kennedy’s version is the missing Boston accent.

Fred Thompson has been hailed by many conservatives as the 2nd coming of Ronald Reagan. Calling him poised, camera friendly, well spoken and conservative, many are putting their hopes in the former Tennessee Senator. They are literally blinded by this hope. Fred is only camera friendly compared to a Robert Byrd or a Strom Thurmond, who has been dead for a couple of years. He looks like he’s running on fumes. And if well spoken means meandering speeches that can knock an insomniac out of his routine, then he’s the man. As for conservative credentials, Fred’s do not exactly carry over to all facets of governance, with illegal immigration being one of several Achilles’ heels. Even softball questions from Sean Hannity, with Sean running interference for him (as he does for Rudy), could not save him from promoting amnesty that’s not called amnesty. I guess “aspirations for citizenship” can mean many things, but it certainly does not mean one way tickets back to Mexico, China and Peru. Fred seems to believe that if we just take away the incentives, the illegals will self deport across the ‘high-tech’ border fence he endorses. Someone might want to let Fred know that it is already illegal for them to be here, and no matter what new ID we require or what law is passed, it will be meaningless unless the border is slammed shut. And despite Fred saying we aren’t “going to get them all together and get them out of the country”, that is exactly what Hunter plans on doing. Not overnight by any means, but methodically and consistently and thoroughly. That is the message that will get through in a hurry - and accelerate ‘self deportation’.

Not only is Fred’s rhetoric lacking on the subject today, his record was only lukewarm during his Senate career. He voted for the omnibus immigration bill in 1996. Unfortunately, he also voted against stiffer penalties for employers, which he now claims to support. In addition, a check of the congressional record reveals that Fred did not offer any tough enforcement amendments to the immigration bill in 1996. In fact, he offered no amendments whatsoever, and did not even participate in the debate. Too busy crafting Campaign Finance legislation, perhaps. Either way, his current folksy homilies such as, “As usual, we avoided the problem for as long as we could and when we couldn't avoid it any longer we were told that, indeed, somewhere between 12 and 20 million people had somehow come into this country unnoticed”, are vapid and dishonest. Fred may not have noticed, but there were a helluva lot of his more conservative colleagues in the Senate and in the House who were banging the drums loudly against the illegal invasion. Best I can tell, he’s yet to snap out of his stupor.

In closing, I wish to point out that the congressional record snippets listed for Duncan Hunter are only the ones he sponsored or cosponsored, not his entire voting record on illegal immigration. With equal vigor he opposed the ‘immigrant friendly’ nonsense that the democrats and RINOs served up as bills and amendments. Duncan Hunter is 180 degrees out of phase with the ‘earned amnesty’ – ‘aspirations for citizenship’ crowd. As Hunter has said many times over, “the idea that you don't deport people is not realistic”.

Hunter IS the leader on this issue, and has been since at least the mid 1980s. He has had to fight many in his own party just as often as he had to fend off the liberals. He warned America about the coming stampede when Reagan signed the 1986 Amnesty bill. It took 21 years, but she is finally listening.

Thank God.

New member
Jul 20, 2007

This is a very good letter to the editor. This woman made some good points. For some reason, people have difficulty structuring their arguments when arguing against supporting the currently proposed immigration revisions . This lady made the argument pretty simple.

NOT printed in the Orange County Paper ...

Newspapers simply won't publish letters to the editor which they either deem politically incorrect (read below) or which do not agree with the philosophy they're pushing on the public. This woman wrote a great letter to the editor that should have been published; but, with your help it will get published via cyberspace!

New Immigrants

From: "David LaBonte"

My wife, Rosemary, wrote a wonderful letter to the editor of the Orange County Register which, of course, was not printed. So, I decided to "print" it myself by sending it out on the Internet. Pass it along if you feel so inclined.
Dave LaBonte (signed)

Written in response to a series of letters to the editor in the Orange County Register:

Dear Editor:

So many letter writers have based their arguments on how this land is made up of immigrants. Ernie Lujan for one, suggests we should tear down the Statue of Liberty because the people now in question aren't being treated the same as those who passed through Ellis Island and other ports of entry.
Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people like Mr. Lujan why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer.

Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.

They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.

Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them. All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity. Most of their children came of age whe n World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from Germany, Italy, France and Japan. None of these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were defending the United States of America as one people.

When we liberated France, no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German American or the Irish Ame rican. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl.

And here we are in 2007 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about. I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900s deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags. !
And for that suggestio n about taking down the Statue of Liberty, it happens to mean a lot to the citizens who are voting on the immigration bill. I wouldn't start talking about dismantling the United States just yet.

(signed) Rosemary LaBonte
Oct 30, 2006
Senate bans Mexican semis on U.S. freeways
Contra Costa Times (Calif.) : September 12 , 2007 -- by Lisa Friedman

"'I don't think there's any evidence that we have equivalent standards of safety,' said Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., who wrote the ban." The U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to ban Mexican trucks from hauling cargo on American highways.

The 74-24 vote was the latest in a series of roadblocks Congress has erected to thwart a federal pilot program giving Mexican trucking companies full access to U.S. roadways.

"I don't think there's any evidence that we have equivalent standards of safety," said Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., who wrote the ban.

The Mexican truck program has drawn fierce opposition from consumer safety groups and others who contend that Mexican trucks are unregulated, dirty and unsafe.

The debate has been particularly heated in California, where San Diego's Otay Mesa is the second-busiest cargo crossing on the U.S.-Mexico border after Laredo, Texas.

Coming on the heels of a major explosion on a northern Mexico highway -- where a dynamite-laden truck collided with another vehicle and killed 34 people -- several lawmakers called the vote an important move to protect drivers on American roads.

"While this program would not allow Mexican trucks to transport hazardous materials inside the United States, this tragedy reconfirms my commitment to preventing accidents on American highways," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

Both she and Sen. Barbara Boxer voted for the amendment barring the use of federal funds in the pilot program. The House recently passed a similar measure.

Opening the border to trucks was a condition of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement, which required that all roads in the United States, Mexico and Canada be opened to carriers from all three countries.

Canadian trucking companies already have full access to U.S. roads, but Mexican trucks can travel only 25 miles inside the country at certain border crossings.

Supporters on Tuesday -- primarily Republicans -- said Mexican trucks will be held to the same standards as their American counterparts.

They also noted that under the pilot program, only 600 foreign trucks would be traveling across the border.

"That's a pretty minuscule number," Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., said, noting that about 5.1 million commercial trailers were registered for business purposes in the United States last year.

"Those people who fear that Mexican trucks will not be held to the same standard as U.S. trucks in America are incorrect," Kyl said. "It seems to me it is worth giving this program a chance."

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas -- who offered a failed amendment that would have allowed the program but enforced even tougher safety requirements -- accused opponents of discriminating against Mexico.

"How does it look if we're going to hold trucks coming from Mexico to a different standard than trucks from Canada?" he said.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
Fred Thompson wrapped up his South Carolina swing in a Columbia parking lot, where a crowd of close to 400 sweltered on the black top or sought shade under nearby trees. He said the U.S. is a nation of immigrants who have worked and waited in line to become citizens.

"This is their home, this is our home. And together, we get to decide who comes into our home," Thompson said.

Take back your crib AMERICA !!!

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