Anti Immigration & Illegal Immigration Info - Ongoing Thread

Oct 30, 2006
Subject: America Needs A Leader Like This!

Prime Minister John Howard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
A day after a group of mainstream Muslim leaders pledged loyalty to Australia and her Queen at a special meeting with Prime Minister John Howard, he and his Ministers made it clear that extremists would face a crackdown. Treasurer Peter Costello, seen as heir apparent to Howard, hinted that some radical clerics could be asked to leave the country if they did not accept that Australia was a secular state, and its laws were made by parliament. 'If those are not your values, if you want a country which has Sharia law or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you', he said on National Television.

'I'd be saying to clerics who are teaching that there are two laws governing people in Australia : one the Australian law and another Islamic law that is false. If you can't agree with parliamentary law, independent courts, democracy, and would prefer Sharia law and have the opportunity to go to another country, which practices it, perhaps, then, that's a better option', Costello said.

Asked whether he meant radical clerics would be forced to leave, he said those with dual citizenship could possibly be asked to move to the other country. Education Minister Brendan Nelson later told reporters that Muslims who did not want to accept local values should clear off. 'Basically people who don't want to be Australians, and who don't want to live by Australian values and understand them, well then, they can basically clear off', he said.

Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the 'politically correct' crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia . However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of Australia being a multi-cultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. And as Australians, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!

Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like 'A Fair Go', then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means, keep your culture, but do not force it on others.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'. If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU chose.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves, American citizens will find the backbone to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree, please SEND THIS ON.

New member
Jul 20, 2007
U.S. Congressman Russell Pearce (R-Mesa, Arizona) has advocated reimplementing President Eisenhower's "Operation Wetback" during which 1.3 million Mexican Nationals in the U.S. were deported to Mexico.

Operation Wetback was a 1954 project of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to remove about 1.2 million illegal immigrants from the southwestern United States, with a focus on Mexican nationals. Mexican citizens illegally residing in the U.S. were called wetbacks.

Burgeoning numbers of illegal aliens prompted President Dwight D. Eisenhower to appoint his longtime friend, General Joseph Swing, as INS Commissioner. According to Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr., Eisenhower had a sense of urgency about illegal immigration immediately upon taking office. In a letter to Sen. William Fulbright, Eisenhower quoted a report in The New York Times that said: "The rise in illegal border-crossing by Mexican 'wetbacks' to a current rate of more than 1,000,000 cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the Federal Government."

Eisenhower became increasingly concerned that profits from illegal labor led to corruption. An on-and-off guest-worker program for Mexicans was operating at the time, and farmers and ranchers in the Southwest were becoming dependent on additional low-cost labor.

The operation began in California and Arizona and coordinated 1,075 Border Patrol agents along with state and local police agencies to mount an aggressive crackdown, going as far as police sweeps of Mexican-American neighborhoods and random stops and ID checks of "Mexican-looking" people in a region with many Native Americans and native Hispanics. In some cases, illegal immigrants were deported along with their American-born children, who were by law U.S. citizens. The agents used a wide brush in their criteria for interrogating potential aliens. They adopted the practice of stopping "Mexican-looking" citizens on the street and asking for identification. 750 agents targeted agricultural areas with a goal of 1000 apprehensions a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Around 488,000 people fled the country for fear of being apprehended. By September, 80,000 had been taken into custody in Texas, and the INS estimates that 500,000-700,000 people had left Texas voluntarily. To discourage re-entry, buses and trains took many people deep within Mexico before being set free. Tens of thousands more were put aboard two hired ships, the Emancipation and the Mercurio. The ships ferried them from Port Isabel, Texas, to Veracruz, Mexico, more than 500 miles (900 kilometers) south.

Operation Wetback deported approximately 80,000 Mexican nationals in the space of almost a year, although local INS officials claimed that an additional 500,000-700,000 had fled to Mexico before the campaign began. The INS estimates rested on the claim that most undocumented people, fearing apprehension by the government, had voluntarily repatriated themselves before and during the operation.

The East Vally Tribune quotes Congressman Pearce as saying, “We know what we need to do. In 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower put together a task force called 'Operation Wetback'. He removed, in less than a year, 1.3 million illegal aliens. They must be deported.”

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
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Oct 30, 2006
SPP Alert: American fairytale
The Washington Times : September 13 , 2007 -- by M.L. PINKARD

People who wish to send faxes about the Security and Prosperity Partnership should go to the Interest Survey and click on the Security section and indicate interest in "Loss of National Sovereignty." As Customs and Border Protection El Paso field office Director Luis Garcia advises agents "to limit inspections of vehicle and pedestrian border crossers as wait times escalate" ("Border checks limited to speed traffic," Page 1, Friday), the Security and Prosperity Partnership globalists are aiming this month to integrate America, Canada and Mexico.

While we're busy pretending to have a border, let's imagine an attack on a fictional country led to a trumped-up war. Let's also pretend the country's leader opened its borders to millions of unchecked aliens, illegal and criminal alike, meanwhile spying on citizens.

Supposedly that would be for the free movement of goods and people across borders and the protection of the country from terrorism. That's funny -- terrorism is neither a place, a thing, nor, even, a certain person or a known set of persons. And spying on citizens while aliens freely come and go?

The leader, dissatisfied with following the country's laws and highest-court rulings, makes new regulations saying he can ignore the old ones whenever he likes, while touting the country's freedom and democracy.

What a strange place.

Even people who know better go along, as if they have turned into robots. Pretending, you know.

It gets stranger still.

The leader continues to be unhappy with the country's Constitution and insists that being the ruler of the land entitles him to end its sovereignty by agreeing to merge it with other countries. Change democracy at will? So then we're pretending he's busy with his ruler friends making a new world order subjugating its citizens' self-determination to a trilateral council. It has a long name -- the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

That North American Union, courtesy of our old evolution-by-stealth alliance -- President Bush and Congress.

Through pretending?

Source )
Oct 30, 2006
A Sleeper Amnesty: Time to Wake Up from the DREAM Act
Heritage Foundation : September 13 , 2007 -- by Kris W. Kobach, D.Phil., J.D.

"Now, just when it looks as if U.S. citizens might vindicate their rights under federal law and the way­ward states might be held accountable, Senator Durbin and his pro-amnesty allies are seeking to offer the offending states a pardon..." The following is an excerpt from the backgrounder by Mr. Kobach. Click here to read it in its entirety.

Just three months after the Senate immigration bill met its well-deserved end, amnesty advocates in the U.S. Congress resumed their efforts. Recently, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) announced on the Senate floor his intention to offer the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act as an amendment to the defense authorization bill.

The DREAM Act (S. 774) is a nightmare. It is a mas­sive amnesty that extends to the millions of illegal aliens who entered the United States before the age of 16. The illegal alien who applies for this amnesty is immediately rewarded with "conditional" lawful per­manent resident (green card) status, which can be converted to a non-conditional green card in short order. The alien can then use his newly acquired status to seek green cards for the parents who brought him in illegally in the first place. In this way, it is also a back­door amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens who brought their children with them to the United States.

What is less well known about the DREAM Act is that it also allows illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition rates at public universities, discriminating against U.S. citizens from out of state and law-abiding foreign students. It repeals a 1996 federal law that pro­hibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens.

On its own, the DREAM Act never stood a chance of passing. Every scientific opinion poll on the subject has shown over 70 percent opposition to giving in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens.

Not surprisingly, the DREAM Act languished in committee for five years after it was first introduced in 2001--until the opportunity arose to hitch it to the Senate's "comprehensive" immigration bills of 2006 and 2007.

To understand just what an insult to the rule of law the DREAM Act is, it is important to look at the history behind it.

Oct 30, 2006
(source )

These Senators Won't Pledge Vote Against DREAM Amnesty

(September 18) Today, the Senate resumed consideration of H.R. 1585, the Defense Department authorization bill for fiscal year 2008. At some point during the debate over the next few days, open-borders senators will attempt to attach three proposals that, when taken together, would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and dramatically increase the importation of foreign workers at a time 10 million Americans are looking for jobs and can't find employment.

The floor vote on the amendment containing the DREAM Act amnesty (SA 2237) may occur on Wednesday, September 19. It will take 41 NO votes to kill this amnesty and, at this point, not enough Senators have committed to help.

Click here to send free faxes.


The senators noted below voted NO on the Comprehensive Amnesty in June, but have not yet pledged to vote NO on the DREAM Act amnesty.

Phone them by contacting the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121.

Alaska: Murkowski, Stevens
Arkansas: Pryor
Colorado: Allard
Idaho: Crapo
Indiana: Bayh
Iowa: Grassley, Harkin
Kansas: Brownback
Louisiana: Landrieu
Maine: Collins
Michigan: Stabenow
Minnesota: Coleman
Mississippi: Cochran
Missouri: Bond, McCaskill
Montana: Baucus, Tester
Nebraska: Nelson (Ben)
Nevada: Ensign
New Hampshire: Sununu
New Mexico: Bingaman, Domenici
North Dakota: Dorgan
Ohio: Brown, Voinovich
Oklahoma: Coburn
Oregon: Smith
South Dakota: *Johnson, Thune
Texas: Cornyn, Hutchison
Utah: Hatch
Vermont: Sanders
Virginia: Warner, Webb
West Virginia: Byrd, Rockefeller
Wyoming: Barrasso

(Senators in red print have pledged to vote YES on the amnesty.)

* Did not vote in June

During consideration of the Department of Defense authorization bill (H.R. 1585) this week, open-borders senators may attempt to attach three proposals that, when taken together, would give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and dramatically increase the importation of foreign workers at a time 10 million Americans are looking for jobs and can't find employment. The floor vote on the amendment containing the DREAM Act amnesty (SA 2237) may occur as early as Wednesday, September 19.


The senators noted below supported amnesty in June and show every sign of voting for amnesty again this week. They have been blasted all summer for their anti-American worker, pro-lawlessness stance. Perhaps your phone calls today can help them decide against voting for amnesty again.

Arizona: McCain
Arkansas: Lincoln
California: Boxer, Feinstein
Colorado: Salazar
Connecticut: Dodd, Lieberman
Delaware: Biden, Carper
Florida: Martinez, Nelson (Bill)
Hawaii: Akaka, Inouye
Idaho: Craig
Illinois: Durbin, Obama
Indiana: Lugar
Maine: Snowe
Maryland: Cardin, Mikulski
Massachusetts: Kennedy, Kerry
Michigan: Levin
Minnesota: Klobuchar
Nebraska: Hagel
Nevada: Reid
New Hampshire: Gregg
New Jersey: Lautenberg, Menendez
New York: Clinton, Schumer
North Dakota: Conrad
Oregon: Wyden
Pennsylvania: Casey, Specter
Rhode Island: Reed, Whitehouse
Utah: Bennett
Vermont: Leahy
Washington: Cantwell, Murray
Wisconsin: Feingold, Kohl

(Senators in red print have pledged to vote YES on the amnesty.)

(source )
Oct 30, 2006
From: Roy Beck, President,
Date: Tuesday 18SEP07 4 p.m. EDT

A few more hours of phoning today ... You are creating more doubts ... Make this radioactive


Call the Senate switchboard at:

The momentum is with us. We started the day with only 4 Senators committed to vote NO on the DREAM Act Amnesty. As I write this, the list is up to 18.

Your calls are making a big difference. Our Capitol Hill Team called many of these offices this morning and couldn't get a commitment to oppose this amnesty. But by this afternoon after being flooded by your calls, many of them were calling US to get their names off our home page list of wafflers!

Current debate and agenda on the Department of Defense authorization bill suggest that the DREAM Amnesty amendment could happen as early as later Wednesday.

Please phone today until switchboards shut down. Then start again first thing tomorrow (Wednesday).


Even Senators Graham (R-S.C.), Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Lott (R-Miss.) have called to pledge a NO. They were three of the basic Republican leaders for the June amnesty attempt.

You folks in South Carolina, Arizona and Mississippi have done a fantastic job to get a turnaround like this.

This means the top two Senate Republicans (McConnell of Kentucky and Lott) are pledged to stop this amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

When you call Republican Senators in your state, you might ask them to follow the path of their leaders (McConnell and Lott) and also note that three of the biggest pushers of amnesty in June (Graham, Kyl and Lott) have switched sides on this amnesty because it so very much worse.


Because Senate Democratic leadership has been so extraordinarily pro-illegal alien, I know that many of you with Democratic Senators have felt that your calls to those offices don't make much difference.

But we are getting reports that your calls are starting to make a big difference.

First, remember that 25% of Democratic Senators voted with us and against amnesty in June.

Secondly, they and a lot of other Democratic Senators know that these pro-illegal votes are really hurting the Party's image among independent and more moderate Democrats.

It appears that many of the Democratic Senators are questioning Senate Democratic Leader Reid about the wisdom of allowing the Defense bill to get all tied up with immigration bickering.

Your calls to your Democratic Senators may not succeed in getting them to pledge a NO vote on the amnesty. But you may be causing them behind the scenes to get the amnesty amendment pulled.

Please don't let up.


Talk Radio and newspapers across the country are relying on our "whip lists" that change by the hour on our home page based on how well you move Senate offices to declare their opposition to this latest amnesty.

Please post this page of "whip lists" on every blog and chat room you can find. We must get everybody focused on the culprits. And this page is the only place where people can find an up-to-date list.

The url to post is:

The home page provides a link to a list of anti-amnesty champion Senators who have pledged to vote NO on the DREAM Act amnesty.

More importantly, the home page shows all the waffling Senators who voted NO on the Comprehensive Amnesty in June but thus far are unwilling to pledge to vote NO on this amnesty.

Within 15 minutes of a Senator's office telling us to put him/her on the No Amnesty page, we will take his/her name off the home page.
Tell the waffling Senators that you are shocked to see their names on NumbersUSA's list of Senators who are declining to pledge to vote NO on the DREAM Act Amnesty. Pull talking points from lower in this email and from the Phone action notes on your Action Buffet corkboard.

If the staffers try to tell you that their Senator is probably against the amnesty or definitely is, tell the staffer that NumbersUSA is reporting that at this minute the Senator has declined to make the pledge. Tell them that they need to call NumbersUSA to straighten that out.

If you don't have a waffler Senator in your state, phone your Senators who are on the list of Pro-Amnesty Senators, the second list on our home page.

Most Senators have not declared either way on this DREAM Act Amnesty. We need many more people on our NO list to persuade Senate leaders that this amnesty is too controversial and would just drag down all the rest of the Senate's work.
Find all the phone numbers for your two Senators at

Find DC and local phone numbers for ALL Senators at
in this email:
1. Senate Republican leaders are now on our side

2. Senate Democratic Leaders being pressed to drop vote

3. Watch the hourly changing 'whip lists' on our Home page and use these tips for phoning

4. NEW talking points against DREAM Act Amnesty
actions in brief:
1. Phone your two Senators. Use talking points in this email -- or click on the phone note that will be placed on your corkboard Friday morning.

2. Send free faxes to your Senators to stop the amnesty and the increase in foreign workers.
donate now:
This faxing system is 100% financed by the voluntary generosity of the 460,000-plus Americans who use it.

Please click here to make any sized donation to keep this grassroots phenomenon strong and effective.
how to reply:
Please do not click 'Reply' button to respond to this message.

To comment about this Alert or to request tech help, click here and fill out our Help Form.

Our staff mans the Help Desk 18 hours a day.

NEW Talking Points to Stop the DREAM ACT AMNESTY

The DREAM Act (Amendment 2237 to the Defense Authorization bill) is a nightmare. It is a massive amnesty that extends to the millions of illegal aliens who entered the United States before the age of 16.
The DREAM Act allows illegal "teens" to petition for their parents, leading eventually to their aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins:

The big argument for this amnesty is that it is for teenagers who are here illegally because their parents broke the law. As you will see in later bullet points, far more than teens can get this amnesty. Nonetheless, the argument is that the teenagers should not be punished for the crimes of their parents.

But as soon as DREAM amnesty citizens are over 21, they can bring in their parents who broke the law to get them into the country. The chief criminals will be rewarded after all.

And because of Chain Migration, the amnestied "teens" can see their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents getting permanent U.S. residency as well.

The DREAM Act does not Protect Americans from Terrorists and Criminals:

Illegal immigrants are not required to submit fingerprints or undergo background security checks at any point in the DREAM Act process. Therefore, DHS has no way of learning whether an alien seeking DREAM Act amnesty is a terrorist or criminal. This security failure is compounded by the confidentiality section of the DREAM Act, which is a relic from pre-9/11 days (it’s modeled on the fraud-prone 1986 amnesty). This section basically requires DHS to hide information about terrorist and criminal aliens from itself. If a DHS adjudicator at USCIS learns from a DREAM Act application that an alien poses terrorist or criminal concerns, the adjudicator is prohibited from alerting ICE enforcement officers at DHS, and in fact, if the adjudicator did volunteer such information to ICE, he could be fined $10,000. To cap it all, DHS is prohibited from removing from the United States all aliens, including criminals, terrorists, fraudsters, and other ineligible aliens while they have a DREAM Act application pending, even if that application is based upon fraud or the alien is ineligible.

The DREAM Act Offers Citizenship to Illegal Aliens Who Lack Good Moral Character:

The DREAM Act does not require that aliens have a history of good moral character; it only requires that they have good moral character from the time that they apply. This means that criminal aliens, terrorists, and other aliens who lack good moral character before they apply get an amnesty for their pre-application period conduct, no matter how bad or extensive that conduct.

The DREAM Act is Not Just for Young People:

Sponsors insist that the point of the DREAM Act is to provide legal status to “kids” and “young people.” However, the DREAM Act is not directed at minors, as there is no age cap involved. Anyone, regardless of age, who illegally entered the United States before the age of 16 and has illegally remained here for 5 years or more will qualify for lawful permanent residence (and eventual citizenship) if they satisfy the easily-met criteria for DREAM Act amnesty.

The DREAM Act is a Big Amnesty:

It’s estimated there are some 2 million illegal immigrant children in the United States. They are only a portion of the millions of aliens who will likely qualify for the DREAM Act amnesty, because the DREAM Act does not place a cap on the number of people who qualify, does not limit the age of those who qualify, and applies retroactively to anyone who first entered before age 16.

The DREAM Act is Deceptive:

The marketing campaign for the DREAM Act makes as though the amnesty is intended for high school graduates who are on their way to college or military service. But the bill as written ensures that illegal immigrants don’t have to attend high school or go to college to qualify for the amnesty: they need only take an ability-to-benefit test and complete a 1-year vocational program to get eventual citizenship (and there’s no requirement that they actually complete their college education). Nor do aliens have to join the Armed Forces: they need only go to work for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or Public Health Service for 2 years to get eventual citizenship.

The DREAM Act is a Fraud Machine:

We know from experience that amnesty from immigration laws generates massive fraud, and the DREAM Act is no exception. Nothing in the DREAM Act will prevent a 50-year old alien from asserting that he entered the United States before the age of 16 and has remained here ever since. The DREAM Act is silent on how DHS will determine the veracity of such claims. The DREAM Act will actually promote fraud because it prevents DHS from deporting aliens who’ve applied for the amnesty until their applications are resolved – a process that will likely take years, because DHS lacks the resources to rapidly process the millions of applications it will receive. Even if DHS eventually decides that some aliens do not qualify for the amnesty, DHS cannot use the statements aliens made in their applications to deport them, because their statements are protected by the confidentiality section in the DREAM Act.

The DREAM Act is Unfair to American Students and Taxpayers:

The DREAM Act would repeal the 1996 law which says that State colleges and universities cannot offer in-state tuition benefits to resident illegal immigrants unless they offer the same benefits to students who are U.S. citizens. So, an 18-year old United States citizen attending school in a different state will pay substantially more money for his college education than a 30-year old illegal alien residing in that state. Because public colleges and universities are heavily subsidized by taxpayers, Americans end up paying the bill for educating illegal immigrants. Further, because the repeal of the 1996 law is retroactive, illegal aliens who formerly paid out-of-state tuition will have the ability and motivation to sue for the difference between what they paid and the in-state rate.

The DREAM Act Puts Illegal Immigrants at the Front of the Line for Green Cards:

The DREAM Act requires that applications for its amnesty must be expedited, bars DHS from charging fees for expedited service, and fails to provide DHS the additional personnel and equipment needed to handle expedited applications. Because millions of people will file applications for DREAM Act amnesty (regardless of whether or not they eventually qualify), DHS will experience a significant backlog of cases that will necessarily slow DHS’ ability to process conventional business and family visas, and applications for naturalization. This will adversely impact our economy, and disrupt the settled expectations of intending legal immigrants to the United States.

The DREAM Act Will Allow Dangerous Criminal Aliens to Remain At Large in the United States:

DHS lacks the resources to detain all criminal aliens it encounters in the United States, and so DHS has to pick and choose which criminals to hold for deportation. When DHS deports a criminal alien, the detention or “bed space” vacated by the out-going criminal is immediately filled by another criminal alien. The DREAM Act does not disqualify anyone (even criminals) from filing an application and bars DHS from removing any alien who’s filed an application for amnesty. Thus, criminal aliens who have no desire to be deported will file DREAM Act applications to halt or slow their deportations, which means they will spend more time taking up detention space which could be used to house other criminal aliens. That means more criminal aliens whom DHS cannot house will be free to roam the United States. The DREAM Act also creates an opportunity for extremely dangerous criminal aliens to be released into the general population. By law, a criminal alien who is subject to a final order of removal must be released from DHS custody within 90 days if his removal is not “reasonably foreseeable.” As mentioned previously, the DREAM Act does not allocate resources to DHS to process the millions of applications that are sure to be filed, which will result in very lengthy delays. The result? A dangerous criminal alien who would otherwise have been removed from the United States files his DREAM Act application, and when that application stalls at DHS with millions of others, he can file a petition in a district court after 90 days to effect his release because his removal is not “reasonably foreseeable.”
(Source: )
Oct 30, 2006
Letters from the backbone of USA

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext>From: Dave Gorak </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext>Date: Sept. 19, 2007 7:33 p.m. </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redunderbigheader>LETTER SUCCESSES –Week ended Sept. 15 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1thinwhitespace> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1letterblock vAlign=top align=left>DO NOT REPLY TO THIS E-MAIL. PLEASE SEND ALL PUBLISHED LETTERS AND QUESTIONS RELATED TO THE LETTER-WRITING PROGRAM TO:

Dave Gorak


--Following is the published letters report for the period Sept. 15

--BUT FIRST: Changing your e-mail address? As soon as you know what it will be, please drop me a note with your name. The automatic notifications never include names.

Steve Prekup in Pennsylvania wants his state and local communities to work with the federal government in enforcing immigration laws; Coloradoan Gary Akers says “catch and release” is not the way to solve the illegal immigration problem; Marci Pinkard in California warns that the North American Union is no fairy-tale; and Barbara Vickroy, also a Californian, says you can’t talk about her state’s worsening water crisis without discussing a population explosion driven by immigration.

--As always, this memo is intended for participants in this program, plus a few friends, and not for wide distribution. Editors tend not to publish letters they suspect are part of an organized letter-writing campaign. So, please refrain from cc:ing us on your letters-to-the-editor and from talking about the program in public forums.

--And please remember to include the full name of the paper that ran your letter and the date.

-- NumbersUSA forwards these letters to you so you can share in the success of the program and see the published efforts of our writers. As a reminder, however, the letters are personal and do not necessarily represent positions.

RECOMMENDED WRITING STYLE: We recognize that each of you has the ability to make your own decisions about how to write your letters. NumbersUSA's opinion is that letters are more likely to be published and more likely to help our cause of dramatic immigration reductions if they are written in a temperate, self-controlled way that avoids name-calling and arguments based on race, religion or national origin. A strong use of a few facts, voting records, concise analysis and sometimes humor seems the best way to advance our arguments. We encourage specific criticism of open-border politicians and others, but caution against "in your face" rhetoric. Firm but civil argument tends to get the best results. You, of course, are free to disagree. We applaud all published letters that advocate for our immigration-reduction goals, but we may not disseminate those that move outside the tone that we encourage, a tone that many newspapers include in their own letters to the editor guidelines.

--Thanks so much for your hard work and persistence.


Midland (Texas) Reporter – Telegram – 9/29
(1) Pat Kennedy

The Intelligencer (Pa.) - 9/9
(2) Steve Prekup

Grant Junction (Colo.) Sentinel – 9/10
(3) Gary Akers

The State (S.C.) – 9/10
(4) Robert Latta

North County (Calif.) Times – 9/11
(5) Doug Bell

Newsday – 9/11
(6) John D. Fickes

Novato Advance (Calif.) – 9/12
(7) Kevin McDonald

The Washington (D.C.) Times – 9/13
(8) ML Pinkard

The Oakland (Mich.) Press – 9/14
(9) Eric Cole

Christian Science Monitor – 9/14
(10) Barbara Vickroy


Winston-Salem Journal (N.C.) – 8/5
(11) Thomas Kottke

The Boston Globe – 9/3
(12) Louise Bessler

Kansas City (Mo.) Star – 9/7
(13) Dave Gorak

Midland (Texas) Reporter-Telegram – 9/9

Illegal immigrants break into country, steal services

If someone broke into your home, would you invite them in, or would you call the police and report an intruder? This happens every day when thousands of illegal aliens come across our borders. They believe they have the right to sneak into our country, mostly at night, some with diseases and illegal drugs and most likely with fake documents. With these fake documents, they can get jobs, walk into our welfare offices and apply for food stamps, free medical, free education and house subsidies, benefits that our own citizens cannot get, all paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

When illegal mothers have babies on U.S. soil, these “babies” become citizens and “legally” eligible for benefits, that our children cannot get. They also use their children’s citizenship as an argument for not being deported. Children are the responsibility of the parents (legal or illegal) and should be required to leave with the parents if they are deported and not left with relatives, strangers or to fend for themselves and end up on welfare and/or in gangs.

With 20-30 million illegal aliens from all over the world having already entered our country illegally, how many more can we allow in legally. The people who have a right to be angry are the people waiting in line “legally” to come to our country. Should there be a limit or do we just “continue looking the other way” and let them come in and continue taking over our culture and language and turn our country into the third-world countries they are coming from?

Midland and surrounding cities have a LOT of non-English-speaking people moving in to work construction and on drilling rigs. Are they here legally or illegally? We don’t know because no one will ask, that’s the federal government’s business! Do the American workers on construction sites and drilling rigs feel safe working with non-English-speaking foreigners? Why is OSHA not concerned?

There are laws that can be enforced locally, but citizens need to insist that their city and county leaders take control, because the federal government is doing nothing!

Pat Kennedy
Midland, Texas

The Intelligencer (Pa.) - 9/9

Immigration a state, local issue

To the Editor:

In the wake of the execution-style murders of Newark, N.J., students perpetrated by one or more illegal aliens, I am writing to urge Gov. Rendell to follow the lead of New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram and Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt in directing state and local police forces to cooperate with federal immigration authorities and notify them whenever someone arrested for an indictable offense or drunken driving is found to be an illegal alien.

Especially in light of federal inaction in enforcing our laws and securing this country's borders, it is left to the states and localities to protect American workers and citizens from this ever-increasing menace. The largest segment of population growth here is immigration, both legal and illegal, by a large percentage. Just about any domestic policy problem in this country can be traced directly or indirectly to overpopulation: sprawl, pollution, loss of open space, upward spiraling gas prices, overcrowded schools, higher taxes, traffic, dwindling water resources, crime. The least our state and local authorities can do is try to keep illegal alien criminals off the streets, those who already shouldn't be here and further exacerbate the problem by committing crimes. We're 300 million and counting. Responsible, sustainable, legal immigration, coupled with drastically reduced or eliminated illegal immigration, are of paramount importance if we are to have any semblance of our great nation to leave to our children and grandchildren.

Newark was declared by its government leadership to be a “sanctuary city,” thus encouraging illegal aliens to live there; local law enforcement officials were ordered not to notify federal authorities when they came across illegal aliens (a type of “don't ask, don't tell” policy). That is unacceptable. Had that policy not been enacted, and had the local police followed the guidelines mentioned above, those aspiring young students might very well still be with us today, along with countless numbers of other Americans who have met similar horrific ends at the hands of illegal aliens.

Steve Prekup
Sellersville, Pa.

Grant Junction (Colo.) Sentinel – 9/10

ICE's catch and release


I read with great interest the articles in the Sentinel on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 regarding the catch and release of 18 illegal immigrants on I-70 near Loma on Aug.7. First of all, kudos to the Colorado State Patrol for doing their jobs and attempting to carry out the will of the people, i.e., enforcing immigration law. ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) never responded to the trooper's call to pick these people up, and eventually told them, "We're sorry, we have no place to put these people". Hence they were simply allowed to go on their way. Were these people merely coming to "do jobs Americans won't do", or were they involved in gang activities, or was there a terrorist or 2 mixed in with the bunch? We will never know.

Regarding ICE's statement that "we have no place to put these people", this certainly appears to be more foot- dragging and excuse-making by the Federal Government that simply refuses (except for an occasional photo-op) to enforce immigration law. ICE did have an arrangement with Garfield County to temporarily house suspected illegal immigrants, but ICE now says they will not allow suspected illegals to sleep on mattresses on the floor, as American citizens are required to do when the jail is crowded.

What's next, ICE will not allow suspected illegals to be housed in jails where the threadcount in the sheets is not high enough?
According to State Rep. Steve King, the Mesa County Jail, which also has an arrangement with ICE to temporarily house suspected illegals, had plenty of room on Aug. 7, and yet ICE never contacted the Mesa County Sheriff's Dept. about whether space was available.

What should be apparent to everyone, is that we have state and local officials doing their darned best to enforce laws that virtually every American would like to see enforced, and a federal agency (ICE), probably working on orders from the very top, doing everything they can to keep those laws from actually being enforced. Is anyone feeling outraged yet?

Gary Akers
Fruita, Colo.

The State (S.C.) - 9/10

Dear Sir,

I agreed with most of Robert Samuelson’s comments in his article, "Immigration pushing poverty numbers up." He is correct that, "We shouldn't think that our massive efforts to mitigate poverty have had no effect. Immigration hides our grudging progress." We have been importing poverty, mainly from Mexico, through our immigration policies and through illegal immigration. We must stop this nonsense through securing our border with Mexico and by limiting chain immigration. Only our federal government can achieve these two goals.

He also makes sense when he states, "My oft-stated belief is that legal immigration should favor the high-skilled over the low-skilled. They will assimilate quickest and aid the economy the most." Our federal government must make it a priority to allow more immigration by the highly skilled and well-educated, and much less immigration by the low skilled.

I must disagree with his statement that, "As for present illegal immigrants, we should give most of them legal status, both as a matter of practicality and fairness." These illegal immigrants will self-deport if we eliminate the magnets that attract them, employment and our generous social benefits. We owe these people nothing, as they have violated several of our laws by working and living in the U.S. illegally. We must not reward lawbreakers, as it only encourages more crime. Look how well the last Congressional amnesty worked out. It led to the current crisis of having 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in our country.

Robert Latta
Columbia, S.C.

North County (Calif.) Times – 9/11

Evidence of immigration's impact is vast

It's amazing what people like Dick Eiden will deny in the face of overwhelming evidence of the destructive impact of Mexican immigration on society ("Immigration debate riddled with myths," Community Forum, Sept. 2). Eiden and his North County Forum are as irrational about immigration as some conservatives are about global warming. The evidence can be found in thousands of local and wire stories each year with headlines like: "Clinics seek funding for teen pregnancy"; "Immigrants keep arriving at record pace"; "Mexican immigrants slow to take citizenship"; "Border areas hit hard by health care costs"; "Latinos score lower on SAT than decade ago"; "Cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers nearly $9B"; "L.A. is afflicted by host of urban ills, study shows"; "Poverty soaring in area of Escondido"; "Profile of a troubled neighborhood"; etc.

Last month, Rosa Iris Carachure wept as she told a judge that she had agreed to get into the SUV driven by her drunken husband that resulted in the death of her own 6-year-old son because "in my culture, you do what the husband says." Popular, vocal opposition to illegal immigration is rooted in reading, not racism. Doing more of it might help Eiden overcome his own immigration myths.

Doug Bell
Rancho Penasquitos, Calif.

Newsday – 9/11

Real immigration policy

Regarding "Immigration issue hurts Republicans" [Opinion, Aug. 27>, I was flabbergasted at Raymond J. Keating's opinion. Keating has somehow melded illegal immigration and legal immigration into a single category. This is the very same thing that the "mainstream media" have managed to do. Immigration, legal or illegal, is not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue; it is an American issue.

I believe that had the federal government been doing its job and keeping its promise after the failed amnesty of 1986, this would not even be a topic for discussion. Employer sanctions would have been aggressively enforced, and the borders would have been secured. The most recent attempt by Congress to pass amnesty legislation failed because we'd heard all of those broken promises before, and we were just not buying it again.

I would argue that Republicans did not lose in 2006 because of immigration; they lost because of deficit spending, corruption and the war in Iraq. The vast majority of Republican Senate and House seats were lost to anti-amnesty conservative or moderate Democrats.

John D. Fickes
East Islip, N.Y.

Novato Advance (Calif.) – 9/12

Illegal immigrants cause problems

Last week's letter to the editor “Immigrants an important resource” stated that people need to know the facts about illegal immigration and immigration law. I couldn't agree more. But the effect would be the opposite of what the letter-writer expects.

People would be mortified to know the magnitude of the problem.

In short, it depresses wages, creates unemployment, increases crime, bankrupts hospitals and causes overpopulation.

Here are the facts: Professor George Borjas of Harvard University has concluded that between 1980 and 2000 wages for less-educated Americans dropped 7.4 percent. Over the past five years, 2 million less-educated Americans have lost their jobs while immigrants have taken 1.5 million jobs. Anyone see the connection? Even the left-leaning Pew Hispanic Center has admitted that wages for Hispanics have declined over the past several years due to an oversupply of cheap labor. Statistics also prove that immigrant families are more likely to use welfare programs than native-born families.

In 2004, 262,105 illegal aliens were incarcerated. Upon release, most of them were not deported due to a shortage of ICE agents to process the deportations. Seventy-three percent of the released criminal aliens committed another crime. Sixty hospitals in California have closed recently, and in the past year Palm Drive Hospital in Sebastopol and Sutter Hospital in Santa Rosa have closed. Sutter cited $25 million in unpaid bills as a major reason for closing.

We need the facts, right? Let's investigate how much of that $25 million was spent on illegal aliens. Let's have the Marin County and Sonoma County sheriffs determine how many illegal alien gang members there are in the North Bay. Then let's find them and deport them. It's the law.

For all of us who consider ourselves environmentalists, let's face the elephant in the room: overpopulation. In the 1950s, average an nual i mmigration (both legal and illegal) was about 200,000 a year. In the 80s it jumped to 500,000 a year. In 2006 it was 1.6 million. Ninety-eight percent of population growth in California is due to immigration. Our current rates of immigration are simply unsustainable.

Make no mistake: over the past 10 years most immigration in California has been illegal immigration. These are the people who want legalization, more accurately know as amnesty. They do not deserve it. On the contrary, we deserve to have our laws enforced. You see, they haven't been for the past 15 years, and that's why we're in this predicament.

Kevin McDonald
Novato, Calif.

The Washington (D.C.) Times – 9/13

American fairy-tale

As Customs and Border Protection El Paso field office Director Luis Garcia advises agents "to limit inspections of vehicle and pedestrian border crossers as wait times escalate" ("Border checks limited to speed traffic," Page 1, Friday), the Security and Prosperity Partnership globalists are aiming this month to integrate America, Canada and Mexico.

While we're busy pretending to have a border, let's imagine an attack on a fictional country led to a trumped-up war. Let's also pretend the country's leader opened its borders to millions of unchecked aliens, illegal and criminal alike, meanwhile spying on citizens.

Supposedly that would be for the free movement of goods and people across borders and the protection of the country from terrorism. That's funny -- terrorism is neither a place, a thing, nor, even, a certain person or a known set of persons. And spying on citizens while aliens freely come and go?

The leader, dissatisfied with following the country's laws and highest-court rulings, makes new regulations saying he can ignore the old ones whenever he likes, while touting the country's freedom and democracy.

What a strange place.

Even people who know better go along, as if they have turned into robots. Pretending, you know.

It gets stranger still.

The leader continues to be unhappy with the country's Constitution and insists that being the ruler of the land entitles him to end its sovereignty by agreeing to merge it with other countries. Change democracy at will? So then we're pretending he's busy with his ruler friends making a new world order subjugating its citizens' self-determination to a trilateral council. It has a long name -- the Security and Prosperity Partnership.

That North American Union, courtesy of our old evolution-by-stealth alliance -- President Bush and Congress.

Through pretending?

ML Pinkard
Lafayette, Calif.

The Oakland (Mich.) Press – 9/14

"Mexican truck drivers will endanger American roads"

Our unfit president is at it again. He announced on Labor Day to all hardworking citizens that he is authorizing Mexican trucks access to all U.S.roadways.

What does this mean for Americans? It will allow less regulated, dirty foreign trucks and less monitored drivers to endanger everyone.

They will be unable to read road signs or understand English.

The Mexican drivers will have increased access to bring in more drugs and more illegal aliens. It will cost American truck drivers jobs and lower wages.

This current president is destroying our nation's sovereignty and eliminating more jobs.

Under his watch, more than three million jobs have been outsourced and on his watch more than one million illegals have crossed the border annually.

He refuses to secure our borders or enforce our laws, jails border patrol personnel who try to do their jobs and wants to grant amnesty to millions of illegals.

He insists on increasing our guest worker program and wants to increase our legal immigration, which is three million per year.

Eric Cole
Rochester, Mich.

Christian Science Monitor – 9/14

California's water woes

Regarding the Sept. 12 article, "Water crisis squeezes California's economy": As a 70-year resident of the bottom end of California's water-supply pipeline, I read with great interest the article about our approaching water crisis. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, blame was placed on both man-made causes and natural disaster.

The litany of blame in California's water shortage doesn't resemble that at all. For all of his tough-sounding talk about "hiding from the problem," the head of the Association of California Water Agencies didn't mention one man-made aspect of the problem here: our immigration-driven population explosion. Before the inevitable confluence of natural and man-made disasters truncates southern California's water supply, I hope to have moved out of state, where I can read the postdisaster blame machine with detached sympathy.

Barbara Vickroy
Escondido, Calif.


Winston-Salem Journal (N.C.) – 8/5


Guest columnist Jose Isasi, like Geraldo Rivera, can be expected to employ the usual trite, emotional and erroneous arguments to justify illegal immigration - to defend the indefensible ("Good Call for Immigrants, Community," July 28).

Sheriff Bill Schatzman, who I assume took an oath to defend the citizens of Forsyth County, has announced that his department will not apply for funds to implement the federal program that allows his deputies to inquire about the immigration status of detainees. This, according to Isasi, will go a long way to generate "trust" in law enforcement. I guess if he had announced that deputies will no longer be arresting bank robbers, this would create "trust" with that group too. After all, they too are only trying to better their lives.

The bottom line is clear: Illegal immigration is organized crime and corruption, and that's why Sheriff Schatzman is wrong! He has opted for political expediency where courage was required, and that is why I will not be voting for him anymore..

Thomas Kottke
Kernersville, N.C.

The Boston Globe – 9/3

Give authorities medal for gang raids

I am writing in reponse to your rcent coverage of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids ("Immigration raids target violent gang: Page A1, aug 29).

I live in Everett where this gang is alive and well. Our local police are doing the best they can to stem the activity, but it is only through coordinated efforts such as these raids that we can begin to restor the quality of life in our small cities. These gangs steal cars, coduct drug activity, and have either made some of our local parks unsfe or destroyed them. Their very presence has a very negative effect, which ultimately affects the neighborhoods and our children.

I applaud these law enforcement efforts and hope they continue on a regular basis. The average citizen is sick and tired of having to put up with this insanity. The folks at ICE deserve medals for doing the most important job in our county: protecting our citizens.

Louise Bessler
Everett, Mass.

Kansas City (Mo.) Star – 9/7

La Raza convention

In response to the Sept. 1 editorial “A blow to convention business?”: Has anyone besides me wondered why the media are so quick to label the Minutemen “controversial,” “vigilantes” and “militant” but don’t seem at all uneasy about giving large amounts of air time and print space to the National Council of La Raza?

Where are the published reports about the Minutemen engaging in vigilante activities? You won’t find any because there are none, but that’s not enough to deter reporters and editors from forcing their biased opinions on their readers and viewers.

The last time I looked, the Minutemen had not violated any federal, state or local laws. And park board member Frances Semler has a constitutional right to express her views through an organization that shares them.

Bullies like La Raza President Janet Murguia should leave Semler alone and stick to what they do best: aiding and abetting illegal aliens. What’s next on Murguia’s agenda? Demanding that Gov. Matt Blunt resign his office because he ordered state troopers to check the immigration status of people they arrest?

Dave Gorak
Executive director, Midwest Coalition to Reduce Immigration
LaValle, Wis.
(source Letters weekly E-mail)
Oct 30, 2006
Spitzer Grants Illegal Aliens Easier Access to Driver's Licenses
The New York Times : September 22 , 2007 -- by NINA BERNSTEIN

Peter Gadiel, the president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America, whose son died in the World Trade Center, released a scathing statement even before the official announcement yesterday.

"Governor Spitzer will demonstrate abject stupidity and breathtaking disregard for the victims of 9/11 if he hands these powerful ID's to people who sneak across our borders," he wrote. "Terrorists here illegally used licenses to kill my son and thousands of others in the World Trade Center; if they do it again using New York licenses issued by this governor, the blood of the victims will be on Mr. Spitzer's hands."
New York State, home to more than 500,000 illegal immigrants, will issue driver's licenses without regard to immigration status under a policy change announced yesterday by Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

The change rolls back rules adopted four years ago under the Pataki administration that made it difficult, if not impossible, for tens of thousands of immigrants to obtain driver's licenses because they could not prove legal status. Under the new rules, the Department of Motor Vehicles will accept a current foreign passport as proof of identity without also requiring a valid yearlong visa or other evidence of legal immigration.

The policy, which does not require legislative approval, will be phased in starting in December and will be tied to new antifraud measures, the governor said. Those measures will include the authentication of foreign passports and the use of photo comparison technology to ensure that no driver has more than one license.

The governor called it a "common sense change" that will improve traffic safety and lower insurance costs for all New Yorkers by ensuring that more immigrants have valid licenses and auto insurance. Giving more immigrants verifiable identification will also enhance law enforcement by bringing people out of the shadows, he asserted.

"The D.M.V. is not the I.N.S.," Mr. Spitzer said, referring to the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, now part of Homeland Security, by its old initials of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

The move goes against the national trend. Many states, prodded by demands to crack down on identity fraud, have added requirements that effectively prevent illegal immigrants from obtaining driver's licenses.

All but eight states now require drivers to prove legal status to obtain driver's licenses, and those eight -- Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington -- have come under pressure to add such a requirement.

To keep New York from becoming a magnet for people unable to obtain driver's licenses elsewhere, the Spitzer administration will propose legislation to add a residency requirement similar to one already in effect in 27 states, David J. Swarts, the motor vehicles commissioner, said.

Mr. Swarts and other officials pointed to a study showing that unlicensed drivers were almost five times more likely to be in fatal crashes than people with valid driver's licenses. The State Department of Insurance estimates that the new rules will save New York drivers $120 million each year by reducing premium costs associated with uninsured motorists by 34 percent.

The change fulfilled a promise Mr. Spitzer made repeatedly last year in his campaign, and it was hailed by immigrant organizations and labor unions that had pushed hard for it. Those groups said that the regulations imposed by the Pataki administration had hurt about 250,000 immigrants who needed licenses to drive to work, to hospitals or to schools.

"Immigrant communities throughout the nation can take heart that today's victory may begin to turn the tide toward sensible and humane reforms at the federal level," said Chung-Wha Hong, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, an umbrella group for more than 150 immigrant self-help and advocacy organizations.

But the new policy drew immediate fire from groups that had welcomed the Pataki administration rules as a needed crackdown on license fraud and as the kind of national security measure demanded by the Sept. 11 attacks.

Peter Gadiel, the president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America, whose son died in the World Trade Center, released a scathing statement even before the official announcement yesterday.

"Governor Spitzer will demonstrate abject stupidity and breathtaking disregard for the victims of 9/11 if he hands these powerful ID's to people who sneak across our borders," he wrote. "Terrorists here illegally used licenses to kill my son and thousands of others in the World Trade Center; if they do it again using New York licenses issued by this governor, the blood of the victims will be on Mr. Spitzer's hands."

When that statement was read aloud by a reporter to Mr. Spitzer, he seemed taken aback, then called the words inflammatory and "way beyond" the bounds of appropriate discourse. He added that people who ignore the reality of illegal immigrants only encourage the use of false Social Security numbers and driver's licenses.

Michael A. L. Balboni, Mr. Spitzer's deputy secretary for public safety, said the New York driver's license was one of the most secure documents in the nation and that the new licensing regime would make it even better.

Social Security cards and birth certificates, which include no photos or other biometric data, have also been prone to fraud, he said.

New York will join 18 other states in trying technology that will check a driver's photo overnight against all other photos in the state's driver database, to prevent people from holding multiple licenses, officials said. The technology will be tested in a pilot project upstate.

The new policy will start with about 152,000 New Yorkers who have, or once had, licenses but were unable to renew them under the Pataki rules, Mr. Swarts said. This group will be notified by letter next week about how to begin a relicensing process. It will start at the end of the year, and for some will involve a new road test.

A second phase, to begin in April, will open the application process to all, with as many as 500,000 people newly eligible for licenses. This will involve a more rigorous screening, Mr. Swarts said, including a four- to six-week process of authenticating foreign passports and other foreign identity documents.

Across the street from the Midtown office building where Mr. Spitzer delivered the news, a throng of jubilant immigrants from community organizations waved signs and shouted their approval.

One member of the group, who would identify himself only as Cesar, an immigrant from Peru, said he had been afraid of driving without authorization and had had to depend on friends to drive him to work. "Now, thank God, I won't have this difficulty in my life," he said.

(Source front page news stories)

New member
Jul 20, 2007
Governor Spitzer can anyone say sellout creep. Was he not the previously New York's Attorney General the top law enforcement official of the state. That wonderful state is really becoming a first class rat hole. He only enforces the laws that put money in the New York coffers. America what a nightmare.
Oct 30, 2006

Post Independent (Colo.) – 9/16
(1) Bob Anderson

Odessa (Texas) American – 9/18
(2) Stacy Wright

Statesman-Journal (Ore.) – 9/19
(3) James D. Bacon

The Hutchinson (Kansas) News – 9/20
(4) Sheila Young

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.) – 9/21
(5) Al Eisner

North County Times (Calif.) – 9/21
(6) Julie Marker

Austin (Texas) American-Statesman – 9/22
(7) Steve Landess

The Seattle Times – 9/22
(8) Haydee Pavia


The Seattle Times – 9/12

(9) Barbara Vickroy
(10) Haydee Pavia

The Pitch (Mo., weekly) – 9/13

(11) D.A. King

Post Independent (Colo.) – 9/16

Glenwood a sanctuary?

Dear Editor,

What is wrong with this picture? In the Garfield County Jail, if there are more detainees than there are sleeping facilities, American citizens are forced to sleep on mattresses on the floor, but illegal alien detainees in the custody of ICE are required to sleep in bunks. This according to Sheriff Lou Vallario. Of course this was before ICE decided not to house them in the jail because the department can use Tasers.

So you may wonder what alternative does ICE have? Obviously they will just turn them loose as they have been doing for years. Turning them loose in Glenwood Springs means they can just walk away and commit another crime.

Newark, N.J., is a sanctuary city as is Denver. A sanctuary city means the local authorities do not question an individual’s resident status when arrested for a crime, nor do they notify ICE if they suspect the individual is an illegal. Last month, an illegal alien who was on the streets on bail for his last crime, which was raping a 5-year-old over a period of months, executed three college students by shooting them in the back of the head for no apparent reason. Just another of the 1,800 to 2,500 murders committed in the U.S. every two years by illegal aliens. Almost as many Americans murdered in two years as have been killed in the war in Iraq since it began.

Many of these murders could have been prevented if our immigration laws that are already on the books had been enforced. But our politicians and apparently our law enforcement community would rather turn the other cheek than enforce those laws. Of course the standard response is, “We do not have the authority or the training to deal with illegal immigration.”

However, a provision of the 1996 immigration legislation, 287 (g), makes the training of local law enforcement possible. ICE will provide this training at local law enforcement’s request. Have our local law enforcement officials requested this training? I don’t know. I also don’t know if Glenwood Springs is a sanctuary city.

Bob Anderson
Glenwood Springs, Colo.

Odessa (Texas) American – 9/18

No excuse for lawbreaking

Re: “Employers aren’t enforcers” by Johnny L Warren, Sept. 7 Public Forum.

Warren’s response is typical of many business people, thus the almost 20 million illegal aliens undercutting wages and benefits to citizens and legal immigrants, while causing our taxes to rise.

I never suggested, as Warren implies, “Why should we expect business to act as law enforcement?”

As to a person operating a business not having to learn certain immigration laws, Warren is wrong. We all have laws or rules within which we operate our personnel affairs and business affairs. Ignorance of the law never has been an acceptable excuse for failure to comply with any law.

Warren also is wrong that a business should not be expected to contribute a portion of operating expenses to the enforcement of laws. If a business were to hire a person to work with the general public and the employer failed to do a background check and the employee had a record of child molestation, the business could be held liable for any misdeeds of their employee.

Warren’s response that a Social Security card is all that is needed, is the problem that has let unscrupulous businesses flaunt our laws with the very apparent blessing of the government for way too many years.

Fake Social Security cards are a dime a dozen. The fact that a business refuses to use a (free service to them) taxpayer-funded verification of a person’s legal status shows that greed is the driving force and they have no concern for their fellow citizens. They don’t want to know if person is legal, so they can deny hiring illegal aliens against the law as the government goes wink, wink under the table.

Thus citizens’ wages and benefits go down or stagnate, while their tax burden increases to provide health care and education to the illegal aliens.

Alliances with the government that facilitate the breaking of our laws add to citizens’ tax burdens, while the invading illegal aliens try to convert our country into another third world country, are evil, and based on greed.

As to letting the employers and immigration service take care of business, all one has to do is open one’s eyes to see what a bang-up job they are doing, unless that business is the takeover and makeover of our country into another Mexico.

Stacy Wright
Odessa, Texas

Statesman-Journal (Ore.) – 9/19

Illegal immigrants should follow Nisei example

Recently, two types of letters have been prominent in the letters to the editor. One type is dealing with amnesty for illegal aliens. The other, internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II. A comparison/contrast could go a ways to understanding both.

One group of citizens was actually denied their rights, were denied justice, lost their property and were interned in camps for the duration of a war. Many, instead of being bitter, joined the military and still served their country during that war. These were the Japanese-American Nisei who served honorably fighting Nazi Germany. They came home and had to wait 40 years for an official apology for wrongs done to them.

The other: a group who've come over the border, obtained employment, medical care, housing and schooling they couldn't get in their native Mexico. And yet they still complain they should get more, all the while waving a flag of a foreign nation while demanding citizenship.

One group is noted for self-sacrifice and patriotism. The other for demanding something for nothing like it's owed to them. Maybe if recent immigrants followed the examples of Nisei, more Americans would welcome them as citizens rather than ungrateful invaders.

James D. Bacon
Salem, Ore.

The Hutchinson (Kansas) News – 9/20

System not broken

La Raza (NCLR), the largest Latino advocacy group in America, threatened Kansas City with a boycott for its next convention site, if the mayor does not fire a member of the parks board. The victim of La Raza fury is a grandmother, who is a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corp, a patriot organization that advocates for legal immigration and rule of law.

NCLR, with millions annually from corporate donors to lobby for illegal immigrants, routinely flexes its muscle against American citizens, such as its defeat of California citizens' proposition 187 to deny welfare to aliens.

America is suffering from massive, illegal invasion. When Americans defeated amnesty in the Senate, NCLR furiously blasted Americans for its demise, citing "waves of racial hatred." Absurd, Americans are all races.

La Raza's true agenda was best summed up by Janet Murguia, president of NCLR, when she bluntly stated, "Our people come first."

NCLR's mission is legalization of all Latinos in America, swift family reunification and legalization for those outside the country, more legal channels for future migrants, and voter mobilization, in which these newly minted citizens will attain political ascendancy through sheer numbers, influencing U.S. elections, pushing "we the people" into the backseat. To obtain these objectives, NCLR brainwashes the public with the mantra of a broken immigration system that needs fixing. NCLR doublespeak includes "Of course we don't believe in illegal immigration (everyone should have the chance to come legally); we don't believe in amnesty; instead, path to citizenship which includes a small fine)."

NCLR states it believes in American law, but vigorously fights enforcement of federal, state and local immigration laws and teaches the undocumented how to evade federal immigration authorities.

There never was a broken immigration system; massive chaos resulted from non-enforcement of immigration laws. America admits and assimilates over one million immigrants through a legal quota system, annually. America cannot sustain or assimilate a massive influx of foreign nationals. America has maintained its sovereignty for 200 years through its rule of law.

NCLR strategy: intimidate Americans who are against illegal immigration into silence by name-calling, deliberately confusing "illegal immigration" with "racism." The ironic twist? The very racism of La Raza will itself destroy American sovereignty unless Americans speak out to their elected officials and tell them to enforce our laws, seal our borders and say NO to H.R. 1999, giving La Raza 10 million dollars annually for housing for aliens; NO to H.R. 976, cutting funding for seniors to provide health care for illegal immigrants.

The sad truth is that the effort, and money spent on the illegal immigrants in America, would have been better spent in their homelands. Americans can help the families in Guerro, Mexico, who strive to be self-sufficient, by visiting their website,

American patriots, including the Minuteman Civil Defense Corp, United Patriots of America, Americans for Legal Immigration, and others work ceaselessly for restoration of the rule of law and American sovereignty; they are Americans of all races. For this, La Raza barrages them with name calling.

Sheila Young
Hutchinson, Kansas

The Examiner (Washington, D.C.) – 9/21

Border security will be major issue in ’08

Re: “Democrats, Republicans quarrel over politics of illegal immigration,” Sept. 12

Six years after 9/11, our country still permits hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to come across our borders every year. Gangs of Salvadoran MS-13 members are terrorizing entire communities.

We must insist that elected officials carry out their duties to secure our borders and defend America from this menace of illegal immigration.

Border security will become a major issue in the 2008 elections, and it is high time we get in gear and start rolling now on a tough policy on border security and control.

Al Eisner
Wheaton, Md.

North County Times (Calif.) – 9/21

14th Amendment needs changes

In response to "Two arrested as immigration activists storm congressional offices," Sept. 13: It is a shame that Elvira Arellano has put her son in this terrible position. .. She is exploiting her own son by making him take part in protests in Washington, D.C., possibly putting him in physical danger from overzealous protesters.

I hope a bill will be introduced soon, in Congress that will clarify our 14th Amendment better and make sure the children of illegal immigrants are not considered citizens at birth in our country. That way, the protests such as the one in your story won't need to take place and we can take our country back from these illegal invaders.

Julie Marker
Chula Vista, Calif.

Austin (Texas) American-Statesman – 9/22

Best elements of disagreement

We will definitely sacrifice public safety if we “retain the best elements of a sanctuary city.” We will also sacrifice jobs and have overcrowded schools and hospitals. Who pays for the health care of illegal immigrants here? It probably comes from Travis County taxpayers. And it’s a wonder that many students learn anything in public schools these days; they are likely slowed down by teachers who have to teach some students to speak English before they can teach them anything else. No wonder so many middle-class parents have put their kids in private schools.

Steve Landess
Austin, Texas

The Seattle Times – 9/22

Back where I started

"Maria" [the pseudonym of the subject in Kate Riley's column, "Maria's hopes rest on a DREAM" is an intruder in this country.

Millions of American young men and women will be displaced from
entry to a university by illegal aliens!

Millions of people will come through the Family Reunification Act because of the "DREAM Act"! Each amnestied college "genius" will be able to bring three relatives to the U.S. and they in turn will bring each three more! We will have immigration by exponential numbers!

These immigrants will be coming from poor countries and they will be tax consumers, not taxpayers.

I'm Hispanic, I came to the U.S. as a legal immigrant and I'm a naturalized U.S. citizen. If I wanted to live with millions of poor people, ignorance, disease and crime, I would have stayed in my native country!

Haydee Pavia
Laguna Woods, Calif.


The Seattle Times – 9/12

Why the disparity?

While reading "Skilled immigrants often stuck at bottom of U.S. job ladder" [Business and Technology, Sept. 9>, I couldn't help but wonder at the large success-rate disparity between degreed immigrants from Latin America, Asia and Europe. Why are 42 percent of Latin American immigrants with a college degree "underemployed," doing work that requires no training? Poor level of scholarship or training? Refusal to learn to speak English? Ignorance or arrogance or both?

Barbara Vickroy
Escondido, Calif.

No prima donna's

I'm Hispanic, I came to the U.S. as a legal immigrant and I'm a naturalized U.S. citizen. I lived in my native country long enough to see what gets you a good-paying job is not what you know, but who you know.

It's not that way here in the U.S. Merchants here don't care about who you were in your country. When you are here, they want to get as much work as possible from you with the least possible salary. That's called American enterprise. That's why we have so many illegal aliens! The merchants want them here to pay them low wages.

My advice to highly educated foreign workers: "If you want to be a prima donna at work, go back to your country."

Haydee Pavia
Laguna Woods, Calif.

The Pitch (Mo., weekly) – 9/13

We Suck, Part III

Golly, this Kris Kobach guy seems like a dangerous man and likely deserves the smearing from your little paper. What with his insistence that U.S. laws be enforced and all, give him more hell.

But, a question. Since Mexico uses its military to enforce immigration laws and borders and deports more people most every year than does the United States, is it "anti-immigrant" as well? It is clear that the writer's position is that no one is really "illegal" —thus the quotation marks on that awful word — so shouldn't we go ahead and open the borders? Officially, I mean.

Then no quotation marks needed — and we can all be the mindless citizens of the planet that we should be. Borders and nations of law being such violations of human rights and all ... ya know, man?

D.A. King
Marietta, Ga.
Oct 30, 2006
You Defeat Amnesty AGAIN in Senate !!

The Temporary Defeat of the DREAM Act Adds to Our Unbroken String of Victories


News Flash: You won AGAIN!!

After three hard weeks of battle, our 490,000 activist members overwhelmed our opponents. Last night we forced the open borders Senators to drop the so-called "DREAM Act" Illegal Alien Amnesty from the Defense Bill in the Senate.

Your faxes, phoning, and talk radio calls denied our opponents what they believed would be an easy victory. Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid promises to try it again within six weeks, this Nightmarish Amnesty is defeated in this go-around.

We were only able to defeat the DREAM Act Amnesty because enough of you donated in the past several months. But as I said above, our opponents pledge to come back at us again—within six weeks. And we must be ready.

We must NEVER allow this DREAM Act to become our nightmare by allowing millions of illegal aliens to claim automatic amnesty and even in-state college tuition and other taxpayer-supported benefits!

[For all of you who missed my monthly appeal last week, I'm recopying part of it below:]

Every month I need at least 1 out of 100 NumbersUSA members to make a donation. That's what keeps us beating much-higher funded lobbies like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Big Labor, and the ethnic lobbies.

> Please consider making another donation to NumbersUSA. We've won another battle—we need to KEEP winning.
Press Here To Donate

Did you know that NumbersUSA is outspent 300 to 1 by the Open Borders groups? Obviously, we need to meet and exceed our fundraising goals this month and every month to fight back.

I believe NumbersUSA is a tremendous "bargain" for our members who choose to donate. Listen to some recent comments:

Dear NumbersUSA,

I'm doubling my monthly donation NOW. We need to get 2-3 times more coming in a month. I hate to be asked for a donation as I'm sure others are, but this is critical. Please conduct a SPECIAL campaign to ask other to double—if they can't, have them ask other to join and donate. We must win this war!!!!!

—Tim Rafferty



I appreciate what you are doing. It really makes me feel good to be able to express my opinion to the people who make policies. For the first time in my life, I believe that my messages are being heard. When I receive letters from idiots, like Harry Reid, in response to my phone calls, and faxes, I know this system works. I am disabled, and retired, and don't have much for an income, but when I receive my next Social Security check, I'll be proud to donate. You people do a great service for America, and I'm proud to be a part of NumbersUSA.

—George Hayes


Hi Roy,

Just a note to say I really appreciate the good work you folks are doing to try to get the illegal alien mess under control. I also appreciate the way you say that you don't expect those who don't have the money to give to Numbers USA. It still is hard NOT to try very hard to give something to you folks. Maybe I will be able to in the future sometime. Thanks again for your good work.

—Wayne D. Teel


Dear Roy-

I wanted to thank you for the excellent work that you are doing with Numbers, USA! I can't stress how much I appreciate the faxes that you enable me to send. As a struggling lower-middle class American, I am thankful that your free faxes are available to me. I intend to do all that I can to participate in the activism of Numbers, USA, and on the issue of Amnesty and Illegal Immigration.

—Mark-John Kasperek

Press Here To Donate

Our opponents are more determined than ever to increase every form of immigration. Please help us stop them.



P. S. Remember, those of you who are unemployed, sick, or on a small fixed income should NOT feel obligated to help!
Oct 30, 2006
From: Dave Gorak
Date: Sept. 28, 2007 12:58 p.m.



Dave Gorak

To all writers

(1) Please respond enthusiastically to this fantastic news story that proves our point about how tough enforcement works to curb illegal immigration, “Illegal immigrants moving out,” USA TODAY, Sept. 27.

Is this great or what? For years the media have been telling us that nothing can remove illegals from the country, but we see here that even the slightest hint at enforcement of our immigration laws sends them packing! Outstanding!

Dave Gorak

P.S. Don't forget item (7) below!


(2) From now on please - when appropriate - include in any of your letters to newspapers the "report cards" for your members of Congress provided by Americans for Better Immigration:


Congressional staffers each day go through newspapers looking for references to their bosses; the greater the exposure given to the voting records (good as well as bad) of these legislators the more these individuals will feel our eyes on the back of their necks, watching every move they make.


(3) --This is important - As always, this memo is intended for participants in this program, plus a few friends, and not for wide distribution. Editors tend not to publish letters they suspect are part of an organized letter-writing campaign. So, please refrain from cc:ing us on your letters-to-the-editor and from talking about the program in public forums.


(4) Include your name, address and daytime and evening phone numbers so the publication can get your permission to print your letter.


(5) Insert the following into the subject line, or place the elements of this line in a different order.

Re: Illegal immigrants moving out, by Emily Bazar, USA TODAY, 9/27


(6) Guidelines for submitting your letter

Word limit: 250



(7) Let me know if you get a letter published - anywhere - including the publication's name, the date they printed your letter, and the Internet link to it or the text and title as it appeared.


(8) The story follows:


Illegal immigrants moving out

By Emily Bazar, USA TODAY

Illegal immigrants living in states and cities that have adopted strict immigration policies are packing up and moving back to their home countries or to neighboring states.

The exodus has been fueled by a wave of laws targeting illegal immigrants in Oklahoma, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia and elsewhere. Many were passed after congressional efforts to overhaul the immigration system collapsed in June.

Immigrants say the laws have raised fears of workplace raids and deportation.

"People now are really frightened and scared because they don't know what's going to happen," says Juliana Stout, an editor at the newspaper El Nacional de Oklahoma. "They're selling houses. They're leaving the country."

Supporters of the laws cheer the departure of illegal immigrants and say the laws are working as intended.

Oklahoma state Rep. Randy Terrill, Republican author of his state's law, says the flight proves it is working. "That was the intended purpose," he says. "It would be just fine with me if we exported all illegal aliens to the surrounding states."

Most provisions of an Oklahoma law take effect in November. Among other things, it cuts off benefits such as welfare and college financial aid.

There's no hard demographic data on the trend, partly because it's hard to track people who are in the USA illegally. But school officials, real estate agents and church leaders say the movement is unmistakable.

In Tulsa, schools have seen a drop in Hispanic enrollment.

About 60% of Kendall-Whittier Elementary School's 950 students are Hispanic, Principal Judy Feary says. Since an enrollment report Sept. 10, she says, 14 have left. Four more said last week that they would move.

Three weeks ago, one couple dropped their three children at school, then returned after lunch with their belongings packed in an SUV and trailer. Feary says they took the kids and said they were moving back to Mexico. "They were afraid and cited the immigration law," she says.

Marshall Elementary, where enrollment is 60% Hispanic, has lost about 10 students this year to the immigration law, Principal Kayla Robinson says. Most moved to Texas. "These are families that have been here for a long time," she says.

Illegal immigrants also are leaving Georgia, where a law requires companies on government contracts with at least 500 employees to check new hires against a federal database to make sure they are legally authorized to work.

Mario Reyes, senior minister at the Tabernacle of Atlanta, says his church lost about 10 families this summer. His daughter, a real estate agent, is helping them sell their homes.

Churches across the city report similar losses, says Antonio Mansogo, a board member of the National Coalition of Latino Clergy and Christian Leaders.

"There's tension because you don't know when immigration (agents) might show up, and a lot of people don't want to take those chances," he says.

Real estate agent Guadalupe Sosa in Avondale, Ariz., outside Phoenix, says migration from the state began about three months ago, shortly after Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, signed a law that will take effect in January. Employers who hire illegal immigrants can lose their business licenses.

Of the 10 homes Sosa has on the market, half belong to families that plan to leave because of immigration tensions.

"They know they might be losing everything today or tomorrow," she says.

Maria Sanchez, 35, joined the migration with her sister and nephew, who are in the country legally. Sanchez was in the USA illegally, but she has gotten a temporary work permit.

The three lived in Aurora, Colo., when Sanchez was fired from her job as district manager of a fast-food chain after she couldn't provide a valid Social Security number.

Colorado has approved several immigration measures. One gives employers 20 days to check and photocopy documents such as driver's licenses and Social Security cards, which new workers present to prove their legal status.

Because of the laws, Sanchez, her sister and nephew left five months ago. "I moved to Utah because they don't have the same laws here," she says.

State Sen. Dave Schultheis says he hasn't observed a major migration out of Colorado but has heard anecdotal reports that illegal immigrants are leaving. "It's absolutely a good thing," he says. "We want to make Colorado the least friendly state to people who are here illegally."

In Hazleton, Pa., families started moving away after the city passed an illegal-immigrant law last summer, says Rudy Espinal, head of the Hazleton Hispanic Business Association. The law would fine landlords who rented to illegal immigrants and suspend the business licenses of companies that hired them. A companion measure would require tenants to register with the city and pay $10 for a rental permit.
A federal judge ruled the measures unconstitutional in July, but that hasn't stopped people moving away, he says.

"People are still leaving," Espinal says. "Some people have told me that they're leaving because they don't want their kids to grow up in an environment like this."

Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta counters that some illegal immigrants who moved came back after the judge's decision, which the city is appealing. "I see a reversal," he says. "In a small city, it becomes obvious. … Schools are overcrowded and there are five-hour waits in the emergency room."

He says, "We don't want to chase immigrants away, just the illegal aliens who are causing many of the problem we are having."


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NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.
Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE class=media-innerbuffer cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=markerTEXTblueMAJOR colSpan=3>1,327 arrested in S. California immigration raids </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXTred colSpan=3>COPLEY NEWS SERVICE : October 4 , 2007 -- by Matt Krasnowski </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=markerTEXTblueMINOR vAlign=top height="100%">"Roughly 90 percent of the immigrants taken into custody had criminal records, re-entered the United States illegally or resisted deportation orders, she said. About 600 have been deported in the operation that began Sept. 19."
</TD><TD width="2%"> </TD><TD vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>LOS ANGELES -- More than 1,300 illegal immigrants in five Southern California counties were arrested in the past two weeks during one of the nation's largest immigration sweeps, federal officials said yesterday.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>The roundup by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was "one of the largest immigration enforcement actions ICE has ever taken," said the agency's Assistant Secretary Julie Myers. </TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>The 1,327 people arrested -- most already behind bars -- exceeded the 1,297 illegal immigrants taken into custody at meat processing plants in six states last year during an identity theft probe.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>"In this operation, we located some very dangerous aliens, including those involved in street gangs, as well as those with various criminal records that include drug trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault," Myers said.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Roughly 90 percent of the immigrants taken into custody had criminal records, re-entered the United States illegally or resisted deportation orders, she said. About 600 have been deported in the operation that began Sept. 19.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>More than 500 alleged immigration violators were at large and taken into custody in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, officials said.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Nearly 800 "previously unidentified deportable foreign nationals" were discovered when ICE officers searched jails in those counties, Myers said. Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties have agreements with the federal government allowing sheriff's officials to check the immigration status of inmates.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>The majority of those arrested are Mexican citizens, officials said, but the sweep found alleged immigration violators from more than 30 other countries.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Myers said the sweep showed the effectiveness of the agency's Fugitive Operations Program teams, which were created in 2003 to target fugitive immigrants and enforce deportation orders. The program has rapidly expanded since its inception, and the number of arrests by ICE fugitive teams doubled in the past year.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>"Too often in the past those (deportation) orders were ignored and aliens who were deported found ways to slip back into the United States," Myers said. "Those days are no longer."
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>There are roughly 597,000 immigration fugitives in the country. That is down 35,000 from a year ago and the first time that number has declined, Myers said.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Immigrant rights advocates criticized the sweep for spreading fear and portraying immigrant communities as teeming with criminals, while doing nothing to bring about comprehensive immigration reform.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>"They are sending a message (to immigrants) across the country that you will be next," said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. "It's creating a terrorizing atmosphere in many of these immigrant communities, and ultimately it's not solving the problem."
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>Anti-illegal-immigration groups praised ICE's action.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>"It sends the correct message; it's the deterrent message," said Rick Oltman, a spokesman for Californians for Population Stabilization. "These communities will see a decrease in violent crime."
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>In Nevada yesterday, more than 400 people marched to the federal courthouse in Reno to protest the U.S. government's position on immigration following raids last week on 11 McDonald's restaurants in Reno and nearby Fernley during which 54 workers were taken into custody.
</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=discussionTEXT colSpan=2>None of the workers arrested have been charged with criminal violations, according federal immigration officials.

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