WORLD SPORT CENTER/Poster Drunk dispute


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Your a real idiot. Post the one from 1030 this morning moron. Your like a 2 year old kid. Funny part is I will get paid my money and move on and you will still be a loser. That's the best part.

Yes that was from friday..I had told you too pull up all chats..I didn't look at the date. I am not lying about a thing. You know it and can't help but keep making yourself look like a fool. Your doing a bang up job. Good work


No gossip, just news
Sep 20, 2004
Funny part is I will get paid my money and move on and you will still be a loser. That's the best part.<!-- / message -->
this is what you just posted. Then why on earth you had to start this bs is beyond me. Oh,'re a stand up guy, who makes and breaks deals with books, then extorts them.

Very informative thread Drunk. I trust many books have avidly read it today.

Be well.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Once again Roberto, how can you exort a book for your own money. YOu can't They made the offer youidiot. Keep posting your making yourself look dumber and dumber.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
TOW said:
this is what you just posted. Then why on earth you had to start this bs is beyond me. Oh,'re a stand up guy, who makes and breaks deals with books, then extorts them.

Very informative thread Drunk. I trust many books have avidly read it today.

Be well.

Like I care if any of your **** books you promote read. The books I know, know me and know your full of **** and that's the best part about it. Have a nice life extorting pinny..

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Maybe this thread needs some clarification for late comers. Drunk is owed by WSC. They are going to pay him. The thread in general could seem a negative on WSC. We have no reason to believe there are any financial problems with WORLD SPORTS CENTER. None. There was an issue between 2 (two) people, one drunk, player/poster and one Rick, from WSC. Other than this isolated incident, there is no reason to worry over WSC IMO.

Roberto and drunk can argue till the sun smashes Earth, but it is all a waste of time. WSC will pay drunk and WSC, by all indications, will be around for awhile.

Take care
Sep 21, 2004
Does BW know that his movers ***** & moan like ill mannered children when they aren't given special privileges pertaining to payouts?

Their own rules say $2500.....but he seems to think that he's above their rules, and then proceeds to go on a WSC bashing posting run on the forums in order to bash them since they won't make an exception for him.

What a baby

Give BB 2.5k he makes it 20k within 3 months 99out
Dec 20, 2001
I've always wondered Pinnacle can pay out a 25k neteller in one fail swoop, while most other books have a limit of 2.5k per transaction. Does Pinnacle have a special deal with Neteller?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
General nice post. But too have Roberto paint me as an extortionist on his site is going too far. He needs too be outed as the con man he is. I spoke too about 10 well know and respected people in the industry today and told them all in their spare time too read this thread and get a laugh how much of an ass roberto is. All of them told me this and I know it's true, but I just can't help myself. They told me that ROBERTO is a NOBODY and why do I argue with someone whi is such a NOBODY or why do I even ppost in those useless forums. I do cause it passes they day along sometime that's why. But the most informative thing they beat into my head is that ROBERTO IS A NOBDODY!!!

Later..I ahve a life and I'm going out for beers. Roberto ahs no life so he can continue posting. take care all

New member
Sep 21, 2004
TTinCO said:
Does BW know that his movers ***** & moan like ill mannered children when they aren't given special privileges pertaining to payouts?

Their own rules say $2500.....but he seems to think that he's above their rules, and then proceeds to go on a WSC bashing posting run on the forums in order to bash them since they won't make an exception for him.

What a baby

TTInco...a very uniformative post....get the facts and post again. RIck himself told me he was sending a wire too NT a month ago. He sent me the email and I accepted his offer. Now go back too your coffin.

And I don't worry about BW cause I don't work for him or anyone else. S

just for the taste of it "diet coke" 8 cans a day
Nov 18, 2004
drunk congratulations on winning alot of money i can't believe people get upset when people look for best line available. Who cares if u are sharp or not if they book a bet they should pay you just as fast as they took your money.

drunk it appears you are getting your money so don't waste your time arguing as obviously you two have a difference of opinion.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
TANG said:
drunk congratulations on winning alot of money i can't believe people get upset when people look for best line available. Who cares if u are sharp or not if they book a bet they should pay you just as fast as they took your money.

drunk it appears you are getting your money so don't waste your time arguing as obviously you two have a difference of opinion.

That's the smartest post all day long. I always say the book has no problem taking oyur money( I bet you can make as many NT deposits as you want in any book, but when you want too w/d they act like it's there right too take their good ass time.

New member
Dec 1, 2004
Most books have a $2500 limit imposed by neteller. Why dont you want a WU or bank wire? Do you have concerns about that type of money going through your bank account or giving WU an ID? Your main man Billy pays taxes on his wiinnings why doesn't his movers? His movers here in LV wear sportscoats when they go to the window so the clerks know whom they work for. Drunk, you are a fraud, you portray yourself like a winning bettor when you just sit around waiting for the order. You sir, do not have inalienable right to play wherever you want to. Again, play at the shops that welcome your business. But you and I both know that someone alreadys has those places on their speed dial and you are not allowed to call them until the lines move. Have a nice evening and I sincerely hope your boss doesn't start giving you the wrong sides as he is known to do and breaks you like he does most of his movers.


Sep 21, 2004

Were these mainly NBA plays?

I was about to start posting if I am the only one having my best ever NBA season and that I am wondering where the casualties are? The books or other players.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
my god drunk, this reminds me of when you called us all liars about ASAP being dead nuts broke. I am sure everyone remembers that. We were all liars then too, as I recall.

Thank god for CRIS

Give it a break Drunk.

Move on to the next book.

Just remember, with everyone of these fukc jobs you try and lay on the book, the next one becomes that much more less effective.

WSC is a solid book that pays very well which is run by a solid team. That's the bottom line.

General, not my place, but this thread should be trashed or locked. IMO anyways. It is quite clear what Drunk had up his sleeve.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Major what did I have up my sleave.Fcuk job? How do you figure, how am i pulling a fcuk job? KNOW THEW FACTS BEFORE YOU MAKE A BIGGER ASS OF YOURSELF!!!!!How many times do I have to say this RICK F MADE THE OFFER AND IACCEPTED, IF HE JUST KEPT TOO HIS WORD WE WOULDN'T BE TALKING ABOUT THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your as big a idiot as Roberto. This is not a credit out where I had a bottom and I am trying too get paid before I reached it. This is a post-up out. Rick told me a month ago that he was having a wire sent too neteller and I can w/d it that way. He never did that and never repsonded too my many requests I made toohim. Remember it was RICK who made this offer after, all I did was accept it. That was a month ago. I don't feel sorry that I continues too beat them and w/d MY MONEY as i waited for my reply too the many emails I sent concerning the wire RICK sent too Neteller. So take your Higer holy bullshit somewhere else. You guys think you own the world and can make **** up as you go along. World don't work that way. Post your lies about extortion( only one extorting is Roberto with pinny) Major you have an anger management problem, get some help. You hate when guys put you in your place. Stay on your board and let your flock kiss your ass like your the king of all. And give it up on love beating an old drum...I'm not bringing up SECUREBUXX..remember that scam you pulled MAJOR?

As far as markerdown. You don't know me. Maybe you work for someone but I don't. I can play whereever I want.I choose too play offscreen as a courtesy, people with class and who know what they are doing in this biz do that. If you knew anything the only people hitting the screen books are the ones who are too slow too play offscreen. OFfscreen outs are the first too get hit. I bet morte action in pinny in a week then you most likely do in your lifetime. And again, I don't work with for and ever have worked for BW. Youcan ask shrink as i am sure he knows I have nothing too do with him. You guys love too talk about stuff you have no clue about. Maybe it jealously, I don't know. So let's just give it a break. And remember, if you win it's yours, you lose its theirs :)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
acw said:

Were these mainly NBA plays?

I was about to start posting if I am the only one having my best ever NBA season and that I am wondering where the casualties are? The books or other players.[/Q

No, everything and alot of it had alot of opposition, which is the way I like it.


Sep 21, 2004
No, everything
So all bets were NBA?

alot of it had alot of opposition
You mean you were betting against the steam?

Jan 20, 2002
Drunk, were you beating the closing #? A book can choose to write, who they want.Just because the toss someone, doesn't make them a stiff book or a dangerous book to play with. In fact could be the opposite. But if you weren't beating the # I think they may be overly cautious. Which is well within thier rights. May be their booking philosophy. I advise that you take your $ out as per their rules and move on. Doubt this is first or last book that has tossed you. you are a pro, act like one.

Jan 20, 2002
And to WSC, just pay the guy, and put an end to it. one of those things that should not have gone this far. You guys are also supposed to be proffesionals.

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