WORLD SPORT CENTER/Poster Drunk dispute


New member
Jan 6, 2005

how can you post a player's private info on the forum?

Actually, I wouldn't trust a book that gives my info to someone else just to bring forward a dispute...unless it has asked you to act on its behalf.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
Rick(WSC) and drunk(Poster) got involved in a bad relationship. When drunk posted about Roberto(TOW) challenging Pinnacle, it pissed off Roberto, so he played hard back. All a poppycock that makes the whole industry look bad on the public forums. It didn't need to be this way.


New member
Sep 20, 2004

I really don't think the industry looks bad on this one. There were a couple of administrative mistakes on the part of WSC which they acknowledged and (presumably) they are making amends. Readers are intelligent enough IMO to distinguish between a personal battle and a serious problem with a book.


The Bonus Man King
Apr 21, 2000
I've yet to talk to someone who respects Roberto. Most actually hate him

I like everyone but I have to admit roberto does like to run his mouth. I had to call him up out of the blue on day to remind him that he has my number and if he has a problem with me he needs to call me or say it to my face.

True problem that guy is.

Stick with SBR

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Worldsportcenter would rather keep all arguments private between our Company and the player. When the player asks a watchdog to intervene the matter becomes open to everyone. Three watchdogs were notified about this matter in particular between Dec 26th and Jan 29th. Maybe more.

Our CS has been called Liars or trained liars in an open forum. Email has been posted by the player outlining corespondance between himself and an employee of the Company in an open forum at the begining of this thread.

I think any company would than seek some type of representation. Who better than a person that was called upon by the player to help with this matter.

Our Company has had a good relationship with these watchdog sites and welcomes arbitration between all parties in the event any player comes to them with an issue related to our Company.

This being said, the player had already aquired a payment date without the help of any watchdog. In fact, throughout this entire saga nothing has changed. The player will still have his money on the set date.

Worldsportcenter Management

Beach House On The Moon
Mar 20, 2001
I think Rick has said it..this thread should be closed or locked; Drunk will get his money no-doubt. The only thing accomplished here was some free entertainment from Roberto and Russ; after 1744 views and little progress made except disagreement between all involved its time to stop. Good Luck to Drunk and all involved, G

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I am going to close the thread. I would like to confer with the General first but he has logged out for the night. He may open it again in the morning. I left a post in the Board Room that the thread is closed.

Thank you, wil.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
WSC - you did nothing to be ashamed about, I am more inclined to play with them after reading this thread rather then less inclined. Seems like an agreement was in place and was being executed. For Drunk, unlike the way he does business I don't get into other people's affairs. Other then to say it was pretty silly to start a thread "wondering" about payment when a deal was made and being carried out to that point. Sometimes players bring disagreements to the forums even when they know they are going to get paid for no other reason then to call attention to the fact they went on a nice little streak and to show off their balance. Been done before and will be done again, can't say that is the case here but seems like none of this was necessary.

Roberto - I said last time I responded in one of your threads and it's still true, I have yet to EVER see you take the side of a player other then when a book is out of business and it's a no brainer. Read a few more disputes since then I had to restrain myself from commenting as again you were all for the book. I think it's horrible you present yourself as a watchdog site for anyone other then the books, you are not there to help the players other then on stiff books like PanAm. I guess once a book goes under there is no dollars for a site to be made, then it behooves you to help players. So far everything else has been for the books, even when they have sat on accepted wagers and only when the wager lost did they bother to cancel it, even then you were somehow still sticking up for the book!!?

Today I read you are a "consultant" for 5 or 6 books? Which books are these and pray tell what do you "consult" with them on? If your consulting fees equal running out to the forums and everywhere else always taking that books side of things then you should at the very minimum let us know what books you are consulting for. That way the players will be aware of who's pocket you are in. At least with sites such as MW, RX and most others they hang the banners and make no bones about who pays them, I think if you haven't already you should let us know who pays you as well. We have one SBR and the underhanded way they used to mislead everyone with their claim they didn't take once cent of ad money, let's not add to that list sir. Good luck on your quest to pay the PanAm players, good effort on that one at least.


Sep 21, 2004
WSC - you did nothing to be ashamed about, I am more inclined to play with them after reading this thread rather then less inclined.
Maybe me too, but I would like to have a few questions answered before I do.

How did you classify this drunk and how did you deal with his action?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
QUOTE FROM MCSTIFF "WSC - you did nothing to be ashamed about, I am more inclined to play with them after reading this thread rather then less inclined. Seems like an agreement was in place and was being executed. For Drunk, unlike the way he does business I don't get into other people's affairs. Other then to say it was pretty silly to start a thread "wondering" about payment when a deal was made and being carried out to that point. Sometimes players bring disagreements to the forums even when they know they are going to get paid for no other reason then to call attention to the fact they went on a nice little streak and to show off their balance. Been done before and will be done again, can't say that is the case here but seems like none of this was necessary."

MCstiff, I don't really mind your post, accept the fact like Roberto, Major and his followers, you post without the FACTS. My balance is nobodies business and the only one who showed what I was doing was ROBERTO not me. Why don't yopu clear your debt with Dave now, he is still waiting.

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