WORLD SPORT CENTER/Poster Drunk dispute


New member
Sep 21, 2004
TOW said:
Thank you Drunk. So, there has been some correspondence, both parties fingerpoint at each other on who was to reply first keep getting your w/d per day, every day ( and mind, its your money, so no objections ) till this Thursday evening when, for an accountancy problem ( I guess so since Lakerfan received two pieces on Friday as he posted ) your payout is not processed.

So you have been paid, every working day for a month, ALWAYS FREE of charge ( no other major books is so generous in his payout rules ) miss one day, you get ONE confused reply, you are being told Rick will be back this coming Monday yet you decide to make this intentionally MALICIOUS post :

You are blessed you are dealing with a good book like WSC and a Gentleman like Rick. Others would have kicked your ars.

So tell me Drunk...who's next on your list ? Mansion ?

The only post that was malicious was yours accusing me of extortion. Go back in your hole like I said before, no one like you anyway. FACT

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have no problem with RICK F. Roberto is acting like Rick's spokesman. Get lost Roberto.


No gossip, just news
Sep 20, 2004
Well Drunk, thanks for the entertaiment. Its not common to come across a guy who omitts ( lies ) openly like you do. A true pleasure.

Have a great day Drunk.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Speaking of extortion Roberto, how's your extortion attempt on pinnacle coming along. FACT

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah Roberto, I omit lies. Tell me one lie I omitted jackoff. Notice how Rick has not commented about anything I have said, because he knows it's all true. Notice how the general has not said a word in this thread, because he knows the FACTS. Your favorite word Roberto FACT. You post without facts just your own brain telling you a good story. Your a sick sick sick man my friend.

New member
Dec 1, 2004
Why do movers and beards get pissed off when books that clearly do not want their type of action boot them and sloooooow pay them on the way out?

Drunk you need to be happy they are paying you, albeit only $2500 at a pop, instead of invoking some bullshit wiseguy rule and stiffing you of your winnings. If in fact you are moving for BW or another orginator stay the fuuuck out of these joints and bet Pinnacle, Grande, Wsex , oly, etc. Oh, but I almost forgot, you will never get the # you are looking for at those places.

I dont feel for you because if you are in fact a pro, then act like one!:dancefool

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Marker Down said:
Why do movers and beards get pissed off when books that clearly do not want their type of action boot them and sloooooow pay them on the way out?

Drunk you need to be happy they are paying you, albeit only $2500 at a pop, instead of invoking some bullshit wiseguy rule and stiffing you of your winnings. If in fact you are moving for BW or another orginator stay the fuuuck out of these joints and bet Pinnacle, Grande, Wsex , oly, etc. Oh, but I almost forgot, you will never get the # you are looking for at those places.

I dont feel for you because if you are in fact a pro, then act like one!:dancefool

Your statement is so way off. I was not booted because I am winning. I am not a mover and I play at all those places mentioned, and yes I always get the right line. This is aobut being lied too.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
You come to these sites for support or help but you refuse to tell anyone the problem. You start 4 threads in an hour or so obviously trying to get attention. JJ has asked you several times what went on and you answer that the General knows. You also mention you had an agreement with Rick. Obviously, something was not on the up and up. Explain what happened or stop crying!!


No gossip, just news
Sep 20, 2004
This is the transcript of the chat Drunk had with WSC CS today, one hour before his first post :

***** Any update on my neteller w/d from thursday
2005-01-29 12:29:00 CS1 Hi ****, There is a problem.
There may have been an error sending it.
2005-01-29 12:29:15 ***** Explain
2005-01-29 12:29:43 ***** is it getting odne today
or not?
2005-01-29 12:29:44 CS1 However, if you need the
money right away, we can send you a Western Union and
we'll pick up the fees.
2005-01-29 12:30:10 ***** don't want w/u is it a
neteller problem
2005-01-29 12:30:30 ***** Will I get 2 FREE w/d for
monday if I wait till then
2005-01-29 12:30:54 CS1 I can ask and let you know
in about an hour.
2005-01-29 12:31:38 ***** It should be
allowed..since I have been waiting for this one
already In the meantime put the money back in my
2005-01-29 12:32:24 CS1 We can offer you two free
withdrawals for monday if you'd like
2005-01-29 12:32:32 ***** Let Rick know I have sent
him numerous emails that have gone unaswered
2005-01-29 12:32:49 ***** yes for monday, thanks
2005-01-29 12:33:56 CS1 I cannot put the money back
into your acc't. Accounting is the only department
authorized to do that, and accounts is closed on the
2005-01-29 12:34:34 ***** ok

This trascript proves that Drunk, after having declined the offer of a free Person to Person transfer and agreed to TWO FREE Neteller for this coming Monday, was fully aware of the clerical error the book had made and admitted.

He OKed the deal and hour later start a thread posting the following :

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>drunk<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1749993", true); </SCRIPT>

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</TD><TD class=alt1><!-- icon and title -->
World Sport Center- Neteller

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Anyone having problems make a w/d. I put in for one thurday evening and have gotten 9 million excuses why it's not in my neteller account yet. Has anyone recieved a w/d through neteller from then since thurday evening? My gut is telling me there NT is dry. No other book is having a problem with NT.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
This shows the true colors of Mr. "stand up guy" Drunk.This is why I have been saying all along the player was not kosher and there was more to the story and his initial post was intentionally malicious. He posted just to smear the book. Period.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The agreement was that they were sending a wire too neteller on the 28th of Decemeber and they would pay my balance in full through NT. I tried numerous times too contact Rick F in regards too the wire too no avail. In the meantime I w/d 2500 a day while waiting for a repsonse on the NT wire for the full balance. I also continued playing and they welcomed my action. On thursday night of this week I put in for my daily NT w/d. Friday after it was not processed all day I got a CS rep on live chat. I was told they were having technical problems and it would be in my NT account shortly, I said fine no problem. Around 2 hours later I was told they same thing it would be processed shortly. Now it's 5pm and now they tell me that it will be in my account sometime tonight. Now I am pissed, only because all the lies all day. IF they didn't keep telling me it would be in my acct it would be fine. Now I wake up this morning and it's still not processed. Get a guy on chat and he tells me he will get it done too check my account in an hour. Hour passed and nothing. Then I get someone else on chat and I am told now not until monday. Now I am just annoyed. It's all aobut the principal of how it was handled. Then I post asking if anyone esle had a problem. Lakerfans says he got his w/d yesterday. Now I am even more pissed. Than they just close my account and Roberto now chimes in with his nonsense of extortion. Bottomline is that they handle things wrong and have roberto schilling for them too make me the bad guy. I could care less what roberto writes. I will post on Wednesday if I get paid in full and I fully expect too. This was never a no pay issue, it was a CS issue that they handled all wrong. IF RIck had upheld his agreement in his email from one month agao, instead of ignoring all my emails it would never have been an issue today. He choose too ignore them because i was w/d 2500 a day. ITs my money and I can w/d it everyday if I want and was doing it until they paid me in full, which was Rick's deal that he never followed through on. And that's the story. RIck knew I wanted too w/d the money and he never even attempted too respond too any of my emails on whether or not the wire had arrived at NT. He told me , sorry, get alot of emails and some slip through. That's an excuse in my book. Sorry.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Roberto why don't you post the first chat from this morning, or the chats from yesterday. Oh yeah..because your trying too make me the bad guy, that's why. If you posted the other chats you would see the lies I was beign told. Posting and printing half the story is bad jouranalism. Go get the other chats and post them. Thanks SIR

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh yeah..Roberto..I forgot too tell you again..your an AZZ...half truths are lies and your the biggest liar I have ever come across. The fact that Rick is allowing this too go on is scary.

I just want too get one thing perfectly clear. It's my god damn money. I don't want too hear bullshit. The books take your money fast enough. They accepted the action, they welcomed it. Don't give me it's sharp action so I'm lucky too get paid. You tell the book too stop praying on sick degenerates . Do the books feel sorry for beating the brains out of there players. NO!!!! and I don't feel sorry for beating a book and never will. I respect books like mybookie for telling you upfront not too play with us, at least there honest about it. Once again roberto, it's my god damn money and if I ma told I am getting it and don't get it, I will speak up so no one else gets the same bullshit runaround I got. Telll your books not too lie, and don't bring up ASAP anymore that's old and you got enough use out of it, move on too something new, maybe your extortion attemt on pinny. OH YEAH HOW"S THAT GOING YOU LOSER!!!!!


No gossip, just news
Sep 20, 2004

No one here has ever said you are not entitled to receive your money. The book says, as you well know, since I was cc'ed on the correspondence that when you requested to be paid in full you tried to force the rules since they offered you a wire and you declined the offer.

After that you've made the following w/ds :

2004-12-29 22:14:41 3401365 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2004-12-31 10:56:26 3414528 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-02 23:01:51 3449491 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-03 21:51:33 3454477 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-04 23:35:09 3463520 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-05 22:45:39 3471097 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-06 23:49:08 3476981 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-06 15:26:16 3473302 3061 BALANCE ADJUSTMENT 2500$ (Paid an
additional $2500 without clients request. NT******* Jan 6 3:17 PM ******** Accepted $2,500.00 USD $30.00 USD )
2005-01-09 22:21:19 3508786 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-10 21:38:31 3512856 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-12 00:03:11 3520882 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-12 23:34:26 3527756 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-14 02:24:46 3533667 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-17 10:54:14 3568505 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-18 00:10:33 3574719 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-20 23:15:23 3593026 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-20 10:34:57 3588822 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-18 23:44:06 3580422 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-23 23:43:50 3626809 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-24 23:14:54 3632792 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-27 23:01:10 3652669 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-26 21:40:56 3645258 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)
2005-01-25 21:49:43 3637969 3061 ONLINE CASHOUT 2500$ (APPROVED)

Now, for you to come in here, after you have received explanation of the clerical error WSC has incurred into, after receiving an offer for a FREE person to person, which you have declined, after having agreed to TWO FREE w/d on Monday, after you have already received, at simple demand, 57K in one month, the month in which, apart from withdrawing your own money you've continued playing, hence inducing the book to believe that your request of Dec 28th was void ( if one wants his balance stops playing and gets his balance, doesn't continue wagering and withdrawing like nothing happened ).....yes, after all this you come in here and make this post :

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset"><TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>drunk<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1749993", true); </SCRIPT>

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</TD><TD class=alt1><!-- icon and title -->
World Sport Center- Neteller

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Anyone having problems make a w/d. I put in for one thurday evening and have gotten 9 million excuses why it's not in my neteller account yet. Has anyone recieved a w/d through neteller from then since thurday evening? My gut is telling me there NT is dry. No other book is having a problem with NT.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Let me tell you guy : not only you're dead wrong, you most definitely OWE World Sport Center an apology.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am owed an apology not them. Keep confusing the facts, no one's buying it.

Yes I declined other ways too w/d. But Rick came bak too me and told me that he would do it all by NT, not the other way around. If he had not gotten back too me and offered the full w/d my nT and could nver have accpeted it. Take that and chew it for a while. Your a clown.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
How by me keep playing make my request void. Your nuts. I was never told nor did I ever say I wasn't playing. Keep making up excuses, you have no case.

I would repsect if you would stop putting my personal information on a public forum. you show no class by doing so.


No gossip, just news
Sep 20, 2004
the other chat transcript, per your request :

****** Why hasn't my neteller w/d been processed yet
from last night
2005-01-28 16:41:30 cs2 hello
2005-01-28 16:41:41 ****** Why hasn't my neteller
w/d been processed yet from last night
2005-01-28 16:42:06 cs2 we are currently haveing
problems with our neteller accounting, your funds
should be there later today
2005-01-28 16:42:22 cs2 i apologize for the delay
2005-01-28 16:42:51 ****** what time approximately?
2005-01-28 16:43:26 cs2 not sure exactly what time?
however it shouldnt be much longer
2005-01-28 16:43:40 cs2 i would have to say about an
hour or two
2005-01-28 16:43:59 cs2 they are in the middle of
resolving the accounting matter
2005-01-28 16:44:02 ****** Ok, I will check again
2005-01-28 16:44:08 cs2 no prob
2005-01-28 16:44:49 ***** If for whatever reason it
is not fixed today will I be allowed 2 2500 w/d for
free for monday
2005-01-28 16:45:22 cs2 i will have to check,
however the funds should be there today
2005-01-28 16:45:42 ****** ok

New member
Sep 21, 2004
2005-01-28 16:42:06 cs2 we are currently haveing
problems with our neteller accounting, your funds
should be there later todday

New member
Sep 21, 2004
What does any of that prove except that I would be paid and I was not. Of course i would ask that I get 2 free w/d on monday if they kept lying about getting it today. I wanted too have it in writing. Plus its saturday, so I knew they were lying cause they told me accounting is closed on saturday so how were they going too pay me today anyway. Your a loser roberto..keep digging..

New member
Sep 21, 2004
pull that chat from 1030 this morning..when they said it would be done in an hour....waiting!!!!

Its so funny how you can read the chats and not post the ones where they look bad..real good bait and switch you loser.


No gossip, just news
Sep 20, 2004
Drunk, you're dead wrong man. Sorry to hurt your ego, but you're dead wrong.

The chat says 2005-01-28 ...that was Friday.

Caught you lying again extortionist.

Bring it on man, bring it on....

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