Lets be honest here.. this Muslim isn't gonna be good for us in general. Alot of Jews vote liberal here in America but this is gonna let to more terrorism against us on a grander scale. Especially in Israel.
I'll admit to being Jewish when degeneratedood admits to being Nes!
You are correct sir.
What does one have to say to come off as ''Jewish''? Isn't that a stereotype in itself?
...you're a fucking idiot. I didn't mention the analogy in my response you fool. I mentioned you saying I made myself and other jewish people look bad. GTFO
this degeneratedood is not jewish, he is playing the role to try to prove his own antisemitic views
"we run your shit" what a fucking clown. jews are but pawns in this gentile world, same ole story
" I know no king but Caesar" same as it ever was
and for the morons who actually believe the jews killed Yeshua, it was the romans morons
biggest lie ever told
Please explain why you think Obama is so bad.
Personnaly I like his healthcare reform plan. I think he'll make a fine leader. I believe the very wealthy should be greatful to the society and want to contribute higher taxes for the good of the nation. Obama will be way better for the middle and lower classes. He'll be way more compassionate than Bush or Mccain. I could go on & on about fairness and smartness but don't have the time.