The fact that the administration changed the name from global warming to climate change explains a lot.
Much like murder was replaced with work place violence.
It was like they thought no one would notice and to no ones surprise, no Liberals did.
CO2 is everywhere and in everything...and if we allow these zealots to have power to regulate restrict/prohibit the very air we and all animal life exhale, there is nothing that they cannot regulate and reign down tyrannical terror upon.
Bread, for example, is made with YEAST...and CO2 is what yeast gives off to make bread rise. Is bread killing the planet? Is it a pollutant?
Beer is full of CO2. That's what makes it bubble. Is beer a pollutant? How much CO2 is released every time you open a can of beer? We know Paul is all too familiar with popping a cheap brand open and listening to the CO2 escape the can.
Soda, champagne, sparkling wine...FULL of CO2. All pollutants, I guess. The whole premise is utterly absurd, and only a completely deceived world could ever believe such nonsense and embrace it.
The real scandal is that the overwhelming majority of money spent on climate research comes from governments. Governments, most notably ours, fund climate hysteria to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Why? Because the whole point of global warming alarmism is to persuade voters to cede more control over Western economies to government. No one seems to give a fuck about CO2 emissions from India or China, which together vastly exceed ours.
I've been around long enough to remember being terrorized with "a new ice age by the year 2000" reading material when I was a kid. I am also very familiar with communist/socialist propaganda techniques...and a lot of the global warming alarmist hysteria is incredibly reminiscent of the tactics used by other tinpots with the intent to fool and rule the masses.