It's not a "theory" when the Earth actually is pretty old. Do you understand the concept of sample sizes when drawing conclusions? You answered your own question in the next sentence. Scientists could be proven right, or they could be proven wrong. We don't know...yet some are claiming they have all the answers. That's the whole point.
Yes, we have 100% of the population of years that humans were burning fossil fuels. Why you would think we need a "larger" sample size to determine the effects of 100 years of pumping billions of tons of CO2 in the air is ridiculous. We can see the effects immediately of temperature change when a volcano erupts, we don't need to wait a million years to figure that out, lol. What an absolutely ridiculous argument.
While we're on the subject, you may want to ask yourself how a government that cannot even get a website up and running thinks it can control the climate of the earth? And if we closed the oil, gas and coal industries and all rode bicycles to would the climate change? Remember that CO2 is 0.039% of the since that's apparently too high, how low do you want to go? We can't get that number down to zero, or plant life will start dying out. So what's the sweet spot between 0 and 0.039?
No one knows how to reverse the process and take CO2 out of the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels is not saving the Earth because we need that CO2. And 99% of the atmosphere is Nitrogen and Oxygen which are not green house gases and do not trap heat. So only 1% of the atmosphere is made up of gases that trap heat, which is pretty much what separates us from being a big ball of ice or having a habitable environment. When you look at it that way, it is much easier to comprehend why small % increases in CO2 in the atmosphere can have a significant change on the climate.
I give you credit for at least pretending you're trying to think through the issues. What is really at stake here is NOT climate, but billions of dollars of government research grants, billions to redistribute to various cronies and third-world despots, and political control over a very significant share of our economy. It has not a damn thing to do with climate. I'd bet you'll have a come to Jesus moment and realize that at some point...just not now for whatever reason.
Even Big Oil has come to the Jesus moment that scientists are smarter than you and this whole "government conspiracy" nonsense is ridiculous and Global Warming is in fact real and a real threat to the environment.
So expert climate scientists, NASA, academia, and Big Oil are in agreement about global warming. The only group that's not is politicians and conservative bloggers. When ever people like you and the other clowns on this site are in agreement, it's almost a 100% fact that the opposite is true.
There is pretty much no real debate in the entire world of real climate scientists and academia when it comes to the facts behind global warming. It's laughable that you guys talk like there are serious questions on whether man made global warming is real.