Kerry couldn't stand the thought of a hardball question, so he does the libtard circuit looking for sympathy and emotional support
in libtard nation, they have to keep it simple, they have to follow the talking points, any deviation from that only confuses the flock
it's for that reason, it's because of the guessers of this world, that the POTUS can walk around telling the American people Benghazi was the result of a youtube video, if you like your insurance you can keep it, I'm going to cut the deficit in half in my first term, my stimulus will keep UE < 7%, I saved or created 10 zillion jobs, Obama signed the treaty to end the war in Iraq and most importantly, Romney hates women.
if the lowest informed people on earth ever sought a 2nd opinion, their heads would explode with information overload
keep it simple stupid, what democrats do to feed their flock