More interesting reading. Asked and answered.
geez, you guys are ignorant. you've never seen the view from the street? im sure that EVERYONE in NY is in on it, and the gov't paid bin laden to claim responsibityIt was a missile, not a plane.
Newton's Third Law of Motion:
<center><table width="450" bgcolor="#ffffe0" border="7" cellpadding="15"><tbody><tr><td>[FONT=helvetica,geneva,arial]III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. [/FONT]</td></tr></tbody></table></center>The building hit the plane at a speed of 500 mph.
If what your eyes told you you were seeing were correct. It defies Newton's law. The laws of physics, like mathematics, are absolute and cannot be defied.
If what you saw on TV really happened then planes wouldn't worry about losing power over the ocean. Crashing into the ocean would be be no problem as the water would offer no resistance and the plane could slice through it. Like butter, undamaged. Unfortunately, pilots know this is a fallacy. The plane drops from the sky and when it hits the ocean a plane will break apart. It's like hitting a brick wall.
Money Talks -- if these idiots don't understand physics by now, they never will.
If the building was made of water it still would have smashed into it and broken into pieces.
There were no planes. Only explosions.
Newton's Third Law of Motion:
<CENTER><TABLE cellPadding=15 width=450 bgColor=#ffffe0 border=7><TBODY><TR><TD>[FONT=helvetica,geneva,arial]III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. [/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>The building hit the plane at a speed of 500 mph.
If what your eyes told you you were seeing were correct. It defies Newton's law. The laws of physics, like mathematics, are absolute and cannot be defied.
If what you saw on TV really happened then planes wouldn't worry about losing power over the ocean. Crashing into the ocean would be be no problem as the water would offer no resistance and the plane could slice through it. Like butter, undamaged. Unfortunately, pilots know this is a fallacy. The plane drops from the sky and when it hits the ocean a plane will break apart. It's like hitting a brick wall.
Money Talks -- if these idiots don't understand physics by now, they never will.
If the building was made of water it still would have smashed into it and broken into pieces.
There were no planes. Only explosions.