United States Confirms: 2014 was Hottest Year on Record - And AK Confirms Conservatives are Retarded


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Are you fucking kidding me...

In a surprise move, Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma endorsed one of the measures, drafted by Rhode Island Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse. It passed 98-1 and read simply that "Climate change is real and not a hoax." But Inhofe quickly made clear that he still thought humans were not to blame.

"Climate is changing and climate has always changed and always will. There is archaeological evidence of that, there is biblical evidence of that, there is historical evidence of that," said Inhofe. But "there are some people who are so arrogant to think they are so powerful they can change climate."


This is how fucking retarded conservatives are. This guys argument against global warming is that the climate has changed throughout history. As if climate scientists do not understand that, lol. And I have no problem with people being religious, but religion should never be used as "evidence" of anything when talking about real scientific issues. And these are the people that are in charge of not only America's future but the entire Earth's future? We are definitely fucked, lol. This is a level of stupidity I can't even comprehend. I would hope our politicians would make decisions based on real scientific research and data, not their personal biased and religious opinions. Good news is Rand Paul has endorsed Global Warming and attributes most of the change to man. I'm starting to like that guy more and more.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
It is so entertaining watching dumb people like Inhoffe and festeringZit trying to explain their incredibly limited knowledge of climate to actual climate scientists. It would be like Ace trying to explain legal terms to real lawyers, or Sheriff Joe trying to explain economics to real economists. You gotta love conservatives, being that confident in your borderline retarded ideas, must be fun!

Jul 4, 2012
It is so entertaining watching dumb people like Inhoffe and festeringZit trying to explain their incredibly limited knowledge of climate to actual climate scientists. It would be like Ace trying to explain legal terms to real lawyers, or Sheriff Joe trying to explain economics to real economists. You gotta love conservatives, being that confident in your borderline retarded ideas, must be fun!

The best was when you tried to use "willfully" in a legal matter, made a complete ass of yourself, and then refused to admit you were wrong and instead went with "I was using it in a different context"

You are so dumb it is hysterical.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
The best was when you tried to use "willfully" in a legal matter, made a complete ass of yourself, and then refused to admit you were wrong and instead went with "I was using it in a different context"

You are so dumb it is hysterical.

I did admit I was wrong in the context I used it. I admitted that several times.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I did admit I was wrong in the context I used it. I admitted that several times.

Just proves you're the dumb-ass we all know you are and not a particularly good liar ("I'm very, VERY educated")

Hey, if I go to a bank machine tomorrow and make a cash withdrawal, am I liquidating my assets? That's what my super duper smart liberal arts college professor told me and he's never wrong.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Just proves you're the dumb-ass we all know you are and not a particularly good liar ("I'm very, VERY educated")

Hey, if I go to a bank machine tomorrow and make a cash withdrawal, am I liquidating my assets? That's what my super duper smart liberal arts college professor told me and he's never wrong.

Smart people can admit when they are wrong and that they can be wrong on occasion. Weird ass freaks like you and Ace act like you are never wrong about anything, it is hilarious. Ace can be blatantly wrong about something and still is too big of a nutter to admit it.

And that's why you are the biggest psycho on the site... I never once said anything about cash withdrawals from an ATM machine or taking cash out from a bank account. The fact you continue saying that just shows how big of a nut job you are.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Is Aspen Really Melting? The EPA Thinks So


“If we fail to act, Aspen’s climate could be a lot like that of Amarillo, TX, by 2100. Amarillo is a great town, but it’s a lousy place to ski.”

“The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller.”




One of the snow report websites reports, “Current snowpack levels are at 165% of average” for Aspen. Could the EPA Director have been mistaken? Was she in Aspen Acres, Georgia rather than Aspen, Colorado?


What an ugly, stupid bitch - akphi-idiot type of people.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Ahhh yes, there is snow on the mountain in 2015, which means they are wrong that there won't be snow in 85 years. Solid logic, lol. Conservatives are hilarious.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
There will be snow in 85 years, lol.

Some years less, some years more, but there will always be snow.

Ideology: “The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller” -- ugly-ass EPA dyke

Reality: "Current snowpack levels are at 165% of average” for Aspen."

You're a member of cult.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
There will be snow in 85 years, lol.

Some years less, some years more, but there will always be snow.

Ideology: “The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller” -- ugly-ass EPA dyke

Reality: "Current snowpack levels are at 165% of average” for Aspen."

You're a member of cult.

Where is the source that claimed snowpack levels were above 165% of average? And is that for the day or the year?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Current snowpack levels are at 165% of average and snowmaking is under way on both Aspen Mountain and Snowmass."



ugly-ass EPA dyke: No snow in Aspen!

Current conditions: lots of snow and COLD as hell!

"educated people making intelligent informed decisions!" :missingte

New member
Oct 19, 2007
"Current snowpack levels are at 165% of average and snowmaking is under way on both Aspen Mountain and Snowmass."

ugly-ass EPA dyke: No snow in Aspen!

Current conditions: lots of snow and COLD as hell!

"educated people making intelligent informed decisions!" :missingte

That's just a photo with some quote underneath it. Where does this data come from and is it for the season or for the day?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You can check any snow reporting source in Aspen, all of them non-ideological and non-political.

There's plenty of snow in Aspen and always will be. Some years less, some years more.


Key: Lower slopes / Upper slopes
Nov22cm / 48cm27cm / 50cm44cm / 63cm-
Dec37cm / 81cm40cm / 75cm64cm / 114cm122cm / 122cm
Jan53cm / 108cm53cm / 94cm77cm / 147cm127cm / 127cm
Feb76cm / 141cm76cm / 123cm119cm / 223cm-
Mar88cm / 166cm101cm / 156cm132cm / 258cm-
Apr41cm / 84cm78cm / 131cm113cm / 194cm-
Snow data is supplied by the Ski Club of Great Britain.

“The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller” -- ugly-ass EPA dyke :missingte

You belong to a cult.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You can check any snow reporting source in Aspen, all of them non-ideological and non-political.

There's plenty of snow in Aspen and always will be. Some years less, some years more.


Key: Lower slopes / Upper slopes
Nov22cm / 48cm27cm / 50cm44cm / 63cm-
Dec37cm / 81cm40cm / 75cm64cm / 114cm122cm / 122cm
Jan53cm / 108cm53cm / 94cm77cm / 147cm127cm / 127cm
Feb76cm / 141cm76cm / 123cm119cm / 223cm-
Mar88cm / 166cm101cm / 156cm132cm / 258cm-
Apr41cm / 84cm78cm / 131cm113cm / 194cm-
Snow data is supplied by the Ski Club of Great Britain.

“The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller” -- ugly-ass EPA dyke :missingte

You belong to a cult.

That doesn't explain where the 165% of average data comes from. And since 2012 was Aspen's record low year, it's kind of misleading to compare such a small sample. What do the numbers look like when you go back 75-80 years?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
That doesn't explain where the 165% of average data comes from. And since 2012 was Aspen's record low year, it's kind of misleading to compare such a small sample. What do the numbers look like when you go back 75-80 years?

75-80 years go? Moving the goalposts much? lol

This is what the ugly-ass EPA dyke said:

“The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller”

Ho hum, just another lie they want to use to impose their radical ideology on others.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
75-80 years go? Moving the goalposts much? lol

This is what the ugly-ass EPA dyke said:

“The past few warmer winters mean the snowpack in Aspen is getting smaller”

Ho hum, just another lie they want to use to impose their radical ideology on others.

Not moving the goalposts at all. Just want you to realize that the climate change argument is not based on short term variations. It's not even based on snowfall. It's based on long term trends of warming. Aspen is getting hotter, that they know for a fact. How that affects snowfall is pretty meaningless as the seasons will be shorter as Aspen gets hotter.

You just are really dumb and can't even represent the climate change argument correctly so you have to report these absolutely ridiculous logical fallacies.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Inhofe outfoxes the climate goofs once again!


Jim Inhofe flips the script on Democratic climate-change-is-a-hoax vote

"With Inhofe's re-framing the question, the Democrats, trying to engineer a gotcha moment, ended up empty-handed on the vote, with neither the satisfaction of nailing down opposition to scientific consensus and without a point of leverage for future discussions of addressing the warming planet."

Awesome! :aktion033

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Inhofe outfoxes the climate goofs once again!


Jim Inhofe flips the script on Democratic climate-change-is-a-hoax vote

"With Inhofe's re-framing the question, the Democrats, trying to engineer a gotcha moment, ended up empty-handed on the vote, with neither the satisfaction of nailing down opposition to scientific consensus and without a point of leverage for future discussions of addressing the warming planet."

Awesome! :aktion033

Very scientific. You must be proud, lol.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Not moving the goalposts at all. Just want you to realize that the climate change argument is not based on short term variations. It's not even based on snowfall. It's based on long term trends of warming. Aspen is getting hotter, that they know for a fact. How that affects snowfall is pretty meaningless as the seasons will be shorter as Aspen gets hotter.

You just are really dumb and can't even represent the climate change argument correctly so you have to report these absolutely ridiculous logical fallacies.

Umm, your dumb-fuck EPA dyke is basing it on short term variations ("the past few warmer winters"). Can't read? Not surprised.

Clearly a lie because, like you, she belongs to a cult.

And this "short term variations" bullshit coming from a guy obsessed with 100 years of 'climate' on a planet 4.5 billion years old. You can't make shit up! :missingte

You are dumb as fuck, and this embittered, ugly-ass dyke should not be allowed to run (ruin) our lives.

This is what happens when America votes for an unvetted community agitator.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Umm, your dumb-fuck EPA dyke is basing it on short term variations ("the past few warmer winters"). Clearly a lie because, like you, she belongs to a cult.

And this "short term variations" bullshit coming from a guy obsessed with 100 years of 'climate' on a planet 4.5 billion years old. You can't make shit up! :missingte

You are dumb as fuck, and this embittered, ugly-ass dyke should not be allowed to run (ruin) our lives.

Lol, the whole climate is 4.5 billion years old bit. That's very useful information when trying to understand how humans pumping billions of tons of CO2 in to the air affects the climate. Conservatives are incredibly dumb, lol.

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