It's early so I'll give him a pass for being so repetitive but he has gotta get a little more nuanced in terms of talking about issues. It's refreshing to see his rage against the machine but eventually you gotta have something more than "it's a disaster" "it's terrible" "I'd be the best president ever at ______"
Hopefully he can bring a little more substance but I don't blame him for not getting too policy heavy in the early stages.
When you knew him, did you have him pegged for this type of fame/fortune or are you a little surprised? Between his education and family wealth you probably atleast figured he would be some level of rich.
He was always boisterous but in a likable way, one time shortly after we became friendly a few of us were chatting at Maxwell's
and Trump wasn't there yet & someone asked me how much my pal Trump was making, another guy said as
I recall 'as much as he dad wants to pay him' his dad did build the largest apt. complex in Brooklyn.
His phone # as I recall was JA something 1111 before he moved into a condo on the east side
and he did brag that it was the same building Broadway Joe Namath lived in, He drove a Cadillac
he was bright (UP Wharton) & he had backing & I knew that shortly after we met.
He was confident but the thing that even at that time gave me the idea that he intended to go
places was when we decided to go to a new in place supposedly called the 'Hippopotumous'.
At Maxwell's when there was a line outside both Trump & I could crash the line & walk right in.
Not so at the 'Hippo' Trump was hoppin mad that we couldn't cut to be first in line & the line was
long. Before we left Trump yelled at the doorman something like 'I'm Don Trump remember the name'
Then I knew if he could he'd make his name a household word.
I left the seen it was time, when I got married in 1971 he wasn't famous until I guess about 5 or 6
years later. We had good times together double dated he actually was the only guy I ever allowed
to fix me up on a date cause I knew he had good taste. Many stories! So I'm no doubt predjuiced in my
opinion of Trump & support of him as he's the only really famous person I ever have known well.