Trump: the gift that just keeps on giving


Sep 22, 2007
Waiting of Cancer Joe to give his predictions on who wins the primary

lmao. Guy is fade gold.

That he is. Looks like Boy Blunder has a double digit lead over Walker and Shrub in the latest poll, whatta party, lol...

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Great call, dumb ass!

Hot off the press:

Real-estate magnate Donald Trump continues to sit at the top of national polls in the Republican race for president — and a new poll shows him with his most commanding lead yet.
A new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday found Trump with 24% support among Republican voters.
That almost doubles his next-closest opponent, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), who had 13%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) is in third place with 12%.

- - -

It goes on. But hey, if the NY Post gave the eulogy on his candidacy, I guess he's finished!

Sep 21, 2004
Great call, dumb ass!

Hot off the press:

Real-estate magnate Donald Trump continues to sit at the top of national polls in the Republican race for president — and a new poll shows him with his most commanding lead yet.
A new ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday found Trump with 24% support among Republican voters.
That almost doubles his next-closest opponent, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), who had 13%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) is in third place with 12%.

- - -

It goes on. But hey, if the NY Post gave the eulogy on his candidacy, I guess he's finished!

Thanks. It was easy to predict dumbass idiots like you would catapult Trump to the top of the polls early, with his Fox News Soundbite shit that requires no thought. Now lets see how his stupid remark on McCain will affect the numbers in about 2 weeks when the poll numbers reflect the latest news. The start of the road down.

Sep 21, 2004
Luntz: Real ‘Possibility’ Trump Runs as a Third Party Candidate
Frank Luntz
Breitbart Non-Syndicated


by Pam Key20 Jul 2015324
Monday on AM 970’s “The Joe Piscopo Show,” pollster Frank Luntz suggested that since Republican presidential candidate and longtime Clinton friend Donald Trump refused to say he would endorse whoever got the Republican party nomination, it is a real “possibility” Trump is planning a third party run. This, as host Joe Piscopo pointed out, would allow Hillary to “walk right in” to the presidency and be an astonishing historical repeat, because Ross Perot’s third party candidacy is credited for President Bill Clinton’s victory over President George H.W. Bush in 1992.

Luntz said, “The thing that no one noticed, is that someone asked him, ‘Will you guarantee to endorse the Republican candidate if you don’t get the nomination?’ And Trump said no. I believe that it may happen. I absolutely believe that we have to take as a possibility a Trump third party candidacy.”
Piscopo added, “Hillary or whoever it is…Hillary, she’ll walk in, or somebody on the Democratic side.”

Sep 21, 2004

How long the Trump surge lasts is an open question; this poll was conducted Thursday through Sunday, mostly before his controversial criticism Saturday of Sen. John McCain’s status as a war hero. And Trump’s support was conspicuously lower Sunday than in the three previous days.

John McCain Wants Donald Trump to Apologize to Veterans

The Companies That Have Dumped Donald Trump

Trump’s frontrunner status, moreover, reflects the crowded GOP race. He leads the 16-candidate field with 24 percent support among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who are registered to vote, up sharply from 4 percent in May. While enough for a lead, that also means 76 percent prefer someone else, or none of them.
Scott Walker has 13 percent support, Jeb Bush 12 percent, with the rest in single digits.
Trump’s support was 28 percent in this survey’s first three nights of polling. While the sample size of registered leaned Republicans on Sunday is quite small, he dropped to the single digits that day.

In a general election trial heat, Clinton leads Bush, the GOP fundraising leader, by a slight 50-44 percent among registered voters. But with Trump as an independent candidate that goes to 46-30-20 percent, Clinton-Bush-Trump – with Trump drawing support disproportionately from Bush, turning a 6-point Clinton advantage into 16 points.
Trump’s support in this three-way matchup was 21 percent from Thursday to Saturday, vs. 13 percent in Sunday interviews.

These are early days, of course; leaders came and went like flashcards in the 2012 Republican primary contest, and, as noted, potential fallout from Trump’s comments on McCain – or his next pronouncements – remains to be seen. But the results underscore the GOP’s conundrum in responding to Trump, a billionaire businessman and television celebrity who hasn’t ruled out an independent run for the presidency.

Sep 22, 2007
Luntz: Real ‘Possibility’ Trump Runs as a Third Party Candidate
Frank Luntz
Breitbart Non-Syndicated


by Pam Key20 Jul 2015324
Monday on AM 970’s “The Joe Piscopo Show,” pollster Frank Luntz suggested that since Republican presidential candidate and longtime Clinton friend Donald Trump refused to say he would endorse whoever got the Republican party nomination, it is a real “possibility” Trump is planning a third party run. This, as host Joe Piscopo pointed out, would allow Hillary to “walk right in” to the presidency and be an astonishing historical repeat, because Ross Perot’s third party candidacy is credited for President Bill Clinton’s victory over President George H.W. Bush in 1992.

Luntz said, “The thing that no one noticed, is that someone asked him, ‘Will you guarantee to endorse the Republican candidate if you don’t get the nomination?’ And Trump said no. I believe that it may happen. I absolutely believe that we have to take as a possibility a Trump third party candidacy.”
Piscopo added, “Hillary or whoever it is…Hillary, she’ll walk in, or somebody on the Democratic side.”

Barring something massively catastrophic happening, I think the Dems are a shoo-in anyway, but him running as a third party only makes things easier.

Sep 21, 2004
And Giving and Giving:
[h=3]Dark Tower[/h]07.27.158:35 PM ET
[h=1]Ex-Wife: Donald Trump Made Me Feel ‘Violated’ During Sex[/h]Ivana Trump once accused the real estate tycoon of ‘rape,’ although she later clarified: not in the ‘criminal sense.’
Donald Trump introduced his presidential campaign to the world with a slur against Mexican immigrants, accusing them of being “rapists” and bringing crime into the country.
“I mean somebody’s doing it!…Who’s doing the raping?” Donald Trump said, when asked to defend his characterization.
It was an unfortunate turn of phrase for Trump—in more ways than one. Not only does the current front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination have a history of controversial remarks about sexual assault, but as it turns out, his ex-wife Ivana Trump once used “rape” to describe an incident between them in 1989. She later said she felt “violated” by the experience.
Michael Cohen, special counsel at The Trump Organization, defended his boss, saying, “You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse.”
“It is true,” Cohen added. “You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”
Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump.
The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek reporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene. After a painful scalp reduction surgery to remove a bald spot, Donald Trump confronted his then-wife, who had previously used the same plastic surgeon.
“Your fucking doctor has ruined me!” Trump cried.
What followed was a “violent assault,” according to Lost Tycoon. Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified…It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”
Following the incident, Ivana ran upstairs, hid behind a locked door, and remained there “crying for the rest of night.” When she returned to the master bedroom in the morning, he was there.
“You’re talking about the front-runner for the GOP, presidential candidate, as well as private individual who never raped anybody. And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can't rape your spouse.”

“As she looks in horror at the ripped-out hair scattered all over the bed, he glares at her and asks with menacing casualness: ‘Does it hurt?’” Hurt writes.
Donald Trump has previously denied the allegation. In the book, he denies having had the scalp reduction surgery.
“It’s obviously false,” Donald Trump said of the accusation in 1993, according to Newsday. “It’s incorrect and done by a guy without much talent…He is a guy that is an unattractive guy who is a vindictive and jealous person.”
Cohen acknowledged Monday that he has not read the entire deposition but said he had read the two relevant pages of it, including the rape accusation.

“It’s not the word that you’re trying to make it into,” Cohen told The Daily Beast, saying Ivana Trump was talking about how “she felt raped emotionally…She was not referring to it [as] a criminal matter, and not in its literal sense, though there’s many literal senses to the word.”

Cohen added that there is no such thing, legally, as a man raping his wife. “You cannot rape your spouse,” he said. There’s very clear case law.”

‘Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump’ by Harry Hurt III. 447 p. W W Norton & Co Inc. (Amazon)
That is not true. In New York, there used to be a so-called marital rape exemption to the law. It was struck down in 1984.
Trump’s lawyer then changed tactics, lobbing insults and threatening a lawsuit if a story was published.

“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know,” Cohen said. “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”
“You write a story that has Mr. Trump’s name in it, with the word ‘rape,’ and I’m going to mess your life up…for as long as you’re on this frickin’ planet…you’re going to have judgments against you, so much money, you’ll never know how to get out from underneath it,” he added.
When Lost Tycoon was about to be printed, Donald Trump and his lawyers provided a statement from Ivana, which was posted on the first page of the book. In it, Ivana confirms that she had “felt violated” and that she had stated that her husband had raped her during a divorce deposition. But Ivana sought to soften her earlier statement.
“During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the Ivana Trump statement said. “[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”
The statement, according to a “Notice to the Reader” in the book, “does not contradict or invalidate any information contained in this book.”
Nevertheless, Cohen, Trump’s attorney, said that “there is nothing reasonable about you wanting to write a story about somebody’s usage of the word ‘rape,’ when she’s talking [about] she didn’t feel emotionally satisfied.”
“Though there’s many literal senses to the word, if you distort it, and you put Mr. Trump’s name there onto it, rest assured, you will suffer the consequences. So you do whatever you want. You want to ruin your life at the age of 20? You do that, and I’ll be happy to serve it right up to you,” he added.

“I think you should go ahead and you should write the story that you plan on writing. I think you should do it. Because I think you’re an idiot. And I think your paper’s a joke, and it’s going to be my absolute pleasure to serve you with a $500 million lawsuit, like I told [you] I did it to Univision,” Cohen continued.

The 1990 divorce case between the two Trumps was granted on the grounds of Donald’s “cruel and inhuman treatment” of Ivana. The settlement, under which the Trumps agreed on the division of assets, was finalized in 1991. Her divorce involved a gag order that keeps her from talking about her marriage to Donald Trump without his permission.
Divorce records in New York state are not open to public inspection. But some of the legal documents surrounding the contract dispute over the Trumps’ prenuptial agreement are still available and were reviewed by The Daily Beast.
In one such document, Ivana Trump’s lawyers claim that in the three years preceding their divorce Donald Trump, “has increasingly verbally abused and demeaned [her] so as to obtain her submission to his wishes and desires” as well as “humiliated and verbally assaulted” her. The New York County Clerk’s records office couldn’t locate at least one box of documents relating to the contract dispute. (It’s not uncommon for court files to go missing.)
Ivana Trump did not respond to a request for comment.
Donald Trump has a history of grandstanding on rape. His controversial campaign-trail comments this year about Mexicans were hardly the first time he has waded into the hot-button issue of sexual assault.
Two years ago, Trump weighed in on the alarming rate of sexual assault and rape in the military—and in doing so, pinned the blame on the presence of women.
“26,000 unreported sexual [assaults] in the military—only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?” he tweeted in 2013. “The Generals and top military brass never wanted a mixer but were forced to do it by very dumb politicians who wanted to be politically [correct]!” he continued.
In 1989, the real estate mogul placed a full-page ad in four New York City newspapers calling for the execution of the five alleged rapists of Trisha Meili, the Central Park jogger who was put in a coma by her assailants. The defendants received different sentences and served between six and 13 years behind bars before new evidence of coerced confessions emerged that led to their convictions being vacated in 2002.
Trump’s other public statements on rape cases range from tone-deaf to offensive. In 1992, he floated the idea that convicted rapist and boxer Mike Tyson should be allowed to pay “millions and millions” of dollars to rape victims instead of serving jail time. Trump’s modest proposal did not go over well.
“How offensive,” shot back Dollyne Pettingill, spokeswoman for the mayor of Indianapolis, where Tyson committed the assault. “We have a judicial process for these matters and it’s not for sale.”
Whether Trump’s comments about rape—or the accusation of assault from his ex-wife—will hurt his burgeoning political career is an open question. So far, Trump has been able to shake off the sorts of scandals that would destroy any other campaign for president. Dissing Mexican immigrants and prisoners of war has not cost him his campaign, nor has his history of giving to Democratic campaigns. In the latest CNN poll, Trump leads all other candidates in the Republican presidential field, with 18 percent support.
with additional reporting by Nina Strochlic and Asawin Suebsaeng

Sep 21, 2004
Eh, what's the difference, 10 Billion like he boasts, or 2.9 Billion, like an independent analysis shows? He's still really rich, and who cares if he's only off by 7 Billion. No Biggie:

2016 [h=1]Here's Our Tally of Donald Trump's Wealth[/h] Jul 28, 2015 5:00 AM EDT
Based on an analysis that included the candidate's 92-page personal financial disclosure form, his wealth is closer to $2.9 billion.

Caleb Melby t CalebMelby

Richard Rubin t RichardRubinDC

The latest math on Donald Trump: $2.9 billion.
An analysis by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, based in part on a 92-page personal financial disclosure form made public last week, revealed a portfolio dominated by skyscrapers and golf courses. The celebrity presidential candidate says he’s worth more than $10 billion.
Trump has vaulted to the top of some polls in the crowded field of Republican contenders hoping to win the White House next year. His comments against illegal immigration and Senator John McCain’s status as a Vietnam War hero have attracted attention—and renewed the focus on his many and varied claims to the size of his own wealth.
The majority of Trump’s fortune is derived from real-estate holdings that include a partnership with Vornado Realty Trust in Manhattan’s 1290 Sixth Ave. and 555 California St. in San Francisco; resorts such as the Mar-a-Lago and Trump Doral resorts in Florida; and Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, according to the Bloomberg index. Other properties include Turnberry in Scotland and Doonbeg in Ireland, both golf courses.

The Bloomberg index values the real estate based on income it currently produces. Trump’s retail spaces could fetch higher rents if vacated and leased to new tenants at prevailing rates. It doesn’t value Trump’s brand beyond accounting for cash held in accounts for his licensing deals and business partnerships. Trump’s own estimations include much higher values for his brand.
Hope Hicks, a Trump spokeswoman, declined to comment.
[h=2]Iowa Event[/h]During a campaign rally in Iowa Saturday, Trump said critics had doubted whether he would run for office because of the financial disclosure requirements.

Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg
Donald Trump pauses while speaking during The Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, on July 18.
“They said, ‘Well, he’s probably not as rich as people think.’ But then it turned out I’m much richer.” He said he’s “actually worth more than $10” billion.
Last month, Trump released a summary of his net worth as of June 30, 2014, which calculated his fortune at $8.7 billion, including $3.3 billion for the value of his name.
The Bloomberg Billionaires Index is a daily ranking of the world’s biggest fortunes. It uses a standardized approach to value the assets owned by the world’s wealthiest people.
The analysis included a review of the personal financial disclosure Trump verified, signed and filed that was made public by the Federal Election Commission. The document provides top-line information on cash, marketable securities and airplanes, offering further clarity on assets.
The federal disclosure doesn’t require Trump to list real estate that’s only for his own use, nor other personal property such as art or clothing.
[h=2]Disclosure Range[/h]The federal form requires disclosures of value ranges rather than specific sums. The government doesn’t mandate how to assess real estate. Trump valued many properties in excess of $50 million — the highest category on the form.
The Bloomberg analysis is based on purchase dates, square-footage figures, rental, occupancy and capitalization rates, operating margins, valuation ratios, leasehold arrangements and other mortgage data. The information was drawn from Trump-affiliated websites, documents filed with New York City and property consultants including Real Capital Analytics Inc., CBRE Group Inc., DTZ Holdings Plc., Faith Hope Consolo at Douglas Elliman Real Estate and Larry Hirsh at Golf Property Analysts.
[h=2]Royalties, Fees[/h]There may be additional assets that the analysis doesn’t include. The federal disclosure lists 11 entities without values or incomes, and those aren’t included in the calculation. Also, Trump’s disclosed revenue range of $32 million to $55 million from royalties, television, management fees, model commissions, restaurants and beauty pageants is accounted for as cash.
The following is a list of Trump’s assets, as valued by the Bloomberg index:
* The 30 percent stake in the two office buildings that are majority-owned by Vornado is valued at a combined $640 million net of debt.
* Trump’s golf and resort properties are valued at a combined $570 million, based on price-to-sales ratios for similar properties. Trump said last month that these holdings are worth $2 billion based on the June 2014 figures, without disclosing his methodology.
[h=2]Trump Tower[/h]* A leasehold at 40 Wall St. in New York is valued at $550 million before debt. Trump purchased the lease, which expires in 2059, for $10 million in 1995, according to property records. He has the option of extending it through 2194.
* Trump Tower is valued at $490 million, before debt. That includes Trump’s 30,000 square-foot (2,787 square meter) penthouse apartment, and the building’s offices and retail spaces, including the Gucci store, which is valued at $250 million. It doesn’t include the building’s condominiums, which Trump has sold, and are accounted for as cash.
* A leasehold at New York’s 6 East 57th St., which houses Niketown, is valued at $470 million. Trump paid an annual rent of $125,000 for the building through 2008. The following year, it jumped to 6 percent of the property’s fair market value, leaving room for Trump to negotiate his rent, said Charles McDowell, owner of London-based Charles McDowell Property Consultants.
* Trump has also developed several condominium buildings in Manhattan, and still owns some unsold storage space in the basements of these buildings. He owns unsold condominiums, including full-floor units at 502 Park Ave. that are valued at $200 million. One of those apartments sold for $21 million this month.
* About $300 million in cash, securities and aircraft, based on the maximum value for each account and security provided in the federal disclosure.
The index subtracts $350 million in liabilities, mostly mortgages on marquee properties such as Trump Tower, 40 Wall St. and Trump Doral

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Trump has all the Liberals all up in a high pitched frenzy.

He must be the right guy for the job.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Trump has all the Liberals all up in a high pitched frenzy.

He must be the right guy for the job.

We've talked about this. Listen to me and you will stop looking stupid.

Liberals will rejoice and celebrate if trump wins the republican nomination.
Jan 24, 2012
We've talked about this. Listen to me and you will stop looking stupid.

Liberals will rejoice and celebrate if trump wins the republican nomination.

Interestingly, it seems as though everyone here will be happy about a Trump nomination but me. Good news for me is that he has very little chance. It will end up being Rubio, Bush or Walker.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Interestingly, it seems as though everyone here will be happy about a Trump nomination but me. Good news for me is that he has very little chance. It will end up being Rubio, Bush or Walker.

Agree....and I think Rubio has a good shot.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
That's who I am pulling for. Got a sick feeling it's going to be John Bush.

Could be. I'd be ok with you Rubio or Kasich( even though that's a long shot). Hillary is still the fav and has taken major hits.....all without really campaigning .....that's bad news for repubs.
Jan 24, 2012
Could be. I'd be ok with you Rubio or Kasich( even though that's a long shot). Hillary is still the fav and has taken major hits.....all without really campaigning .....that's bad news for repubs.

She's definitely a heavy favorite. I did see that 5dimes dropped the odds on a Dem winning to -150/+130 which surprised me. Tempted to take the -150 but don't really feel like depositing just for that. Wish my local had those odds, would be a nice emotional hedge.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
She's definitely a heavy favorite. I did see that 5dimes dropped the odds on a Dem winning to -150/+130 which surprised me. Tempted to take the -150 but don't really feel like depositing just for that. Wish my local had those odds, would be a nice emotional hedge.

Yeah, she's dropped some but will surge once she actually starts doing stuff. The campaign is being smart with her now......they won't mismanage the way they did in 08. She can be beat but a tough task. I believe the need Rubio and/or Kasich to be part of the ticket. Ohio and Florida are really the election. If repubs win those states they are in.....if they don't....they lose.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Barring something massively catastrophic happening, I think the Dems are a shoo-in anyway, but him running as a third party only makes things easier.

My cryatal Ball says this:
Trump 3rd party 36%
Clinton Dem 34%
Bush Rep 30%

New member
Oct 29, 2010
My cryatal Ball says this:
Trump 3rd party 36%
Clinton Dem 34%
Bush Rep 30%

Let me borrow that thing and see what else the ball says:

Festering Zit marries Caitlyn Jenner and the ceremony was performed by a Muslim

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