Trump: the gift that just keeps on giving


Dec 12, 2006
Hell, even the rich Dems like Bush. They were donating money left and right at his appearance in The Hamptons the other day.
Jan 24, 2012
Your out of the loop on Rove. Rove is a big Jeb Bush supporter & though not as definitive
as guys like Krauthammer & Will & Dana Perino also other Fox pundits he is certainly
anti Don Trump.

Wasn't referring to his support of Trump or Bush or any 2016 candidate. Was referring to being wrong and going down swinging in 2012.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Let me borrow that thing and see what else the ball says:

Festering Zit marries Caitlyn Jenner and the ceremony was performed by a Muslim

Your missing a few points.
1) Hispanic voters; in spite of the pundits bellowing that Trump has ruined, by his comments,
all the hopes the Rep. had of courting Latinos to support them more than Romney's 26%.
Well when the first hint of latino allegiance came with Gravis polling in Nevada Trump got
31% of the latin support leaving Bush & Rubio in the dust with a constituency they wrongly
presumed were theirs.
2) The Reagan Democrats; they haven't come out for a Rep. since 1988, they'll come out
for Don Trump in a big way, Bush certainly won't get them, they all went for Obama in '12
Clinton will have to share them with Trump.
3) The blacks; They are no fan of Clinton proved in the '08 Democratic Primary. Usually the
Dem. get 85 to 90% of the blacks in the presidential election but in contest between 2
Democrats it's pretty even. In the NC primary Obama got 98% of the male black vote
according to the exit polls Mrs. Clinton 1%. To me North Carolina in a 3 candidate race
would electorily be in the Trump column. I can report that without any fear of
RESPONSIBLE contradiction!

Sep 21, 2004
And Giving And Giving......
And I am sure he'd tap that.
[h=1]Donald Trump says he'd tap:):) Sarah Palin for a Cabinet post[/h] By Adam B. Lerner
7/28/15 6:36 PM EDT

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Donald Trump has succeeded in alienating many of his fellow Republicans with his personal attacks, but if he does win in November 2016 and is forced to assemble a cabinet of GOP allies, he knows exactly whom he would call on: Sarah Palin.
When asked on Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” Monday whether he would seek the former Alaska governor’s advice as president or potentially appoint her to an executive-branch position, Trump said, “I’d love that.”

“She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening. She’s a special person:):). She’s really a special person:):). And I think people know that and she’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” he continued. (Palin has more than 4 million Facebook followers.)

“I’m looking at some of these candidates, they’re weak, they’re ineffective and to a degree that’s almost hard to believe. And, you know, they like the Sarah Palin kind of strength. You just don’t see very much of it anymore,” Trump mused.
He noted that Palin has come up in his interactions on the campaign trail. “I’ve still got people saying, ‘Oh, get Sarah’s support, get Sarah’s support.’ No matter where I go, everybody loves her.”
Though they come from opposite ends of the country, Palin and Trump have previously bonded over their outsider status in the Republican Party.
In 2011, Palin’s bus tour stopped in New York City and the two were spotted eating pizza at Albanian chain pizza restaurant La Famiglia, a decision mocked by Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” as well as by New York-style pizza enthusiasts on social media. Stewart accused Trump of being a bad host because he stacked his slices of pizza and ate them with a fork, anathema to most New York pizza-lovers’ sensibilities.
Trump noted in the “Palin Update” interview that both he and Palin have grown used to constant media criticism.
“Now she has, like me, some people that don’t exactly love us and we understand who they are and you sort of forget about that,” he said.
“She took so much nonsense, lies and disgusting lies, and she handles it so well. She’s tough and smart:):).”

Also in 2011, Palin praised Trump’s demand that President Barack Obama to release his birth certificate. “Media: Admit it. Trump forced the issue,” she tweeted after the president did so.
More recently, she told CNN that Trump was a “hero” for “giving voice to untold millions of fed-up Americans witnessing a purposeful destruction of our economy and the equal opportunity for success that made America exceptional.”
In that interview, Palin declined to criticize’s Trump’s attack on her 2008 running mate, Arizona Sen. John McCain, characterizing the controversy as a “media-driven wedge between them:):).”


Sep 22, 2007
And Giving And Giving......
And I am sure he'd tap that.
Donald Trump says he'd tap:):) Sarah Palin for a Cabinet post

By Adam B. Lerner
7/28/15 6:36 PM EDT

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Donald Trump has succeeded in alienating many of his fellow Republicans with his personal attacks, but if he does win in November 2016 and is forced to assemble a cabinet of GOP allies, he knows exactly whom he would call on: Sarah Palin.
When asked on Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” Monday whether he would seek the former Alaska governor’s advice as president or potentially appoint her to an executive-branch position, Trump said, “I’d love that.”

“She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening. She’s a special person:):). She’s really a special person:):). And I think people know that and she’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” he continued. (Palin has more than 4 million Facebook followers.)

“I’m looking at some of these candidates, they’re weak, they’re ineffective and to a degree that’s almost hard to believe. And, you know, they like the Sarah Palin kind of strength. You just don’t see very much of it anymore,” Trump mused.
He noted that Palin has come up in his interactions on the campaign trail. “I’ve still got people saying, ‘Oh, get Sarah’s support, get Sarah’s support.’ No matter where I go, everybody loves her.”
Though they come from opposite ends of the country, Palin and Trump have previously bonded over their outsider status in the Republican Party.
In 2011, Palin’s bus tour stopped in New York City and the two were spotted eating pizza at Albanian chain pizza restaurant La Famiglia, a decision mocked by Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” as well as by New York-style pizza enthusiasts on social media. Stewart accused Trump of being a bad host because he stacked his slices of pizza and ate them with a fork, anathema to most New York pizza-lovers’ sensibilities.
Trump noted in the “Palin Update” interview that both he and Palin have grown used to constant media criticism.
“Now she has, like me, some people that don’t exactly love us and we understand who they are and you sort of forget about that,” he said.
“She took so much nonsense, lies and disgusting lies, and she handles it so well. She’s tough and smart:):).”

Also in 2011, Palin praised Trump’s demand that President Barack Obama to release his birth certificate. “Media: Admit it. Trump forced the issue,” she tweeted after the president did so.
More recently, she told CNN that Trump was a “hero” for “giving voice to untold millions of fed-up Americans witnessing a purposeful destruction of our economy and the equal opportunity for success that made America exceptional.”
In that interview, Palin declined to criticize’s Trump’s attack on her 2008 running mate, Arizona Sen. John McCain, characterizing the controversy as a “media-driven wedge between them:):).”

In the words of John McEnroe, you can NOT be serious! More evidence that he's a moron, although, at this point, it's Pink Floyd time(another brick in the wall)...

Sep 21, 2004
In the words of John McEnroe, you can NOT be serious! More evidence that he's a moron, although, at this point, it's Pink Floyd time(another brick in the wall)...

Yep, but right now, he's the Teflon Don. Everything bounces off. But that will change, as there is so much material that makes him look like the buffoon bully he is, and he'll keep adding to it, and the accumulation of it will sink him, and even the goofy R base will start looking at the adults in the room.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
And Giving And Giving......
And I am sure he'd tap that.
Donald Trump says he'd tap:):) Sarah Palin for a Cabinet post

By Adam B. Lerner
7/28/15 6:36 PM EDT

Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Donald Trump has succeeded in alienating many of his fellow Republicans with his personal attacks, but if he does win in November 2016 and is forced to assemble a cabinet of GOP allies, he knows exactly whom he would call on: Sarah Palin.
When asked on Sarah Palin’s Mama Grizz Radio’s “The Palin Update” Monday whether he would seek the former Alaska governor’s advice as president or potentially appoint her to an executive-branch position, Trump said, “I’d love that.”

“She’s really somebody who knows what’s happening. She’s a special person:):). She’s really a special person:):). And I think people know that and she’s got a following that’s unbelievable,” he continued. (Palin has more than 4 million Facebook followers.)

“I’m looking at some of these candidates, they’re weak, they’re ineffective and to a degree that’s almost hard to believe. And, you know, they like the Sarah Palin kind of strength. You just don’t see very much of it anymore,” Trump mused.
He noted that Palin has come up in his interactions on the campaign trail. “I’ve still got people saying, ‘Oh, get Sarah’s support, get Sarah’s support.’ No matter where I go, everybody loves her.”
Though they come from opposite ends of the country, Palin and Trump have previously bonded over their outsider status in the Republican Party.
In 2011, Palin’s bus tour stopped in New York City and the two were spotted eating pizza at Albanian chain pizza restaurant La Famiglia, a decision mocked by Jon Stewart on “The Daily Show” as well as by New York-style pizza enthusiasts on social media. Stewart accused Trump of being a bad host because he stacked his slices of pizza and ate them with a fork, anathema to most New York pizza-lovers’ sensibilities.
Trump noted in the “Palin Update” interview that both he and Palin have grown used to constant media criticism.
“Now she has, like me, some people that don’t exactly love us and we understand who they are and you sort of forget about that,” he said.
“She took so much nonsense, lies and disgusting lies, and she handles it so well. She’s tough and smart:):).”

Also in 2011, Palin praised Trump’s demand that President Barack Obama to release his birth certificate. “Media: Admit it. Trump forced the issue,” she tweeted after the president did so.
More recently, she told CNN that Trump was a “hero” for “giving voice to untold millions of fed-up Americans witnessing a purposeful destruction of our economy and the equal opportunity for success that made America exceptional.”
In that interview, Palin declined to criticize’s Trump’s attack on her 2008 running mate, Arizona Sen. John McCain, characterizing the controversy as a “media-driven wedge between them:):).”

You know as well as I that Don Trump would never put Sarah in
any cabinet post. He was being very charitable to be on her radio
show and said nice words about an old friend being diplomatic.
Also Sarah is still popular in an nostalgic sort of way with the
conservative wing & if he was stupid & said no, he may upset some
of the people behind him now,

Trump would also never put in the likes of Marie Harp, Jen Psaki or
Susan Rice some of Obama's awfully flawed appointees.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is beating fellow GOP rival – former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush – in his own state, according to a new report by the SaintPetersBlog.

“A St. Pete Polls survey released on Wednesday shows the New York businessman with 26 percent support, with Jeb Bush in second place with 20 percent,” reported the SaintPetersBlog.

The poll surveyed 1,902 likely Republican primary Florida voters. It was conducted July 18th to 28th with a plus or minus margin of error of 2.2 percent.

I’m beginnng to believe that Trump just might be for real.
Jan 24, 2012
Mark Cuban had some interesting thoughts on Trump. Not a Trump fan and I'm not sure I completely agree with Cuban, but it is an interesting perspective.

But Cuban said the only thing that mattered was Trump breaking political orthodoxy by saying what was truly on his mind.

"I don't care what his actual positions are," Cuban wrote. "I don't care if he says the wrong thing. He says what's on his mind. He gives honest answers rather than prepared answers. This is more important than anything any candidate has done in years."
Indeed, the outspoken investor said Trump "changed the game."
"Up until Trump announced his candidacy the conventional wisdom was that you had to be a professional politician in order to run," Cuban continued. "You had to have a background that was politically scrubbed. In other words, smart people who didn't live perfect lives could never run. Smart people who didn't want their families put under the media spotlight wouldn't run. The Donald is changing all of that. He has changed the game and for that he deserves a lot of credit.
"Now maybe we will accept candidates warts and all and look at what they can do rather than what headlines they create," Cuban concluded. "Congrats Donald."


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Trump = Bat Shit Crazy

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
President Trump - get used to saying it for 8 years.

New member
Jan 16, 2013

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is beating fellow GOP rival – former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush – in his own state, according to a new report by the SaintPetersBlog.

“A St. Pete Polls survey released on Wednesday shows the New York businessman with 26 percent support, with Jeb Bush in second place with 20 percent,” reported the SaintPetersBlog.

The poll surveyed 1,902 likely Republican primary Florida voters. It was conducted July 18th to 28th with a plus or minus margin of error of 2.2 percent.

I’m beginnng to believe that Trump just might be for real.

Not only that but a PPP poll usually biased in favor of left wing politicians has
Don Trump ahead of all Rep. primary candidates with latino voters.
Trump 34%, Bush 31% the rest all below 15%. So much for the hope
of Bush & Rubio that their Latino support was necessary for a Republican
victory in 2016. Trump will have more Latino support than Romney's 26%
in 2012, maybe way more. Certainly more than Bush or Rubio would have had.

Jul 14, 2007
Of course he'll have more latino support than any other GOP member. Half his policies are as left wing as can be.

Particularly on issues of trade and health care. He called Wisconsin a disaster, yeah, that is probably something that will garner support from people who have voted Dem the past 8 years.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Of course he'll have more latino support than any other GOP member. Half his policies are as left wing as can be.

Particularly on issues of trade and health care. He called Wisconsin a disaster, yeah, that is probably something that will garner support from people who have voted Dem the past 8 years.

You are right about one thing, he is not a doctrinaire Republican!

Jul 14, 2007
You are right about one thing, he is not a doctrinaire Republican!

It's early so I'll give him a pass for being so repetitive but he has gotta get a little more nuanced in terms of talking about issues. It's refreshing to see his rage against the machine but eventually you gotta have something more than "it's a disaster" "it's terrible" "I'd be the best president ever at ______"

Hopefully he can bring a little more substance but I don't blame him for not getting too policy heavy in the early stages.

When you knew him, did you have him pegged for this type of fame/fortune or are you a little surprised? Between his education and family wealth you probably atleast figured he would be some level of rich.

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