
New member
Sep 21, 2004
NY Reb, I agree to a "t" with everything you said. I will still read other's threads, in order to gleam bits of information here and there, however, as you said, this thread will be useful and helpful, in a time crunch type situation.

NY Reb, you are one of the ones that was invited to post. Will you be doing so?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
SportSavant, we do have to start somewhere, and, if you feel that someone is a quality capper that isn't included in my thread, then you can feel free to read his/her thread in addition. That's your perogative, however, a thread like this HAS to be subjective, by definition, for it to work, and, again, if you feel like it doesn't do someone justice, then you are free to read their thread as well.

I thought Dano's idea was excellent and we are running with it. We'll tweak here and there, but, for now, it is what it is.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
NY REB...the intent of that thread would only be to quickly check picks for the day or to go back the next day and see how the guys did in one thread, i think think most people will want to continue to go to posters own threads for writeups...but when it gets close to post time..7:00..for coll. hoops i think it would be a great help to be able to go back to just one thread for last min updates as opposed to checking 15 diff threads of RX top cappers...thank you for the reply!!..and best of luck.. hope you'll post in camberts thread!!

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

This comment is meant to help you in your thread. No further mention of anything else. Since today is the first of March and there is only one month remaining, past records are of little value now. Since you have listed those who you would like to monitor and follow, why not start everyone equally starting today at 0-0 YTD without units to be assigned. The capper could use the words "Regular", "Strong" or "Extra Strong" or something like what Kodiak uses. The reason I am recommending this is because with only one month remaining and the tournaments about to start, it would be more valuable to the forums members and viewers how everyone is doing currently. The season ends April 5th. Past record, at this point was useful in determining your list, but will be of little value over the next month. How the cappers are doing daily for the next month is what would be helpful. Their past record would mask their current performance.
I know from personal experience during Bowl Season, it only mattered to my viewers how I was performing during that period. Food for thought and once again good luck.

New member
Sep 21, 2003
I agree, if htis is too work...everyone at 0-0-0...

& only 1, 2 0r 3* games....

that way we will be able to track accordingly

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jcambert:
It someone is willing to do the detailed record keeping, I would gladly post it, or have them post it, but, that would simply be too time consuming. I'd be open to suggestions on this, though.


Maybe each invited poster could post his daily record at the end of the thread and you could then quite easily sum them all up for a total at the start of a new days thread?

Nov 20, 2000
oldmanted.. I tend to agree...

i really do not care one way or the other however...

Sep 20, 2004
Aloha Gang,

First, I am honored by your expression of my worthiness to be placed on this list. But, I will have to, at this time, decline from this, as I think that I do not fit into your criteria of what the majority of the cappers or followers here look for. Also, because I may not have the time or energy to enter into this. Please I will try to be short in my explainations as to why.

1.I dont consider myself great. Its more like I have a good feel for sports and how to take advantage of them some times. But I am not great at all, all the time. I also am not a complete expert in this industry of sports investing, when it comes to knowing all the other aspects outside of the game itself, this I am still learning. My Best sports, in my opinion, is College FB, NFL, and then College BB, as far as experience, knowledge, info, insights, etc. My average sports are NBA, and MLB.

2.I do not keep a running ytd record because I dont follow it. I go by what my bankroll is at that particular time. I keep a daily and weekly record. Each week I start a new record M-Su. I do this because for me it is easier to see where I am at and make adjustments in my play. I do this also, because I think that the majority here, players and observers, play week to week, so it is easier for them to know when I am hot, and to jump on, or when I am cold, and jump off. Lastly, as for ytd, I dont go by this type of tracking or feedback, because I dont follow a strict kind of betting structure that most who use this type of monitoring do. Sometimes a great opportunity comes along and I will pound it for more than what I may release it as , unit wise. Ex, my GOY plays are for 10 Units. Most often, I will play it for two to three times that, but never less. So this type of tracking, doesnt reflect to me my true profit or losses. Also, dont forget the games where you play it at even bet, reduced juice, increased juice, or increased odds. How are you accurately calculate it in to ytd. I know that some can and will, but for me I rather refer to my account for this feedback.

side note: Ted, I will be getting to your thread about what my units mean. I wasnt trying to ignore you my friend, just alittle tied up mentally. Sorry.

3.I already post my POD's, which is my best play I consider for the day in POPS69's thread. He keeps a ytd record and % for me and for those who want or need to see it.

4.I post at two other sites, and also cap these games out myself, and a few times get help from another collegue when he has time to discuss some games. I also have a busy schedule, which I have been very much neglecting and it is showing signs of causing problems for me, that will throw my life out of balance. If it hasnt already.

5.I came here to the RX for the sharing of information. Not necessarily for the plays. The plays are great to see from some of the great cappers here, but it is the reasoning and analysis which I was looking to view and acquire first, so that I may learn, and be exposed to new angles or info that I was not aware of. Because of this, I find that I have a responsibility to give a statement or analysis, in a few words or sentences or paragraphs, to all who come here to view my plays. This I know is not easy to do for most. So, for those that see it different, please dont take my words as a judgement on you. It is not, it is just my way, that is it. If you just post your plays it is perfectly fine with me. There are many here that do this and I respect alot of them for they have proven themselves, which their ytd records can attest to. I dont post a ytd like I said, so that is another reason why I feel that I need to give an analysis to my plays. It is just so others know that I am not here to just post plays or have not done my homework. This is my way of showing my worth, my honesty, and my integrity, just like how others use their ytd records to show theirs.

6.Lastly, I dont think that I will have the ability to keep up the responsibilities of remembering to post to anothers thread. I know others will not see or agree with this statement, but try and understand for a moment, that you are not in my shoes. Others who I see as worthy to be on the list also are Kapusta, thetexaskid, oldmanTed, omaha, just to name a few.

Please though, do not let my decline at this time stop you or any other capper from doing this. My decision has nothing to do with anyone or anything else, but myself. Just please try to remember, if your going to do this. It is to beat the books and not to form some sort of competition between the cappers. You should praise all for just posting and not just the ones winning. It says alot about someone who loses, but yet gets up again and legitamately continues to try and win. It takes guts to put your plays, not to mention your analysis on them, out there for the world to see. It takes more guts to do it again after you lose. For all the cappers here, who do decide to post their plays in this thread, remember the others are not your competition or enemy, the books are. For those who view this thread and have agreed that these cappers who post here are worthy and have shown their abilities as great cappers, remember that win or lose, their ability and worthiness will not change because of it. Whomever controls this, you have the responsibility to remember to maintain the professionalism and intergrity of ALL the cappers who are willing to agree to do this. Remember we are all here to help eachother, and beat the Man. Keep it POSITIVE and only POSITIVE will come. Thanks for allowing me to waste your time. And once again, Thank You for your confidence in my abilities. This is JMO and take it FWIW. Aloha CC.
Thanks Co-cap. I myself really only pay attention to less than a dozen people here and I can honestly say that several of the so-called "elite cappers" by JC are not them. This in by no means is meant as a slap to anyone on the list but just my personal preference. I very rarely play a game without capping it myself. I may however look at someones thread and then reanalyze a game by the information gathered here and then it may become a play. Anyway, thanks for the props Co-cap.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Pops hit the nail on the head! His work has been good. Funny the 7 best cappers on the board aren't even listed. ROFLMAO

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I do believe their was good intent meant with this. Let's move past and kick some March azz.


[This message was edited by The General on March 01, 2004 at 08:46 PM.]

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